“When you turned around, I helped him die.”
This sudden news, I don’t know if it should be called bad news, but it was another heavy blow to Irena, she opened her mouth slightly but couldn’t speak.
Although the desire is to travel leisurely, leisurely travel itself is not realistic.
Because in the process of traveling, there will always be some sad things.
Even the witch Irena has no choice but to do too many things, so she can only try not to be bound by those things.
It’s not a good tendency for a traveler to get too deep into a matter…at least in her opinion.
Heartbreaking events, and potentially life-threatening events, are unavoidable.
Therefore, she can only choose to ignore things that may cause trouble in order to avoid interruption of her journey.
However, she never expected that during this process, Michelle Rose, the maid, Huahai, seriously ill villagers… etc. were all dealt with behind her back and completely without knowing it. .
“…You didn’t say anything.” Irena lowered her head, clenched the hem of her skirt as if she was enduring something.
“It doesn’t make sense to say it.”
“Why don’t you tell me?”
“Because there’s no point in saying it.”
“How could it be meaningless!”
Irena, who understood that his behavior was taking the matter on her and protecting herself like a child, felt a little unbearable.
She raised her head abruptly, and gave him a hard look. Her eyes, which seemed to be filled with tears, stared straight at him without looking away:
“Hide everything in your heart, it’s the most uncomfortable thing to bear alone! When you are sad, who will share it with you, and bear it together, this…”
“It’s okay if you don’t need to be so excited.” He shook his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, smiled softly, and interrupted with a gentle voice: “I’m used to that kind of thing, you don’t have to worry about it, you just need to be yourself things will be fine.â€
“…Why you can still laugh when you talk about such a topic, what are you laughing at?” She endured, trying not to express her emotions in her attitude.
“It’s rare for you who love to be strong to show weakness to me. You still have a happy mood and hope that you will cheer up.”
“… isn’t it?”
“how come.”
“It will.”
“Hmm~ Thinking that understanding is the most dangerous cognition, this is advice.”
“Then tell me, what do you really expect in your heart? Why do you want to travel?” Irena was very impolite, looked at him as if she saw an idiot, and sighed: “Don’t say you want to find Happiness or something, even if I can see it, it’s a lie.”
“Well…Actually, I sincerely hope that you and everyone in the world can be happy? To put it bluntly, I want world peace, right?”
“I’m asking you, don’t change the subject!”
“It’s too much to ask me this question even after denying all the correct answers…Although I really want to say this, you won’t believe it.” His expression rarely turned into distress: “But Now, even if you ask me this kind of question, I don’t know how to answer it.”
“Why don’t you know?”
“I do want to find happiness, but…you might not believe it if you tell me.” With rare hesitation, he hesitated: “I don’t know what kind of emotion happiness is now.”
“… Seriously?” Irena expressed her disbelief, or she wanted to believe it but couldn’t believe it.
“I really want to deny it.”
“You have so far, in the endHow did it go? ”
“There is no comment on this.”
“It’s all said to this extent, don’t you still say such things?!”
“I don’t want to repeat what I’ve said twice.”
“Okay, anyway, it’s better not to know about some things… right.”
The affirmative answer made Irena a little confused about the situation.
To be precise, after getting the evidence that Luo Mo was lying, she was dumbfounded by the series of secrets unearthed.
I can’t sort it out in my head. These overly shocking news give me the illusion of a shutdown.
After wiping off the coffee stains that flew onto her face, Irena sat back down again, took a long breath, and tried to calm herself down.
Frankly speaking, there are countless questions circling in her head at the moment, and she doesn’t know which one to ask first.
And each of them made her feel very important and impactful, and she couldn’t sleep well at night without asking.
Just judging from Luo Mo’s attitude, she knew that there were many things that Luo Mo would not tell herself, even if she pursued them persistently, it was meaningless.
Therefore….she chose to lie on the table like this, staring at him without saying anything, and exerting pressure on him with her eyes without saying a word, wanting to see what else he could shake out.
This wordless stare really made Luo Mo feel weird, and there was a bit of strange psychological pressure for no reason, and he even looked away a little bit unbearably, and put his hand on his forehead to let his thinking run:
“…I think there is still a sense of mystery. Don’t worry about my past, and I won’t talk about the author again. How about we expose this matter to you?”
“Miss Irena?”
No matter what he said, Irena didn’t open her mouth, and just stared at him without saying a word in order to implement the policy she had decided.
“Oh… have you learned cold violence? Then…” Luo Mo, who could almost see what Irena was thinking now, decided to fight back, cleared his throat and said in a deep voice:
“Although it’s rude to say this now, I still want to say——Actually, when I saw you for the first time, I understood that my not-so-ordinary life was all about meeting you, the most beautiful accident, I don’t know what to say, what to convey, what kind of words to choose, what attitude to face, I don’t know, so I can only quietly stand by your side, if I want, I will Staying by your side like this for the rest of my life, because the days with you are my true happiness.”
The girl who had made up her mind not to respond to what he said, but to see what he could say, not only her cheeks were hot at the moment, but even the roots of her ears were blushing.
The inexplicable confession made her unable to maintain her composure, and all kinds of itchy emotions became chaotic, which had exceeded her brain’s processing capacity, and she was completely panicked.
However, it was precisely this kind of words that made Sha Ye, who wanted to listen quietly and had more secrets, couldn’t bear it anymore, and grabbed Luo Mo’s collar suddenly:
“Is this your purpose! Deliberately make me lose face in front of Miss Irena! Then steal love in front of me! How sinister is this intention!? I absolutely cannot hand Miss Irena to you Kind of people!”
“No, I’m just…”
“—Stop talking, fight me! Only one of us can live today… It hurts, it hurts! It hurts! Let me go! Let me go!”
Before Sha Ye could finish her imposing words, Luo Mo grabbed her hand and squeezed it slightly, her aura was disintegrated in an instant, and she kept crying out in pain.
It was the cat next to him, who glanced at the two girls, and shook his head speechlessly: “It’s obviously just casual talk, just for fun, what are you two so excited about?”
“…Tell me casually?” Irena, whose cheeks were burning hot, suddenly looked at him.
He who was exposed didn’t care, he shrugged and said casually: “Then I used to read the content of other people’s love letters, and then edited and adapted it myself, what do you think?”
“Hey, hey~… the content of someone else’s love letter? So that’s it~ yes…so that’s what it is.”
Every time Irena said something, the smile on her face became brighter.
Finally, a smile appeared on her face, and she waved to him: “Come here, let me give you a good compliment.”
“No, no, no, good memory and great writing skills are just one of my thousands of advantages, so there is no need to praise them.”
“You’re welcome! If you don’t come over, then——shall I give you a few ice spears?”
At the end, her tone was as cold as ice.
Even as the wand was raised, more than a dozen ice guns appeared beside her, causing the air temperature to drop sharply.
What scene has Ke Luomo not seen? He didn’t panic at all about things of this level, and directly pushed Saya in front of him as a shield:
“Okay, why not? Come on, don’t be shy, come to your chest!”
“—Wait, wait! Miss Irena, you’re going to die! You’re really going to die!”
Seeing those ice spears floating in the air beside Irena whose expression was so cold, Saya waved her hand begging for mercy in fright.
“…Taking girls as shields, what kind of man are you?!”
“No way, there are indeed things in this world that you have to do even if you know it’s wrong.”
“Don’t talk about your shameless behavior as if you really have nowhere to go! Hurry up and let Miss Saya let me beat you up! Otherwise, I will kill Miss Saya too!Let’s fight together! ”
“Don’t be so, come on! To be polite to me is to look down on Saya!”
Even though Irena was so vicious that she really didn’t intend to keep her hand, he still looked like she wasn’t afraid of her ferocity.
… Anyway, he will not be the first to be beaten.
However, Sha Ye, who was used as a shield by him, was really about to cry, and his limbs danced wildly trying to break free: “No, no! Miss Irena! I will really die!”
“It’s okay, Saya, what are you afraid of? No one in life has died since ancient times, keep your loyalty and history! Irena is cruel and ruthless but I am different. I will miss your sacrifice. If someone asks who I miss the most in the future , I will definitely answer without hesitation – Saya!”
“——Don’t do it!! I don’t follow any history! Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!”
Luo Mo’s comfort did not have any effect, and even stimulated Saya’s screams to become more obvious.
He was clearly not dead yet, but the scream was like a dying cry, echoing in mid-air.
The menacing Irena, after all, was unable to strike the screaming Saya, so she could only put down her wand with hatred.
Saya was also finally liberated.
And she originally wanted to take the opportunity to hug Irena for comfort, but she avoided Irena who was frightened by her strange sexuality. She could only squat in the corner of the wall, muttering with resentment all over her body:
“She said she liked me before, but she still treats her ex-girlfriend like this… Really bad! Scum! Scum! Beast!”
Irena felt as if she had heard some terrible words, temporarily put aside the idea of ​​continuing to press Luo Mo, and subconsciously looked at Saya in the corner.
But before she could speak, she noticed that Luo Mo got up quietly and wanted to leave, and suddenly reached out and grabbed his cuff:
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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