With a flash of red light, the surrounding buildings were lit up, and scorching flames came out of the sword, attacking in the direction of the two of them.
The flame even evolved from red to white flame full of holiness in the blink of an eye during the flight, lighting up the night sky while devouring Luo Mo’s figure.
But…at the moment when the white flame devoured Luo Mo, the light blue magic circle stood in front of him.
After a short pause, the holy Bai Yan deviated from the original direction in an instant, changed a path as if refracted, and went back.
Whether it was the fountain on the way, or the mansion of the Balier family behind Priscilla, they were all set on fire in an instant.
This strange flame showed a startled gaze, and Priscilla, who turned her head reflexively, engulfed the mansion in a blink of an eye in that unbelievable gaze, and even lit up the dark night.
“So, these two guys are very evil…” Although Al had expected it, Al’s face was also shocked, and he never expected that Bai Yan’s attack would be nullified in such a way change.
As a matter of course, Priscilla’s terrifyingly beautiful smile, full of insults and mockery, froze, and her calm face lost emotion:
“Who the hell are you?!”
“It’s true, I forgot to introduce myself, I’m so sorry.”
Luo Mo seemed to be really sorry, and apologized with a slight bow, but at the same time he was calm and cold, and confided with a devilish smile:
“I’m the Witch Cult, the Archbishop of Major Sins—the person in charge of disguise, and my name is Luo Mo…Although you certainly won’t remember the name, please just die like this.”
“The Archbishop of the Great Sin…Why does the Great Sin appear here?”
Al took a breath, and his face under the helmet became very ugly.
His reaction makes Priscilla, who thinks highly of herself and has always been number one in the sky and me, look particularly dissatisfied:
“What’s the matter with the archbishop?! You trash! Even if you block a blow, you still… huh?!”
“—The brain is trembling… trembling!”
Before Priscilla finished speaking, Petichius’s lips twisted into a sinister smile, and then countless shadows erupted from his body, wrapping the girl who hadn’t finished speaking in his palm.
Chapter 59 Villains who break the rules?
Unexpected battles between dragons and tigers appeared, decisive attacks appeared without warning, concealed, sudden and just a blow.
But it was just such a blow that determined the outcome in an instant, omitting the battle process.
It would not be too much effort for Priscilla to dodge the not-so-quick demonic hand under normal circumstances, but she didn’t respond to the approaching palm, and was even directly caught by the demonic hand, because—look not see.
Not only was he invisible, but Petichius, who had been silent since the beginning, his existence itself became very indifferent due to the relationship between Luo Mo’s overemphasis on himself, and he was not taken seriously by Al and Priscilla at all. Only as a follower or follower.
But who would have thought… Luo Mo’s real killing move is this humble follower who doesn’t even have the iconic introduction of the Witch Cult.
From Luo Mo’s perspective, Priscilla was held tightly by a plurality of huge black hands emitting purple mist.
But in Al’s eyes, the plump and charming body of the girl who was wearing a nightgown-like red pajamas and a feather of the same color over her shoulders, showing off her plump body curves was inexplicably affected. The oppression was pinched into a ball.
Limbs couldn’t move, and his face seemed to be pressed against the invisible glass. He couldn’t even finish his sentence and became unable to move. The whole person was just suspended in mid-air in a distorted posture.
The only movements were a slightly trembling body and a wide-eyed expression in horror.
For this girl who couldn’t even speak, any action was suppressed by this invisible hand, and no matter how hard she struggled, it seemed meaningless.
In addition to being invisible, the exaggerated power is actually the real strength of the invisible hand. Even though the speed is relatively slow, even a young sword ghost cannot escape once caught, and even an iron man will be easily caught. Knead into twists.
And just relying on this trick, Petichius actively caused harm to the world, and survived in this world for hundreds of years. He didn’t even change his body for so many years, and it was still the same body as it was more than 400 years ago.
…No matter how strange the other party is, according to Al’s prediction, there should be a fight first, and the corresponding result will appear, but now…
Al, who had never seen Priscilla deflated, even though he overestimated Priscilla as much as possible, still couldn’t believe the scene in front of him.
He swallowed in disbelief, tried not to turn his head to look at Luo Mo who was standing there leisurely, and Petichius who seemed to have spoken just now, but seemed to have said nothing or did nothing, tried his best to suppress Shocked, he asked:
“What’s going on? . . . ostentatious power? Or . . . . ”
“Well, a business opportunity…”
“—carelessness! Negligence! Negligence!”
Before Luo Mo finished speaking, Petichius, with fanaticism in his eyes, danced and opened his handsShow off your achievements with one hand, and unilaterally condemn the immobile enemy by the way:
“You obviously have good power! If you run away suddenly, I can’t catch up! But! You are so lazy in what you should do! This is what happened!! Ah, it’s laziness! Laziness, laziness, laziness, laziness! !!”
“…Calm down a little bit, and don’t pinch her to death directly, this woman may be unexpectedly useful.”
The companion was too restless, so he exposed his own existence, causing Luo Mo to hold his forehead with one hand and shake his head uncontrollably.
The girl suspended in mid-air, because the devil’s hand held it too hard, caused internal bleeding, blood flowed from the mouth, ears, and nose, and her face became grim in pain. He also reminded Petichius not to treat her Get killed, wasting your own rare spoils.
Afterwards, he quickly stepped forward, and plunged the prepared extended syringe into the gap in the demon’s hand… Priscilla’s body.
Even if she rolled her eyes and stared at Luo Mo with murderous eyes, no matter how possible her eyes were, at this moment when she couldn’t break free from the restraint, she could only watch helplessly as Luo Mo injected a strange liquid into her body.
Al, who doesn’t know what’s going on now, let alone what the liquid is, can’t help but try to suppress the uneasiness in his heart, and asks instead of the master:
“What is this?”
“I occasionally found a good thing, you can also take a shot.”
Luo Mo casually threw away the empty needle tube, took out a new reagent from the belt on his waist, and stuck it directly in his neck.
Originally still struggling with whether he should resist or not, but hesitant about the consequences of resistance… the real death will come, Al, at the moment when the needle pierced his body, let out a breath as if giving up, and then stopped. Worrying about these problems, I closed my eyes and resigned myself to fate.
This gave up resistance faster and more completely than expected, which made Luo Mo stunned, but he didn’t stop at all.
Within ten seconds after each needle was injected, Al lost consciousness and fell limply to the ground.
“Okay, let her go. Take these two guys back and use my pseudo-power to wash half of your brain. It should be good to be a thug and a maid. The rest of Roswaal…um~ I will solve it tomorrow Bar.”
Luo Mo, who has a good habit of making the best use of everything, likes to collect as long as it is valuable, has no intention of directly killing this pair of master and servant.
He was very interested in the next “education” for Priscilla, which must be full of joy.
Therefore, after Petichius let go of the unconscious Priscilla, he quickly walked forward to squat on the ground, and checked her body casually, fearing that she would die:
“Well~ From the perspective of the spoils, it should be considered quite high-quality goods. Uh, why is the hand broken? It seems that the ribs are also broken, but it should not die. I will find a magician to treat it later, no… or Take advantage of the weakness and use power to control it first, and then find someone to treat it.”
After checking Priscilla for a while, after confirming that she would not be able to die for the time being, Luo Mo stood up and clapped his hands to make two believers appear from the shadows, and directly put the two masters and servants into a big sack and carried them On the shoulders, he planned to evacuate the place with people.
But at this moment…..
“——Let Priscilla-sama go!!”
A pink-haired boy dressed as a deacon suddenly rushed out of the burning house.
Although the young boy looked terrified, his concern for his master still encouraged him. He held up a slender Western sword that was more decorative than practical, and launched a surprise attack on Luo Mo, who was obviously the culprit.
At the same time, more private soldiers were also encouraged by this leader, and charged towards him in a swarm.
“…Evidently I have been hiding indoors, the strange white flame will not burn you, I can also turn a blind eye…Why would I seek my own death?”
From the very beginning, Luo Mo noticed the people who were hiding in the building but didn’t have the courage to come out because Priscilla and Al defeated too simply.
But he didn’t pay much attention to it, after all, he didn’t like meaningless killings, but now…the situation changed when they charged with their weapons.
Naturally, Luo Mo couldn’t be merciful to those who rushed forward, and he didn’t use magic or any special power.
He just slightly lowered his figure, and in the next moment, like a catapult, he stepped on the stone slab under his feet, and rushed towards the group of private soldiers and young deacons with astonishing momentum.
“–So fast?!”
The man who was obviously the captain of the private soldiers was shocked by the speed of the approaching, but he subconsciously raised his weapon to block, but the long knife that rolled up in the wind contained an unimaginably strong power, and cut with terrifying power. He broke his weapon and continued to slash like lightning.
The blade cut deep into the armor and flesh, and blood gushed out.
The sharp blade that invaded from the front broke through the wind while splashing blood, and finally flew out from behind the man, and cut into the body of another man without stopping for a moment.
The storm of death began to blow, so those who blocked the long sword, all those with weapons were cut into two pieces, and fell to the ground one after another.
Like a swallow skimming the water, the long knife swept across everyone’s eyes with extremely smooth movements, causing countless cold lights and bloody lights to burst out in the air, and at the same time, countless mournful cries echoed in the courtyard.
After a while, the noisy courtyard returned to calm.
The gorgeous building is still burning, and the sizzling heat waves are constantly attacking the courtyard, but everyone who originally lived here has already collapsed.onto the blood-soaked grass.
The young deacon, who lost consciousness under the ruthless sharp blade, and his life was also harvested, stared at the burning building with wide-eyed pupils, but he had lost all emotion in those eyes.
All the dust has been settled, but these seem a little too simplistic?
In fact, when he was planning to seize the three badges, Luo Mo had investigated various candidates for the throne through his own channels, and even went to Anna’s side to ask for the competitor’s information she had collected and studied it carefully.
As for Priscilla, who is overly arrogant, one might think that she is just arrogant with a problematic brain at first, but after careful study of Luo Mo, one finds that she is really evil.
From the rumors about the death of seven fiances, we can basically see the wickedness of this woman. After all, how could a normal man marry such a Kefu woman? She also succeeded in marrying continuously from a young girl, and the more she married, the higher she got?
Then, according to the titles “Bloody Bride” and “Princess Sun”, as well as the investigation of Anna’s chamber of commerce information, there are always situations that are beneficial to her during the daytime, and this world will occasionally appear, and all kinds of strange protections finally make a judgment …..
Priscilla is likely to have the blessing of strengthening luck during the day.
Just like Reinhardt, who has a lot of protection when he asked casually, without concealing it, it is similar to “the protection of the sky” (the power will increase when it is sunny) and the “protection of the night” (the power will increase at night) will be enhanced) that way, you will get enhanced protection for a specific period of time.
Therefore, he chose to attack at night, and in order to avoid the effect of the protection at night, or the other party has prophecy items such as the Book of Wisdom.
At night, he used power to cover up his existence, and at the same time, he didn’t tell Petichius who to attack, but only said that he would attack whoever he rebounded.
That’s it…Petichius’s actions are completely controlled by him without even knowing it. This is equivalent to being indirectly covered with a layer of fog by him, to avoid the influence of luck or prophecy in this world to the greatest extent.
During the process, no pig teammate lost the chain, and as promised, after Luo Mo refracted Bai Yan’s attack, Petichius launched an attack brazenly and achieved remarkable results.
“Although the villain in the TV series has a big dream, even if he makes unremitting efforts every day to stick to his ideal, he is not discouraged by failure and can bear the humiliation and carry on. He always has an organized and planned action. In the final organ, he has planned and planned for many years, but he will suddenly show up. Just relying on the passionate and righteous little partner to kill, but now it seems that… even the villain may not be completely in vain.”
Thinking of his preparations in advance, he looked back at the burning building on the way to retreat, and he started talking to himself unconsciously.
After hearing these words, Petichius next to him couldn’t help turning his head at ninety degrees to look at him:
“—Speaking of which, this is obviously the capital of the king, and the commotion here is already so big. Why hasn’t that nosy swordsman appeared yet?”
“It’s okay~ I hired a helper who is well-known in the capital. She caused the commotion on the other side just now. As long as she shows up, Reinhardt will definitely go to avoid the guards. slaughtered senselessly.”
“Really? It turns out that all of this is due to your diligence, and this diligence is your sincere way of repaying the gospel! This is love! This is love! It is love!!”
“Yes….Diligent and diligent….”
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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