Because the thick ice covers the streets, even walking requires some skill, otherwise…
Emnicia, who had just entered the city gate and hadn’t walked two hundred meters, walked very carefully. Since the buildings around her were frozen, she couldn’t find a point of application when she tried to hold on to the wall. 1 loss of balance.
After turning her hands like propellers and struggling needlessly for a while, she fell heavily to the ground again.
After being paralyzed on the ice for a while, she clutched her little butt in pain, and tried to get up with the help of the ice sculpture beside her:
“…it hurts…ass is splitting in two…I hate it here!”
The tears that had been held back, almost broke the embankment when they noticed Luo Mo’s expectant gaze.
“You are obviously a knight, why are you about to cry after falling twice?”
“What did you fall twice?! I’ve said it more than twenty times! And even a knight would be in pain!” Emnesia gave up on herself, “After all, I don’t even remember if I’m a knight or not!”
“Ah, it seems to be the case. This is really… well, what should I do to respond better?”
“…Don’t worry… Anyway, I should have said similar things yesterday, right? And you laughed at me too!”
“That’s not true, I’m not such a person, but you have used your memory loss as an excuse more than once.”
“Then I will continue to talk about it tomorrow, just pretend you haven’t heard it before.” She was like an awkward child, throwing down such a sentence angrily and wanted to leave.
But the steps were accidentally taken too long…or Luo Mo quietly used his power to lower the gravity under her feet, causing her feet to slip again, and she was about to fall down again.
But being prepared, he naturally didn’t just watch, but rushed forward immediately, grabbed her waist to support her, pressed his hands on her shoulders while the iron was hot, and said apologetically:
“It’s all about Dad’s fault. Dad apologized to you, so why don’t you have a truce with me for now? After you leave here, you can criticize Dad again. Dad will definitely listen to you.”
“This…” The girl who wanted to push him away finally couldn’t bear it, and said suspiciously: “…Really?”
“…will correct it?”
“Although it may be difficult for a while, I will definitely change positively! Please, Amnesia, give me a chance to repent?”
It’s too clear that he can’t win people’s trust by directly guaranteeing that it will change now, so in order to win people’s trust to the greatest extent, he can only pay for his own mistakes, endure depression and take the blame on his back.
Emnesia, who was already soft-hearted, couldn’t say anything more when she saw him being so sincere, so she nodded hesitantly:
“…Then, trust you for the time being?”
“—Thank you, Emnesia!”
“No, no need!” Obviously she has been swearing at each other, but being thanked made Emnicia feel very sorry, she turned her head and forced herself: “However, I don’t forgive you so easily! At least when Mom forgives you I won’t forgive you before!”
“That’s good, come on, lie on my back like you did when you were a child.”
She was a little arrogant, and hearing the rather strange speech, Luo Mo almost couldn’t hold back and turned around quickly, squatting down with his back to her…to avoid showing her his expression.
“…um, um…” Emnesia hesitated for a while coyly before lying down and hugging his neck.
The “father and daughter” who appear to be similar in age have temporarily restored their initial harmony, which even makes people feel a little warm.
Of course… the premise is that you don’t look at Luo Mo’s smile.
Walking on ice itself is a technical activity that requires certain skills.
As for the ice street in this city, technology alone is not enough, and even luck is needed, at least for ordinary people like Emnesia.
Because she really wanted to use the saber as a ski pole before, and tried to plunge the knife into the ice, but it didn’t work.
Whether it is the ice under the feet or the ice of the ice sculptures, they are all unbelievably solid. Not only did they not make a hole, but the tip of the knife was flattened, which is astoundingly solid.
Luo Mo had lived in the frozen Northland for quite a while when he was young, and he has rich experience in walking on ice, but it is useless to have experience on this special ice, so although he looks like he is walking, he is actually walking. It is suspended in mid-air to avoid falling down.
This frozen avenue is far colder than the forest, which also caused Emnesia to freeze.Shishi stuck to his back and hugged his neck tightly to keep warm.
This also allowed her to recover a little bit of firepower, and she couldn’t help poking the ice on the side when passing by and asked:
“Dad, are these people… still alive?”
“Huh? Really?”
“Magical ice also has the meaning of stopping time – all magicians in this world say so, but in reality…”
“To some extent, all ice can also be understood as having the meaning of stopping time, because the lower the temperature, the slower the movement of molecules, which is why the cryonics technology was born. It can be frozen for a hundred years and then come out. To some extent, it is equivalent to Time is frozen.”
Although it is still immature so far, it can be frozen, and if it is thawed normally, you will die——Luo Mo hid the second half of the sentence, but listening to what he said, Emnesia… really just listened to it, Have no idea what this is all about.
The only thing that is clear is that these people seem to have hope to be unfrozen and resurrected, and this also means:
“—Can mom be resurrected too?!”
“Huh? Mom?”
The girl’s inexplicable strange words made him stop instinctively.
“What? Isn’t this my hometown?”
“Ah, oh, yes, that’s right.”
“Is mother not here?”
“Unfortunately, she is not here.”
“Why?” Emnesia always felt that his voice was weird, and suddenly thought of something, her face darkened, and she grabbed his ear and asked in a low tone: “Could it be that Dad is domestically violent to Mom? ”
“Ha, ha? What nonsense are you thinking about, kid? Can I be that kind of person??”
“…Although it doesn’t look like it on the surface, I feel that you are a person who can do anything.”
“Is it normal for a daughter to say that about her father?” Although he tried to feign disappointment to seize the moral peak, Emnesia just grabbed his ear and reversed his words this time: ” Is it normal for a father to laugh when his daughter is in a mess?”
“Ah~ don’t touch the elders! Stop pulling my ears, can’t I tell you the truth?”
“You speak first!”
“Domestic violence does exist, but normally I am the victim of domestic violence, so I have no idea where she is now!”
Suddenly there was another blockbuster, and Emnesia was so shocked that she didn’t realize it for a long time, but she unconsciously let go of the hand that was holding his ear.
Luo Mo also pretended to be innocent at the right time, and lamented:
“…Think about it for yourself. She is a rich and powerful family. How could it be that I raped her? It must be because of her domestic violence, right?”
“That’s it, I should know when I think about it, I just…”
“——No, wait? Isn’t daddy very strong?”
“I became stronger in the later stage. If you think about it, how can anyone be strong at birth? Even if there is, it’s not my turn. You still think of me as a villain all day long. I don’t know how to do it.” Having such an unlucky daughter as you is really…” He continued to complain in bits and pieces as he chased after the victory.
If it was someone else, maybe they would become angry and argue with him, but the guilt in Emnesia’s heart suddenly swelled up.
“Yes, I’m sorry…it’s all because I miss my mother so much…I’m sorry, will it hurt? Why don’t you pull my ears too?” Emnesia rubbed his ears carefully, blaming herself And guiltily kept apologizing in his ear.
“No, just rub my ears for me.”
Although her technique is not very comfortable, but the beautiful girl gently rubs her ears, which feels very good.
At least Luo Mo enjoyed it quite a bit, and regarded it as his own benefit—the only benefit for his sad old father.
In order to investigate the truth of the incident, Luo Mo headed towards the palace with Emnicia on his back.
And this time’s meddling, in addition to curiosity, is more of a mistaken belief that this is the hometown of Emnesia who is constantly begging him to save their hometown.
In order to complete the trick, he can only walk through the frozen streets with the girl on his back, admiring the lifelike ice sculptures on the street…they are indeed alive.
“However…the ice shows no sign of melting at all. It must have been frozen for quite some time, right? I just don’t know how long it has been frozen. Is the suspect really still there?”
Observing the ice that didn’t show any signs of melting after being burned by fire, he was basically sure that it wouldn’t melt with sunlight and normal climate changes, so the time when the ice appeared became a mystery.
After all, you can’t even enter the room now, so it’s really difficult to observe the situation from the outside.
But just when he was about to enter the frozen royal city, he heard the sound of people walking in the distance of the street.
….In this city where snow keeps falling and even cats and dogs are frozen together, any sound is very obvious as if it has been amplified.
Therefore, he stopped for a while before he was about to ask him what was wrong. Emnesia also noticed the abnormality, jumped off his back nervously, and put her hands on the crooked handle. On the sub-saber.
After all, apart from travelers like them, the life forms that can be encountered in this country are most likely to be the culprit of all this.
And the other party obviously noticed their existence, and showed up from the corner on their own initiative, dragging their heavy steps without saying a word, staggeringHe staggered towards them.
Observe carefully that the person is still a woman, and the clothes on her body are almost exactly the same as Irena’s, which is a standard and simple magician dress.
Wearing a three-cornered hat and a black robe, what is unusual is her chest with a brooch representing a witch, and a wand in her hand.
If it’s just that these are relatively ordinary, the problem is that the robes and clothes on her body are all tattered, and strange-shaped ice cubes come out of those places, even on the head, face, and feet… If I have to describe it, It’s like a dead wood covered with mushrooms.
But it was a person after all, Luo Mo held Emnesia’s hand that was about to draw the knife, and tried to talk:
“You look really good? Where did you get it? Isn’t it cold to say?”
“Ah~ Don’t ignore people like this, don’t you know that when others speak, is it the most basic courtesy to respond??”
“Hmm~ It’s really hurtful for you to say that, obviously I…”
Before he finished speaking, the other party ignored him all the time, and the witch, who was walking towards this place, slowly raised the wand in her hand with a very unnatural movement, making him put her hand on her waist as well.
Then——before the wand was about to emit light, there was already a “bang!” sound from Luo Mo’s waist.
The orange bullet accurately broke off the front end of the wand, then wiped the witch’s side face, and disappeared into the sky.
“Huh~” Luo Mo, who imitated western cowboys to shoot, pretended to blow at the muzzle of the gun, and sighed:
“Sure enough, the times have changed~ Compared with magic, this thing is more useful…at least it is quite convenient for surprise attacks.”
Although the wind blade can be faster, with less traces and movements, this is not important anymore, the point is that it looks quite powerful, and he just wants to pretend.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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