At this time, the girl behind him stopped suddenly, and stood still for a while before turning around and looking at his back.
Just narrowing his eyes slightly, he watched him leave with a reluctant expression.
No matter what he became, Emnesia hoped that he could support him a little more, because he was so gentle and desperate in her heart despite his rough times.
He shouldn’t just fall like this, and he shouldn’t be a lonely existence who was not chosen and destined to go to tragedy from birth.
What’s more, she hopes that the person she likes the most can be happy, even if the person who gives him happiness is not herself.
“…At least, please give him a little redemption for him who has been born twice and failed to receive any blessings and care.”
Knowing his past, knowing that he was deprived of the right called “happiness” from birth, Emnesia, who was endowed with a strange life, couldn’t help but pray.
“May the wind bring you my blessings and prayers.” Under the blue sky, the girl standing in the grassland whispered quietly as she watched the gradually disappearing figure.
We will definitely meet again, so I’m not lonely… She silently strengthens her thoughts in her heart, and tries hard to make herself believe that this will definitely come true, that’s all…
——Keeping gratitude, sad parting, believing in hope, praying for happiness, dreaming of seeing you again.
After parting with Emnicia, Luo Mo honestly didn’t know where to go, but he was a little depressed.
I walked along the river for a long time, from sunrise to sunset, and then to sunrise…Although I was a little sleepy, my heart was more inexplicable and empty.
So….want to drink.
Thinking of the wine that can change his mood, he suddenly thought of the wine that he hadn’t had time to drink at Avelia’s house.
“It’s just a rare opportunity. I’m free now, so why don’t I go to a bar?”
As soon as he thought of it, he took out the map and observed it carefully, and found out the map location of the village over there.
Without further ado, he first moved in space, arrived at the location closest to the nearest village over there, and then galloped all the way.
Just when he was about to arrive, he slowed down and took out his broom, intending to disguise himself as an ordinary magic traveler.
It happened at this time that he overheard a lot of uniformed villagers below, raising their hands and shouting long live without knowing what they were doing.
Curiously, I listened closely…..
“—Village Chief! I want to drink the wine from the cute girl Tata!”
“Miss Witch is fine! Miss Witch is very cute!”
“Such a cute lady witch is here to step on! Who wants the wine that the old woman stepped on!”
“Let me take the first bite later!”
“How can someone who is just treading be able to drink, idiot!”
“Idiot! The important thing is the wine!”
“I, I want to wait a moment and help Miss Witch lick her feet clean!”
“I want to let Miss Witch step on it directly!!”
A group of people who fell into a frenzy for some reason did not want to listen to what Luo Mo said, and even couldn’t help casting contemptuous glances at them.
After all, even if it is him, he still thinks that his sexual fetish is normal, but what these people say… are they simply perverts?
What kind of person has such an idea? Even if he——you can only drink after the wine is ready!
And sanitize before stepping on it? How to drink without disinfection and washing? ?
However, while thinking about this question, their conversation attracted Luo Mo’s curiosity, after all, the key word in it was “Miss Witch”.
There were not many witches who wandered around, but he knew only two, Saya and Irena.
So he quietly lurked in the past, ran to the top of a room they were watching, and lay on the roof from the people outside, the back of the building that could not be seen by the eyes, and quietly observed the situation inside through the window.
He planned to open the window to see what was going on inside when he was sure that the room inside the window was empty.
The line of sight also naturally passes through the gaps above the tight curtains.
Although the field of view is not very good, he can still see many women inside, wearing the same red uniform as the men outside, and the people surrounded by them…just stunned him at first glance.
Because the person surrounded by women was none other than the girl he knew well – Irena.
She was even taking off her plain traveling witch outfit at the moment… To be precise, it should have been semi-forcibly taken off by the woman next to her.
Now the group of women is measuring her figure and planning to change her into a suitable uniform of the same style.
From the slender window, you can see the delicate face, the smooth white shoulders of the gray-haired girl with a trace of childishness, and the slender and seductive girl.Human collarbone.
When he moved his eyes a little and was about to scan the girl’s chest further… a devil and an angel popped out of his head without knowing the atmosphere.
Can not watch! You are betraying your friendship with Irena by doing this! If they are discovered, they will even be regarded as perverted! ——The angel anxiously persuaded him to stop.
Can’t see a ghost! Don’t look at it for nothing! A rare opportunity! She doesn’t know it’s you anyway! And you haven’t been regarded as a pervert long ago, so what if you are treated as a pervert again! ——An angel who should be able to fight in the heart of a normal person is directly trampled by the devil like a weak chicken.
“Ah, seems to be the same?”
Luo Mo, who just thought in his heart that he couldn’t watch it anymore, was quickly persuaded by the devil.
But what the angel said made him somewhat worried, what would happen if he was accidentally seen by others?
As a professional criminal, it is his habit to consider the cost of the crime before committing the crime, so that he is psychologically prepared even if he is caught.
“But you should be calm at this time. The more flustered you are, the more likely you are to make mistakes, or the more you don’t want to make mistakes, the more likely you are to make mistakes? Although it’s not my intention, it’s not a big problem if you take a second look, right?”
Thinking of the content of Murphy’s Law, he panicked for a moment, but his rich criminal experience quickly calmed him down. He calmly thought about taking another look and confirming the situation before stopping, but he turned his gaze into the room moment of…
Who would have thought that the eyes of the two parties were actually meeting.
Irena’s purpose in coming to this wine village is exactly the same as Luo Mo’s.
I just heard that the wine here is very delicious, and I felt that it was my first time to drink wine, so I made a special trip here.
Who would have thought….. Inexplicably received a grand welcome. In the end, I didn’t know what the situation was. I couldn’t refuse the “gracious invitation” of these people, and I was half-forcibly pulled to become a grape-stomping girl.
While sighing, Irena was ready to let them go and dress herself up as a girl picking grapes.
She just took off her naked body, and she kept her head down depressed, but she noticed that something was wrong with the shadow of the window beside her.
It seems that there is a semicircular object that blocks the sunlight from outside to the room.
She raised her head subconsciously… She never thought that she would meet the eyes hanging upside down.
I don’t know why, although the backlit eyes can’t see clearly, but there is a strange and familiar feeling.
Tilting my head for a while, then…
“—Hurry up and catch the peeping pervert!!”
While squatting down to cover her skin exposed to the air, she took out her magic wand to manipulate the chair beside her, and threw the chair directly, smashing the glass and hitting the forehead of the person outside the glass.
“Huh?! So cruel…”
Originally thinking that as long as he was injured, he would be able to exchange for a weak position. Even if he was judged later, he would be punished lightly. He withdrew suddenly while covering his red and swollen forehead. He sat on the roof for a while and suddenly realized that the other party It doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s me.
That is to say…
——Sure enough, you should run, right?
However, he only thought of the correct answer, but at this moment, he also realized that he seemed to have underestimated the foot strength of the women who stepped on grapes every day in this wine village.
Just when he stood up and wanted to withdraw, the door on the roof was suddenly pushed open.
A group of women rushed up and surrounded him:
“—Who are you kid?!”
“Is this face a bit raw?”
“Isn’t it a pervert from our village?”
“The new pervert?!”
“Still a gutsy pervert?!”
Luo Mo, who was surrounded by women, somehow felt that they seemed to be praising him?
In this way, he couldn’t help but became curious, stopped his thoughts of slipping away, and asked: “Everyone, calm down first, do you mean that there is no courageous pervert in this village besides me?”
“All of them will only flirt with the photos on the wine!”
“I don’t even have the courage to strike up a conversation!”
“I only dare to talk about it, but I don’t have any actual actions, let alone peeping!”
The women surrounded him and scolded his own people, which made him feel a little strangely proud unconsciously. He touched his chin and sighed:
“Thinking about it this way, am I considered an outstanding talent?”
“—You are at most a more dangerous pervert!!” A familiar but extremely cold, even extremely angry voice came from behind the crowd: “Stop chatting, arrest him!!”
There was no accident, because of curiosity, I accidentally peeped at Irena’s Luo Mo, stayed and chatted for a while because of curiosity, and was simply tied up as a caterpillar when the victim arrived.
As the only progressive pervert in the village, Luo Mo simply threw him on the ground. Although he tried to sit up, when he was about to stand up further, his eyes once again met the familiar cold gaze.
At this moment, Irena is no longer dressed as a magician. She is wearing a long wine red dress and a long-sleeved top with white ruffles on the cuffs and skirt.
On weekdays, she always let down her shawl and long hair, and rarely tied it into a single ponytail, giving it a more lively and playful feeling.
And this seems to be the uniform of the grape-stomping girl in this village, but Luo Mo personally feels a bit like a maid’s outfit, maybe because it is also related to the service industry?
It’s that look of disdain combined with the cold eyes, which makes people feel a little unbearable, completely contrary to the normal clothes.purpose of the business.
But based on Luo Mo’s personal feeling, maybe those perverts outside would enjoy it a lot?
“…cough.” Luo Mo temporarily stopped his unconstrained thoughts, adjusted his mood, looked up at the disgusted girl, pretended to be melancholy, and sighed:
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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