As the ultimate squatting at home and social terror, if she has the familiar Luo Mo around, she can bear being with others, but if she has to be alone with strangers… that is almost the same as torture for her:
[You…you will go together…together, right? ]
[No, it’s fine if you go, I’ll get in the way if I go. ]
[W-how… ah…! ]
Just as Zhizi wanted to deny it, he suddenly realized that as long as he was by Luo Mo’s side, he would have no experience points at all.
It was the same when I left the underground labyrinth before, all the spiders were killed without gaining experience, and she couldn’t help asking:
[That…why, next to you…my experience points…are gone? Ah, it’s not your fault, I’m just…a little curious…]
[To be honest, the souls of the lives that died beside me will be sent to high-dimensional space to accompany God because of me. ]
The marrow is located in a high-dimensional space, and being swallowed by the marrow is also accompanied by the gods, so Luo Mo feels that this explanation is completely correct.
(Okay, so amazing! Is this the meaning of transcending? It means going to heaven? Is there really a heaven in the world? It’s because of its own angel halo! Only passively transcending sentient beings? It’s really amazing~! It’s worthy of my family kids~~!!!)
The spider followed Luo Mo’s expectation to interpret, and couldn’t help nodding in his heart to praise his nobility.
But before she could say more, Ariel grabbed her hind legs and lifted her directly from the ground.
“Ah~ remember not to kill him, just let Xiaobai deal with it until he is half dead, so that the experience points belong to her and she won’t run to your side and add unnecessary burden to you.”
“I see.”
[Hey, wait! Sure enough, I…]
Spider wanted to say something more, his voice was trembling and he was almost crying, but before he finished speaking, Ariel moved directly into space, dragging her away from here at high speed.
“Come on~little spider~ now seize the opportunity and work hard to become stronger, you will definitely thank me in the future.”
Luo Mo also knew that she was afraid of strangers, but only took it as an exercise for her, and continued to study the magic and skills of the real dragon that he had obtained in his head.
The spider was taken by Ariel to exercise, and Luo Mo’s side was finally free, but… this house is not peaceful at all.
Almost every three or five nights there will be robbers patronizing, and working the night shift in this lord’s mansion has become a high-risk occupation, and you will die every two or three days.
That night…as the strongest guardian of this territory, Luo Mo sneaked into the room of Galen and his wife instead.
First, he used the magic of sleeplessness on the couple, and then stretched out his sinful hands to their infant baby.
But as soon as the quilt was lifted, the baby suddenly opened its eyes, its head was thrown back suddenly as if it had been startled, and it opened its mouth to cry loudly.
“Cry, cry, but no matter how much you cry, no one will come to save you~!”
Luo Mo directly took out a needle tube, smiled and pierced it into her immature little hand, and directly drew out a tube of blood for her.
(——It hurts! This guy is too much! How can someone come here to draw blood from babies every now and then! Do you really think that vampires are not human? By the way, why didn’t the father and mother respond?! What did this guy do?)
Sophia was so anxious that she was about to cry.
But in the face of Luo Mo’s atrocities, she couldn’t help but pray to heaven to punish this thug personally.
Perhaps the prayer was really answered, the door was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and six masked men crept in.
Originally, they wanted to kill the couple quietly, and then steal Sophia away, but found…an uninvited guest had already arrived in the room before them, and was still doing something to the baby.
Both sides looked at each other, both were a little dazed, but the masked one opened his mouth first and asked in a low voice, “Are you also arranged by them?”
“No, I’m accepting support from this family for the time being.”
“A traitor? Or…”
“I’m just guarding and stealing.”
The robbers who wanted to rob the child looked at each other in surprise and understood that this guy and himself were not on the same path, so…
Accompanied by the leader’s low shout, they all rushed towards him with short knives stained with the blood of the night guards, and then…
Luo Mo didn’t even move, a gust of wind whizzed past.
The moment the wind blew past, the six of them lost their movements and stood still, and then… their heads fell from their bodies.
At this time, Luo Mo released the couple’s magic, and pretended to be nervous to wake them up, so that the couple was in a daze for a moment, and then immediately smelled the smell of blood, and quickly got up and looked around:
“What, what’s wrong? What’s the situation? Is there another intruder?!”
“—Sophia, Sophia, are you okay!”
“It’s okay. They seem to have used the magic of sleep on you. The main target is Miss Sophia. I rushed over when I heard the sound, and I didn’t let them succeed.”
Luo Mo directly put all the blame on those dead people, and once again received repeated thanks from the couple.
Then…for the safety of their daughter, they decided under Luo Mo’s guidance that they would put Sophia in his room at night and ask him to help take care and protect her.
This allowed him to study the True Ancestor freely at night, even though Sophia cried and screamed, it was useless, he could only lament that his parents had entrusted him with inhumanity………………………………
Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, Spider would complain when he came back occasionally, and Ariel would say some strange things from time to time when he came back, and the way he looked at him gradually became more and more abnormal.
This also made Luo Mo, who was holding a baby in his hand, not sure if the spider was too weird and misled the devil, so he couldn’t help but mutter to himself in annoyance:
“If such a playful devil hangs around with Xiaobai for a little longer, will Xiaobai be completely misled and become a strange child? … What should I do? Or let her stop leading Xiaobai to level up ?â€
[….I think you are the one who misses the most…] Sophia finally couldn’t hold back, and directly communicated with her.
“Oh~ dare I say it, then…as a reward for your courage, I will strip you naked and put you on the floor tonight, is that okay?”
[Of course not! There is a limit to my patience! I will sue my parents if I am in a hurry! ]
“Very good, good ambition!” Luo Mo casually slapped her on the butt: “Then I will expose you as a vampire, so they must think they have the wrong child. After all, how could two human races give birth to a vampire? Then according to the practice of this continent, you will probably be burned alive? How about it? Give it a try?”
[…Sorry, I was wrong….Forgive me. ]
Although she was very dissatisfied with being beaten, under Luo Mo’s lust, she could only apologize to him obediently like Ariel.
“That’s right~ Be a good boy honestly~ Then I can at least be a little gentler to you.”
Luo Mo smiled and pinched her pink face, and put her on the small bed casually, focusing on his own research again.
As the night gradually deepened, at the scheduled time… there were familiar creaking sounds from the corridor outside, as well as Ariel’s impatience. It was obvious that both Ariel and Spider had returned.
But Luo Mo didn’t care, he just stared at the pattern he waved casually, thinking about something with his brows furrowed.
The door of the room was opened as imagined, and then—Ariel suddenly kicked away the spider following her, then directly broke into Luo Mo’s room, and locked the door behind her backhand.
“Huh?” Luo Mo looked over blankly, but the short-haired girl’s face showed a completely different gloomy expression from her impression. She stepped forward with a cute smile that was too bright, and announced to him: “—— sleep Let’s go~!”
Just turned his head slightly to think about whether he hadn’t slept for too long, and when he had some strange hallucinations, he felt a whirlwind.
When his vision stabilized, he found that…he was hugged and fixed on his body by Ariel, and Ariel covered him with the quilt very naturally, planning to just hug him to sleep.
“——No, wait? What am I doing?” The moment she closed her eyes, Ariel realized something was wrong and opened her eyes suddenly.
Although if the other party is a beautiful girl, there is nothing to be dissatisfied with, but for no reason, it becomes a pillow again, which makes Luo Mo couldn’t help but click his tongue:
“…This is my question, what do you want to do? Molested? I called someone!”
“—Why did you climb on top of me?!”
“You hugged me, okay? I haven’t even taken off my clothes yet…”
“——You still want to take off your clothes?!” Ariel couldn’t help biting her lips, and slapped his buttocks with a wave of her hand, causing Sophia, who was woken up in the small bed next to her, to feel dark in her heart. Cool, raise your little hand to applaud her.
Luo Mo didn’t hesitate at all, he just sat up and pushed her hard, turned her over and slapped her back: “Do you want to rebel!”
“You, how dare you spank my ass?!”
“Nonsense, what’s the matter if I hit you? Are you sleepy before you go to sleep? Even the elders dare to hit you! I’m your uncle! You are a rebel!”
“Ah, uh…yes, sorry?”
Recalling the other party’s identity, Ariel felt as if she had been poured with a basin of cold water, her anger was completely extinguished at once, and she could only clenched her fists and lowered her head.
But in the next moment, she suddenly raised her head, and blurted out: “—Isn’t that ridiculous? You are my uncle?! You are my brother!”
The words that came out of her mouth even made her completely confused.
She never expected that she would say such a thing, and tried to organize her thoughts with one hand on her forehead, but she quickly gave up and shrugged:
“Forget it, what does it matter… No, it does matter, this can’t be easily ignored–forget it, it’s not a big deal~!”
“……The legendary one who is close to vermilion is red and the one who is close to ink is black, can it be played to this extent?”
“…So it turns out that mental problems can be passed from spider to spider?”
Seeing that Ariel’s attitude changed several times after she said a word, Luo Mo worried that there was something wrong with her head.
…Because of this appearance, it always feels somewhat similar to a spider.
No, it doesn’t seem quite right, the spider is obviously a kind of social terror? Normal speech will give people the feeling of submissiveness, but the behavior will be very weird.
So, what exactly is going on here?
“Hey~ Are you okay? Are you in poor health?” Luo Mo poked her lower abdomen with concern.
“…I don’t know, it’s probably caused by that Xiaobai’s spirit in my body.” Ariel showed fear in her eyes: “I feel terrible about my own strange thoughts now, if it continues I will… …”
“What’s wrong with you?”
“If it goes on, I’m afraid…..Forget it, let’s go to bed early, get enough sleep, and continue to level up tomorrow~! ”
In the middle of speaking with a sad face, Ariel suddenly patted her face, gave up and continued to care about this matter, just forcibly threw him on the bed and continued to use it as a pillow, and was just going to sleep first if something happened. , and then consider the rest after getting enough sleep.
Chapter 10 The “Truth” Discovered by the Demon Lord・The Outbreak of War
Ariel’s behavior of falling asleep in trouble at the moment is almost exactly the same as that of a spider, which makes Luo Mo inexplicably have the illusion of seeing a spider when she sees the girl in front of her.
He just wanted to say something, just when he lay down, Ariel suddenly sat up again, riding directly on his body, with her hands on his shoulders and staring at him condescendingly:
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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