Feeling that the development of this matter was too different from what he expected, Luo Mo, who couldn’t turn his head around, patted his head, but couldn’t figure out the situation no matter how hard he thought, so he simply handed over the magician’s wand on the opposite side. snatched it.
The battle-taking action that surpassed visual cognition made the magician really didn’t see it, and his hands were already empty.
just so dumbLooking at his hand and grasping it several times, he had the real feeling that his eating guy suddenly disappeared.
Only then did he look at Luo Mo, and noticed that his wand, which was still connected to the blue and white light rope at the end, was in Luo Mo’s hand.
He was a little angry at once, and subconsciously rushed forward to take it back, but… was easily avoided, and even broke the wand casually, allowing Emnesia to regain her freedom.
This attitude of not cooperating, and even breaking the wand, really made him a little unable to control his emotions, so he let go of the previous respect and scolding:
“What are you doing? Trying to shield a sinner?”
“That’s not too much, I just want to know what happened to this kid.” Luo Mo casually played with the two wands in his hand, and asked casually.
“She killed someone! And she killed a witch! Four of the five witches in our country were killed by her! She even spread the filthy magic power of the experiment to other countries, causing them to be destroyed!”
“Oh~ Is Emnesia so powerful? Can kill four witches at once? It’s a little bit impressive.”
Although the witch is the highest-level magician, she is only a human being in essence, and she is a very ordinary person. It is very simple to kill her unpreparedly.
Surprise raids, sneak attacks, night raids, poisoning, etc. can be easily solved, so Luo Mo is not too surprised that she killed four witches, but it is a bit strange why he killed the four witches.
But after all, he didn’t know the Emnesia of the past, and he didn’t understand what kind of person Emnesia was before holding memories or getting sick.
So….he had no clue, didn’t know how to evaluate this matter, the only thing he could do was to lament that she actually killed four witches, after all, it must have been done after a lot of thinking.
Luo Mo didn’t show any sense of tension, he was completely out of the expected shock, and even plainly sighed there, approving Emnesia’s efforts… This unexpected development made the magician angry again Up a level:
“Is this the time to lament things like this? Do you understand what that means?!”
“She killed someone!”
“…No, I’m not deaf, I know she killed someone, don’t need to repeat what you want to say?”
“Don’t be fooled by her cute appearance, she is a murderer with blood on her hands!”
“Well, even if you tell me that, I’m still troubled.”
Luo Mo, who had blood on his hands since he was a child and has never stopped since then, really couldn’t resonate with the magician’s righteous anger.
This attitude is really irritating, at least it annoys the magician very much, but…the wand was even broken in Luo Mo’s hand, and he really couldn’t do anything, so he could only continue to say:
“In our entire country, everyone is a magician! Only she is not! So she kills people just because of her own selfish desire! Don’t you hate such people!”
“… Most of them kill for themselves, only a small number of them for others, right? Why are you so excited?”
Luo Mo was speechless, still completely unable to understand how excited he was.
The magician was really going crazy, just as Luo Mo couldn’t understand him, he also couldn’t understand why this person was so calm, no normal person should hate him.
You must know that people in the entire country in the capital of faith will despise Emnesia after hearing about Emnesia’s crimes, and hate this person who acts recklessly for himself from the bottom of his heart.
The magician couldn’t help suspecting that the outsider’s values ​​were far from his own and his own country’s. He even lamented in his heart… The country’s closed-door policy is indeed to protect the residents and avoid being polluted by these barbarians.
However, Luo Mo was regarded as a barbarian in his heart. On the surface, the magician still tried his best to persuade him for his own work:
“Now let’s not talk about the original intention of the murder. After all, she committed the murder and broke the law! She should accept the punishment of the law!”
“How do I know she wasn’t wronged? After all, in my opinion, it is impossible for her to kill someone.”
If it was a certain day, someone suddenly jumped out and accused him of killing, then Luo Mo didn’t think it was so incredible, and would even think about whether the other party was a parent or a child, and killed himself.
After all, he has killed too many people, and seeking revenge has become a daily routine for him. He doesn’t even remember how many people he killed, or who he killed, regardless of whether he killed it himself or not.
Anyway, since the other party thinks that he did it, all he needs to do is to send the other party away and it’s over, there’s nothing to think about.
But…Emnesia is completely different from him.
Even if he loses his memory, he is still carefree every day, and even abides by the law to the point that he doesn’t even want to hurt bugs. People with superb sword skills but only used to restrain them will kill people.
Every time he tried to make a bad idea, even before he actually did it, Emnesia would find out and stop him as if telepathically, and would preach to him for a while.
As far as nature is concerned, Emnesia is definitely the kindest group of people he knows, so it is naturally impossible for him to believe what the magician said.
The magician also retorted with a sneer:
“You don’t know her at all. How could your opinion be correct about her before she lost her memory?”
“Woo…” Emnesia, who didn’t know how to explain to herself, dared not raise her head in fear of the oncoming face, and lowered her head deeply, afraid of touching that line of sight.
Because even she herself can’t be sure,Will I do bad things in the past… I am also afraid of my past self, and at the same time I don’t want to see Luo Mo’s disappointed eyes.
It’s like a child who has done bad things and doesn’t want his parents to find out… he doesn’t want the people he likes to see him in a mess and ugly appearance.
For most people, this is more intolerable than the usual punishment.
However… Luo Mo’s face does not have the same confusion as hers, or the disappointment and disgust she imagined, and she even said with certainty:
“For a person with such a good nature like her, even if she takes a ten thousand step back and really kills someone, there must be a reason for it.”
“…How can you be sure that her reasons are really to that extent?”
“I trust her, isn’t that enough?”
“Heh, I don’t know the actual situation at all, but I dare to say it.”
“I don’t know what’s the matter. Anyway, she was either framed, or out of helplessness. In short, she is absolutely impossible to be the villain you mentioned.”
An excessively flat voice, without any excitement, not even cadence.
Because it’s not about trying to make yourself believe, you need to emphasize what makes you firm, and accentuate the tone.
This calm tone of course is completely from the bottom of my heart.
It was exactly like this, it was this unshakable trust without reason that made her uncontrollably moved from the bottom of her heart.
Staring blankly at the man beside her, tears filled her eyes uncontrollably.
Ben was tormented by fear and worry, and despaired of her murderous past…had the redemption that she didn’t believe existed in this world.
At this moment, she even thinks that if it is for this person, for the trust at this moment, for the touch and redemption—even if it is to die, she can willingly embark on the road to the underworld for this person.
However… the magician’s words instantly plunged her heart into the abyss.
“Why are you so stupidly moved here? You are completely deceived, do you still believe him? Your parents have always been in the capital of faith, don’t be stupid and call everyone dad when you lose your memory.”
“—You are lying! Dad is not such a person!”
“What did I lie to you for? If you don’t believe me, ask him yourself and see what he says?” The magician, who seemed to know Emnisia’s situation better than Luomo, looked at Luomo and sneered, “Your taste is really low-level.” , Is it really interesting to deceive a person who has no memory like this?”
Originally, this should be said frankly, just to satisfy his own bad taste, but now the timing is terrible, Luo Mo can only respond in silence.
His silence also made Emnesia feel uneasy, and asked cautiously: “Dad? Why didn’t you explain?”
“I would like to explain too, but…” The girl’s expectant eyes made him instinctively look away:
“I think, I believe you and I lied to you, we can actually judge separately, these should be two different things, right?”
“…you, lied to me?” The girl’s voice trembled, but she still had her last hope, and forced a smile:
“This is… a joke? Right? Tell me, Dad… I’ll believe you if you tell me!”
These are her sincere words without any falsehood…Luo Mo can fully understand, but precisely because he can understand this, he has no way to lie.
In other words, it is meaningless to continue lying at this time.
The city of faith is right in front of him, and if he continues to lie, he will only make himself look ugly. Although the current situation is different from what he expected, he can only ignore the girl and nod silently, confessing:
“This should be regarded as a kind of joke. The timing is obviously wrong now. You may not believe it, but I intend to be honest with you. This is entirely out of my personal bad taste and I don’t want to hurt anyone Your idea, I just want to try to give you fatherly love… Well, this is a lie, but what I said above is true, I can swear on this point. ”
“…Really? Are you lying to me?…all of it, it’s just a lie…you just wanted to come back tomorrow…you hope I can forget about it, don’t you?”
A miserable smile appeared on the girl’s face.
This made it impossible for Luo Mo to explain, and there was no need to explain again… because it was indeed a deception in terms of identity, and the other party would not listen to what he said in the current situation.
Disappointed with Luo Mo, the heartbroken girl refused his help, and followed the magician to the cell like a walking dead.
Under normal circumstances, Emnesia would not be disappointed to this extent… At most, she found that she let him take advantage of her, and she was angry and chased him with a scabbard to fight him. More often, she just had a cold war with him and ignored him he.
But only when there was an overwhelming touch, the huge gap in trust and betrayal was enough to break a person’s heart.
Luo Mo was also much more depressed about this uncontrolled situation than he was in the frozen country before.
He could only slowly follow Emnesia, watching her being taken to the same cell as the confinement room.
He stopped outside for a long time, but he didn’t know how to speak. He could only stare at the girl sitting on the chair with her head lowered and motionless.
“…Let’s go quickly…Don’t worry about me, I’m fine…Anyway, I’ll forget about it soon.”
like the unbearable coldThe frozen girl was trembling all over, even this self-defeating words were trembling, just looking at it made people feel unbearable.
But he couldn’t be comforted, and was even refused to comfort him.
“…Sorry, I’ll be back tomorrow.”
Helpless, he could only leave such a sentence, and left this place under the surveillance and tail of the magician nearby.
Did not follow the magician’s initial suggestion to go to the palace to find out the specific situation, Luo Mo looked at the magician who left on his own, and because he didn’t want to get rough in front of Emnesia, he secretly decided in his heart——wait for Emnisia Xia took him away from the city, and dealt with this guy who was against him, for example…give him ashes or something.
But soon he withdrew his gaze, intending to wait until the time to think about it slowly, and now he is walking alone on the unfamiliar street that is no longer populated, thinking about how to reconcile with Emnesia tomorrow.
Of course, in fact, there is no need to reconcile until tomorrow, and Emnesia is sure to forget about it.
Although he felt a little bit sorry in his heart, he was instinctively relieved that the problem could be solved so conveniently.
“…But, the sinner, what is going on?”
Looking at the bright moon in the sky, he couldn’t help but feel agitated by this matter.
…To tell the truth, if possible, he would personally prefer to solve it by force, rather than waste time using his brain.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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