Luo Mo looked at the scene in front of him calmly, and explained in advance to avoid being asked:
“I can’t help people who died of illness. After all, dying of illness is the same as dying. There is no limit to the scope of non-resurrection, but as long as the soul still exists, the rest can be resurrected.”
It can be said that as long as he was not by his side when he died, or was killed by him, the two souls would be ingested, accidental death, and the soul has not dissipated, all belong to the type that can be resurrected by this super magic.
But just after doing this, there is still no way to end this matter. After all, at this stage, it is only a temporary solution, not a permanent cure.
Although the few big foxes that killed the villagers are dead, more big foxes are still coming in this direction.
And the hunters were forced to hunt to cure the plague, but he really didn’t have the magic to cure the plague, and it was different from normal creatures, so it didn’t belong to the scope of the power of gluttony.
Even if it is devoured, it may not be able to reverse the possible event of national destruction that may occur next.
The causal vacancy caused by phagocytosis is then automatically repaired by the world itself. Under normal circumstances, it is to affect and modify, and there are certain operating limits.
The limit range lies in how much karma has been swallowed by gluttony, and enough of it can have more control range…that is, use the karma that has been swallowed to affect more karma.
“It’s really troublesome…”
After thinking about it in his heart, he sighed after what to do next, ignoring the villagers who looked over and even walked towards him cautiously.
After explaining that Emnesia must keep a distance of more than ten meters from the villagers to avoid getting sick, he temporarily left her and jumped into the night sky.
The screaming people on the ground could see that the forest in the distance erupted violent smoke and dust under the moonlight.
A large number of trees fell down, and there was a continuous scream of the big fox. It seemed that a terrifying monster was massacring the big fox in the jungle.
After resurrecting the dead villagers and killing the big fox that invaded the forest, Luo Mo returned to the Gobi.
In order to solve the matter efficiently, he transformed into Tianyi and summoned dozens of large-caliber heavy machine guns, cruised in mid-air at supersonic speed and locked on the targets searched along the way, launching precise strikes.
The big foxes living in the Gobi, one by one, couldn’t even scream, and all their companions died in the sky under the bullets falling like raindrops.
The hunters on the ground could only see light spots flashing from time to time in the high sky, and incomprehensible machine gun roars appearing from all directions, but they just couldn’t figure out what happened.
The only thing that can be determined is that it is not a normal situation, nor is it a natural sound, so they can only give up caring about these things if they really don’t understand.
But just when they were about to fall asleep, there was a loud noise outside the tent, and the ground also trembled.
He led them out of the tent, but noticed the phantom figure of the halo above his head, slowly landing not far from them.
There is also a huge sphere below, and with the help of the moonlight, you can see that it is actually a mountain of corpses made up of countless big fox corpses that have suffered inexplicable attacks and died.
When the figure in the sky fell, they could see clearly that it was the previous traveler.
“You… this, this is…?”
The man who brought Luo Mo to the fire earlier was so dumbfounded that he doubted his eyes, and couldn’t even speak a complete sentence.
And the brown-skinned big sister also instinctively stepped forward to say something, but Luo Mo pointed his palm at her first, telling her to shut up before saying:
“It’s too troublesome to explain, and even if you explain it, you probably don’t believe it, so you go ask your family members, ask them what happened, and you will know the outline of the matter…Remember to put your Call out your family members and drag these big foxes over there, I don’t want to open a passage for you again.â€
After finishing his speech, he spoke again, opening the space channel leading to the village.
The hunters didn’t know what was going on, but at the moment when he transformed into Tianyi, they could feel an indescribable sense of oppression.
The instinct of creatures prevented them from having any thoughts of rejecting him, subconsciously listened to his words and dragged the big fox into the torn space crack tremblingly.
The villagers at the other end were full of disbelief when they saw three or five of them cooperating and dragging the big fox out, but at their request, they immediately organized a labor force to help drag it in.
Of course…manpower has a limit after all, and Luo Mo used invisible hands to bring these big fox corpses to the past.
And when the corpses of the big fox were transferred and the space rift was closed, the villagers also talked about their previous encounters under the inquiries of the hunters.
The hunters confirmed repeatedly in disbelief, and finally realized how big a mistake they had made.
They cried bitterly like being struck by lightning, but thought they could get a new chance,And he knelt down to Luo Mo in gratitude.
It was as if they were facing the gods they believed in and who had performed miracles of mercy on them.
In this world where no one can be resurrected, large-scale resurrection from the dead is tantamount to a miracle.
This is considered to be a god coming to the world, and there is no way to show mercy to them.
However, Luo Mo didn’t pay much attention to these things. He just looked at the mountain of big fox carcasses beside him and reminded:
“…The matter is not over yet. You’d better deal with these corpses quickly. After taking out all the valuables, you can either eat them, sell them all, or bury them as fertilizer. You can do whatever you want , in short, don’t wait until they are broken, otherwise more plagues will still appear.â€
“…Yes, yes! Leave it to us, Mr. Carlos!” The old man lying on the ground, who seemed to be the village chief, replied with infinite piety and respect.
People’s overly respectful attitude and Luo Mo’s demonstrated ability made Emnesia a little uncomfortable, and couldn’t help asking:
“…Carlos, are you… a god?”
“It can be said to a certain extent, and judging from the limited cognition of this era, it is really no problem to say that it is a god.”
“Okay, that’s amazing! I’m actually traveling with God?! No…. I’m God’s wife?! Is that God’s wife?”
“…Speaking of which, there is this setting…”
“Setting?” The girl tilted her head in confusion, not understanding why he would suddenly say such a strange word.
“Cough…don’t mind, I’m just talking to myself.”
“…I always feel that the more you say this, the more I care…”
“Oh, don’t think about such boring things, just pay attention to the present?”
“There are still quite a few issues that are not resolved, or … very difficult to resolve.”
He thinks he can solve most of the things, but there are indeed some things that are beyond his ability.
It’s not impossible to do it cleanly and thoroughly, it just takes a lot of time, but he has no way to waste so much time and energy here.
“Is there anything else? The villagers are alive, and the big fox is dead. When the villagers call the magician to look at the body of the big fox, they will know that the big fox has been resolved, and the conflict will be resolved. The rest of the disease will be sold by the villagers. It can also be solved by exchanging the fox for money to buy medicine, isn’t that all the problems have been solved?â€
“It may be true on the surface, but in fact things are not that simple.” Luo Mo looked at the group of villagers who were busy dealing with the big fox, shook his head and said, “You should think about the ecological circle.”
“You can simply understand it as a system composed of various animals and plants.”
“Then what happened to the system?”
“The ecological circle has a huge impact on people. The survival and development of human beings are inseparable from the stability and prosperity of the entire ecological circle. The countries that are placed near here have the greatest impact on them. The ecological circles of the nearby Gobi and this forest .â€
“Haha…” Emnesia just nodded in a daze.
But even so, Luo Mo explained as much as possible: “The environment of the Gobi is harsh, the diversity of biological species is low, the community structure is simple, and the ability of automatic adjustment is poor, so the ecosystem of the Gobi is very fragile.”
“Although I didn’t kill all the big foxes, the population of the big foxes has also been severely damaged, and there is no room for migration.”
“Isn’t that a good thing?”
“It’s really a good thing for the time being, but the lack of their top predators will inevitably have an impact on low-end and mid-level creatures. The ecological circle in that area will definitely collapse. At that time…”
“What will happen then?” Emnesia looked at him nervously, and he also said solemnly: “—To be honest, I don’t know too well!”
“…Huh??” She was dumbfounded, and even wondered if this person was deliberately teasing herself.
“I can’t help it! I’m not a biologist, and I don’t know how many strange animals and plants there are in the Gobi here. How do I know what will happen to this kind of thing?”
“No…but you…”
“Oh, why do you like to care so much? Isn’t the matter basically resolved? The hidden problem will not explode in a short time, so let’s let it go. If that’s the case, what’s there to complain about?”
“Although it is true…but it’s not what you said, you should care about it!”
“…I’ve done so much, and I’m quite tired. Is this your attitude?”
In fact, Luo Mo, who just wanted to change the subject, changed the subject again and talked about his contribution.
Faced with his rebuttal that was overwhelming, Emnesia, who somehow put her feelings into words, puffed up her cheeks and directly expressed her dissatisfaction.
Luo Mo, who withdrew from the Tianyi Transformation, was straightforward, piercing the girl’s bulging cheek like a puffer fish.
“Ah, lost your temper?”
“….I am not angry.”
“Generally girls are angry when they say such things.”
“Maybe so, but I’m really not angry, it’s just… I don’t know how to express my gratitude.”
In the middle of her speech, Emnesia slowly raised her head and watched him seriously. It seemed that she really wanted to thank him, but she didn’t know how to say it clumsily.
“Huh? Why~ What does this have to do with you? You are not from this village.”
“…But Carlos helped them because of me, right?”She saw through the real reason why Luo Mo wanted to hide and make a move.
“Well… what is the relationship between us, why should we care so much about it?”
After all, she is a girl who will forget everything the next day, and she doesn’t know what to ask her to do now.
That being the case, there is no need to repay the favor, it is better to make a good impression, so he rarely showed generosity:
“Compared with those boring things, it’s better to find a place to sleep now.”
Emnesia stared at him, nodded vigorously and showed a bright smile without a trace of haze.
She looked a little shy, but she still rushed forward and hugged him tightly as if confirming his touch, and kept rubbing her cheeks like a coquettish cat:
“—I like you the most!”
“Ha, ha ha…cough.”
“What’s wrong?”
“….it’s okay no problem…..”
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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