“…Hey, are you making fun of me?”
“How come~”
“You bastard…”
This answer was almost the same as teasing herself, which made Irena’s blood pressure soar, and she couldn’t help but wanted to fight him.
But just as they were talking, tall pillars of fire erupted from the street not far away, and the ground shook slightly.
This made her only able to suppress her anger and her blood pressure. She glanced at him and said that she would settle accounts with him slowly after this matter was over, then she clenched the magic wand in her hand, waiting for the opportunity to help.
But… she didn’t have a chance to make a move at all.
The reality before her told her that her worries were completely unnecessary.
Relying on its huge size, the black dragon, which can shake the ground just by walking on the street, chased the woman who flew ahead with an angry roar, and used magic bullets and wind blades to create wounds on her body from time to time.
Then its flames couldn’t hit the woman no matter what, which naturally made his anger soar again.
The deafening roar immediately spread to every corner of the city.
But it was only in this blind pursuit that the next moment when they arrived at the square…
——Boom! !
It crashed into the deep pit, not only causing a dull bang and thick smoke, but even shaking the surrounding buildings that were already crumbling.
But it fell into the deep pit, but no matter how hard it tried, it couldn’t climb out of the tailor-made pit.
On the contrary, Mirou Sai, who was flying above, directly turned on the massacre mode amidst Irena’s applause.
Magic bullets, fireballs, ice guns, wind blades, and thunder guns, one after another, launched violent attacks on the monsters in the deep pit.
He didn’t look like he was in any hurry to kill the other party, he just continued to abuse him.
During this attack, as the black dragon’s blood splattered and his body became weaker and weaker, the memories she sacrificed as a price also began to flow back.
Gradually, the nervousness on her face gradually turned into a distorted smile.
“Really? So it’s like this…”
With a crooked smile, she raised her wand high, creating countless swords floating around.
Then, when she swung her wand down, the long sword created by countless magic powers flew down in an instant.
Spitting flames into the sky to offset the magic as much as possible, and trying to climb out of the deep pit, the black dragon was instantly pierced into a hornet’s nest, shaking its body in the deep pit and wailing in pain.
Blood was scattered all over the surroundings, and the terrifying black dragon looked a little pitiful at the moment.
However, it was this kind of scene that made the smile on Mi Rossay’s face more distorted and brilliant.
“How? Do you understand how desperate I am?” Milo Rossi slowly lowered the flight altitude.
After the blade made of magic power disappeared, he raised his wand again, condensed the magic power and stored it in the energy storage, and said the words that stunned Irena, who was already stunned: “Farewell , father king.”
When the black dragon breathed out fire, Irena, who was worried about her safety and jumped out of the bunker, hadn’t reacted yet, the wind blade that had stored energy had already chopped down, and the scarred and bloody mouth was spilling out accurately, and there was no more fighting. The ability of the black dragon to behead.
“——I remembered, I found it! All, all, all…I remembered everything!! Aha! Ahahahahaha! Ahahahahaha——!”
As if venting, Mirou Sai laughed wildly and unscrupulously, and kept waving the wind blade towards the headless corpse of the black dragon.
After the poor black dragon died, his magic power continued to dissipate, and his body gradually shrank, and his basic defense capabilities naturally disappeared.
Therefore, this body is weaker than before, and it is directly chopped and blown away by a large number of wind blades that have no energy storage at all.
Blood and minced meat flew out of the deep pit in an instant, filling the entire square.
Surrounded by laughter constantly echoing throughout the city, Luo Mo was quite sure that Milo Sai was extremely excited.
Therefore, in order to prevent the excitement and joy from cooling down, and before her crazy laughter that spread throughout the city disappeared, she went to the leader who had lost her magical support and gradually returned to its original state, pretending to say:
“This… doesn’t seem like a king, does it? It’s completely different from the one in the portrait? No matter how you look at it, it’s only in the twenties?”
“……what are you saying?”
The moment he heard his words, Michel Rossi’s laughter stopped abruptly, and he looked over with disbelief..
….The moment the scarred but familiar face came into view, she unconsciously widened her eyes.
As if seeing something unbelievable, or absolutely impossible, there is no way to look away.
“This, this… is deceitful…how is it possible…how is it possible…! This is…impossible….”
She had just landed on the ground, but she staggered up and fell to the ground inadvertently, even dropping all the wands in her hand.
But she didn’t care about the magic wand at all, she just walked to Luo Mo’s side in such a disheveled manner, she even scrambled and crawled to Luo Mo’s side, staring blankly at the… head of the dead man.
“What… what, what? This…?”
“It seems to be the head of a young man. Are you sure this is your father?” Luo Mo asked knowingly.
“Father….ahhhhhhhhhhh!! Impossible!! Liar! Impossible! Impossible ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!”
She shook her head vigorously, refusing to accept this scene and covered her face with her hands, desperately scratching her face with her nails, leaving red scratches.
“Did you make a mistake? Shouldn’t you be happy to defeat the monster that destroyed the country normally? You are so strange…”
“This….This is mine! My only one! The most important thing!! The one I love!!!”
“Is that so? That’s a pity.”
Taking advantage of her madness, Luo Mo, who casually picked up the magic wand on the ground, responded with a gentle smile in her hysteria, approached and comforted in a low voice: “But since things have become like this, there is no other way, you There’s something wrong with your choice, but you’re just wrong, yes, just a little bit wrong.”
“My….my choice was wrong?! Me, I….what the hell am I doing? Me! I killed him!? What, why why why!! Impossible impossible impossible What the hell am I doing! What am I doing?! What am I doing!!!!”
At this stage when the revenge should have been completed, it was discovered that Milo Rossi, who had killed her lover by mistake, not only did not have a trace of joy, but her thoughts and worries became hot, her mind became boiling, and she fell into a complete madness. Shouting and weeping, weeping.
The ten fingers kept scratching his cheeks, causing blood to flow out from the cheeks. In the blink of an eye, his face was covered with blood, and it kept dripping on the head of the man below him.
With the key person being replaced, Mi Rossi’s plan failed completely, and it was even infinitely more serious than the most serious situation she could think of.
But in front of this crazy woman, Luo Mo enjoyed her despair, nodded with an understanding expression, looked at the collapsed woman with kind eyes, and responded to her with an extremely calm voice. crying:
“Until the end, you all believed in your own choice, the answer you got at the end of the contradiction, and the result that led to it, this is a manifestation of your will; you killed your parents for the one you love, and killed all your relatives and countrymen , This is a very firm and pure manifestation of will, in the next few years, you should spend the rest of your life with your crippled lover.”
“My choice….this is my choice? This….”
Milo Sai, who was so frantic that he lost his balance, stopped scratching his cheek and murmured his words.
“From the perspective of the country, you have indeed eliminated the chief culprit who destroyed the country, so your choice is not wrong, and you have no need to regret it. Everything is inevitable and guided by fate.”
“Choice…inevitability…fate…you…it’s you…you…!”
“Oh? You’re not crazy yet? It’s amazing, but…” Luo Mo whispered in her ear first, and then she showed a blank expression, which Irena could hear voice, puzzled:
“What are you talking about? Why can’t I understand at all?”
“—Don’t pretend!!! You did it!!! It’s all your fault!!!!” Milo Sai stood up angrily, waving his hands vigorously as if to break his hypocrisy, He roared hoarsely at Luo Mo and Irena.
“Miss M. Rose! Please calm down!” Irena was taken aback, and waved her hands repeatedly to explain: “We didn’t do anything, aren’t we all helping you?”
“Don’t lie!! Turning people into monsters must be done by you! It’s you!! Yes! It’s you! You are the main criminal!! He is the accessory! You killed him!!”
“Kill him…what the hell are you talking about?”
Irena really didn’t understand what this bloody woman was talking about, her face was filled with incredible astonishment and bewilderment.
“It’s useless to pretend!! I won’t let you go!! Don’t think you can simply die! I will let you all…!!!”
The hysterical roar was not over yet, but Milo Rossi saw a familiar figure appearing behind the two of them.
That person was none other than Prince Earhart, who should have been locked in the basement and had died at this time.
“Why… why are you here?! Why are you…!”
“Milosey, you are really crazy.” Earhart pretended to shake his head and sighed sadly. Irena turned her head and looked over when she heard the voice, “Are you…?”
“I’m Milo Rossi’s uncle, Earhart, Miss Witch, I’ll take care of it here, and I’ll take good care of her.”
“Wait, wait? This is the end…..”
“She has been insane since she was a child, but she didn’t expect that she would get sick to this extent this time.”
“Crazy…so that’s the case…if that’s the case, it can be explained….”
Although the answer was unbelievable, Irena somehow agreed with it.
…After all, with such a hideous and terrifying appearance, and the inexplicable accusation of her words, there is really no way not to wonder if this person is crazy.
But she was somewhat worried about whether the other party was the uncle of Milo Rossi. Just as she was about to ask Luo Mo, even if she got her idea, she took out the collection of portraits of the royal genealogy from her pocket, and said while turning the pages:
“Oh, it’s true, Irena, look.”
“Ah, um… Really? By the way, did you really steal something?”
“Don’t speak so harshly, I just looked at it out of curiosity…Then, Miss M. Rosey, I’ll leave it to you, Mr. Earhart.”
In order to avoid nights and dreams, Luo Mo grabbed Irena’s hand and planned to evacuate here.
Irena hesitated for a moment, looked at the ferocious woman, and finally lowered her head and followed him away without any resistance or nostalgia.
Just, I feel sorry.
Because, the she she knew was no longer there.
Although she was also worried about what Earhart would do to her, Irena’s heart was also in a mess, and she didn’t know what to do. She could only choose to believe in the bond between their relatives.
“Don’t even think about leaving!——Let me go!!” Milo Rossi instinctively wanted to chase her, but Earhart grabbed her hand, making it impossible for her who had lost her wand to break free, letting out hair disheveled like a ghost. Hysterical roar: “——I will not let you go!! Absolutely, absolutely, I will kill you! You two bastards! Kill you! Kill you….I will absolutely kill you bastards! !!!â€
“Be quiet, stop making trouble, and go home.”
“Let go of me!! You are also an accomplice!! You…. Sure enough!?”
In the middle of the bloody and tearful Milo Sai, she noticed the hand behind Luo Mo’s back, and took out something and shook it at her. She should be instantly convinced that it was indeed the hands of these people.
For that was the Queen’s, that is, her mother’s crown.
However, no matter how deep the hatred was, she was just like an ordinary person without the wand, and she couldn’t resist at all. When the two disappeared in the street, she gagged her and pressed her to the ground.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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