The three people beside her fell into a pool of blood, two of them were Serena’s parents, and the other was – Lavender Witch Estelle.
“Big sister and big brother, were you with this person before? Ah~ What a headache~ But since you saw it, I can’t let you leave alive~”
In this alley where the setting sun can’t shine in, it should be dark and humid, but it’s a bit dazzling because of the fire everywhere, Serena, covered in blood, grinned, and walked towards them step by step with a smile on her face. come over:
“It’s the same if one witch kills two, but~ I thought it was difficult to solve the witch, but I didn’t expect it to be so easy~”
“How, would…why…so…”
Irena was obviously shaken, but Serena smiled and said in a nonchalant tone:
“My father always looked at me with obscene eyes since I was a child, and my mother also regarded me as another woman to be jealous, beating and scolding me every day~, but they have always pretended to be a happy family, so I killed them, anyway, it was early If the house is already broken, I will simply push it again——so, can you be forgiven?”
“How…how could it be…”
“I think it can be forgiven.”
Irena subconsciously wanted to deny it, but Luo Mo put his hands on her head, lazily put his chin on it, and casually gave the completely opposite answer.”Hey~ why?” Serena looked at Luo Mo with a full smile and asked in doubt: “Big brother is really strange. Normally, you don’t think that this is a lie to get rid of the crime?”
“With your attitude, you obviously don’t want to use this method to win sympathy or get rid of crimes?”
A normal person would instinctively suspect that she was just an excuse to gain sympathy.
But when you calm down and think about it carefully, you will find that this is not an excuse.
Although he didn’t have much contact with her, Luo Mo could clearly find that the girl’s mental state was obviously abnormal.
There is no doubt that she doesn’t care about personal life and death, so when she intends to kill the other party, she won’t lie about this kind of thing, after all, she doesn’t care about being killed.
If she really wanted to find an excuse to beg for mercy, Estelle, who had tried to persuade her many times in the past but failed to make her bow her head, would definitely let her go and fly away with her.
After all, if you really want to ask for forgiveness, judging from her obviously more mature behavior pattern than her peers, you should understand that this smile is not very convincing, and it will only make people doubt the authenticity… This point is from Yi Lei It can be seen from Na’s performance.
But that also means she’s not trying to con at all, just pure, crazy thug.
Telling this matter is just to explain my past, otherwise I should pretend to break down and cry, then Irena will most likely sympathize.
….It is worth mentioning that Luo Mo often did this in the past when he told the unbelievable truth with a smile—naturally, no one believed the conclusion.
But for people like them, it doesn’t really matter whether anyone believes it or not. They just want to say something, so they just say it, and they don’t even want anyone to believe it.
Also judging from her more mature and smarter performance than her peers, if it wasn’t for her parents’ problems, she wouldn’t have chosen her parents as the first target.
Even if there is a witch accompanying her, she will attack her parents first, which clearly shows that she has a strong purpose in killing her parents.
Luo Mo’s speech made Serena a little surprised, and she couldn’t help but wonder:
“Big brother understands it very well~ Could it be that your parents treated you in a strange way when you were young?”
“Ah~ How do you say this? I don’t mention my parents, but the guy who raised me often said in my ear that he loves me, that he loves me the most~ teaches me the definition of love every day, and that guy is so beautiful Is it scary? Maybe this should be considered strange, right?”
“…you’re really happy.” Serena listened, but the smile on her face gradually twisted: “But… it’s really enviable~ I can share your happiness with me Is it? Big Brother Brother~â€
Chapter 42 Interpreting the protagonist of the dog-blood drama・Playing a decent character
Serena’s jealous smile seemed extremely distorted, and even made people shudder, but Luo Mo didn’t let it be distorted, but shook his head as if he was confused from the bottom of his heart:
“Is that happiness? Maybe to some extent? But I personally don’t think you would like that kind of happiness.”
“Every day people say they love you, aren’t you satisfied? Big brother is really greedy~”
“Having said that, you should know that there are many concepts of love in this world.”
“Are you trying to show off to me that you have a lot of love? And maternal love?”
“No, no, there are love, friendship, father’s love, mother’s love, etc. in this world, but there are still some that cannot be defined in simple words.”
“What’s the meaning?”
“So, it can’t be defined in simple words…”
To be precise, it should be Pandora’s love, which is something he still can’t fully understand.
But Serena didn’t understand the matter, she simply thought that he was showing off to herself, and walked towards him slowly:
“As for me… I thought we could understand each other, big brother, but you…”
“Don’t talk nonsense, how can we understand each other with such a big age difference, at most I understand you.”
He didn’t care about the girl’s approach, and glanced at Estelle who was lying in a pool of blood. Although she looked miserable, she didn’t suffer too much damage.
At least judging from the location of the wound, it should not be life-threatening. Not moving now is not so much a serious physical injury, but a serious mental injury. I can’t understand what is going on and I am escaping from reality, so I have been lying on the ground.
Another witch at the scene, Irena, has been in a mess since she witnessed the scene, and can’t sort out the situation at all. She is almost as suspicious of reality as Estelle.
Serena noticed Luo Mo’s gaze, but she was not polite at all, she stepped on Serena’s body and asked:
“Big brother and this woman are friends, right? Why didn’t you save her? If you really came from the future, you should know what I’m going to do? And…you must have seen it just now.”
“What are you talking about? Why can’t I understand at all.”
“Stop pretending~ You must have discovered something, so follow me! Gentle stalker brother~” Selina smiled and walked over to Estelle, holding a knife and walking towards him:
“Big brothers and big sisters, are they all from the future? Since you don’t want to talk about yourself, how about talking about me? What will I do in the future?”
“What are you doing~ I’ll think about it…” Luo Mo pretended to be thinking, just wanting to make some nonsense, but Irena was so nervous about the approaching girl that she took out her wand and put on a stance, directly calling her a murderer. The demon, and the fact that she was killed by Estelle.
This made Luo Mo extremely regretful. Originally, he would just make up a charity foundation or something to see what would happen..
Serena, however, was just as he had expected. She seemed quite indifferent about being killed and becoming a murderer, and nodded with a smile:
“I see, I see, after becoming a murderer, Estelle killed me~ Well, there is no other way~”
“There is no way…?” Irena couldn’t understand her overly open-minded attitude.
“Who makes killing people so happy!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!”
Serena, who gave the answer with a smirk, just clenched the knife tightly and rushed towards her.
Irena pointed at her wand, which radiated light and prepared to launch an attack magic self-defense, but… tension and fear took over her mind.
On the way that the girl ten meters away was rushing over, it was the first time she faced the killing intent directly, she was so nervous that she only felt a chill run up her spine, her hands were trembling constantly, her mind was blank, hesitation and Fear bound her tightly, causing her to stand there in a daze.
When the last distance was less than three meters, she simply forgot that she knew magic, and instinctively put her hands across her body, planning to use her arms to defend against the attack.
…. This scene directly made Luo Mo feel stupid.
But after all, she has never experienced life-and-death fighting experience, so Irena’s situation is understandable.
So in this short moment, he thought for a while and then interrupted Estelle’s wand, who was about to climb up not far away, with an invisible gravity impact.
Then he stepped forward, bypassing Irena’s open hands, and blocked in front of her.
That’s right, it’s the same as in the TV series of Goofy Blood, when there is time to push people away to escape or pull people away to escape by themselves.
Anyway, there should have been various ways to keep both parties safe, but he stood in front of him, foolishly blocking the sharp knife.
The sharp blade naturally pierced into his abdomen without hindrance, and the red blood sprayed out, soaking Serena’s face once again.
However….this weird situation also made Serena shocked by his stupid behavior in turn after him.
It is impossible for a normal eight-year-old child to kill a witch head-on.
However, after Selina defeated one with a sneak attack, even though she felt that there was no point and should just die, she still rushed forward from the front, launching a deadly charge to continue to defeat the other.
But the development of the situation far exceeded her expectations. The man who should have had ample opportunity to pull people away, but stupidly opened his hands to block in front of the witch, and took the initiative to get the knife.
The touch of warm blood splashing on her face made Serena herself feel very unreal. She couldn’t help tilting her head and looking up at the man in front of her:
“Big brother…why were you stabbed?”
Luo Mo didn’t want to answer this strange question, but he still decided to play the whole set, and said sternly:
“This is—you absolutely can’t understand! Friendship! It’s a matter of course for a friend! Isn’t this a matter of course!”
“What~ big brother actually has this kind of thing? Really… really makes people jealous——huh??”
As she said that, she wanted to pull out the knife and stab him a few more times, but Luo Mo held down her hand to prevent her from pulling out the blade.
She tried her best to draw the knife but to no avail, so she raised her head with a frown and complained:
“Big brother, you have been stabbed, why are you still so strong?”
“This is the power brought by friendship…!”
In fact, it didn’t feel very painful, but Luo Mo pretended to be in torment, brows were frowning, and he tried his best to hold the handle of the knife to prevent her from pulling it out.
As if the decent protagonist, after recalling the past for a while, suddenly awakened.
But the girl behind him was stunned for a while before finally understanding what happened.
“——No, are you okay?!” Irena came to him in a panic, looking at the abdomen with a knife stuck in it that was oozing blood, her face was pale even though she hadn’t been stabbed, her lips Trembling constantly:
“This, this, this…how about this?”
“Are you a magician?”
“Yes, yes, it needs to be treated… No, the knife must be pulled out first… But, but if it is pulled out, it must be very painful… and there will be a lot of blood…you Why are you so stupid to block the knife for me!? That’s obviously a joke, right?!”
The girl raised her head and looked at him, without a trace of her usual composure and pride, and even showed an expression that was about to cry.
If she was in a normal state, she would definitely be able to see something, but in this sudden situation, she was attacked by killing intent from the very beginning, and she lost her due judgment.
“…Because we are friends, even though you may not believe it, I regard you as my most important friend from the bottom of my heart.”
Luo Mo freed up a hand, and with the blood-soaked hand, caressed the girl’s face, gently comforting the girl protected by him… just like the dying protagonist in a TV series.
But his appearance, in Serena’s eyes, is obviously acting, and… there are so many flaws that people don’t know how to complain.
Serena didn’t care about death, but she couldn’t bear this contempt for her. He even didn’t respect her at all, and even ignored her own existence, which made her almost go crazy with both hands trying to twist The handle of the knife made him look down at himself again.
But she found that Luo Mo had only one hand, so she fixed the knife completely. Even if she used both hands together, she couldn’t twist it a little bit. The handle of the knife seemed to be welded to death.
“–do not underestimate me!!!”Serina roared, and was about to pull out the knife with all her strength, but there was a low growl behind her:
The girl in the pool of blood, although Estelle didn’t know when her wand broke, she tried her best to get up slowly from the ground, looked at Serena who subconsciously turned her head, and rushed up screaming her name , and raised his hand to punch him.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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