“No, I’m a man.”
“?! Ha!” The woman shook her head vigorously, and immediately added to the sketchbook: [I’m asking the witch behind you! 】
“Oh, what you just looked at was Saya’s witch brooch~ Let me just say, normal people’s vision should not be bad enough to fall in love with this silly child.”
Nodding suddenly, he turned around and grabbed Saya by the back collar, leading him to the front:
“Looking for you, it seems that you have indeed joined the Magic Unity Association?”
“That’s for making money. There’s no way. By the way… can you put me down and talk first?”
Sha Ye, whose limbs were weak and drooping, felt the strange experience of being suspended in the air, with a depressed expression on his face.
The Magic Unity Association is an organization that conducts witch apprentice tests, solves various incidents caused by magic, researches new magic, etc., and everything related to things named after magic.
Because of his affiliation with this organization, Saya not only has a witch brooch symbolizing the stars on his chest, but also a brooch symbolizing the bright moon from the staff of the Magic Unity Association.
Saya accepted the entrustment from the association and came to this country to make money. Now it seems…
“—Are you that idiot who didn’t even write your name and organization? If it weren’t for my lack of money, no one would accept this kind of commission, okay?”
The moment she was put down, Saya put one hand on her hip and pointed at the other, with an unbelievable look on her face, and complained to the ragged witch.
ã€sorry! I was too anxious at the beginning, and accidentally forgot to write down my name and meeting place! 】
The woman quickly raised the sketchbook with this line written on it, and bowed and apologized to Saya repeatedly.
“…I think you foolishly accepted this kind of entrustment, and you have no right to say anything about others, and is it really good for you to treat your employer like this?”
“Of course this is not good, but ah! She looks like she can’t afford the money no matter what, now that Miss Irena is gone, isn’t my trip for nothing? I don’t care! You have to pay me!”
“Come here again?”
Seeing Saya throwing a tantrum like a child, he really had a stomachache.
But the witch on the opposite side quickly explained and wrote in the sketchbook [I just have no money for the time being. When I resume my position and be hired by the king of this country again, I will definitely pay the salary in advance as soon as possible! 】
“…that’s about the same.”
Although Saya is a little bit unconvinced, but now in order to gain something and have a warm meal at night, he can only reluctantly choose to believe.
Seeing that things had started well, Luo Mo immediately got up and wanted to leave:
“Okay~ Then I don’t have anything else to do, I’ll go first, Saya, let’s see you later!”
“—Wait!” Saya suddenly turned his head and grabbed his waistband.
“…for what?”
“Don’t think about leaving like this. Since you are Carlos, we are friends, right? Have you forgotten what you did to me at that time?”
“Hmm… sorry, I forgot!”
“—Don’t lie! You clearly remember everything!”
Luo Mo wanted to pretend that he didn’t know how to evade responsibility with a bright face, and Sha Ye was so angry that he pulled the waistband of his trousers and pulled it down, so scared that he hurriedly scolded with his trousers in hand:
“No, wait—what are you doing in this big crowd?! Let me tell you that if my innocence is ruined, I will not let you go! You have to take responsibility for me!”
“Anyway, I was your ex-girlfriend! What’s the big deal! You also ruined my innocence! If you don’t make it up to me, I will die with you!”
The two shameless guys, who just wanted to kidnap each other morally, made a noise in the lobby of the hotel with a weird gesture of one taking off his pants and the other pulling up his pants, which immediately attracted a lot of onlookers.
Originally passing by this place, Emnesia, who noticed the movement here and found Luo Mo, wanted to say hello to him, after hearing their conversation… turned around and ran away without saying a word, for fear of being dragged into it by them.
Although I don’t really want to have anything to do with Saya who has given up on herself and is completely shameless…or in general, she is not too shameless.
It’s a pity that Luo Mo, whose pants were almost taken off, was forced to stay by Sha Ye with his pants removed, so he had to sit down in this shop temporarily, and the accompanying listened to what their commission was.
And amid Saya’s complaints about being troublesome, by writing in the sketchbook, the witch as the client finally told them that she was the witch of quicksand, Ihemiah.
She was originally a witch hired by this country, and now people in this country can’t lie, it’s also her handwriting.
To be precise, it should be the king who asked her to get rid of the liars in the whole country, so she arranged a barrier that made it impossible for people to tell lies.
She puts all of her magical powers as a magician into this, even her own voice.Then…she became a waste, and she was simply expelled from the palace by the king who killed the donkey. Now she is displaced on the street and becomes a homeless man on active duty.
And the content of her entrustment is also very simple – to smash the sword in the king’s hand.
That sword holds her voice and all of her magic power, and is also the core of the enchantment. If she smashes her country, her magic power and voice can be restored.
“It’s hard work! And it’s too reckless?” After listening to her description, Saya complained directly: “It’s fine to use the voice, but it’s even used all the magic power. What do you think?”
ã€I originally expected that the Lord King would keep me by my side even if he didn’t know magic, and what if he could speak and accidentally reveal my thoughts? I didn’t expect him to…]
With an expression on her face that was about to cry, Ehemiah lowered her head and flipped through the sketchbook numbly [It turns out that in the eyes of the king, I am a woman who has no value except magic. 】
“Since you are employed as a witch, of course it has no value other than magic! And you suddenly put all your voice and magic power into it, it feels very heavy. Maybe the king hates a heavy woman like you?”
Saya was as heartless as ever, and under the expression of the other party who was about to cry, he was still merciless in throwing stones into trouble.
But when Luo Mo heard these words, he really wanted to complain about her in turn. He clearly said that he was destined to get married when he saw Irena, and he still had the face to say that others were heavy?
But considering that the other party would also refute it, rather than arguing, it would be quite troublesome. He simply said: “The goal is already very clear, so let’s go straight to it!”
“Oh! How to do it!” Saya looked at him expectantly: “You must have some good ideas!”
“Huh? You are a witch? Wouldn’t it be good to just kill in?”
“Huh?!” What he said as a matter of course made Saya jump up on the spot: “Make it clear, okay! Witches are not invincible! It is possible to break in, but if you accidentally take a cold arrow, you are finished?”
“…You are really useless without any surprise.”
“proceed if you can!”
“All right, all right, just treat it as if you owe me ten favors, and I’ll help you with this.”
The exaggerated numbers made Saya jump up on the spot.
“If you are not satisfied, go to the palace and kill the king yourself.”
ã€Just smash the sword! Not kill it! ] Afraid that he would really kill the king, Ehemiah shouted “Ah!” and held up the sketchbook.
I also turned a page and wrote [One month later, the king will have a speech, which is a good opportunity. 】
“One month?” Luo Mo lowered his head and thought about it, and then showed a bright smile: “Saya, although you don’t have any money, but you are wandering with Miss Ai Hermia, you must be fine, right?”
“It’s something! It’s very important!”
[It’s okay, I will teach you how to find delicious things from the trash can! 】Ihemiah held the sketchbook in front of Saya with a smile all over her face.
This directly caused Saya to collapse, and like a child having a temper, he rushed towards Luo Mo and kept beating his chest with both hands:
“——No ahhhhh!! I don’t want to pick up trash ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhss
“Is this your attitude of begging for help? Although it doesn’t hurt at all…” Looking at the little fists of the girl in front of him that kept falling on him, he was actually more amused than dissatisfied with him.
Originally, he didn’t really want to take care of Saya, but considering that Saya’s “friend” did play a certain role when he first came to this world, so it’s not impossible for him to help a little.
“Even if you have ten favors, it is already a special price for us as friends, so you should accept it with gratitude.”
“Hey! Why are you still improving?”
“When negotiating with you, don’t I have to spend time and money?”
“Is your cost too high?!”
“—Ten! Just ten! If you can handle it, just ten!”
I really don’t want to wander around with Ihemiah, but I just think about Saya, who is going through the trash can and his whole body is not good. I am really worried that he will raise the price again, so I yelled and agreed.
The deal was done easily, and then…
A group of people went directly to the palace, and stood at the gate of the palace openly.
As soon as the guard guarding the gate saw Ihemiah, he immediately yelled:
“Didn’t you get kicked out?! What are you doing here now!”
“—Yee?!” Aihemia was frightened, and immediately raised the sketchbook full of apologies, and hid behind Shaye’s back, and pulled Lashaye’s back, making her turn her head to look over. One page [Come here directly, are you really okay? 】
“This guy has an insidious personality, even Miss Irena has been deceived! It must be fine!”
“…I’ll just think you’re praising me.”
Ignoring Saya, who couldn’t spit out ivory from the dog’s mouth, he walked into the palace openly.
“Hey you….?!”
Just as the guards were about to go up to stop him, an invisible shadow erupted behind Luo Mo, and the pitch-black magic hand easily knocked him unconscious in his defenseless state.
Then the huge demonic hand slammed open the door with great force, with a bang!
In the gaping eyes of the two witches, he was just so upright, stepping on the collapsed gate and stepping into the palace.
Hearing the voice here, the guards who hurried over were without exception. They failed to form any resistance in front of the invisible hand, butA slap made him faint, making him easily reach the interior of the palace as if he had entered no one’s land.
It was only then that Ehemiah recognized the blond man in the blue robe as the king. Before the king even made any reaction, the invisible hand had already stretched out, not to mention that the shape of his hand was too weird, making him One can’t help but wonder about the quality of the sword.
“Hey… ah! ——A sword that is so dusty!”
Only when he saw the presence of the intruder, the sword in his hand exploded inexplicably, causing the king to exclaim in surprise.
Ai Hermiya’s expression also became more embarrassing than ever before.
But the magic power broke free from the shattered sword body in one breath, and turned into light and returned to Ihemiah.
“…It always feels easier than imagined? It doesn’t feel like it’s worth the fare?”
Just following in, the incident was easily resolved, making Saya feel aggrieved that she had been slaughtered.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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