Perhaps accepting his gentle words like this is also a choice? Kanadiya, who was once a male in her previous life but now fell in love with her companion, couldn’t help but have such thoughts in her heart.
“I see…you are not alone, we will help you too, Mr. Xiulein!” Xiulein’s maid, the half-elf Anna, also couldn’t help but be persuaded by him.
“…you…you will die!” Gang really couldn’t bear the students to be in danger.
“Although I am only imitating the hero of brother Julius, I am a very immature hero, but even if I am like this, I still have a bottom line that I cannot back down! It is meaningless to just live, we must also have pride and faith Only by living can we be worthy of our second life!”
“…I see, let me help you too, after all, my compatriots are also being slaughtered now.”
Although she also doubted that Xiu Leiyin would not really think that she could defeat those guys who were messing around on the battlefield, but she knew that Xiu Leiyin would definitely choose to be reckless.
And Kanadiya definitely can’t count on it. After all, love is blind, and she must have put too much trust in Xiu Leiyin.
The student’s choice cannot be changed, and Oka can only nod helplessly.
The two newly added reincarnators, who are childhood sweethearts in this life and are in a relationship, traveled around the world as adventurers and did not use the name of this world, Tagawa Kunihiko and Kushitani Asaka, they looked at each other and shook their heads with a wry smile. It was Tagawa Opened the mouth and said:
“Although there are dangers, it’s rare to participate in such a big event. It’s really not good to run away, and we can be regarded as some powerful people. If we are together, no matter what kind of crisis, we will definitely be able to survive it? ”
“Everyone…thank you!”
Xiu Leiyin glanced around, and even Hai Linsi was moved by his persistence and no longer objected, so he couldn’t help but bowed deeply at 90 degrees to everyone:
“——I’m really sorry! It’s my willfulness that dragged everyone into trouble, but I really need everyone’s strength!”
“Don’t say that, we just want to help you out of our own will!”
“Don’t put everything in your heart and solve it alone, and rely on us occasionally!”
“…I will abide by the agreement and replace Julius no matter whatHo will protect you. ”
“Thank you, thank you very much!”
Looking at this group of dazzling companions, Xiu Lei’s eyes became moist.
At this moment, he reaffirmed his wish again, that is – to take up the responsibility of the brave to protect everything.
Protect the peace of the world, protect everyone from unreasonable violence, and lead everyone towards a better future.
However… just when people’s hearts are boiling with enthusiasm, immersed in this warmth, they collectively put their hands together, wave their arms and shout for themselves, and turn around to maintain peace regardless of Baizhi’s previous dissuasion …..
The unknown voice appeared again.
“——Hmm~ You have to take advantage of the present to say goodbye, and it will be a farewell later, and you have no chance to do anything you want to do.”
Following the sound, a black shadow fell from midair.
He stepped on the head of Kunihiko Tagawa, who was still shaking hands with Xiu Leiyin enthusiastically a moment ago, and just let the boy’s head below explode like a watermelon——Luo Mo, covered in blood, appeared on the corpse again.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
The scalding blood and brains splashed out together, staining the faces of the surrounding boys and girls, causing them to become dazed once again.
It’s not that they were not surprised, but that they were so shocked that they couldn’t react.
But Luo Mo stepped on the bones of the inhuman teenagers, but showed them a friendly smile:
“I don’t see you for a while, I miss you all very much. Since you are also coming back, let’s just stay today forever.”
Kushitani Asaka, the lover of the deceased Tagawa Kunihiko, did not respond but touched the hot blood on his face blankly, then looked down at the corpse at Luo Mo’s feet, and gradually understood what happened.
“Ah …. ah …. ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah !!!” Because of confusion and pain, she covered her face with her hands in horror, watching her lover could not recognize the tragic situation of the prototype from the fingers. , unconsciously let out a heart-piercing scream.
Because of the blood in his heart and the lofty ambitions of the previous moment, Xiu Lei froze instantly when he witnessed the death of his companion.
Immediately afterwards, a higher heat was ignited in the anger, and with a livid face, he drew out the blade and was about to attack, but saw a vague villain on the palm of his hand, which seemed to be the soul of Kunihiko Tagawa.
On Felon who fell from the sky, after the two brainwashed girls, an old man in disheveled clothes walked down, and he happened to know that old man, Julius’ teacher-Ronanto.
Unable to disobey the order of the crown prince, Ronanto, who was forced to go to the battlefield, wiped out the elves he met along the way with a melancholy mood.
However, he was soon attacked by a centaur-shaped mecha, and the troops he led were immediately massacred. He could only fight against the centaur mech by himself.
But his strength can barely cope with one, and he can barely survive in the face of many. For the sake of his other disciples and subordinates, he can only choose to work hard to delay the offensive and let the troops retreat first.
It had to be that Luo Mo happened to be passing by in the sky, and when he saw him, he picked him up and saved him from the fire and water.
“Master…” Ronanto, who knew how the great apprentice died, looked at Luo Mo with extremely complicated eyes. He didn’t know what to say and finally chose to remain silent.
Luo Mo ignored him, just threw a piece of paper casually, and then followed the paper that was bound to float to Xiu Leiyin.
After all, based on his analysis of Xiu Leiyin’s personality, he has a good deal of confidence that Xiu Leiyin, who has no strength but likes to meddle in other people’s business, would not leave obediently if he hadn’t been knocked unconscious beforehand.
At that time, the other heads are also not normal, or… classmates and teachers who trust him too much, favor him, and support him, there is a high probability that they will be persuaded to return.
When the time comes on the battlefield, won’t Baizhi be distracted to protect these pretentious guys?
Although he is hostile now, he doesn’t feel that Bai Zhi can threaten him, so he still plans to help her deal with these troubles first.
Ronanto didn’t know what Luo Mo was planning, but he couldn’t help sighing because of the gradually strange relationship between master and apprentice.
But just as he was sighing, he heard the impassioned words of his big apprentice’s younger brother, Xiu Leiyin, and was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood on Feren’s back.
Originally, he felt that his apprentice was dazzled by the title of brave man, and misjudged his own strength, so he rushed to die.
Now… the disciple’s younger brother, whose strength is not as strong as the disciple’s, actually wants to save the whole world with this level of strength? Even put into action to participate in the war?
“…I just intend to teach them how to protect their own power, why do these guys get carried away when they get some power one by one, mistakenly thinking that they can save the world…”
Looking at the young and passionate, but also too ignorant boys and girls below, Ronanto couldn’t help but want to cry at his age.
Luo Mo didn’t answer his question, just jumped down from mid-air, and smoothly dealt with the boy who was holding his hands high with his companion just a moment ago.
“One soul, who is next?”
He smiled and took the soul and threw it into a special vial, then looked at the girl who screamed in pain.
The red-eyed girl Asaka Kushitani also looked at him, shaking her wand and was about to use it, but he suddenly raised his hand to signal her to stop:
“Wait, it’s not my fault, is it? Originally, if you left, I might not catch up. After all, I would give Xiaobai some face. Thinking about it this way…”
Before he finished speaking, he deliberatelyLooking aside, Xiu Leiyin was also furious.
“You….Do you want to say it’s my fault?!” Xiu Leiyin’s voice was trembling, and it turned into a roar of anger or sadness.
“Isn’t it? You are the culprit, right? If there is no you, there will be nothing in the future. Although I don’t want to kill you, after all, it’s useful for you to keep it stupidly, but you take the initiative to send it up. If I don’t accept it I really can’t explain it, can I?”
Now some of them are attracted to the protection of heaven, but it doesn’t matter if they don’t say this kind of thing…at least he thinks it doesn’t matter.
Kushitani Asaka didn’t know if she explained it to him clearly, or if she realized how stupid it is to fight against Luo Mo, she turned to look at Xiu Leiyin and pointed her wand at him, murmuring with sobs like a dream: ” …your fault….it’s all your fault….”
“No, no! Kushitani! I just… just want everyone! Let’s go back together peacefully!”
“—Shut up, shut up, shut up! Shut up!! If you hadn’t been talking nonsense! How could Kunihiko go back!!” Kushitani Asaka screamed and yelled, and the magic power swelled and merged at the tip of the stick fireball.
“Kushiya! Stop it!!” Kanadiya rushed forward to stop it, and the next moment…
“Let me go–gu!?”
At the moment when the word “death” was about to be blurted out, Kushitani Asaka’s wand suddenly turned its finger on Luo Mo who was still watching the show, but before she could shoot the fireball, she made Luo Mo catch a chicken. He grabbed Kushitani Asaka by the neck.
The change came so fast that no one could react, only Luo Mo couldn’t help shaking his head and sighing:
“I didn’t even hide my killing intent, and even tried to sneak attack me by relying on my acting skills… Sigh, young people nowadays, it’s true that every generation is getting worse.”
“—Quick, let go of Kushiya!” Oka stared at him with red eyes.
“Why should I listen to you? If you say let me go, I will let you go?” He refused for a while, but he quickly changed the topic, smiled and agreed: “But… that’s okay, since Xiaobai respects you so much For the sake of it, I will listen to you once.”
“Oh?” Gang couldn’t believe it, but he also showed joy: “Really, really?”
“Of course it’s true, I never lie.” Luo Mo nodded and squeezed hard with a smile.
“Uh – woo!”
Kushitani Asaka, who was still kicking her legs, immediately lost her voice, and lost her movement like a puppet with a broken thread, and was thrown on the ground by him like throwing garbage.
“You can’t even distinguish the real enemy… You deserve it.” Luo Mo still had a constant smile on his face, but his eyes looking at the bones on the ground were extremely cold.
The death of another reincarnated person made everyone at the scene sluggish as if their soul had been taken out. Kanadiya even started to regret why she didn’t choose to forcibly take Shulein away earlier, but Gang was sluggish like a walking dead.
“Drink!!” Xiu Leiyin gritted his teeth and stared at Luo Mo with angry eyes, and rushed forward with tears of regret, swinging his sword with all his might.
However, Luo Mo, who was known as a child prodigy since he was a child, pinched the sword he was proud of with two fingers while yawning.
“Huh? What, what! Can’t pull it out?! How is it possible…you monster!!” He tried hard to pull out the sword, but the blade remained motionless as if embedded in a steel plate, even if he used “Dragon Slayer” Even the unique dragon power of the title owner cannot move the blade an inch.
“You really don’t know how to give up. You should know the gap between us, right? Or…you can’t recognize the reality because you’ve been spoiled by others?”
Facing this young man who is similar to Reinhardt in terms of luck to a certain extent, and is loved by the world, he doesn’t like it no matter what he thinks.
He personally doesn’t dislike Reinhardt’s words. After all, Reinhardt himself is hardworking and humble enough, and he is a really good old man.
If you can do it yourself, you will never call others, and even try your best to avoid involving others, but this… can only be said to be miscellaneous.
Luo Mo still can’t figure out why the system favors him and why so many people in the world trust him.
Could this be…the so-called gentle power?
Xiu Lei looked at him with mixed eyes of fear and hatred, but he just murmured softly: “Obviously I am also very gentle, why do I attract people’s hatred from time to time? Otherwise, I will provoke strange people. It’s really unfair, and you are really… making people jealous!”
While whispering, he reached out and stabbed at the boy’s heart.
There was no one at the scene who could resist, but—he was still caught, firmly held.
“What?” He tilted his head slightly unexpectedly.
“…everything is limited to three.” Hai Linsi held his wrist tightly, his low tone full of murderous intent.
“Hey~ Is there such a reason in this world?”
“Have you forgotten what I said?”
“Sorry, I’m not interested in remembering.”
“…If you dare to attack Xiu, even if we die together, I will be your enemy!”
“Why are you welcome, come directly?”
He smiled and stopped twitching his hand. With the other hand, he punched Xiu Leiyin’s head with a backhand.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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