“Are you still a man! You are so strong, yet you use such a young girl as a shield!?”
“It has nothing to do with gender strength, it’s just a tactic.”
“—Where is the pride of a man! Where is the pride of a strong man?!”
“That kind of thing has a good life, or a guy who has received a good education since he was a child will pay attention to it? But unfortunately, my tutor is not that good.” He shrugged casually, and just carried the gun. Go forward without slowing down:
“Then? What are you going to do? I think I am still very gentle, so I will give you a chance to choose, stay together, or let her be killed here?”
“Gentleness… always forcing others to choose among pains! What kind of gentleness is this! If this is also gentleness, your gentleness is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen!”
“It’s too much to think of me as a demon. Although this choice may not be very good, compared to total annihilation without a choice, isn’t it just like the nectar falling from the sky, like a blessing full of goodwill?”
There was no malice or harm or hostility or other intentions, and Luo Mo’s words were full of pure kindness.
“…” Fei Lun was speechless, because she felt that this person thought so from the bottom of her heart.
Although she was not sure whether the words and demeanor of this abnormal person could be believed.
And she was also entangled in this forced choice, and she couldn’t easily give up her companion’s life.
“I’ll count to one. If I don’t choose, I will all die. Let’s start now, ten, eight, five—”
“—Huh? Wait, wait! What? What’s going on with your mathematics! Isn’t it too jumpy?!” There is no rule of counting, so Fei Lun’s head can’t keep up.
“I never said it’s from ten to one, you misunderstand your own thinking, and then continue to three, one—!” Just when he counted to one and was about to break Gang’s neck at the same time, he felt an inexplicable crisis Feeling, quickly took a step back.
Then—the space where he was standing before was distorted.
“…Distorting the evil eyes?” Such a phenomenon made Luo Mo immediately think of Bai Zhi, frowned unconsciously, and narrowed his eyes slightly.
Subconsciously looked in the direction of hostility, but could only see one building after another.
Obviously, Baizhi hid behind the building, saw it through perspective, and then launched an attack.
So he pulled out a huge sword from the void with his backhand and swung it in Baizhi’s direction.
The slash that tore apart the space, the Dimensional Slash sank into the building in an instant like cutting tofu, causing a white figure to emerge from the building, and was forced from the shadows to the front of the stage by this blow in return.
After meeting Bai Zhi again, Luo Mo felt that many things were weird, as if someone was deliberately tripping her up behind her back.
Now Bai Zhi appeared directly on the stage, making Luo Mo suspect that she was tripping him up.
In fact, Bai Zhi didn’t want to come out either, but Gang would be killed if she didn’t come out, and she had no choice but to watch her benefactor in her previous life die.
If she could, she wanted Sophia or Ariel to play, but Ariel couldn’t appear when the brave was present.
As for Sophia…she was also very depressed. She didn’t know what Sophia was busy with, and completely ignored her words.
In order to prevent the teacher from being killed, didn’t she have to come out by herself?
(However…for a moment, I felt that this guy with an extremely distorted personality was very similar to my little angel, and I was also blind.)
Bai Zhi stared at Luo Mo who was still holding Gang in her hand, and looked at Luo Mo who was still frowning, feeling a burst of emotion in her heart and kept apologizing to Luo Mo who had been “misunderstood”. Only then said:
“Let the teacher… let go.”
“If you say let me go, don’t I lose face?”
“Then don’t blame me…”
“Come on! Come here if you have the ability! Don’t be polite to me, just say hello to any magic! If you can’t beat her to death, you will lose.”
Luo Mo, who didn’t know how he had offended Bai Zhi, was also not polite to her. Seeing that she wanted to save Gang, he changed his way of grabbing Gang, grabbed Gang’s wrists and lifted him up, using it directly as a ready-made shield.
(——Wow! This guy is so despicable! He is even more despicable than me! How can there be such a despicable guy in the world?!)
Bai Zhi, who was still thinking about how to deal with him, suddenly lost his mind.
She has to risk her life to repay the grace of saving her life – this is her belief, so she has no way to do things that hurt Gang.
The people behind her all showed surprise expressions, but Gang, who was used as a shield, lost his mind for a while:
“Student Luo Ye…how could…?”
In Gang’s innate skills, the basic situation of each student is recorded, including when he is expected to die and whether he is alive now.
But Ji Se Ruoye, who was supposed to die, appeared in front of her, and she still roughly maintained her previous life appearance, which made her really doubt her eyes.
“Teacher, long time no see.”
Shiraori bowed unexpectedly and politely to Oka.
“Yeah, long time no see~” Gang was so surprised that he couldn’t speak, but Luo Mo replied with a smile instead, making Bai Zhi stare at him directly: “No… tell you!”
“Is that so? That’s a pity, then? Hit? You’re welcome.”
“…You think, what, how!” Bai Zhi gritted his teeth angrily, but he had no choice but to change the direction of attack.
“I don’t know if you have any good things to exchange for me, um~~~ Come here and rub my shoulders, and then beat my legs? I’ll think about it for a while before making a plan.”
“—Do, dream!”
As a super social fear, asking her to serve a strange man is not as simple as killing her directly.
“Okay, I’m also very kind. If I don’t take advantage of you, I’ll just change it. If I catch the person behind you, I’ll give her to you. How is it fair?”
“make a deal!”
Bai Zhi nodded without hesitation, spread out her fingertips and shot out the spider silk, which immediately wrapped around the naked eye behind her, pulled it hard and threw it in front of Luo Mo.
The people on their backs who were about to flee fell to the ground like cups whose tablecloth had been pulled from below.
But she didn’t care about that at all, and stared at Luo Mo wordlessly, asking him to fulfill his promise.
“It’s all right~ When I’m in a good mood, what I say counts. Let me give it to you.”
The invisible other hand, Luo Mo who had been gesticulating behind Gang, threw Gang directly like throwing a basketball.
Bai Zhi hurriedly caught Gang and protected him behind him, his heart bursting with ecstasy, and then his eyes fixed and he was about to launch an attack:
(Okay! Now look at me—!)
“Ah~ I forgot to mention, I just made a small gift in your teacher’s body, as long as I think of it, her soul will explode with a ‘bang’~?”
Luo Mo seemed to have guessed what she wanted to do. He opened his hands with a smile and made an explosive movement, which made Baizhi retract his raised hands again, cursing angrily in his heart: (——Despicable! Too Despicable, is this guy still human!!!)
“By the way, I’ll ask you to help me if I have anything to do in the future, okay?”
(Is this guy thinking of me as some sort of cash machine? Or a free coolie?!)
“Don’t think too much, I just treat you as a free coolie. Remember to ask the demons to send 5,000 tons of metal to the Crusaders’ base later. In that case, I can consider dispelling the magic in her head.” Luo Mo stepped forward The first step test, Gang is very important in her heart, and she reminded with a smile: “It doesn’t matter if you try to remove it by yourself, I don’t care if the soul is blown up by then.”
(Can this guy read minds? It’s scary!! Talk about five thousand tons!? What kind of joke is this!!) Bai Zhi’s heart was already boiling like a sea, and he tried his best to squeeze out a voice full of murderous intent: ” ——Don’t… push your limits!”
“What? Angry? It’s okay, you can’t bear it, anyway, the big deal is two dead bodies, I don’t care about my own life, it depends on whether you care about your teacher’s life or not.”
Luo Mo didn’t hide his attitude of “I’m sure you’re going to eat” at all, and spread out his hands very understandingly, letting her hit him without any defense.
After becoming a god, this was the first time she had suffered such a big grievance, and it was even more unbearable for her to be threatened like this as a god—but she still held her hand.Turning his fist away from his face, he endured it.
“You are really easy to deal with. Then next time, if there is any need, I will squeeze it out slowly…wrong, I beg you to satisfy me well?”
Bai Zhi’s attitude made Luo Mo shake his head in disappointment. He could understand just by watching this scene, even though Bai Zhi’s strength had become much stronger, perhaps even stronger than Ariel.
But…the weakness is here, if you really want to deal with Baizhi, it’s very easy to do.
Before they recognized each other, he was worried at the beginning that Baizhi might cause unnecessary trouble for his actions.
But after testing it now, he found that he was worrying too much. Bai Zhi was much easier to deal with than he imagined, and it was easier for him to act without knowing each other.
Although the way of dealing with Bai Zhi may not be aboveboard, but when will he be an aboveboard person?
He doesn’t quite know why Baizhi cares so much about that teacher. The only thing he can be sure of is… If he recognizes the relationship between Baizhi and this teacher, he will probably become his hindrance, and in turn, his actions can become easier Not a lot.
After all, he wasn’t deliberately bullying Bai Zhi, but just testing how their relationship was. However, this relationship… seemed to be better than he imagined.
But as far as the current situation is concerned, there is nothing wrong with discovering such a weakness. In the end, he smiled and waved to Bai Zhi, and then grabbed the tail of Fei Lun who was still trying to escape, and just dragged the light of this non-stop screaming for help. o, heading towards the previous battlefield.
“Fei!!!” Xiu Leiyin, who was stopped by the crowd, tried to reach out and grab Fei Lun.
“Xiu!!!” Fei Lun, who was being dragged along, also raised his paws and grabbed Xiu Leiyin.
“Don’t make a noise! ​​You put this on and let me act in a deep rainy way? Or do you want to act as a human…beast? If you talk nonsense, I’ll steam you!”
Luo Mo was speechless, not used to flinging his hands casually, and smashed the naked body that was several times larger than her own on the wall, causing her to calm down after a bit of pain, but her limbs were still silently scratching touch the ground.
It’s a pity that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t resist Luo Mo, who was much smaller than herself. Although she left countless claw marks on the ground, she was dragged away by him and disappeared at the end of the street.
Chapter 26 Powerful Brainwashing・Vampire Succubus・Ariel Attacks Herself
“Student Ruoye! Help me…”
Seeing his companion being dragged away, Xiu Lei wanted to ask Bai Zhi for help, but found that Bai Zhi just ignored him in a daze.
In fact, Bai Zhi was about to explode in anger, and did not intend to pay attention to them.
Although she didn’t intend to take it out on them, she was not in the mood to reminisce about the old days at all. She stared at Gang for a while, and used her clairvoyant ability to study the spells that Luo Mo had built in at some point.
After a while, he couldn’t figure it out. After memorizing the operation, he just held back his anger and didn’t give Gang a chance to speak. He bowed to him again and left here.
…. She had a lot of things to do, but now she has a lot more things to do.
However, it was impossible for her to undo the magic formula imposed by Luo Mo, because it was a hodgepodge of all kinds of messy and useless magic formulas.
Combining spells from different worlds and superimposing each other, Luo Mo himself couldn’t figure out what it was. If he didn’t dare to dismantle it violently, it would be foolish to try to undo it.
Everyone in the same place is looking at me and looking at you. I don’t know what to do next, but staying here is definitely not possible. The country will change hands, and the people who protect them will also leave. They can only return to Luomo Flee before repenting.
“I will definitely take you back…wait for me! Fei, Su, father, brother…”
With tears in his eyes, Xiu Leiyin finally looked back at Wangcheng, where he had lived for fifteen or sixteen years, gritted his teeth with reluctance to swear secretly, and then left the place at the urging of his companions.
The four royal families used to control the new brave were easily captured alive.
Although it was a simple matter for Luo Mo to arrest all those other people, it was not necessary, so he didn’t do it.
In other words, if you catch them all, you won’t have the feeling of cultivating leeks. Wouldn’t letting them run for a while and then catch them back to increase their friendship exponentially? Will it feel better to grab it again then?
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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