“your mother….?”
“You may know me, my name is Amnesia and I’m from this country.”
“Oh, oh!” With so many people in this country, it would be strange if everyone knew each other, but it seemed impolite to the savior if they didn’t know each other, or to save Luo Mo’s face, the king suddenly realized:
“Of course I know you! You are Emnesia, you are so old… Time flies so fast. The last time I saw you, you were just a child. I didn’t expect to see you like this now.” Pretty girl.”
“No, no, you’ve praised me…not so pretty.” She scratched her cheek embarrassedly, and asked again: “Since you know me, you must also know my mother, right?”
“I’m sure I know you, but what’s your mother’s name, I just thawed it for a while and I really can’t remember it.”
“Pandora! My father said that my mother is still a young lady from a wealthy family!”
“Pandora… oh! I remembered! Pandora? Hmm, I know, wait a minute.”
Thinking that it would be easy to find Pandora, the king nodded vigorously, then turned around and ordered the officials following him to find Pandora and bring it here.
Then he showed a kind smile to Emnesia and asked, “Now you just need to wait for a while. Your mother will definitely be found as long as she is still in the country.”
“Thank you! My lord!” Emnesia nodded gratefully.
At this time, the king changed the subject and asked the question he cared most about: “It’s all right, all this is what I should do. After all, what is your relationship with Mr. Carlos?”
“Carlos? He’s me…”
“—Wait!” Luo Mo noticed the movement here, and rushed over to interrupt:
“I suddenly remembered that when Pandora and I separated, she said that she was going to the Capital of Faith! She must be in the Capital of Faith now!”
“The City of Faith?” Emnesia was stunned for a moment, then she hammered her palm and suddenly realized:
“So that’s why my mother is in the City of Faith, that’s why my diary says that the destination is the City of Faith?”
“Well… that’s it!”
The girl completed the brain supplement by herself, and the rational explanation she gave saved him the trouble of finding excuses, so she nodded and agreed without hesitation.
And in order to avoid the king’s subordinates coming back later, saying that the rich and nobles of this country are not called Pandora at all, causing their lies to be exposed.
He pulled Emnesia and wanted to leave, planning to come and learn magic with Ludra when he returned.
But Emnesia didn’t really want to leave, she grabbed his hand and tried to stop herself in place and asked:
“Dad? What’s the matter?”
“It’s not too late, let’s go to the capital of faith now!”
“Why do you want to leave in such a hurry? Even if my mother isn’t here, I still want to know something about my mother!”
“I hope you can reunite with your mother as soon as possible! And only by going to the capital of faith will your illness be treated. Only then can you really remember what happened to us?”
“….Is this really the case?” Emnesia was completely unmoved, and seemed to be angry instead.As if he had discovered something, he shook off his hand and stared at him like this, asking:
“Dad, are you hiding something from me?”
“…not at all, huh?”
“Really? Didn’t lie?”
Emnesia leaned close to him, stood on tiptoe and stared at his pupils earnestly at an ultra-close distance that could be felt even while breathing.
“Oh, why do you like to doubt so much, kid? It’s fine to doubt others, how can you doubt me? Can I lie to you? Even if I can, how can I lie to you in this kind of thing??”
While speaking, his eyes wandered around unconsciously.
This allowed Emnesia to accurately discover the problem, and suddenly pressed her hands on his face, posing for a questioning pose, and said expressionlessly:
“Dad…you lied, right?”
“…that’s not true.”
“Then why are your eyes looking elsewhere?”
“You misunderstood, even if I lie, I can’t feel guilty. I make this kind of novice mistake. I just care more about the eyes of the people around me…”
There is nothing wrong with him, it is impossible for him to make such a low-level mistake.
It was the sight of the people nearby, which was so stinging that he couldn’t completely ignore it.
The people who had been thawed heard from someone that the person who saved them was here, and a swarm of bees surrounded them.
Originally, people still wanted to thank Luo Mo, but after hearing Emnicia’s words, their expressions became more and more exciting.
It was obvious that they regarded Luo Mo and Emnisia as a couple playing a strange game, and even Luo Mo had a strange expression, and he couldn’t bear it calmly.
But after hearing what he said, Emnesia, who just looked over, couldn’t understand why their faces were so strange, but after thinking about it, she immediately understood.
Because… even a girl like herself, who is clearly a daughter, cannot accept her father’s weird sexuality. It is self-evident how other people view her father.
When she thought of how many people Luo Mo had looked down upon because of her mother’s fault in this hometown, she suddenly felt very uncomfortable.
So she felt that she should do something, let Luo Mo stand in front of him, and shouted at the crowd:
“——Everyone has their own interests! Even if some interests may be a bit shady and do not conform to the public’s concept! I am proud of my father! So…even if his interests are very strange, even called I’m committing a crime, but I don’t allow others to laugh at him like this! After this incident is over, I will persuade him to surrender! Please! Don’t look at him like that again!”
The girl who loves her father dearly cannot bear to see her father being despised in her hometown, so she musters up the courage to protect her in front of him.
He even tried his best to stare at the people who looked over and seemed to be prejudiced against Luo Mo’s sexual fetish.
The king was shocked by her courage, and he tried his best to smile and comfort him: “Yeah, it’s not that serious. It doesn’t matter if you don’t need to surrender.”
“….Not that serious?”
Isn’t it a crime in this country to shoot at a child?
Although she didn’t want Luo Mo to be imprisoned, Emnesia had great doubts about it, and even wondered if what he thought and what she thought were the same thing?
“Yeah, although that doesn’t sound very nice, ah…I mean, although it’s not so easy to say, it’s just a personal hobby anyway, and it can’t be called a crime.”
With a shame that could not be concealed, the king explained to her and lowered his voice, explaining in a low voice that only three people could hear:
“…To be honest, even though this hobby is very special, I personally don’t dislike such things. I have even wanted to try it all the time, and I am trying to find someone who is willing to play with me and can tolerate me. women.”
“……That’s right.”
Emnesia was convinced that she hadn’t made a mistake.
This topic is indeed on a channel, because I think this king is too normal.
The king is obviously a like-minded beast like Luo Mo.
This country can allow that kind of thing, it must be the unhealthy trend brought up by the king, who deliberately set up evil laws that can commit crimes in this regard.
….Why is this country not yet dead? How can the world be so tolerant of these perverts? ?
The girl who originally expected others to be tolerant to her father, thought that this is actually a crime condoned by the national law, and even began to wonder whether she should ask Ludra to freeze all the high-level officials of this perverted country again.
Father, like son.
No, to be precise, it should be a relationship between the cognition of both parties. Luo Mo is very clear that the conversation between the two is not on the same channel at all.
However, this kind of situation can be connected so naturally, and it seems that there is no obstacle at all, which surprised him quite a bit.
If it was normal, he would definitely choose to stay and have a good look at the play, after all, it is quite interesting no matter how it looks.
That is…. Both parties regarded him as a pervert from different angles, which made him a little uncomfortable.
Even the king regretted it, why did he tell his truth for the sake of saving his life.
And couldn’t help but blame Emnesia in her heart for being a bad person.
Obviously they are all playing like this, even playing like this openly, and I just want to find a place where there are no people to play like this, why should I be despised.
You’re still so impolite, looking at yourself like a scumbag, no matter whatIs it too much? He is the king? No respect at all?
The king who was despised by Emnesia, because Luo Mo’s combat power was strange and not easy to attack, he wondered in his heart whether this was the legend – only the people were allowed to set fire, but the king was not allowed to light lamps?
“Cough, cough, I’m sorry, this kid…I don’t know what to say, anyway, don’t pay attention to these things, let’s leave now.”
Really couldn’t bear to look at this strange scene directly, Luo Mo, who covered his face with one hand, lowered his head, and pulled Emnicia to take her away from this place as soon as possible.
Emnesia also despaired of this country, and even hated it so much that she wanted to leave.
But when they walked through the crowd, she suddenly noticed a familiar figure among the crowd.
Riding on the shoulders of a middle-aged man, the girl who was observing them with an innocent expression—her stepmother whose real name was not yet known!
This made her stop again, and in turn pulled Luo Mo towards the girl.
“—Wait, wait? Amnesia, what do you want?”
Luo Mo also recognized the girl riding on the man’s shoulders, who he had casually identified outside the city, and an ominous premonition appeared in his heart, and he quickly pulled his hands away and wanted to escape.
But this behavior caused Emnesia to misunderstand again, and she turned her head and glared at him:
“Isn’t this child my stepmother? Why don’t you even dare to meet your own woman?? Don’t tell me…you don’t want to be responsible at all? You’re just playing with them?”
“You misunderstood! I didn’t mean that! It’s just…!” He really wanted to explain it, but he really couldn’t explain it clearly. …After all, he poured too much paint on himself.
He was mad but helpless, he could only shush her to keep her voice down.
“Just what? Why didn’t you say it? Why did you keep your voice down?” Emnesia completely ignored him, why did he want to keep his voice down, and even pointed at the girl who was also curiously looking at him, and suddenly realized:
“Ah~ I see, is your relationship still just a secret relationship? Her parents don’t agree with you being together? Don’t want her to be my stepmother at such a young age?”
Everyone subconsciously looked in the direction she was pointing at, and even the girl pointed at herself in confusion, tilting her head as if she couldn’t figure out what this man was talking about.
Luo Mo could no longer look directly at people’s strange misunderstandings, so he covered his face with his hands and turned his back to escape this bizarre reality.
The crowd exploded in an instant:
“what’s going on?”
“This guy…..”
“Could it be that you hooked up with that child, so you came to rescue us?”
“But how old is the child?”
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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