“—There is no premise, there is no need to argue about things that are taken for granted.” When Angelina wanted to say something, he directly pinched the cat’s mouth to end the topic.
One person and one cat, just like that, without even lighting the lights, just waiting for the rabbit in the darkness.
the other side.
reluctantly downstairsAfter Irena left, Shaye ran back to the room excitedly with anticipation, took off her clothes, hugged a pillow when she was about to change, and went to Irena’s room to beg to sleep with her.
But she, who was immersed in the fantasy of sharing the same bed, didn’t notice at all that the people and cats just by the door had already given her careless behavior, and they were shocked from ear to ear.
Originally, Luo Mo wanted to brew for a while, so he opened his mouth.
Specifically, when Saya was going to light the lamp, she first frightened her by opening her mouth, invisibly hitting her heart and spirit, and then showed her sincerity.
It’s just…. Saya hopped into the room, didn’t look back even once, took out the pajamas from the closet and started taking them off, he didn’t even have a chance to stop him.
(What’s the situation?) Looking at the slim back of the girl in front of her…the curve of the waist and the slightly raised, slightly green buttocks, Luo Mo’s heart seemed to have countless muddy horses galloping past.
Even if he didn’t think about doing anything weird, but if he did it like this…if someone sees him sitting in a girl’s room, facing someone else’s naked back, is there any explanation for this? ?
Thinking of this, the cross residing in his pupils immediately emitted light, allowing him to see everything in the dark.
But of course this is not because he suddenly wanted to take advantage of the other party, but he personally thinks that if the misunderstanding has become a foregone conclusion, then it is better to be a pervert than to see nothing and still be treated as a pervert…?
After all, it would be too much of a disadvantage to become a pervert without doing anything. At least you won’t suffer a disadvantage if you read it, at least you have been a pervert, and you deserve it!
…After thinking about it for a while, a burning pain suddenly appeared on his face.
Angelina was not polite at all, and when he was observing seriously, she gave him a slap in the face, causing him to stand up abruptly and scold:
“——What are you doing! Are you going to rebel!”
“Even if it’s me, I can’t bear it! You have to be careful when you see girls changing clothes!”
The black cat with conscience found it unbearable, and jumped off him first as if continuing to collude with him.
But at this time, it doesn’t matter what happens to the cat.
The movement behind him made Saya turn around abruptly, looking at Luo Mo by the wall with his mouth open, he wanted to scream instinctively, but Luo Mo raised the badge in his hand in advance and interrupted:
“—Wait before you scream! You know this thing!”
Shocked by his overly serious appearance, Saya, who was still wearing underwear, stared at him blankly with her hands hunched over her breastplate.
“This is Miss Irena’s badge, right?” Not caring about the three bloodstains on her face, nor the panic of being found when she broke into the girl’s boudoir, Luo Mo just waved the badge in her hand leisurely: “My The cat found this in your room? And I heard that the badge was lost because you bumped it, so unfortunately it was lost… What does this mean? Do you have anything to explain?”
“This, this is a misunderstanding! It’s definitely not what you think!”
“Is this really the case?” Luo Mo stood up, and said slowly with a solemn atmosphere: “Miss Sha Ye, I personally really want to believe you, but in the face of the evidence, even if I want to believe you… ..â€
“——I can explain it! Please give me a chance to explain it!” Saya strode forward in a panic, clutching the clothes on his chest with both hands, looking up at him pitifully: “I can definitely give you an explanation.” Reasonable explanation! Please! Don’t tell Miss Irena! Really please!”
“This is the request of my life! I will do anything! Please believe me! Give me a chance to explain!”
Saya stared at him for a while, then flatly lay down on the ground again, perfectly displaying the Dogeza of his hometown.
“…what are you doing….”
“This is the traditional culture of my hometown – Dogeza! It is the ultimate nirvana to express apology and sincerity to the other party! So trust me!”
“Please don’t embarrass me…”
“I can really explain!”
“This… Since you said that…” Before Luo Mo could finish his embarrassing words, Saya suddenly raised his head and interrupted: “—Is it okay?!”
“No, if I can…”
“if possible?”
“Cough.” Luo Mo coughed pretentiously, and then looked at the girl who was sitting on the ground in underwear and panties, exposing a large area of ​​smooth skin to her eyes, and said in a pretense of embarrassment: “…you Can you put on your clothes first? I think it’s strange that you are like this. Although you don’t have a figure, it’s pretty good if you cooperate with the movements… that’s what.”
“Oh…?” Saya lowered her head blankly, looked at herself, and then…
The moment Luo Mo blocked his ears with foresight, deafening screams burst from the room in an instant.
This wave of anti-clients mainly made Angelina look stupid. What is anti-client? What is to seize the initiative? She understands it completely now.
And she never thought that in such a situation, it would normally be a man panicking to explain, but when it came to Luo Mo, it was Saya who was explaining, as if the victim was not Saya but Luo Mo… and even inexplicably a little bit in a prostitute. on site?
In Angelina’s daze, Luo Mo turned his backAfter too long, Saya also changed into her pajamas, turned around and looked at the past timidly, and couldn’t help but whispered:
“You looked at me, so you are responsible for me.”
“You took the initiative to show me this, so I refused.”
“That, that’s fine, but you have to keep it a secret for me! Everything you saw today is as if you haven’t seen it!” Saya’s mind was running at super high speed, and he proposed what he was really looking forward to.
However, Luo Mo also expected her real purpose to be this, and then changed his words: “That’s it…how about I still be responsible to you, I am more willing to be responsible than to lie.”
“——Don’t! How could it be like this!” Saya screamed and shed tears: “I don’t want to marry a man! Just pretend I didn’t see it! Please!!”
“…What can’t be done just can’t be done. I’m a person with principles and a bottom line. Please also respect yourself and don’t threaten others in a way that makes people responsible.”
“Woo~~~!” Sha Ye lowered his head helplessly, looking up at him resentfully: “Stingy ghost…just a little favor, if you don’t see it, you can’t…”
“So, this is a matter of principle… Do you know that you are committing a crime? And how much trouble does this bring to Miss Irena?”
Saya bowed her head like an abandoned cat after being told by his righteous and awe-inspiring remarks, and muttered apologies in a low voice.
“Don’t tell me, you have to tell Miss Irena.”
“No, no! If Miss Irena finds out, she will definitely leave!”
“Do you like her that much?”
“Yes! I like it the most!”
Saya nodded vigorously without hesitation.
“…If I’m not mistaken, your favorite is….”
“The kind that gets married!”
“Ah~ what is this? Seeing the color?”
“No, it’s love at first sight!” Saya corrected very seriously.
“I don’t think there’s much difference. After all, you haven’t known each other for long, have you?”
“It’s a big difference! I don’t just want Miss Irena’s body, I also want her heart and everything!”
Saya emphasized her inner thoughts in a tone that seemed to be taken for granted.
Luo Mo was a little confused by this straightforward statement. If he hadn’t seen her body just now, he would have suspected that this guy might be a man.
Even if the lower ones control the upper ones, otherwise they would fall in love with it in just a few days, and say it so simply and aboveboard?
Of course, at this time, he still sympathizes with Saya, because——
“…Miss Saya, is this how you see me?” Irena’s voice came from outside the closed door.
Irena’s voice made the whole room quiet.
Sha Ye was so shocked that he was at a loss, his face turned pale, as if he had been betrayed, he pointed at Luo Mo with trembling fingertips and said in disbelief:
“—Why, why is Miss Irena outside?!”
“…Don’t ask me, this is all caused by your scream just now, and you should have thought of it yourself, right?”
“Forget it! No… I can’t live anymore!”
Saya, as if she had encountered the end of the world, squatted on the ground with her head in her hands and escaped from reality.
“Escaping can’t solve anything, or you can just…”
“Kill me…..”
“Don’t say that, it’s not enough.”
“Please, kill me…I don’t want to live in a world where Miss Irena hates…” Saya couldn’t listen to people at all, just covered her ears and sniffed her nose… Obviously, Irena hadn’t told her yet, but she had already started crying when the incident happened.
Looking at her like this, Luo Mo also felt interesting from the bottom of his heart, and couldn’t help asking casually:
“Are you a virgin?”
“… Huh? What, what?”
The inexplicable question made her stunned, and she looked up at him blankly.
“If so, don’t you think it’s a waste to die like this?”
“……….What do you want to do?”
Sha Ye was silent for a long while, then moved his hands holding his head down to protect his chest, and quietly moved to the side in small steps.
“Ah, don’t get me wrong, I…”
“Don’t even think about it! Don’t even think about it! I was born as Miss Irena’s person! I will die as Miss Irena’s ghost! Even if I want to die, I won’t let you play with me!”
Not listening to his explanation, Saya jumped up on the spot, ran directly towards the door, opened the door and rushed out, crying and hugging the gray-haired girl outside the door:
“—Miss Irena! I’m about to be violated! Help me!!”
“What do you want to do?”
Irena put aside the matter of the badge for the time being, and just stared at Luo Mo expressionlessly, her eyes were icy cold, and even raised her glowing wand to aim at Luo Mo, as if he would use magic to attack Luo Mo as long as he dared to take a step forward. He punished God.
But Luo Mo only felt that their eyes were very rude, and at the same time spread his hands helplessly:
“I understand that my words are easy to be misunderstood, but I really just want to say that it is not too late to find someone you like and then think about this issue than to die as a virgin… so I persuade her not to I just can’t think about it.”
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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