After all…he has a lot of messy racial attributes mixed in, no matter how you say it, he won’t be corrupted by vampires.
Ordinary vampires are not as strong as ghosts, but such a strong vampire might make his ghost blood stronger? Or is it a state of fusion?
As for domination…it’s impossible no matter how you think about it.
Think about it this way, giving a kiss to the amazingly beautiful little queen? Hmm, there seems to be no harm?
Cruru 2.jpg
I don’t know what’s going on with Luo Mo, but Krulu understands that he has completed the first embrace and signed a blood covenant with him.
Normally, as long as he drank some human blood, his physical condition would be frozen forever, making him unable to grow up to be like this child until he died.
This made her inexplicably feel a little bit of revenge, that is, she was quite regretful that she couldn’t get revenge on herself, but this child is also a liar who likes to lie, it’s okay to vent her anger, even a little early The feeling of eradicating a public nuisance for the world-at least Kruru thinks so, and she also got a very rare talent, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.
However, since the contract had been concluded, she did not continue to have Luo Mo locked up, but allowed him to move freely in the castle, but——not allowed to leave.
Because she was a little puzzled, this is the second time that she has converted someone’s dependents, why is there no specific sense of connection like the last one?
However, it may be because the other party is still too young, so she is going to put it on hold for the time being and observe the situation.
“…We obviously have no grievances, why are you so cruel and depriving me of my growth.”
Luo Mo followed behind Krulu, complaining in a low voice with an aggrieved face.
“Your growth? That kind of scum’s growth, it’s a good thing to get rid of it as soon as possible. I’m doing it for your own good, so you should thank me.” Maybe it’s because of the relationship of the same clan, Krulu’s face is full of tears A little smile.
“…What do you think of me? I’m just an innocent child!”
“A truly innocent child will not say that he is innocent, let alone lie like you are eating.”
“It’s really hurtful to say that. You have to know that sometimes lies are necessary, especially for a weak child like me, who need to use lies to protect themselves. This is the same as emergency avoidance, and it cannot be regarded as mine. Wrong, the law can’t sanction me.”
“Yeah, at your age, the law can’t sanction you.”
“That’s right, it doesn’t matter if I go to the women’s bathroom openly and aboveboard! No one will think that there is something wrong with me!”
Luo Mo’s words suddenly dawned on him, causing Krulu to stop in an instant and turn around, letting Luo Mo bump into his chest, and when he looked up at him in a daze, he showed a dangerous smile:
“Your thoughts are really more vulgar and tasteless than I thought… Should I kill you?”
“Uh, I’m just joking! I won’t really go!”
“Well…forget it, anyway, if you dare to run in while I’m taking a shower, I’ll kill you.”
“Don’t make things so serious, aren’t we companions now?”
“Companion? Oh, you are my dog, and I have no companion.”
“It hurts to say that, but a dog is a pet and needs to be taken care of by the owner. It can also be said that the breeder serves the same creature as the owner.”
Luo Mo, who was still dissatisfied at first, thought about it and smiled, and put his hand on her shoulder: “It happens that I didn’t eat at noon, so bring me something delicious, and then feed me~! ”
“…You really look like that bastard when it comes to pushing your limits.”
“I’m just stating the facts.”
“Unfortunately, I’m not the kind of person who lets pets mess around, but the type who likes to tame unruly pets.” Krulu didn’t look at him as a child and spoiled him, reaching out and stroking his head On the way, he showed a sweet smile at him: “Do you want to experience it well, how do I discipline a pet that doesn’t even have the ability to take care of itself?”
“No, no, no! I was joking with you just now, why are you serious?”
“…a wise choice, otherwise I have to find someone to castrate you first in order to avoid pets barking when the estrus period is over…Speaking of which, if you are willing to be castrated, I don’t mind serving you, why? Like? Eunuch? My lovely Wang Jiang~”
While talking, Krulu also put on a little devil-like smile, whileTouching his head while looking down at him, he immediately stepped back a few steps: “No, no, no, no, I’m just joking, I can dress and eat by myself! No need to take care of me!”
“Hmph, your advantage is that you are fast enough to adapt to the wind, but I don’t hate it, so keep working hard to maintain it, my lovely Wang Jiang.”
She smiled in satisfaction, stroking his cheek with her fingertips down to the collarbone, then finally put it away and turned around, and continued towards her bedroom.
Luo Mo stared at her back, fantasizing about how he would get revenge when he grew up, and take back all the advantages he had been taken, while muttering softly: “…Did I meet a more perverted female hooligan? ”
“What? Want me to castrate you manually now?”
“No, I’m just sighing, the touching part of Her Majesty the Queen~”
“Don’t play flattery on me.” Krulu, who was somewhat convinced that children will not lie, and children’s words are unscrupulous, has been made by him so much that he will not believe what children say. Did not reply to ask:
“Tell me, what do you know about me?”
“Ah? What? You mean how many moles on your buttocks?”
“That counts as one.”
“…Really?” Krulu, who had never studied his own butt, let alone looked at it in a mirror, stopped stiffly for a moment, and slowly turned his head to look at the He stared at him with terrifying eyes: “Why do you know?”
“Don’t look at me with such terrible eyes. How could I know that kind of thing? It’s all nonsense. Anyway, others don’t know, let alone ask you to verify, right?”
“…are you really a child?”
“If it’s fake, it’s a child’s words without deception, a juicy and tender child~”
“If I remember correctly, you looked like this 4 years ago.”
“Ah~ In fact, if my race sleeps deeply, it will enter a super-long standby state like hibernation. If I accidentally fall asleep, I will sleep for four years. When I wake up, I will be shocked. The world has become like this.â€
“If I remember correctly, according to the internal rules of vampires, now you can count me as my mother, and I…could I lie to my mother?! Who do you think I am? Can I Is it the kind of guy who doesn’t recognize his relatives?”
Although it is not that he has tried to kill Pandora, but he really can’t kill him and can only give up and be forced to live in peace in the end. He looks like he values ​​his relatives the most and is humiliated by her suspicion.
After staring at him for a while, Krulu couldn’t see anything from his face, and finally just shook his head with a weary sigh:
“…I’d be a ghost if I could really believe in you, but I feel tired all the time. I want to take a break and go play by yourself.”
“Oh, good night, dog mom~”
The humiliating title caused Krulu to turn around and stare at him fiercely for the second time, causing him to cover his mouth quickly and apologized with a smile:
“I’m sorry, sorry, I accidentally slipped my tongue, I want to say good night~ my dear mother~”
“Scream again next time!… Just wait!”
With a stern warning, she left the place quickly, because she didn’t want to be with this troublesome Luo Mo for the time being.
Although she just turned him into her subordinate, but now she regrets a little, why did she get this subordinate out?
This is simply more troublesome than the first family member, “Ba Mamo”, she feels more troublesome… Although it is only a troublesome personality now, but she has a hunch that this might be more troublesome than “Ba Mamo” in various senses.
Luo Mo, who was left in the aisle of the castle, stood in the dark corridor with his arms folded. After waiting for a long time, no one came to pick him up and go to his room.
“…that guy definitely forgot to arrange a room for me!!”
He didn’t curse at all, so he could only use his knowledge of the castle’s structure to head all the way to the upper level of the castle.
For things like castles, normally the lowest level is the cell, the lower level is where servants and soldiers live, the middle level is the chapel and priest’s room, and the main reception hall. Of course, the living room may also be accessed by the lowest level.
However, the owner’s family is normally on the top floor. After all, in terms of structure, when foreign enemies invade, the top floor is the last area to be invaded, which is the so-called safest place.
It’s just…he walked all the way, but he didn’t see any vampires.
The entire castle was empty, and he was the only one walking around the castle flickering with candlelight, as if he had stumbled into the castle of a monster from a horror movie at this moment… To some extent, it was true, and it was also the residence of a BOSS.
If he was really a child, he would probably be scared to death by this environment, but he has long been accustomed to walking in the dark, but in this deserted castle, he found Krulu’s as easily as if he had returned to his own home. Room.
At this moment, Krulu was lazily lying on the bed, with his eyes closed, pretending to be sleeping.
However, the door was suddenly opened, which shocked her. She opened her eyes suddenly and noticed that the sneaky child couldn’t help frowning:
“…What are you doing in my room?”
“You didn’t assign me a room, didn’t you? I can only come to your room now? You are a vampire and you don’t sleep, why don’t you give me the room? It won’t look too violent.”
“Do you want to die?”
“Don’t be so angry, actually I don’t plan to sleep on the bed, just sleep under you.”
“Oh? You have the self-knowledge to be my dog?”
“howMaybe, don’t even think about it. ”
With that said, he slid directly under the bed.
There is no particular reason, but I just think that the bed under the bed of Krulu in this castle must be the cleanest.
However, his actions made Krulu, who wanted to expel him, cover his mouth in surprise: “Is this the…tsundere among human beings? You are a little cute like a child.”
Having said that, she stopped paying attention to Luo Mo under the bed, closed her eyes again and imitated sleeping movements by herself.
Normally, she would not let others sleep in her own room, especially men, but…in her eyes, Luo Mo is not a man at all, and since she is her family member, it is not impossible to be a little magnanimous.
Most people who have just become vampires will definitely have a period of discomfort, at least until the past emotions are exhausted, they will definitely feel uncomfortable with the drastic changes in life.
But Luo Mo adhered to the principle of peace when he came, seeing that Krulu hadn’t discovered his true identity, so he wandered happily in the castle and looked around.
At the same time, I learned by the way that the forbidden magic “Seraphim of the End” seems to be the largest magic organization in Japan. The now extinct Hyakuya Church is a cooperation project with the still existing Emperor Ghost Army.
But according to the documents in the castle, many spell organizations in other countries have conducted research in this area, but this kind of research that may destroy the world is considered taboo.
No matter what world humans are in, they will not easily shrink back from touching taboos. They have always been very greedy for this technology, so that vampires have become the guardians of world peace. Anyone who finds out and researches it will be wiped out.
The only thing…Krulu had a problem for some reason, and made it a success once.
“Is this a coincidence, or…Kelulu deliberately let it go?” Luo Mo was a little skeptical that with the ability of vampires in this world, it should be possible to discover it in advance. If it had nothing to do with Kelulu, he always felt that Not too possible.
Just as he was talking to himself, continuing to bury his head in the book and want to study it in depth, Krulu’s voice suddenly came from his ear:
“—Are you interested in the Seraph of the End? Do you still suspect that I am in collusion with the Baiye Cult?”
“No one speaks to that extent, I’m just a little strange.”
I really want to complain, don’t just appear from behind others without hostility, ghosts will scare ghosts to death…but he still turned his head to look at the profile of Queen Lolita who was on his shoulder, closing Qi Qi was depressed and puzzled: “If it wasn’t for you, why would they succeed.”
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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