However, Luo Mo, who has part of the memory of Julidis, understands that this is not realistic… Even Potimas actually understands that the probability of success is terribly low, but there is no way to give up.
There were spaceships to escape to other planets, and maybe find other opportunities, but… Juredis threatened to kill him if he tried to escape from this planet.
And he was undoubtedly afraid of death, very, very afraid of death, even if it was just a flimsy threat, he still didn’t dare to take risks.
But he really wants to become a god, really wants to become a god… The reason is also that he doesn’t want to die, he wants to gain eternal life.
Under the circumstances that one can only wish for, one can only use the soul of the reincarnated person to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and try to try his luck.
However, it is true that it will take another year for the equipment to be completed, and he did not lie about this.
And he also prepared a way out for himself, and planned to use this spaceship to escape if there was no other way… Even if he was hunted down by Julidis, he would have to escape.
“…This is really Huang Liang’s dream.”
Looking at the device that was once intended to be used to dismantle Sariel, but now it has been modified and rebuilt to dismantle reincarnated people, but he has not yet completed the device. Knowing that this is impossible, he shook his head regretfully. The reincarnation swallowed the soul in one gulp, then turned around and planned to have a good talk with Ariel, Bai Zhi and Julidis.
Ariel and Baizhi were forced to come here, and they were not affected by the flames of war, and they are still in the roughly peaceful reincarnated living area until now.
The reincarnators raised here as “indigenous people” were terrified by the news of the great war. They were all hiding in the tree house and shivering, so they didn’t meet any of them.
Just like this, he tensed up in front of the stone table in the gazebo in the field, waited for a long time with full vigilance, and Luo Mo was so late that he couldn’t bear it until he was about to make a big fuss.
“I’m sorry~ I have some small things to deal with, so I’m a little late, are you not angry?”
“—I’m angry!” Ariel slapped the stone table, staring at him with undisguised anger.
He nodded approvingly: “Well, then it’s not appropriateLate, let’s get to the point right away. ”
“Don’t give me an understatement! Before getting to the point, shouldn’t you explain what’s going on with you?”
“I obviously died once for you, and you talk to your savior like this?”
“—I’m very grateful for that, but aren’t you still fine now??” Ariel who rushed forward and grabbed his collar, said almost gnashing her teeth.
The look of surprise, anger and joy on her face made it hard for anyone to understand what she was feeling.
In fact, she herself didn’t even understand how she was feeling right now.
“Because I can’t die~ So, hey — the spider over there should stop making small moves.” Luo Mo said halfway and suddenly looked at Bai Zhi, whose fingers were still moving under the table.
“!? I, I…didn’t do anything?”
Bai Zhi was taken aback by his keen intuition, quickly raised his hands and shook his head repeatedly, which also made him sigh:
“Please don’t do meaningless things. Maybe you think that abyss magic and heresy magic can deal with souls, but those things can’t even kill yourself before you become a god. Let alone me, unless you can Kill D, or you won’t be able to kill me.”
“Dare to say…” Bai Zhi didn’t believe it at all, and he didn’t care. He just shrugged casually: “Of course I’m not that strong, but the essence is the same. Of course, we can talk about this gossip later.”
“Aren’t you going to explain what you mean by what you said earlier?” Ariel didn’t let go of him from the beginning to the end, and even stared at him without looking away, which made him feel a little uncomfortable, and was forced to look aside. Breaking her hand away, he explained:
“It’s just a gentleman’s little prank, but there is no lie in my words, it is you who have interpreted it wrongly, like you look up at the sky, which has no color, but you see it as blue, Of course, this is all caused by the atmosphere’s scattering of sunlight, so we can conclude that the one who deceives you is not you, who I misunderstood, and this world full of lies!â€
Ariel didn’t speak, because she was so angry that she couldn’t speak.
She pressed her hand on her chest and kept stroking, trying to control and suppress her anger, so that she would not slap him to death.
After calming down for a while, he stared at him and asked:
“Don’t give me nonsense!….I can’t even believe a word of what you said now.”
“It’s too much. You just said you should trust me just now.”
“If you forget, listen to the recording yourself!”
Luo Mo, who pretended to be dissatisfied, took out her mobile phone and wanted to play the recording to see what expression she would have.
But the moment the phone was taken out, the top half of the phone disappeared directly – Ariel’s speed was too fast, and it looked almost the same as disappearing out of thin air.
Obviously, as a person who has lived from the past to the present, Ariel also knows about mobile phones.
Luo Mo, who killed someone, wanted to flog a corpse face to face, which really made her furious, so she just stared at him murderously: “You bastard is really wicked! You even made a special recording?! ”
“Hmm~ This expression is great! I just want to see this expression!”
“… Are you happy to be alive? Are you happy?!”
“I’m not very happy, but I like you like this. You don’t like me and you can’t kill me~ But it’s a pity…we still have a chance to discuss this matter in the future, so let’s discuss it slowly.”
He didn’t say that he actually had a lot of backups, and he planned to save the entertainment for the next time. He clapped hands with Okazaki Kanami, Ferren and two brainwashed girls, and then walked out from the next room. With tea, it should be placed on the table.
“…Old, teacher?” Bai Zhi, who was holding Ariel a moment ago to tell her not to be impulsive, bowed quickly when he saw Gang.
“Student Luo Ye? You’re welcome, please use it.” Gang Qiang put on a smile, bowed deeply to her in turn, and left on his own.
“What did you do to Teacher…?” This time, Bai Zhi couldn’t control his emotions. If he hadn’t been pulled by Ariel, he might have acted impulsively.
“Probably just kill a few reincarnated people at random, so that she can understand what reality is?” Luo Mo, who was finally able to sit on the chair, rested his chin with one hand, and said casually in a casual tone:
“I understand that you may be very angry, but you can’t do anything to me, right? Of course I don’t want to bully you, so please stop doing meaningless things. Happy direction and hard work.”
“…everyone is dead…is this, happiness?”
“Death is also a kind of happiness. You are too. It’s better to recognize your own powerlessness early, and then let me tell you frankly, this planet belongs to me. You have to leave this planet. I can give you the spaceship. When you leave Shariel, I can help you save her and let her follow your footsteps.”
Not wanting to waste time talking about it, Luo Mo directly stated his purpose.
Baizhi, who was still angry, didn’t want to talk to him at all, but Ariel looked at him with a complicated expression, and retorted:
“If Lady Shariel is freed from the system, it is impossible for you to occupy this planet.”
“No, Shariel’s words can’t be my enemy at all. I just grab a few people and make human balls to form a shield for all-round protection. Will she attack me? No way~ It’s not me boasting, it’s just her muscular brain Guy, the combat power is very strong, but… the head is too cruel.”
“…and Julidis is here.”
“He won’t stop.”
“Because he likes Sariel, he and I can even work together…right, Julidis. ”
Luo Mo said halfway, turning his head to look at the empty space beside him.
Qiu Lidis, who was wearing a black armor, walked out of the void with a blank expression.
It was obvious that he had been monitoring them all the time, and now he was found to say nothing, but said in a tone almost spat: “…no matter who I cooperate with, I don’t want to cooperate with you.”
“Don’t say that, we are life and death friends after all, right? But if we think about it, we can cooperate, right?”
“A life-to-death friendship means that you have killed each other?”
“That’s fine.”
“…It is really not my wish to deal with a shameless person like you, but if you can really save Shariel, I…” Qiu Lidis closed his eyes in pain, but in In this pain, he shook his head violently: “——No, no, you are too untrustworthy, I can’t trust you.”
“Don’t say that, actually…how about sitting down and having a cup of tea first?”
Julidis hesitated for a moment, but chose to sit down.
Among the three people invited, two gods and one the strongest in the world, all three had a small conflict with him, but they unexpectedly held back the conflict and drank tea with him in the gazebo in the field.
But each of them is very vigilant, because the sea urchins and the triangular cones in the sky, as well as the robot that retrieved the lower body, are wandering around here unusually, and seem to want to catch them all.
This naturally made them tense up, suspecting that Luo Mo wanted to do something, so they tried their best to monitor the surrounding situation, and tried their best not to let themselves miss the slightest sign of trouble.
After all, it was not the first time for them to deal with Luo Mo, and they all knew that this guy was very insidious and cunning, and they might fall into his trap if they were not paying attention.
But Luo Mo always smiled, caring for this group of young people and girls who are more like honest children than bosses.
Even if they doubt themselves with the heart of a villain and the belly of a gentleman, they still have smiles on their faces.
But he didn’t actually say anything, he just chattered and didn’t mention the business, until he drank several pots of tea, and Baizhi, who lost his hunger skills and had a small appetite, was so full that he couldn’t drink anymore. In his dissatisfied urging, he informed:
“Actually, it’s meaningless to talk about it now. Everything that needs to be done has been done. There is no turning back. My plan has succeeded.”
“The Demon Race and the Human Race are selected, and they have already boarded the ship and are about to leave this planet. It would be better for you to get on the ship quickly.”
While Bai Zhi was stunned, Luo Mo explained carefully to them, of course…at this time, it was not successful yet.
But by the time he finished talking slowly, he was almost halfway done.
To put it simply, they have a big misunderstanding about Luo Mo, that is…he never thought of destroying them from the very beginning.
Although they thought that Luomo had controlled Potimas’ mechanical army and kept those machines wandering around in order to make a surprise attack on them, but in fact…
The purpose of controlling the mechanical legion is not to increase combat power to destroy them, but to use these combat power to divert their attention.
The one-eyed Yagna, the leader of the first demon army, and Baruto, the assistant of the demon king, both of them, like most of the demons, believed that the demons would perish sooner or later after following Ariel. .
Therefore, Luo Mo came to the door secretly and persuaded the two to participate in the plan to escape from this planet.
Similarly, the Pope also knew that it was impossible to defeat the combination of Ariel and Baizhi, and he was also worried about this precarious planet, so Luo Mo easily convinced him.
They have also spared no effort in these years, using the banner of trade as a cover to hand over a large amount of raw materials to him free of charge.
When the last troublesome character entered the game when Qiu Lidis appeared on the stage, Luo Mo took the three of them to drink tea and chat non-stop. Possibility of being able to contact them.
At the same time, during this period, the ground-effect aircraft carrier quickly carried the selected personnel, and boarded the spaceships made by artificial intelligence integrating technology and magic.
Even more people had secretly moved to the designated location when the war started, and boarded the spaceship directly and orderly.
The crusaders are responsible for maintaining order, and at the same time eliminate the forces among the demons and humans who have caused disturbances and even taken radical actions against this sudden transfer.
On the land, there are busy people and machines, and… killing.
However, in the living area of ​​the reincarnation in the Elf, it was unusually quiet and peaceful. Only Luo Mo was slowly telling his true purpose, and even confessed who he had cooperating with.
Just when they couldn’t bear it more and more, Luo Mo stood up, spread his hands, and happily told the truth:
“——Thank you for your precious time to listen~ Thanks to everyone’s precious time, my plan has all succeeded~!”
To be honest, he himself didn’t expect that the whole opportunity would go so smoothly, so that all three of them stayed here honestly.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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