Before Luo Mo finished speaking, Sophia threw him to the ground and bit him on the neck.
Originally, sucking blood should be a very serious thing, but for some reason, Sophia threw him on the ground directly, and still hugged him to suck blood, and even rubbed his thighs between her legs from time to time.
It’s not so much a vampire as a succubus playing vampire play.
“Is this a kind of growth?” Luo Mo, who was thrown to the ground, didn’t bother to resist, but just looked at the ceiling, trying to count the spots on the ceiling.
Unfortunately, no spots were seen.
His body almost gave him a cost-effective response, so he could only imitate Baizhi to count the prime numbers in his heart. After all, he didn’t want to make a real abandonment, and he felt a little guilty about doing it now, even though he didn’t know that vampires like himself could not be born. Do not.
After sucking the blood, it should have been over, but Sophia didn’t let go of Luo Mo after sucking it. Not only that, she hugged him tightly with both hands, lay on him and rubbed her cheek against his chest, Like a cat coquettish to its owner.
No way, he could only pretend that he had a big cat, so he took the opportunity to ask casually, and Sophia told the recent affairs of Bai Zhi and Ariel in detail, as well as their plans.
At first, he didn’t understand how Qiulidis changed his position and became the army commander in the demon clan, but now he understands everything.
In fact, Qiu Lidis convinced Baizhi that they are no longer satisfied with getting enough energy for the planet to save themselves through war, but want to destroy the system to save Sariel.
But first, enough souls must be provided to restore the planet to a certain stage, so that it can be self-reliant, and then gather the seven deadly sins and seven virtues, and destroy the system through everyone’s ruler authority.
Sophia’s appearance in this country also wanted to control Yugu and quietly control the situation and guide the development of things.
Regarding the attitude of the reincarnated, Baizhi would not allow Ariel and Sophia to hurt them, let alone kill them.
All this is to repay the teacher’s life-saving grace, because Gang wants to protect the students. I haven’t said what kind of life-saving grace, I only know that she respects Gang very, very much, and it is because of this that the current situation occurs .
Luo Mo wanted to know more, but Sophia was already lying on his body, comfortably hugging him and fell asleep, her face was still full of happiness, as if she was afraid that he would leave, her legs were tight Locking his thighs, and holding his waist with both hands, he didn’t let go.
“Ha….what’s all this now? You’ve grown up so much, why are you still like a child, jealous of the title of the big crime? This thing is really harmful.”
The impact of the title of the Great Sin on the spirit is self-evident. In the past, Bai Zhi and Ariel tried their best to avoid Sofia from getting the title of the Great Sin, but in the end it was the same result…. The jealousy was accompanied by a strong possessive desire.
next day.
Luo Mo had a good talk with Sophia, so…she switched sides without hesitation, chose to join the side of the Crusaders, and secretly acted as his spy.
As for Sophia, it was easy to negotiate, the new king of the kingdom ascended the throne, and the crusaders and elves reached an alliance, which caused an uproar.
The Pope, Bai Zhi, and Ariel even held an emergency meeting in haste.
“…Then the third party finally made a choice.” The pope said in a low tone, and looked at Baizhi suddenly: “Then, what’s going on with you? Why are you still providing them with a lot of metal now? Don’t you think raising tigers is not enough?!â€
“Why don’t you speak! If you want to explain, explain now!”
It’s not that she doesn’t want to explain, Bai Zhi is really worried about how to explain, she is not good at speaking, so explaining is even more difficult.
That was not what she wanted, but a decision that her savior was threatened and forced to make.
Ariel absolutely believed in Baizhi, so she took the initiative to explain: “Xiaobai must have her reasons for doing this, but I believe she will not betray us.”
“If this is really the case.” The Pope couldn’t believe it, but he didn’t continue to entangle in this aspect, but looked at Ariel and said: “The plan is going according to the schedule?”
“Okay, Xiaobai has controlled it since ancient times. Now it’s just that the kingdom is missing. Let the empire continue to attack the land of elves. If the crusaders don’t take action, just stay vigilant.”
“…Then let’s do this first.”
There is no other good solution for the time being, and the Pope can only reluctantly nod in agreement.
Finally, after discussing the details, both parties left the table and returned to their proper positions.
All parties are taking action, and the new brave team is also actively moving, planning to travel through the Great Labyrinth to go to the hometown of elves.Before the country attacked, Yugu was stopped.
Originally, it was not easy for them to pass through the Great Labyrinth due to their strength, but Bai Zhi has been monitoring them secretly, and will provide protection in secret when necessary, so it is safe to say that there is no danger.
Luo Mo learned of their actions through Sophia of the Huimozu and followed up with the preparation of the army. The six ground-effect aircraft carriers were gradually filled with fighter planes and personnel from the carrying state.
Luo Mo took Fei Lun and Su and followed the group of brave men who went deep into the maze.
What’s worth mentioning is that… since dragons and spiders are different from spiders, Feren directly found the “humanization” skill without becoming a god.
Although there are still some unique features on many parts of the body, such as the wings and the scales on the exposed hands, etc., the appearance is very close to that of humans.
However, the healthy white skin, the small wings with feathers on the waist, and the pale golden tail with red hair on the main body make the whole look like an angel.
“My beauty is really good! Even if I die once, it won’t be affected~!”
Although being kept as a pet, she was a little scared at first, but she has not been used much, which made her relax. She raised her chest and raised her hand, staring at him with a showing off expression.
“Calm down a bit, it’s not interesting to look up with a flat chest.”
His random remark made Fei Lun lose the joy of becoming a human being, and his expression became decadent and he whispered: “…do you think I would like to talk to you? You are the only one around here… .â€
“Su is here too.” Luo Mo pointed to the beautiful girl with blue hair beside him.
“…She has been brainwashed by you.” Fei Lun just complained, but Su directly refuted: “——No! I just discovered true love!”
“….very scary…..”
Those words without a trace of confusion made Fei Lun realize Luo Mo’s fear again, and shrank back subconsciously.
Luo Mo smiled, and patted Su’s head: “You are so good~ You are so good~ You are such a good boy.”
“Hey~” Su didn’t resist at all, and laughed happily.
This appearance really made Fei Lun’s scalp tingle, and he couldn’t help taking a step back and asked: “Then, that… You should be able to solve everything by yourself? Why did you bring us two useless drag oils?” bottle.”
“The oil bottle? Don’t call yourself so unbearable.” Luo Mo corrected seriously: “Even rubbish has the value of rubbish, and of course you also have your value.”
“…I always feel that what you said is more exaggerated than what I said…”
“That’s not the point. The point is that you can all become excellent meat shields. If Xiaobai attacks and takes you to the front, isn’t it an excellent shield? Of course, Su may not be as powerful as a reincarnator, so I also considered a Backhand.”
He smiled mysteriously, but didn’t say what was behind him.
And being regarded as a human shield so naturally, Fei Lun didn’t know what expression to make other than a wry smile.
But when she was depressed, she couldn’t help but asked: “Bai…that’s Luo Ye, right? Does she value us so much? Obviously…it seems very cold…”
“Well~ You can understand it this way, besides shields, you also have a very meaningful use.”
“Ha, ha…? No, it’s not because you want me to help you solve your physical problems! I’m not the kind of casual person!” Fei Lun quickly hid behind the stone, raised the stone to face himself head: “If you dare to touch me, I will commit suicide on the spot for you to see!!”
“…I’m not that boring. If I really want to solve that kind of problem, isn’t there someone here? Do you think she is worse than you?” Luo Mo patted the girl next to him casually, and said with a sneer: “You want to commit suicide It’s up to you, you can try to die now, don’t worry, I will revive you right away.”
“Cheat? Can you resurrect people?”
“Who made me kind-hearted and have the seven virtues.”
Ferren has also heard about the seven virtues, and now she feels very unrealistic when she hears this, thinking that there must be something wrong with the system… Otherwise, why would she give this devil the title of virtue?
But she really didn’t have the ability to resist, so she could only timidly continue to obey Luo Mo’s words, and continued to follow up.
They quietly followed the brave team, and it didn’t take long to come out of the great maze. On a mountain in Sariela, they found them entering a cave with a hidden entrance.
There is a hidden secret room in the depths of the cave, and the teleportation array leading to the fairy land is hidden inside.
But before he activated the teleportation array, he went to the hinterland of the elves to see the situation… The rock in the cave was suddenly kicked away and smashed towards him.
He waved his hand calmly and fell, and the rock was smashed to pieces immediately.
In the smog that filled the air, a sharp murderous intent struck directly, grabbing his neck without waiting for a reaction, and pressing him against the rock wall beside him.
Ariel, who was ambushing here, grinned and showed her sharp canine teeth, and stared at him: “—Who the hell are you!”
“I’m just an ordinary passer-by. I took two admirers for an outing. Compared with this young lady, your canine teeth are so cute. Can you let me pet them?”
In fact, he had already noticed the hostility, but he pretended not to be ignorant, and he didn’t panic at all. He even smiled and reached out to touch her cute tiger teeth that didn’t match the title of the devil king at all.
And then….no surprises.
Ariel was taken aback for a moment, and then she was very upset to see his indifferent appearance, half of his index finger disappeared in one bite.
Not only that, but she also intentionally chewed it twice, then spit it out in one gulp and said with a lot of spat: “It’s so unpalatable, my nature is too rotten.”Will it also make the meat taste bad? ”
“No, no, what are you talking about? This is definitely slander, right? It’s because I misunderstood me that I belittled my flesh like this.”
Ariel wanted to see how panicked he was, but…Luo Mo didn’t have the slightest fear, and even argued for her own smell. The weird situation made her feel bad all over, almost as close as the first Like the first meeting, I can only feel full of strange and twisted feelings.
Chapter 27 The Middleman Makes Money at Both Ends
Even with Baizhi’s memory, Ariel still doesn’t understand what kind of life-saving grace Gang has for Baizhi, so she can’t understand why she values ​​Gang so much.
In desperation, he could only do it himself, intending to help her share some troubles…for example, to solve Luo Mo, a guy who didn’t know his origin and deceived him.
However, judging from Luo Mo’s previous performance, it seems that she also knows a lot about the reincarnated person. Because of this, she plans to interrogate her carefully, and then consider whether to kill him.
But this was the first time he got off his horse…. I was a little intimidated in turn.
Normally, even the pope, who is not afraid of life and death, would respond to pain, but he was so calm that she was a little frightened.
(It doesn’t taste like a prosthetic either… This guy can’t be a cyborg without emotion or pain, right?)
Ariel couldn’t help complaining in her heart, but then she thought that he had the virtue of “patience” that Baizhi had in the past, that is, he could block the pain… Doesn’t it seem strange?
She thought it through clearly, and Luo Mo also looked at the bloody severed limbs and the exposed white bones and couldn’t help shaking her head:
“I’m somewhat confident about my taste. Your misunderstanding like this will damage my reputation a little bit, and I won’t talk about compensation. Let’s sit down and have a good talk first?”
(Is the point about the taste? You got the point wrong!) Ariel couldn’t figure out for a moment whether he was changing the subject on purpose, or if he really cared about his own taste, she just stared at him speechlessly without saying anything, letting him Couldn’t help but continued:
“In short, can you let me go first? Even if you keep pinching me, I don’t feel anything, that is to say…you are just wasting your energy; by the way, I have always believed that dialogue can solve problems , the simple use of violence will only increase the contradiction, unless….”
“—Eliminate the source of the contradiction?”
“It’s not wrong, but you can’t do it, so don’t waste your efforts, this kind of low-level method should be used by children.”
“In my eyes, you are just a child.”
Ariel’s face darkened, and the strength in her hand seemed to crush his neck directly, but he still spread his hands without changing his expression:
“That’s wrong. My life is more colorful. In terms of mental age, I may be older than you who have been hiding behind the scenes for more than 800 years.”
“Dare to say…”
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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