Nino thought of the existence of Irena, and immediately understood the cause of the misfortune.
“The witch…well, the witch is part of the reason.” Although he understood that the witch she said was completely different from what he thought, Luo Mo didn’t explain it to Irena, and even said something serious Nodded, then changed the subject:
“Don’t worry about my affairs. What is your final decision? Suicide? Me? Or—— first destroy everything that caused misfortune? Return your despair to them as a gift?”
“…I…I…” The girl who had been a slave all her life and had never hurt anyone was shaken.
The inherent concept made her cringe, not daring to resist, not daring to hurt anyone, she could only choose to hurt herself.
Luo Mo also knew that at this time she was in the weakest stage of spirit and the stage of best control, so she continued:
“Think about it, we don’t owe anyone anything. Those who should owe us are those who have hurt us. We are not wrong and we can’t be wrong! What is wrong is the world, which is unwilling to treat us kindly! It is all the people in this world. People! We can do whatever we want! We don’t need to be understood! We don’t need to be forgiven! Because—it’s not us who are at fault!â€
Instead of using his power to confuse people, Luo Mo just used “we” to increase resonance, combine each other, and then continue to inspire courage in Nino’s heart through inciting words.
Use this courage to break through the past cowardice, and… the moral bottom line.
However, this is the bottom line of morality, which is still somewhat different.
Because Nino was originally the oppressed party, it might be more accurate to describe it as the shackles of thought rather than the moral bottom line.
“That’s right…it’s not me who’s wrong, it’s them…it’s everyone in this world who’s wrong…we are the victims…!—we are the victims! !”
Nino, who was in a trance, murmured his words subconsciously. The more she spoke, the firmer her tone became, and her voice became louder and louder.
It even made the loudest sound ever, as if breaking through the invisible shackles.
The fruit knife in her hand was also clenched in a gradually rising voice, but the person she wanted to stab now was no longer herself, but the person who brought her pain.
And just when she continued to strengthen her belief… Maybe the voice was too loud, which directly woke up the sleeping person.
Outside the door of the utility room, the sound of angry footsteps increased significantly.
“—You can’t do anything! You are still yelling at me at night! Do you want to make a fuss if you don’t hang up all day?! Then you can hang up tonight!”
The moment the roaring sound ended, the door was violently kicked open, and the obese man with a stick in his hand rushed in just like that.
Then…when he noticed Luo Mo who was sitting on the window sill and waving to him, his footsteps stopped suddenly, and the whole person just froze in place.
And also froze, there was the girl who shouted out as a show of determination just a moment ago.
Nino has already made up her mind to pull everything down into the abyss with herself.
But the moment the village chief broke in, her shoulders shook, and her body became as stiff as the village chief’s.
Her despair and aroused anger are absolutely genuine, but the fear that has been deeply rooted in her bones over the years is also genuine and deeply rooted.
However… at this moment, her strong despair and the courage Luo Mo inspired made her quickly break through the shackles of fear, screamed and raised the fruit knife in her hand, and rushed forward desperately .
“——Are you crazy?! Dare to point this thing at me?!”
The village head was startled by her, and quickly dodged to let her slam into the air. Instead, he hit her on the back with a stick, knocked her down to the ground, stepped on her back and beat her hard. After two sticks.
“Ah~ This one really needs to be cultivated.” Luo Mo kept shaking his head as he watched, and when he wanted to stop him, there was another urgent footstep.
“—Papa! What are you doing? Don’t do this!”
Emil, who was awakened by the sound, hurried to the utility room, and immediately noticed Nino who was knocked down on the ground, and hurriedly shouted for dissuasion.
Of course, no matter when, his actions are always only verbal, and there is no act of going up to stop or block.
The village chief also understood his character, turned around and glared at him: “Be quiet! Do you know what she was doing just now!”
Amir took half a step back in awe, although he couldn’t bear it, he didn’tWhat else to say, just lowered his head and couldn’t bear to look.
This also made Luo Mo couldn’t help sighing: “You are really… how should I put it, a gentle and good person?…Although you are the kind that is useless.”
“Huh… you?!”
As soon as he spoke, Amir suddenly raised his head, his eyes widened in disbelief.
“Don’t worry, I’m not a good person, I’m wrong…I’m not a bad person, okay?”
“A person who is not a bad person! How could he break into someone’s house in the middle of the night!”
“Hmm…you’re right.” Luo Mo thought about it seriously, and changed his mind in agreement: “Well, I’m actually not a good person.”
As soon as he said this, the father and son wanted to say something, but they didn’t know what to say.
After all, he himself admitted that he was not a good person, so what else could they accuse?
I don’t know how many people have criticized him for a long time, and Luo Mo, who was calm about it, saw that they were silent, so he continued indifferently: “Amir, shall I give you a chance?”
“…what? What do you want?”
“I don’t even want you to kill your father, you just need to show your worth, resist your father a little bit, and grab his stick, I will admit that your feelings are not so worthless, otherwise… I will kill Nino, you should still be able to recognize the situation and understand the gap between us.”
“…I, I won’t fall for it!” Amir shook his head vigorously to retort.
“Is that so? Then… I can only kill you all? No, it seems meaningless even if you kill you. After all, they are all useless things. Hmm~ How should I deal with them better? ”
He muttered pretending to be troubled.
And what he said earlier really made Amir a little unbearable, and slowly raised his wand at him with a painful expression:
“Don’t force me!”
“I forced you? Why? Hit me if you have the ability?”
“—Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” is the first time in his life that magic attacks people.
“You still want to kill people at this level, alas, you really look down on people.” Luo Mo just flicked the surging flames.
There was an invisible wave in the air, which instantly disintegrated the flame, and along the way, even the first half of the wand in Amir’s hand was pulverized.
“Wow?!?” Amir screamed in fright, and took a few steps back.
He looked at the remaining half of the wand in his hand, couldn’t help swallowing in horror, he didn’t know what to do, he looked at the village chief, and asked his father for instructions.
“Okay~ The meaningless resistance is almost over here, you can make your own choice, try to make a little resistance to your father, let me see your possibility.” Luo Mo smiled Spread your hands.
There was no trace of hostility or intention to harm others on the face, and it was even full of goodwill and expectation.
But at this time, at this place, there appeared… goodwill? This really made both father and son feel creepy.
“Father…” Amir looked at his father again, reaching out to grab the stick.
However, the village chief yelled directly: “You are stupid! If the weapons are gone, don’t we let him slaughter you!?”
“No? I always hope to solve the problem peacefully. If it is not impossible, I will not use force. What I hate most is violence.”
“Father…” Amir was moved by what he said, and once again looked at the village chief for instructions, but…
“Are you stupid? Do you believe everything others say?!” The village chief just roared, and he lost his words again.
He looked like he really wanted to do something, but… he didn’t have the guts, he was hesitant to speak all the time, and in the end he really didn’t speak anymore.
“…There is really no way out.” Frankly speaking, even he was a little shocked by his incompetence.
Shaking his head regretfully, he looked again at the village chief who pointed the wooden stick at himself and stepped on Nino hard to make her unable to stand up: “You should lift your feet, right?”
“—Get out of my house! Otherwise, I’ll kill her!”
“Threats? Why would you think of threatening me with your own slave? Do I look so kind? I’m pretty happy to say that, um, seriously.”
“Stop talking nonsense! What the hell are you trying to do!”
While speaking, he hit the wall next to him with a stick, as if he wanted to increase his aura… but he almost didn’t clenched the stick in his hand because of the shock.
Luo Mo held back his smile, waved his hand and said, “To be honest, I don’t think about anything. I’m just preparing to do a small experiment. If possible, I hope you can cooperate with me.”
“What if I say no?”
“That’s a pity, um—pity.” Luo Mo sighed deeply.
The moment the decisive words were uttered, the village head’s body was immediately hit by an invisible impact, and he was shot flying out screaming, hitting the wall behind him.
Amir didn’t do anything, just stared blankly at his father spitting blood and slipping off the wall.
Nino also just watched this scene blankly, completely unable to understand what happened.
Under the moonlight that covered the earth with silver frost, on the open window sill, the young man with his back to the moonlight obviously did nothing, even without moving his fingers, he easily knocked people away.
Although there are fleeting, water-like ripples in the air, ordinary people can’t see them clearly, basicallyIt’s no different from not having any symptoms at all.
Just at the moment when the words were spoken, the mutation had already been discovered…
Witnessing this overwhelming power, Amir couldn’t help feeling an emotion that was more frightening than the awareness of death—fear of the unknown.
It is completely different from the traditional magic system, even without using a wand, he can display this supernatural power, and Luo Mo’s smile that does not change even if he says he wants to kill people from the beginning to the end, all make him instinctively terrified.
“Hey, don’t be so scared, I didn’t kill anyone.” Sensing the emergence of fear, Luo Mo just smiled indifferently, and said to the girl who was still on the ground: “Nino, stand up, and take your life away from me.” Give them back everything you received, do whatever you want, no one will stop you now.”
“Nobody….would stand in the way….”
Nino, who was lying on the ground desperately waiting to die, not only was the man on her body blown away, but she also heard the support from Luo Mo again, and immediately rekindled her motivation, stood up slowly, and picked up the fruit knife.
“Nino! No way! Kill people or something…! Absolutely not!” Seeing that Nino really walked towards her father, Emil hurriedly stopped her loudly.
“…Why not?” Nino turned her head slightly and gave him a gloomy look.
“Of course you can’t kill someone!”
“…that is… other than killing people, why is it okay?”
“Huh…d-of course not!”
“So… because, I’m a slave… I’m a sold child, is that all right?”
“This, this…”
Nino’s question made Amil speechless.
He wanted to explain, but he didn’t know how to explain it. He even watched helplessly as Nino walked up to his father and raised the fruit knife.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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