Just like that, Sophia murmured like an undead from hell with terrifying courage at this distance where she could kiss with her head up slightly:
“…Miss Ariel, are you serious? Am I really going to be angry!?”
“Well… calm down.” Although there is a big gap in strength between the two sides, cute Lier was still overwhelmed by her momentum, and said with a dry smile:
“Since you don’t want to be left behind, why don’t you join together? How nice it is for everyone to love each other~ It just so happens that we are also a family to a certain extent.”
“What kind of family? In my eyes, you two are just stealing cats!” Sophia, who was so jealous, didn’t talk about the relationship in the past at all, and even drew a clear line with the two of them.
“If you want to say that, then I won’t be polite to you.” Ariel directly put on a serious look: “No matter how you look at it, it was Xiaobai who met Carlos first, right? Then Xiaobai is also half of me, and also That is to say——you are the stealing cat!”
“Huh!? What are you talking about? At that time, they were just animals! How can there be love between animals and humans! Of course, we have to count from the time when there is love!”
“But you were a baby in the first place, right? What’s the difference between a baby and an animal?”
With Luo Mo and Baizhi as the center, the two immediately started arguing.
It’s the complete opposite of the appearance of the two… Sophia is like a little girl who is struggling, but Ariel is inexplicably like a mother dealing with a rebellious daughter.
On the surface, it seems that they can fight at any time, but in the feeling, they won’t fight, and they will only stay in the stage of bickering.
This also made Luo Mo just on the sidelines, watching the pair of girls with gentle eyes.
Bai Zhi, who was also watching from the wall, kept his eyes on Luo Mo, and couldn’t help sighing:
“…I always feel that Carlos’ eyes…a bit like Dad…?”
“Really? But there’s nothing you can do about it, why are you always so childish?”
Luo Mo shrugged indifferently.
(Mmm~~ This kid just grew up a bit, but he has become so arrogant…!)
Bai Zhi poked her temple, thinking hard about how to preach to him, so as to get back the mother she had lost for many years… no, it was the dignity of her sister.
“Xiaobai, I know you must be thinking about something bad, so it doesn’t matter if you don’t have to rack your brains, I don’t want to hear it.”
(Ah?! Can this kid really read minds? He even knows what I’m thinking?! Obviously I’m notoriously cold!)
“…Don’t look at me with strange eyes, you are so childish and so emotional, usually you just need to speak first, even if you don’t say anything in the middle, I guess you can probably guess what you are thinking.”
Bai Zhi looked at the alien’s eyes, made him feel uncomfortable, and directly explained why he could guess her thoughts.
But this kind of explanation couldn’t satisfy her at all, and she even looked very unhappy because she was said to be childish, and even turned her head away with her hands crossed and started to sulk.
(What a difficult child to take care of, all of them…) Luo Mo glanced at the two people who were still arguing, and then at the sulking Bai Zhi, and couldn’t help but sigh behind his back.
Just like most families, after the quarrel, Ariel took on the job of everyone’s “mother”, took out the kitchen utensils and ingredients, and was ready to cook.
Baizhi, who was in ups and downs, and Sophia, who was tired from quarreling, gathered around her because they were hungry, laid hands and waited for the meal.
Luo Mo didn’t pay attention to it. The three girls with a strange sense of distance from each other stood at the entrance of the church and looked at the intensifying changes in the outside world. They couldn’t help feeling:
“I have to say, this is really a rare and superb view.”
“Okay~ The best dinner on this planet is ready! Rebellious children over there, don’t look at the scenery, come here quickly.”
Accompanied by the alluring aroma, there was the sound of Ariel knocking on the pot.
“…The rebellious period is not next to you. Is Sophia still waiting for you?” He retorted casually, then walked forward and sat on the seat opposite Ariel.
He didn’t pay attention to it before, but now he took a look at the materials for the fire, and he realized that… Ariel used the altar of the cathedral as firewood.
“Mr Pope sees thisOne scene, it is estimated that I will never die with you…”
“Oh~ I put it here until the end, and I’m going to end up with this planet, so why not let it shine at the end?”
“Hmm…seems to make sense?”
Luo Mo nodded suddenly, then raised his leg and looked behind him, at the countless wooden statues of goddesses at the end of the hall.
But before he could speak, a bright smile appeared on Ariel’s face: “If you dare to use the statue of Lord Shariel as firewood, you will never want to eat my cooking from now on.”
“…Does this mean that only state officials are allowed to set fires, and the common people are not allowed to light lamps?”
“Don’t agree with you to take the spoon?”
“You don’t want me to take the spoon?”
“That kind of punishment game with no lower limit is alright.” She waved her hand in displeasure: “If you argue with me again, you really won’t have dinner tonight.”
“…Okay, I’ll shut up.”
Whoever is in charge of the spoon is the boss, he has nothing to complain about this point, he can only give up his bad taste, obediently take the chopsticks and want to eat something, the food of the long-lost devil “mother”.
Because the food was too delicious, this last supper was very quiet.
After a satisfying meal, they left the church and came to the castle that Luo Mo had built for themselves in advance when it should be nightfall.
As the final resting place, there are all kinds of things he prepared for himself in the castle, but because only himself exists in the imagination, of course there is no bed, and there are no guest rooms.
The only bed that can be called a bed is the bed used by the cleaning servants in the past.
And there is no bed in his room, but there is a coffin as a bed substitute… He wants to try to learn how the vampire in the movie sleeps in the coffin, after all, the narrow space in the coffin can give people a sense of security.
However, he turned his head and glanced at the three people who followed him all the way. He was a little at a loss as to how to allocate the room, because he was sure that if he told them to go to the servant’s room… then there would probably be trouble.
Ariel looked around and pointed at the coffin and said, “Sophia, go to sleep in the coffin.”
“Why! Is this bullying?”
“What are you talking about? As elders, good things must be given to younger generations, and vampires should sleep in coffins.”
“I want you to go! I’m not going! I want to sleep with Lord Carlos!”
Sophia hugged Luo Mo’s arm, and showed her determination not to give up an inch of land, so Ariel could only silently give up this idea, and said to Baizhi that she was helpless.
Before Bai Zhi could speak, Sophia glared at her viciously: “Master, don’t want me to give in!”
(Mummum~~haha…no way.)
She rarely showed her determination to die, so that after Bai Zhi stared at each other for a while, she finally gave up using improper means to compete.
As the person involved, Luo Mo could only shake his head with a wry smile, suggesting that he should not sleep tonight.
After all, this planet might not be able to survive the night, and it would not be an interesting experience to be attacked by Sariel in a sleeping state.
And it is rare to be lucky enough to witness the collapse of the planet, and it would be almost meaningless not to appreciate the end, so why not take the opportunity to watch the end of this world.
This proposal was also approved by the girls, and they left the castle together and came to the courtyard between the castle and the church.
Ariel, who was jumping and jumping at the front, opened her hands and looked up at the continuously splashing lava in the sky, and let out a sigh that people didn’t know how to complain: “Wow~ It’s really good, just like the meteor shower! Everyone is like garbage You’re dead~ well, you died one step ahead of us!”
“Ariel…that’s the villain’s line.” Bai Zhi tried to correct it a little bit displeased.
“Haha~ Aren’t we just like villains? Especially Carlos.” With a smirk on purpose, Ariel poked Luo Mo’s stomach with her elbow, and asked casually, “Speaking of which, you What have you been doing all these years? Where did you get a crusader?”
“…After living for a long time and knowing more, I can naturally make something.”
He fell directly to the ground, unfolded his body on the lawn in a large shape, looked at the sky and answered the expected question casually.
Sophia immediately followed and lay down on the lawn, pillowing on his left arm by the way, and Bai Zhi was not to be outdone, and pillowed on his other hand in a similar manner.
The two sides just looked at each other through his chest, and sparks seemed to be rubbed in the air.
But… before the sparks came out, Ariel was the most straightforward, lying directly on him to block the sight of both parties, without any nervousness, she smiled and said to herself:
“You really don’t know how to choose a position~ But since you don’t choose, then I won’t be polite to you.”
“…Ariel is so deceitful…” Bai Zhi gently grabbed Ariel’s clothes, her voice sounded like a wronged daughter-in-law.
Sophia’s eyes widened in remorse, and she sat up abruptly: “Miss Ariel! Please now! Immediately! Immediately—come down! That’s my place!”
“Don’t be willful, of course this kind of thing is first come, first served.” Ariel was not polite, and directly hit her on the head with a hand knife.
Although it didn’t hurt very much, but knowing that the other party didn’t intend to let her down, Sophia, who couldn’t drag him down at all, couldn’t help but groaned uselessly while holding her head.
It was Luo Mo who, in order to prevent her from continuing to be awkward, stretched out his hand and touched her head: “Be good, be good~”
“…Sure enough, it’s Mr. Carlos~!” Sophia, who fell in seconds, threw herself at his side again, rubbing his head against his face, vividlyLike a coquettish big cat.
Baizhi watched this scene with envy and wanted to imitate it, but…
(If I do this, what about my dignity as an elder sister?! Will I still have the face to call myself an elder sister?!…Although I have never cared about that kind of thing, but I am an elder, how can an elder be like a younger generation? Acting like a baby! It should be this child and me acting like a baby!)
Ariel saw what Baizhi was thinking, and just patted her on the shoulder in relief, but looked at Sophia without saying anything and offered advice: “… To be honest, Sophia, you always In this way, sooner or later, they will be treated as real pets.”
“It’s okay~ Pets are great too!”
“…That’s fine, as long as you’re happy.”
Rather than persuading Ariel personally, she prefers to watch a play on the sidelines, although the current situation does not seem to be suitable for watching a play, and she shouldn’t be so leisurely.
Especially Luo Mo’s overly plain appearance surprised her even more.
He is about to encounter an unprecedentedly powerful enemy, and he also looks calm and calm, which is really impossible not to admire.
Especially… in the scene where she was better than hugging left and right, she was a little surprised by her calm demeanor, and even had some guesses, so she couldn’t help asking:
[Carlos, you…don’t actually be a lolicon, right? ]
[….What are you talking about? ] Luo Mo, who was staring at the flame rain in the sky in a daze, just rolled his eyes and didn’t want to pay attention to her.
[Two sisters with big breasts are next to you, a normal person should be a little excited, but you are indifferent? ]
[Are you stupid, if I favor someone at this time, don’t make trouble? It’s not that you don’t know that these two guys are like children, and I don’t want to comfort children. ]
[Hey~ I think so much, talk from experience? ]
[No..comment. ]
Facing Ariel who was gloating and full of joy, he really didn’t want to pay attention to it.
However, he deliberately turned over and lay on him who tried his best to play the role of the wooden man. He deliberately used a super bright smile to stimulate the two girls beside him, stared at him with moist pupils, and said affectionately:
“Tonight might be the last night for you. You don’t want to die alone, do you? It happens that I don’t like men either. You are an exception. Why don’t you just ‘get married’ tonight?”
“Uh… What you want to talk about is not a one-night love, right?”
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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