No matter in terms of appearance or ethics, although the tender meat is full of temptations, spiders just want to stay away from it, and there is really no way to eat it, even…
Feeling the kindness for the first time in my life, I was determined to save the poor child.
But not to mention the exaggerated amount of blood loss, even the best doctor would not be able to deal with the wound itself in the 21st century. The huge wound that almost tore her waist apart, she felt shocking just looking at it.
(In other words! What a terrible wound, how did you get it? The monsters here are so cold-blooded! Was it done by the owner of the terrible breath just now? How could he do such a cruel thing to such a cute child?! It’s too cruel !)
While condemning the murderer who caused the wound in her heart, she turned around and spun silk to stick to the wound.
Although she also understands that even if the wound is stitched up, an injury of this degree will definitely kill her.
But she still didn’t want the only person who showed kindness and could communicate with her to die in front of her eyes, and planned to do her best to save the young boy’s life, trying to use a dead horse as a living horse doctor.
And after doing her best to stop the bleeding, she couldn’t heal the magic, she could only resist the strange child on her back, then quickly left this place, found a cave in a remote corner, and spit out a unique Sticky spider silk to build nests to keep each other safe.
When excessive consumption is forced to miniaturize and become a child, in this case, even if the state is refreshed by death, there is no way to return to the adult stage, and even if you really die for a while, you can only wait for the essence to slowly reshape your body.
Therefore, if possible, Luo Mo hopes to avoid death, but…
(…Am I really going to fall on a spider??)
Luo Mo was carried away by the spider on his shoulder, from common sense considerations, he can only be regarded as a food reserve, and it is a living reserve for his children.
This way of dying really made him a little depressed, but the spider didn’t notice his melancholy. After setting up the cave, he began to try, imitating the African natives dancing around him, waving his eight jointed limbs, and twisting his fat buttocks. To and fro.
(…Mom, does this spider monster still have the habit of exercising before eating? But the jump is too ugly!)
Spider’s enthusiastic “African dance” made Luo Mo’s eyes go blind, and he couldn’t help but sigh that the world is so big and full of wonders.
There is no way…even the most imaginative person would never have imagined that the spider monster would jump into the gods to save himself.
(Hey! Haah~~! Mommy, Mommy, coax! Great mercy! Tathagata Jesus! Woohoo! Wuhu! Haha!! Get better~ get better~! Hey~! Get better!!)
The spider recalled the African priest in his memory, begging for rain…wrong, it was a healing dance, try to beg God to see if he can save the child.
Luo Mo felt that her eyes were very hot, but she felt very good about herself.
After tossing around for a while, he wiped off the sweat that didn’t exist on his forehead, “stared” at the two biggest eyes in front of him, and leaned forward to observe Luo Mo’s situation carefully.
(My dear boy~ is it okay? Get better~! This world is a magical world, that is to say! Jumping to the Great God must be effective, right!!)
(…Wow, how come this spider is like a dog? Do you still smell it before eating? Do spiders have a sense of smell?)
When the hideous spider monster approached him, normal people would have nothing but a sense of crisis, and Luo Mo naturally did the same.
Even though he could perceive malice and this spider had no malice, he knew very well that normal people would not have malice when they ate.
Simply explain that for the spider monster, he is the food that falls from the sky. Who would be malicious to the food?
It is indeed malicious to kill that stage while alive, but now he is almost killed, directly entering the stage of fresh sashimi.
Originally, he wanted to use it as a live feed, waiting for the spider monster to find food for himself, and after eating, drinking and resting, he would kill the donkey and take out the eggs from the wound, but…
Looking at the spider monster in front of him, who kept making “chi chi chi chi!”, he didn’t know whether it was a scream or a grinding sound, he felt that he had to act first.
So I wanted to pull out my hand and kill her, but…
“Woo?! So sticky!” What the hell is this? ?
The previous attempt to break free made the thread stick tight, and he really couldn’t pull it out this time.
As the strongest natural fiber known to man so far, its strength is stronger than steel, its elasticity is better than rubber, and its viscosity is harder than 502.
In his current state, he really couldn’t break free with that little strength.
(What are you doing? Do you want to go to the bathroom? Don’t~ It’s too rude to go to the bathroom in someone’s new home! And don’t move around in this state?)
Spider, who had no way to speak, uttered a strange cry again, and at the same time poked his head out in front of him, with a tense expressionless face, preaching: “Chichi! Chichichi!” (Are you a boy? Hold on! If you are about to die, don’t move, if you keep doing this, you will really die!)
(Damn, this spider just treats me as a food reserve, is it still trying to scare me? Can I be wronged?? If I can’t get my hand out, I can’t bite you to death? Don’t blame me if you send it to your door!)
Luo Mo also kept on doing nothing, trying to raise his body a little bit, and bit towards the spider’s neck.
…At first, he wanted to bite the monster to death, but he found that…this guy was stronger than he thought.
It should be an exoskeleton arthropod, and the outer shell has hardened after being enlarged.
Under normal circumstances, of course, it is like pinching foam, and it can be easily crushed, but now…he overestimated the strength left after his struggle, and underestimated the hardness of the shell of this huge exoskeleton monster.
And the spider couldn’t find the neck, only a small gap between the jaw and the torso, it couldn’t bite the neck at all, it could only bite the chin.
(――Oh oh oh!! This, this is!! Kissing me!!? I, was kissed for the first time!? Thanksgiving kiss?! Still such a cute child~~!!)
When Luo Mo bit it up with a smile, the spider froze for a moment, and widened her eyes again… In fact, she just had no eyelids, but she imagined that she was trying to widen her eyes, and at the same time fell into cheers and emotions.
Now she has turned into a monster… Judging from the brothers and sisters Spider saw when she was born, it was violent and disgusting, and she herself was a little desperate.
(But, it’s like this! Even so! There are people who are willing to smile and kiss me~~!! Even if it’s me like this! There are people who love me~~! Reincarnation in another world! — That’s great!!)
Because it is an exoskeleton creature, the spider, who will not feel pain as long as the exoskeleton is not broken, was once again moved by Luo Mo.
Although she also vaguely felt that her teeth touched her first, but Luo Mo’s extremely deceptive smile made her feel no malice. It was just that she had no strength and weakness to touch her by mistake. After all, she was still on the Internet. I saw on the Internet that the teeth occasionally touch the lips when other people kiss.
Just like normal people don’t think that this scary spider monster will save people, spiders don’t think that this harmless toddler actually treats himself as a child, even if he is seriously injured, why would he want to kill himself? Yes, even ready to achieve his goal through the barbaric way of biting.
However, he waved his two claws happily, but the spiderImmediately waving “hands” continuously: (Ah, no, no, no? Ugly? Maybe it’s not right? Maybe I’m a very cute spider? Not the same as my brothers and sisters?!)
“…Is this spider suffering from epilepsy…”
Luo Mo, who failed to bite through the exoskeleton, looked at the ferocious spider dancing with hands and feet again, and felt that this guy probably had some serious illness in his head.
But the spider gently pushed him away, and it was smooth…after pulling him outside…
(Okay! Hurry up if you want to be big or small, don’t be polite! Big sister will tolerate you well~!)
The spider who felt that he could work harder for this child, dexterously tore off his overly loose pants.
(Huh? Wait? What does this spider want to do? Even if it wants to eat and take off my pants now? Does it still know that pants can’t be eaten?? Want to bite my ass directly??)
The sudden naked buttocks made him feel that his chrysanthemum was not safe…but he couldn’t get anything out of his hands and was powerless to resist, but he couldn’t help but want to scold his mother.
(What’s the matter? Are you still not on? Could it be that the big sister made you shy~ What a shy child~ Obviously you don’t need to care so much! Hahaha!)
Spider, who supported Luo Mo to prevent him from falling, looked at his butt and laughed in his heart.
After all, she felt that she was an adult, and she didn’t need to be shy when facing this child, but looking at the white and tender butt, she really couldn’t help swallowing, and somehow wanted to pounce on it and take a bite.
After all, what they eat here are all strange-shaped monsters, not only raw meat, but also some rather miscellaneous meat, and some are even bugs.
White and tender meat is simply a luxury, but she really can’t stand the human appearance, so she can resist such a temptation.
The spider swallowed at the back, and Luo Mo in the front could hear her grinding the rocks with her claws behind her, making a screeching sound, as if she was whistling to make him go to the toilet quickly:
(….doesn’t this really make me go to the toilet? It’s like killing a chicken and letting the chick expel its contents before killing it? Is this spider so smart?)
(Oh, why doesn’t this kid go up? Ah, yes, if a big boy has to squat down too? ——No, no, no! Look at my brain, how can I make someone stand with such a serious injury?! Hurry up, hurry up, Lie down, lie down!)
Spider patted his head violently, realizing that he hadn’t handled it properly, and quickly put him down again.
After tossing him like this for a while, he realized that he had made a mistake, so he let him go, put his pants back on and brought him back to the temporary lair.
Although both sides have a lot of misunderstandings about each other.
But Luo Mo and Zhizhuzi unexpectedly got along peacefully… To be precise, Luo Mo temporarily compromised due to the current conditions, and planned to let this strange spider support him first.
And the spider with human memory, in this underground labyrinth full of non-communicable and even hostile monsters, has been looking forward to someone who can talk to him, a bit like Robinson Crusoe on a deserted island.
Although she remembers that she is a social terror, but when she saw human footprints before this state, even if she didn’t know anyone, she couldn’t help being excited, although she couldn’t get excited when she saw the body of her brother who was hacked to death. up.
But with Luo Mo, who looks harmless to humans and animals, but also shows kindness to herself, and even shows a cute smile, she can’t help but sigh in her heart that human cubs are really cute, and at the same time, she shoulders the responsibility of being a mother. Responsibility.
On the first night, she danced around Luomo to pray for blessings, hoping that the only person who could be her companion would not die.
After two days, the wound left by the dragon claw on Luo Mo’s body did not recover much, but Luo Mo’s strength recovered a little.
…not to mention that compared with the non-Tianyi adult state, it is simply able to use some abilities, and even it is still not convenient to move, but it has a little bit of self-protection power.
At this time, he also checked that he had not been laid eggs, especially the spider helped him pull his hand out of the silk, and even made him a quilt with the sticky spider silk.
This made him feel very surprised, but he also understood that this strange spider seems to have adopted him?
He has also seen reports in the news about beasts raising human children. Although such cases of beasts raising human children are rare, they do exist.
But he has only heard of bears, sheep, wolves, leopards, monkeys, etc. It is the first time for him to have a spider raise a child.
“Could it be that like those animals, I lost my newborn child and raised me out of compensatory behavior? But…I heard that some spiders will eat their own children? Are the habits of monsters really different? ”
Luo Mo stared at the spider next to her, and patted her on the head. The only thing she was sure of was that it should be a female spider. Only female beasts adopt the offspring of other creatures.
(Ah~ why can’t I understand the language of this world~! It’s rare to have someone to communicate with!) Even though there is someone to communicate with, but the incomprehension makes the spider just hug his head when facing his words trouble.
But soon she regained her composure and gestured to send air into her mouth with the pliers, then pointed to the outside, and finally pointed to the ground:
(I’m going out to hunt and bring you delicious food, you have to stay here and don’t make any noise, understand?)
“…Unexpectedly smart monster, can also body language? Go, get me something delicious, I’m starving to death! Now youServe me well, and I will recover in the future! I will take you to eat delicious and drink spicy food! And help you bred him with a basketful of little spiders! ”
Luo Mo generally understood what she wanted to express, nodded happily, and patted her butt.
At first, it was disgusting no matter how you looked at it, and it felt like if you stepped on your foot hard, it would burst out of the big fat buttocks, but now he likes it more and more.
After all, it’s fun to shoot.
(Ah, I hate it! This child is so perverted! Was he attracted by the charm of the big sister? Really! What should I do after being so perverted at such a young age!) The spider took two steps forward, and then danced and danced at him to protest, He also “squeaked!” to preach to him.
But what she said was completely incomprehensible to Luo Mo, and she herself quickly forgave him and touched his head with a smile (but I can’t completely blame you, who is the big sister, I am too charming, So beautiful, hahaha~!)
In this way, under the watchful eyes of Luo Mo, she raised her head and laughed out of the hole.
And from Luo Mo’s point of view, the spider’s head is indeed a bit seriously ill – after all, he has never seen a spider go out with its head looking up at the sky and screaming strangely, not knowing what the hell it was shouting.
Of course…. He actually has food reserves, but the amount is not very large.
Considering that I have to hide first to avoid being discovered by the black dragon, the recovery of the body is estimated to be a rather long process, so now I can save as much as I can, and I will not leave the ground unless it is absolutely necessary, and I will not use the food reserves.
The lower level of the maze is not an easy place for spiders to survive.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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