Facing Luo Mo, who thought he had a genius idea, Krulu just cast a cold look on his face.
“Shy and embarrassed to speak?”
“…Why don’t you kill me.”
“You child is unexpectedly willful.”
“Who the hell is that wayward!”
“Okay, okay, then give me a hug for ten minutes, right?”
“Do you really have any strange hobbies?”
At this moment, the girl’s gaze was so cold that it was a little frightening.
But he denied it without thinking: “No, I just think that zero-distance contact may be able to dissolve the sad high wall between us. After all, it has been said in psychology that the distance between the body and the distance between the soul is the same. promote each other.”
“I’ll find you a pillow, you go to sleep by yourself?”
“Seven minutes! Seven minutes is fine! You can’t go too far, this is my bottom line! And you don’t care about any kindness? Just seven minutes…”
“–no more than five minutes!”
Feeling that if he didn’t agree, this guy could quarrel with him for several months. Krulu subconsciously lowered the conditions, but he regretted it the moment he said it.
But without a chance to change his words, Luo Mo showed a tricky smile, reached out and passed her armpit, and directly lifted her up and hugged her.
“Woo…shame…a great shame!…One day, I will definitely kill you!” The humiliation made the girl purse her lips, gnashing her teeth and sending out a premonition of murder in his ear.
“Yes~ that’s how it feels~” Hugging the fragrant and soft queen, listening to the whispers in his ears and feeling the boiling killing intent, Luo Mo’s mood was so good.
It can be said that the body and mind enjoy together.
After all, he doesn’t have much hobbies, he just likes to die.
Cruru is very powerful and has a very interesting personality, so he naturally became the object of his play.
But he didn’t have any strange thoughts, purely because of such a lovely queen, it’s normal to want to hug and hold her high, right? It’s just that there is no body temperature, and it is a bit cold to hold in winter.
In the short five minutes, he was still reluctant to let go, and the moment Krulu couldn’t help reaching out to push him away—he imitated Bai Zhi’s past actions, and kissed her hard on the face, leaving A deep hickey.
The sudden sneak attack made Krulu’s mind go blank.
Then his angry face changed drastically, and he stared at him with murderous eyes. When he opened his mouth and was about to bite his neck, he immediately stretched out two fingers and inserted them into her mouth.
The girl was dumbfounded for the second time, her small mouth opened wide for a long while but could not be closed, as if something was wrong with this strange attack method.
Then his body was about to retch instinctively, and he quickly withdrew his hand and wiped the saliva on her skirt, and just left this place with space magic at the moment she bent down, and went to the place she had been to before. Tokyo・Shibuya.
On the spot, only dumbfounded humans, vampires, and the retching vampire queen remained.
When Krulu slowed down, he still looked like he had eaten a fly. He frantically demolished the nearby terminal building to vent his anger before leaving the airport angrily.
The humans at the scene looked at me and I was yours, so naturally they didn’t dare to chase this opponent who was impossible to win. The vampire also hesitated and didn’t know what to do.
Luo Mo didn’t have any friendship with Ferid. Letting Ferid go was just a discovery. Ferid wanted to attract other vampire ancestors, so he deliberately asked Ferid to shake people to prevent other high-ranking ancestors from coming.
After all, he didn’t want to go find them by himself, it would be convenient for them to gather together at once and become his food.
And if there is any conspiracy, it must have appeared at that time, he only needs to appear at that time.
the other side.
Part of the army of the Emperor Ghost Army is still more than 200 kilometers away from Tokyo, and Shibuya, the headquarters of the Emperor Ghost Army, has been blocked.
Soldiers equipped with power armor held all kinds of firearms and occupied the tall buildings near the city wall. The tanks drove directly to the city gate and aimed their guns straight at the soldiers of the Emperor Ghost Army who were at a loss on the city wall.
“What’s up with these guys…”
“There should be only one human armed force left in Japan, right?”
“Could it be the army of vampires?”
“But vampires should look down on technology!”
“That is… foreign troops?”
“What to do!? Can you beat it!”
Soldiers holding ghost weapons and simplified versions of ghost weapons, spell weapons that can be used without aptitude are in a mess, and they can only ask for instructions from their superiors amidst discussions.
But even their superiors can’t be sure what the situation is now., can only wait for the change, until… Luo Mo came here from Nagoya.
“Anyway, let’s start with a wave of surrender notices.”
He was in the rear headquarters, looking at the holographic projection of Shibuya city graphics, planning to make a feint first.
Immediately, a plane flew over Shibuya and dropped leaflets persuading the city to surrender. It was informed that the city gates would not be opened within an hour, and the leaflets persuading surrender would be replaced with aerial bombs.
The city suddenly fell into panic, but before an hour had passed, only half an hour later, the armored soldiers on the nearby tall buildings and the tanks on the street all retreated.
The next moment, the roar of artillery fire came from outside the city.
Before the bomber could even see it, several air-to-ground missiles fell from the sky and landed on the city wall with precision.
With a huge explosion like “Boom!!!!”, the city wall collapsed.
The soldiers on the city wall were wiped out in the core area of ​​the explosion, and even the ashes could not be found. The soldiers on the edge screamed and flew out under the action of the shock wave.
But this is just the beginning.
Before the attack that didn’t follow the content of the leaflet was slowed down, the artillery unit that had been waiting for a long time in the distance fired countless grenades and rockets, bringing a brilliant meteor shower to the dark night sky.
Then…the meteor shower that poured on the city wall and the fortress behind the city wall exploded.
A strong shock wave rushed across the ground, and the high-speed shell fragments turned into lethal weapons, tearing the soldiers of the surrounding Emperor Ghost Army into pieces.
Then the artillery fire seemed to be endless, and it was another wave of shelling, shelling, shelling, and shelling.
Hundreds or even thousands of destructive torrential rains poured down from the sky.
Screams and screams echoed on the battlefield. Under the baptism of the shells, many soldiers fled and lost their weapons, or planned to go out of the city to resist and start their best hand-to-hand combat to win a chance for themselves.
However, the torrential bombardment turned all the roars and wailings into nothingness, and fell into the earth in an endless and disorderly manner.
There are even more rockets that split in mid-air and turn into countless smaller rockets to “wash” the ground more precisely and on a larger scale.
The Emperor Ghost Army is not so much an army, it is actually a magic organization itself, barely transformed into an army formed in the past.
But the tactical thinking is still stuck in the middle ages, let alone electronic warfare or something, not even air defense.
Ah, no, actually they also have air defense units.
But soldiers with bow-shaped spell weapons can at most deal with air units like vampires whose armed helicopters are driven so low that they can hit buildings for face-to-face attacks.
Therefore, in the face of the vampire’s air attack, they can still obtain a good countermeasure.
However, when the bombers and artillery were attacking outside the line of sight, they didn’t show up at all. They didn’t even know where the enemy was, so they could only be beaten unilaterally.
Even because the time given by the other party was wrong, and they were still actively preparing for it, they were bombed without talking about martial arts before they had time to hide.
If it weren’t for the brainwashing education since childhood, they would have been unable to hold on.
But even the brainwashing education and the brutal one-sided attack made many people collapse.
Just as their vision kept shaking and their tinnitus continued, while they were still suffering from the nausea caused by the shock waves and dizziness, the bombing finally stopped.
All around followed by the fierce calls of his companions, and… the vibration of countless pedals, and the vibration of the war machine during its movement.
Subconsciously looking in the direction of the collapsed city wall, countless dark shadows spread across the horizon like a tsunami, turning into a wave that swept everything, approaching them with fierce gunfire.
The army of “undead” approached relentlessly.
Although they are creations of magic, they all use advanced technology. There are tanks and medium-sized mechas in the front, countless power armors in the rear, and a large number of armed helicopters hundreds of meters in the air.
On the defensive position of the Emperor Ghost Army, with the half-assed obstacles and hiding in the air-raid shelter, the few surviving Emperor Ghost Army could hardly form resistance.
Under the absolute firepower of guns and guns, not to mention nocking an arrow, even the spearhead will be headshot in an instant.
“Drop your weapon immediately!”
“Lie down on the ground with your head in your hands!”
“The resisters will be killed without mercy!”
After entering the city, crowds of people, mechas, and tanks wrapped in machines played a proclamation to persuade them to surrender repeatedly.
“You are… just kidding!!”
The cadres of the Emperor’s ghost army who have been loyal to the “Au Ye Mu Zhi Ye Shao Bao” for generations, trying to maintain the rationality that will disappear at any time, gritted their teeth and looked at each other while roaring in the city that had not been attacked by artillery fire.
“Release the power of ghosts with all your strength!”
“I will be loyal to the last moment for Lord Tianli!”
“This is the final moment!”
“Don’t be stingy with your life!”
Everyone in the building took out the prepared stimulants and ate enough to kill.
After waiting for ten seconds for the medicine to take effect, people with red textures all over their faces rushed out of the buildings on both sides and charged towards the underworld army advancing on the street.
“–go to hell!”
The moment they showed up, several people were immediately shot by the dense firepower net, but some people still rushed into the neat queue relying on super high speed and the distance from each other.
The light waves brought up by bursts of sword energy were like cutting leeks, setting off waves of blood and blood, cutting down groups of powered armor.
However, even though they used their own strengths to attack the enemy’s weaknesses, they failed to toss in this torrent of steel for too long, and they encountered the turmoil of knives at their waists one after another.force armor.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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