“Hey~ Brave?…I’m going, really?” Luo Mo appraised and found that that guy really became a brave.
The halo of the protagonist of Heaven’s Blessing is too big, the title of brave that he just grabbed is for nothing.
This made him feel a little envious, but he couldn’t help mocking on purpose: “Your brother sacrificed the only female among his companions, and performed a miracle to defeat the Spider Queen, but you are planning to sacrifice the young lady next to you.” ? Followed by a miracle? Beat me?”
“—I will not let anyone die!!”
“If the Brave Sword is on your side, maybe you can kill me once, but it’s a pity~ it’s on my side.” Luo Mo, who habitually likes to provoke the other party, just pointed at him with a smile:
“How about it? What are you going to hit me with? I’ll just stand there and let you chop it up. Don’t be polite, come here~”
“…Bastard!!!” Xiu Leiyin roared and was about to go.
“No!” The companion next to him looked at each other tacitly, and lifted him up from left to right and pulled him forcibly.After leaving, let him yell and refuse to retreat, but just like this while persuading and fleeing:
“—Leave for now! It’s not too late to come back when you’re ready!”
“Master Xiulein! It’s better to retreat now!” Xiulein’s maid, the half-elf Anna, also joined the fleeing team, and his sister even shook her head at him:
“My lord brother! Let’s retreat first, direct confrontation is not worth it!”
Everyone around him said so, which made him bow his head in resentment, and let them drag him away.
The group of people were lifeless and unwilling, and they chose to escape for the time being when the enemy was so powerful.
But even if it was an escape…not far away, it was in front of the street, blocked by a rock wall that suddenly emerged from the ground.
“I said, you guys are so selfish, what kind of trouble do you say you want to fight for a while and then say you don’t want to fight? Who do you think I am? Ignore my existence? How selfish are you? This is of course you Of course, your freedom is for you to use as you please, but can it be understood that what you are doing now means…”
The voice originally coming from the rear disappeared instantly in the middle of the conversation, and then appeared in front…or above.
Luo Mo, who walked out of the void, looked down at everyone with a casual and casual attitude, and continued:
“—Ignore my opinion and violate my rights, and even my personal existence has been completely despised by you? It’s too much, too much! Obviously I didn’t intend to do things like extinction, but since you are so arrogant, even if it is Even with a kind heart, I can’t forgive easily!”
“…What rights, contempt! Nonsense! It is simply that you are trampling on other people’s lives at will! Even babies are not spared!” Gang pulled a longbow full of human height, gnashing his teeth and staring at him:
“…one of the angels you believe in! Killed my student fifteen years ago! You are also killing the family members of my student at will now! You still say that you are the victim!”
“Student? Are you a teacher? But your student is also a reincarnator, right? I don’t remember it? Maybe I killed it unconsciously, but fifteen years ago…”
“—The battle of fifteen years ago! My students died with the disappearance of the Demon Mountain! That was done by the angels you believe in! You guys… are all murderers!!”
“Ah~ Although I don’t know who it is, but…maybe this is also a kind of salvation, ending his sad fate in advance?”
“Nonsense! You’re just defending your beliefs! You’re nothing but a hypocrite after all!”
“Hypocrisy or hypocrisy aside, are you ready now? Yamada-san, who do you plan to sacrifice? Because I am very gentle and kind, so even if my rights are violated, I will allow you to designate a special person for that reckless atonement.”
With a harmless smile on humans and animals, he said devil-like words in a gentle voice: “Student? Teacher? The companion of the cheap brother? Or your cheap sister? Maybe a maid is also a good choice? Or your cheap father ?â€
“——Stop joking! You devil! I will not choose anyone! I will definitely not sacrifice anyone!!”
“That’s right. If you think about it seriously, you’re not qualified to make a decision, so it’s worthless to be stunned. I’m sorry, I accidentally treated you as the person in charge.”
Luo Mo nodded approvingly, unexpectedly he was not allowed to choose.
Xiu Leiyin, who had a big gap, was inexplicably unacceptable, so he gritted his teeth and said something, but Luo Mo looked at their teacher:
“Is it up to the teacher to choose? I’m not a devil, I won’t kill you all at once, I personally think that I still keep my promise very much, as long as you choose one person, how about I let you go today?”
“This isn’t a demon yet… What else is a demon in this world!!”
Faced with such a condition that almost only the devil would propose, Gang is absolutely impossible to choose…and when it comes to keeping promises, he just said that he would kill himself if there is evidence, and he would turn his face and deny anyone after being exposed .
She didn’t believe this kind of person at all, and even let go of her hand directly, causing the bow and arrow to shoot straight at him.
The arrow attached with wind magic is as fast as a bullet, and once it hits the target, it can make a big hole for him, but Luo Mo still looks calm, raising his hand and flicking it with his fingers, and the arrow hits Xiao Xiao The child’s plastic arrow was easily bounced off.
“How, how is it possible…!”
What kind of strength does this have to be able to easily and freely blow away with an arrow with all your strength?
Gang, who was just afraid of those knights at first, really realized at this moment… It seems that his reliance is not on his soldiers, but on his own strength.
“What’s the matter? Give up like this? Don’t choose? If you don’t choose, let’s deal with it one by one?”
“Teacher! Let’s go together at this time. If we work together, we will definitely win!” Xiu Leiyin replaced Gang, and with the belief that he would win, he pointed his sword at Luo Mo and wanted to take the lead in the charge.
“No…the gap is too big…!” It was really hard to imagine that Gang, who could defeat the opponent, shook his head vigorously, with despair almost on his face.
But I don’t know if it’s the endless road or what, the king and his soldiers seem to have discovered the situation here, and rushed over to support them.
It was discovered that the knights were not without offense, they were just protecting the castle and the country where Luo Mo was missingThe king, riding a horse, turned around and rushed to this place, glaring angrily at Luo Mo on the rock wall and drawing his bowstring:
“—Go to hell!!”
As the king took the lead in attacking, the soldiers and magicians who rushed to support also shot arrows and fired magic.
Countless fireballs dyed the sky red, and the rain of arrows became dim at this moment, and without any suspense, Luo Mo’s body was swallowed by the scorching flames.
There was joy on everyone’s faces, but at the next moment—the flames that should have burned him to death, as well as the heat waves of the flames and those arrows, were compressed by invisible forces.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you, it’s impossible for this kind of attack to hurt me~”
With Luomena’s voice that seemed to be really sorry, countless fireballs and arrows were crushed and gathered into a small red ball.
As the heat vibrated the air, there was a loud boom, and all the energy was squeezed by gravity smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely.
There was only a puddle of molten iron in the center, flowing down from the sky… Undoubtedly, it was the arrow melted by the condensed flame.
And during this process, the young man on the rock wall just clenched his hands, and completed this weird scene that made people exclaim that it was impossible.
The magicians of the Kingdom tried their best, but the final result was just as they saw—meaningless.
“How, how is it possible…”
“Evil… Devil…”
“No, it’s impossible! It’s impossible for such a thing to happen!”
The soldiers and magicians fell into panic uncontrollably. If Luo Mo hadn’t attacked yet, he might have already collapsed.
It can also be said that as long as Luo Mo launches an attack, they will collapse immediately.
“It’s too much. I obviously haven’t done anything bad yet, so how come everyone treats me as a devil?”
Luo Mo, whose expression remained unchanged from the beginning to the end, shook his head and muttered to himself suddenly as if thinking of something interesting, with a kind smile, he said:
“For your hostile behavior, normally I should pay you back ten times, but I am very kind, so I will not argue with you, and I am willing to forgive you, but you have to apologize when you do something wrong, and I don’t like verbally apology, so– now I will give you two choices, the first one is killed by me here, the second one….prove your apology to me so that I will forgive you and accept you as me subordinate.”
Didn’t start fighting seriously, just persuaded him to surrender on the spot? Want them to betray the water on the spot?
The multiple-choice questions given by this self-proclaimed “kind” person surprised everyone, but no one dared to object.
The soldiers looked at me and you without a word, and no one dared to do anything first. The king also turned around and looked around angrily:
“What are you hesitating about?! You are the soldiers of the kingdom! Don’t be fooled by just one sentence! If you betray me! Who can believe that you will not betray him? You will definitely…!”
“That’s right, so be it.” Luo Mo interrupted the king’s words, and changed his words:
“It’s up to you to give rewards based on your merit. I allow you to retire and go home and give you rewards. Don’t worry, my opponents are never stingy. The minimum reward for meritorious service is 10 gold coins, and the price for catching alive is even higher!”
The soldiers looked at each other nervously again.
If they can, they don’t want to betray their own king, but…except for the few who really want to be kings, who doesn’t serve as a soldier just to beg for food?
If you follow the king, you have to face the devil and the crusaders who have not taken action on the spot. There is no possibility of survival. On the other hand, if you resist the king, although you will be infamous, there is no doubt that there is hope.
In this way, how to choose is very clear.
They looked at each other for the last time to clarify their judgment in their hearts, and they were instigated to point their weapons at their own kings and princes, as well as those who swore allegiance to them.
Chaos descended, and cursing and wailing instantly echoed throughout the streets.
Chapter 25 The Devil’s Multiple-choice Questions·Higaoka Shield and Ling Baizhi
Most people in the world are afraid of death, but not everyone can be afraid of death and can be “persuaded” by death deterrence.
Therefore, the few loyal to the king and the defectors who were “persuaded” by the majority immediately fought together.
Originally, the battle should have ended quickly, but everyone was wearing the same armor, and no one knew who was on which side, so they just fought each other like this.
Blood and screams bloomed in the streets, and the sound of roars and clashes of swords was as dense as raindrops.
No one can be sure whether the people behind are on the same front, and everyone is afraid that someone behind them will come and stab them.
The scene was chaotic to the extreme for a while, and the scenes of cooperation and betrayal were repeatedly staged. It seemed that everyone regarded others as enemies.
The former close friends and companions have all become enemies at this moment, and they all waved the butcher knife at the former comrades-in-arms for their own lives or loyalty.
Such a cruel thing, no matter who it is, it is difficult for anyone to remain calm. Even the king, who is protected by the personal guards, also roared sadly at the people above with a heart-pounding voice:
“Why did things become like this, why did you do this kind of thing!”
“…It’s too cruel…” Gang couldn’t help but wept for the cruelty of the collapse of human nature.
As the chief culprit of the turmoil, Luo Mo just sat on the rock wall, looking down expressionlessly, as if enjoying the disorderly and chaotic killing.
But he didn’t intend to kill the new brave man, at least not right now.
Because now that he is killed, he has to waste time looking for a new one. It is really hard to find such a “gentle” and stupid brave man. It is precisely this kind of brave man who wants to control, and it can be very simple, so he can Said he was reluctant to kill.
But in fact he really enjoys it, in thisIn the disorderly killing, negative emotions such as fear, pain, anger, sadness and hatred are intertwined, and it seems to him to be in heaven.
Although he also knew that this kind of thinking was abnormal, but…the pleasure in the depths of his soul was not something he could easily resist.
As the reincarnators fled, they looked back and noticed his cheerful appearance, as if tasting the best wine. They only felt a burst of chills gushing out from the top of the sky and flowing through their bodies until they reached their feet.
——This is definitely a devil, a real devil! Except for demons, no matter what humans or anything, it will definitely not look like this.
Everyone subconsciously thought so, and labeled him a devil.
However, Luo Mo didn’t care about these things at all, just… with a faint smile, observing how they fled in embarrassment.
This completely non-intervention action also made them understand that the other party regards this as a game, and they themselves are his toys.
The humiliation and reluctance made Xiu Leiyin want to turn around and fight him to the death several times, but his companions forcibly pulled him away.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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