[? ? ? (larvae), lv: 36 Name: Carlos
Ability value: HP: ? ? ? ? ? MP: ? ? ? ? ? SP: ? ? ? ? ?
Average attack: ? ? ? ? ? Average Defense: ? ? ? ? ? Average Magic: ? ? ? ? ? Average Resistance: ? ? ? ? ? Average speed: ? ? ? ? ?
Skill:? ? ? ? ?
Titles: Monster Killer, Monster Butcher, Calamity of Monster, Human Killer, Human Butcher, Commander, Evil Eater, Ruthless, Overlord, Butcher, Butcher of Human Race, Dragon Slayer, Spreader of Fear, Ruler of Gluttony the ruler of lust, the ruler of anger, the ruler of lust, the ruler of sloth, the ruler of arrogance, the ruler of jealousy, the ruler of melancholy, the ruler of ostentation, the ruler of mortal sin, the ruler of God challenger of the world, twister of the world]
“Wh, what is this… The attribute value question mark can be understood as the ability value is too large to exceed the prediction, or it can be understood as being unable to be recognized by the system? But, can these titles… evil, evil god?!!”
The second half of the title was so unimaginable that Ronanto couldn’t help but staggered and fell to the ground, pointing at Luo Mo and shouting at the evil god.
Because he knew the titles of the top seven deadly sins and seven virtues series, each of which had extraordinary effects, and each of them was extremely difficult to obtain.
In this series, there is one proud son of heaven who is already considered rare, and there are two rare treasures, three of which are simply rare in a thousand years…because there can only be one ruler of these (except Luo Mo) .
From ancient times to the present, it has never been heard that anyone can gather any of the seven deadly sins or the seven virtues.
And he had never heard of these nine deadly crimes, even two of which he had never heard of, and the last three made him dizzy just looking at them.
Especially when he took a closer look at the God’s Challenger, he found that the system’s description can only be obtained by challenging the God and severely injuring the God. The specific effects cannot be checked, and the other two also have no permission to check.
Luo Mo also agrees with his reaction very much… Judging from the current situation, those question marks should not be able to be accurately identified, and the combination of those messy titles is very similar to the final boss, or the kind of villain .
Of course, there are some strange titles, but they are actually just the owners of those original titles, when they were swallowed by him through the power of gluttony, they plundered along with skills, memory, existence and so on.
After all, “existence” has been eaten by him, and of course everything the other party has is now his.
“…Obviously I am so kind, why would I be misunderstood like this? It’s really puzzling.”
He smiled to himself, however….Ronanto’s next sentence left him dumbfounded.
“——It’s so wonderful, what a transcendent existence this is! Lord Cthulhu! Please let me become your believer! Let me follow you to explore the profound meaning of magic!”
Ronanto was trembling and had no intention of standing up, so he just crawled towards him, his eyes full of unconcealable enthusiasm.
“…Huh? What’s the situation? Have I met a lunatic?”
Even Luo Mo didn’t expect that the leader of this group of uninvited guests would make such an act of mutiny.
After all, Ronanto used to have a vague sense of arrogance, but now… the gap is so big that he is not alone.
And when he was surprised, a white shadow suddenly flashed past.
The spider who came back from level training came back, and suddenly stood in front of him, threatening everyone.
The spider who was outside just destroyed a beehive and harvested a lot of experience. While celebrating his victory in his heart, he was still thinking about what to say in the first sentence, but he was returning home full of expectations, wanting to hug the child to relieve the pain. When she was tired, she accidentally witnessed… a scene that made her almost explode.
( -My home ah ah ah ah!! I exhausted my efforts to cover my home !!! I was burned again?! These guys still broke into my home illegally?! …… … These guys actually did this kind of thing again!! My little angel is still inside! Just set it on fire cruelly!? What if someone is burned?!!)
The spider rushed over in a hurry, stood in front of Luo Mo and looked at Ronanto, who was lying on the ground and seemed to want to catch Luo Mo, and couldn’t help biting the serrated fangs that had grown out after evolution :
(What do you want to do?! Do you want to take my angel away?! This child—this child is mine! I will never let you illegal trespassers take it away!!!)
“Be good~ Be good~ Calm down.” Luo Mo also saw that the spider was very angry now, so he reached out and touched her head, which was stronger than a rock, trying to calm her down.
However, the knights around him were frightened by the appearance of the spider, and drew their swords one after another.
(Ah! You were the ones who pulled out your weapons first. In this case, even if I attacked, it must be self-defense, right? Is that so!)
Aware of the attacking intentions of the knights, when they rushed up to attack her, the spider directly used the evil eye series skills that he had obtained first.
Then…the eight knights’ bodies went limp, and they fell down without any warning, shocking the surrounding crusade team, all of which were terrified by this strange attack.
Even Spider himself was frightened by this situation.
(Huh? Uh…that, died like this?? Really? How should I say it…too weak!! You guys died so easily! How does this kid think of me?! What do you do if you treat me like a villain?!)
Although she was very angry, she didn’t want to kill people, she just wanted to teach them a lesson.
But now that they killed someone, she felt more surprised that they were too weak than guilty, and worried about being regarded as a bad person by Luo Mo.
This made her think seriously when she recovered, what kind of person she was before, and she was not too surprised to find that in her previous life, she only thought that killing people might bring trouble to her, so she chose to abide by the law.
(…Although I am a monster now, I seem to have no conscience in my previous life than I do now? But…this time I will fight with my sisters when I was born. If I don’t kill people because I was a human in my previous life, I How can such a monster survive? When my life is threatened and my dignity is trampled, human beings will never care that I was a human being, right? I just want to live, but they show hostility to me repeatedly, and even burn down my home. …If respect is to be equal, right? They don’t respect me, why respect them?)
Spider, who is habitually trapped in his own world, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it made sense. He raised his scythe and geared up, staring intently at the few knights who ran to the front again, determined that if they did something to him, he would never do it. You’re welcome.
But after thinking about it this way, she couldn’t help worrying that Luo Mo would think that she was a bad spider, and psychologically she also didn’t want to kill in front of the gentle and kind little angel.
The spider was struggling fiercely in her heart, and even Luo Mo could see what she was struggling with, so she walked out from behind her helplessly, and pressed her sickle: “Xiaobai, it’s okay, calm down.”
“Xiaobai?…Is this, is this the monster you raised?!” Ronanto didn’t care about the casualties of his companions, but grasped the key word and exclaimed.
From a normal person’s point of view, the spider is very dangerous at first glance, it can be said that it is an evil monster exuding a powerful aura.
And couldn’t help but tried to firm up the spider, and suddenly found that this spider was not simple.
Although he doesn’t have an unprecedented title, and his ability value is within the visible range, it has surpassed the limit of human beings, and even has a skill that makes him dumbfounded – the ultimate magic guide.
“How wonderful, this monster… No, this lord and Lord Evil God, did you come here to destroy this world?! Before destroying the world, let me, who is ignorant and pathetic, understand a little bit, The pinnacle of magic?!”
He almost knelt on the ground and begged the two of them.
The humble appearance of the strongest human mage made everyone around him doubt their own eyes.
Spider, who couldn’t understand his words at all, was very interested in him.There is a different understanding of actions and language.
(Could it be…my angel is this guy’s child?! No…grandson? Want to take the child back from me?)
Luo Mo’s parents have been worried that they will come back to find Luo Mo’s spider son. Looking at Ronanto like that, although he can see that there is no golden cross in his eyes, they can only think that he is going to take the child back.
Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to understand what was going on with the longing eyes and begging movements.
But after “understanding” the other party’s thoughts, the anger in Spider’s heart went up to a higher level, and his six limbs kept stamping on the ground anxiously, making a creaking roar:
(——What are you kidding? You don’t want him!! Now the child is healed! You just want to take me away from me?! Burned my house, and now you want to take my child away!? !)
“…What the hell are you getting excited about? Calm down, I don’t plan to destroy the world yet.” Luo Mo walked up to her, with a helpless smile, and gently touched her head, Hope that calms her restlessness.
(Why are you blocking my front to protect these intruders?! Do you really want to go with those people?!)
The spider was so wronged that he was about to cry.
Although she also felt that people should be with people, it was strange for a child like Luo Mo to live in the maze with her, and the conditions were very difficult, and she herself couldn’t bear it.
But even so, she still hoped that he could stay, and even wished she could bypass him now and kill all the people who were suspected to be related to Luo Mo by blood, or the humans who might have been entrusted to take him away.
Even though she herself felt that such a selfish idea of ​​hers sucks, she couldn’t control her impulse. Even in such a hurry, she subconsciously used the words that she had studied for a long time but had been struggling with the first sentence. Read the words:
[….do not go….! ]
In Luo Mo’s head, the voice of a strange girl appeared.
He understood that this was reading words, and thoughts directly constituted language and emerged in his head.
And the scene was full of people except for a spider, so there was no need to use Nianhua. Thinking about it this way… it seemed that there was only one person who could use Nianhua.
“…Liar? Are you talking to me?”
Although he felt that he should have guessed correctly, he still couldn’t help pointing at the spider in surprise, and then pointing at himself to confirm.
Because in the “voice” of the spider, the “tone” sounded timid and hesitant, as if a shy girl mustered up the courage to talk to him.
But…. Although he couldn’t see the expression, the impression that Spider had given him during this time was quite positive, so lively and cheerful that it even made people feel abnormal, and it also made him speechless.
If it is described as an animal, it is almost an elusive and overly lively husky.
And this feeling of shyness, no matter how you think about it, has nothing to do with the spider’s daily actions.
But Spider nodded vigorously, and in a very jerky tone, used the skill of reading words again: [No, that’s right…it’s me. ]
Can chanting cross the barrier of language?
Originally, he also saw the skill of reading words, but Luo Mo also felt that when he said it directly, spiders could basically understand it, and using reading words was just taking off his pants and farting.
Today, he discovered again that the intelligence of the spider was much higher than he expected? Can even speak for itself?
This made him think for a while, and he directly chose the ability to read words to transmit the sound.
[It’s okay, I have no intention of leaving. ]
[is that so? ] Spider rushed forward in an instant, and his face was in front of him, almost to the point of kissing him.
[How could I lie to you. ]
[Thanks, thank you. ]
[It’s okay, it’s okay~]
Communicating with the spider is like talking to a cowardly and shy girl, which made Luo Mo feel full of disobedience while waving his hands.
Very, very twisted…a bit similar to the feeling of talking to a loli-sounding girl with an uncle’s body.
Spider was rolling on the floor happily, cheering in his heart: (Great! The first communication was successful! I played the wonderful older sister…well, maybe it’s not quite like it, but it’s okay! That’s it That’s enough! The majesty after that will slowly build up!)
“…Sure enough, there is a serious sense of separation between behavior and heart.” Seeing the spider rolling all over the floor and waving its limbs randomly, with a bit of epilepsy, he really couldn’t get used to it.
The people on the side had been dumbfounded for a long time, but there were still a few of them who still had sense, dragged their companions and ran away without a trace. Although Ronanto wanted to stay, he was dragged away by his companions.
And the spider, who was immersed in joy at the moment, no longer cared about these people, but had a lot of things he wanted to talk to Luo Mo about.
The most important one of them is – he kissed himself when they first met.
From a personal point of view, Spider is very happy, but from the standpoint of a guardian, he is also very worried about why his sexual proclivities are so weird as a person, and he is even worried about how to correct his excessively abnormal sexual proclivities.

(PS: Let me tell you a little bit, in fact, the setting of reading in the original book… I didn’t understand it either.
Because the spiders have eavesdropped on other people’s words, but they can’t understand what they say, but the teacher inside communicates with the old goblin patriarch through words as soon as he is born, and the true ancestor Sophia can directly communicate with people from other worlds Communicate through reading…)
Chapter 7: Leaving the Labyrinth・Encountering a Reincarnation?
Spider, who is a habitual mother, has broken his heart because of Luo Mo.
I, Master Elf,Summon Pluto Dragon at the start
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