“You actually want to wait for others to lose both, and force others to work for you. Brother, you will suffer retribution sooner or later?”
Hearing his words from the side, Mei Li couldn’t stop shaking her head, but Luo Mo directly sneered at this and said:
“Your way of life is completely unqualified to say what about me, right?”
“We are different from my brother, we won’t leave the people we have dealt with~!”
“It can only be said that you wasted it, and there is no deep-rooted hatred. Of course, it is better to force the other party to surrender and become my pawn. Anyway, there is a contract, so why are you afraid of betrayal?”
He shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and didn’t bother to pay attention to this cruel bad boy, and continued to watch the battle situation at the scene.
I have to say that the feeling that others are beating life and death while he is watching from the sidelines really makes him feel very happy.
But before he could harvest both sides for his own benefit, a low-frequency and long whale cry suddenly came from the distant sky.
Obviously the sound was still far away, but this astonishing sound made the air around him buzz, and even made the earth dragons around him feel instinctively timid.
He subconsciously looked up and saw a huge “fish” swimming freely in the air under the moonlight.
And this huge “fish” is not a novel species, it is one of the three major monsters – the monster of fog, the white whale.
As the name suggests, the beluga whale has the shape of a whale, and on the rock-like rough skin, there are countless white body hairs. It is indeed a giant white whale.
However, its body is almost fifty meters long. From a distance, it looks like a white mountain floating in the air. There is a huge red magic circle floating on its huge head. No matter how you look at it, it is beyond the range of normal creatures. Full of mythical colors.
Originally, he wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, but…the white whale appeared.
This made Luo Mo’s expression suddenly a little subtle, because the appearance of the white whale would undoubtedly complicate Ben Minglang’s situation.
And if he didn’t guess wrong, the monster that was already nearby should have been attracted by the battle here, as well as the smell of Petichius and him, the two great crime priests.
But the white whale leisurely looking down at the tiny human beings who were desperately fighting, didn’t care about his mood as if a swarm of flies flew over after eating a big meal, and flew straight towards him.
Its appearance and that long cry are equally impossible to be ignored by the people below.
Both sides subconsciously stopped fighting and distanced themselves, watching the unexpected spoiler while being wary of each other.
“Moby Dick…”
Looking up at this gigantic monster that frightened people instinctively, Crusch unconsciously held his breath, and couldn’t help hating his own superficiality in his heart.
Because just by looking at her size, she knew that no matter how well prepared she was, if she wanted to deal with the white whale just by herself, it would be almost tantamount to committing suicide, especially now that she had fought with the Sin Archbishop’s troops, it was nothing like giving supper no difference.
But compared to her, Petichius looked very happy, and cheered with open arms:
“Moby Dick… Moby Dick is good! A representative of diligence, who has been slaughtering the earth for four hundred years!! Our role model! Model! Example! Norm! Example!!”
“You…do you have the ability to summon white whales!”
“No, no!” Facing Crusch’s question, Petichius unexpectedly spread his hands and gave the answer with a smile:
“Except for that lord (Pandora) and Gluttony, no one else can drive this industrious beast ~ that is to say! This is a trial for us! A trial of love!!”
Even if I really want to say: I can’t control what are you excited about here? But I basically understand that the other party is a lunatic and cannot be tested with common sense.Quantity, and… Crusch, through his own protection, detected a lie from him.
Since the appearance of the white whale is itself very suspicious, and it seems to be cooperating with the actions of the Witch Cult many times in the past, this makes her convinced in her heart that the other party can control the white whale.
…The so-called hopeless situation is probably like this?
Looking at the giant beast swooping towards them, and glancing at Crusch, the beluga whale and the archbishop, she could hardly think of how she should resist, and could only close her eyes as if enduring the pain. like expression.
But when the white whale rushed down, she kept stroking the family pattern on the hilt of the sword, but she opened her eyes again, planning to make the last struggle and fight to the death.
However…she unexpectedly discovered that the white whale ignored her and went towards the Witch Cult, and seemed to want to attack them? ? ?
“This is… what’s going on?? Aren’t they companions??”
The previous conclusion was overturned, and Crusch couldn’t turn his head for a while, but Wilhelm, who was covered in blood, was very calm, and immediately came to her side and hurriedly said:
“Master Crusch, we’d better retreat for the time being, rest up, and wait until they’re almost done fighting before we attack!”
“Ah, yes, retreat! Retreat!”
After being reminded, Crusch immediately came back to his senses, and loudly gave the order to retreat.
This scene gave Luo Mo a flash of inspiration, and he had an idea to maximize his own interests.
Chapter 70 From Villain to Hero
Hidden on the edge of the battlefield, Luo Mo, who was in the forest, watched the white whale attacking Petichius. It was obvious that his colleagues were suffering, but there was no wave in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh.
Because although the appearance of the white whale disrupted the situation, Crusch’s retreat also created an opportunity for him.
Not far away, Petichius also smiled, and even more happily than Luo Mo.
Although he had lied earlier, since Moby Dick was the one he had brought in to cover his actions, he hadn’t been lying entirely.
His limited ability to control the white whale is not as good as Pandora and Gluttony. It is precisely because of this that he did not directly let the beneficial assistant of the white whale join his team to deal with the border Borozwar and Emilia, but cleaned up the possible monsters on the periphery. Disturb his trash fish.
Who ever thought that the white whale would suddenly get so close to him, and at such a distance, he would be attracted by the witch’s aura on his body, so… just fight with it!
“Although I don’t know who brought you here! But since they are all here… then let’s have a good fight now! Repay the love you have been given with diligence! In order to find out the meaning of the witch’s favor! In this world, At this time, it’s up to me! Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love!!”
Dedicated to telling his diligence and love, Petichius, who was not wavering at the attack of the white whale, had a twisted smile full of evil spirits, causing a large number of shadows to burst out behind him.
——Boom! ! ! !
Countless huge demonic hands collided head-on with the huge monster that swooped down.
It seemed that even though Petichius’s magic hand was infinitely powerful, it couldn’t support the huge mass, and his whole body was slammed backwards.
The impact of the two powerful monsters caused the shock wave to wash the surroundings in an instant, causing the surrounding believers to be blown upside down, and the surrounding trees were also bent by the strong wind, struggling in the strong wind.
However, the person who should have been in the forest disappeared at some point.
Taking advantage of the fight between Petichius and the white whale, Luo Mo immediately led his people to evacuate from the scene, and took a detour to intercept Crusch’s remnants.
Although Crusch and his party fled the battle in a hurry, they did not stay too far away from the battle because of Wilhelm and some veterans who had a deep hatred for the white whale.
From a rational point of view, it is better to stay away from Moby Whale first and then discuss the long-term plan, but her agreement with Wilhelm made her unable to leave and made her hesitate.
And at the end of this hesitation, for the sake of the lives of the rest of the people present, she couldn’t help thinking of persuading them to make a long-term plan, so she looked at the old man beside her:
“Wilhelm, the current situation…”
“Master Crusch, you’ve done enough, now it’s up to us to make a break with the white whale.”
Wilhelm shook his head and interrupted her hesitant words, expressing his determination with a stern expression.
The nearby veterans who had a deep hatred for the white whale also nodded resolutely and came behind Wilhelm, ready to join him in a near-death battle with the white whale.
“You guys are…”
“Please forgive us for breaking away from your camp without permission, and forgive me for breaking my loyalty to you, but we really can’t bear the shame of the enemy finally appearing in front of us, but we can only escape in desperation.”
Wilhelm knelt on one knee, shouted out his persistence, and bowed his head deeply in apology.
Everyone’s determination to see death as home made Crusch clenched his fists tightly with a painful expression, really not knowing what to do at this moment.
In order to take revenge, Wilhelm frantically chased the figure of the white whale, looking for the location, time and weather of the white whale. It was not until today, fourteen years after his wife’s death, that he encountered the erratic white whale like “fog”. whale.
Even if she wanted to retreat Wilhelm, it was absolutely impossible to retreat, even if she knew that Wilhelm would die in battle, she would not change her mind.
Because a person’s lifespan is limited, Wilhelm really didn’t know if he could live to the next fourteen years… She knew this very well.
But even if they all went to fight the white whale, she wouldIt is difficult to imagine that one’s own side can defeat the opponent, and the annihilation of the entire army is the most likely thing to happen.
With commitment and friendship on the one hand, and the lives of his retainers and soldiers on the other, Crusch felt that this might be the most painful decision in his life.
But… before they could make a complete choice, an unexpected figure appeared in front of them.
“Ah~ Ms. Crusch, and Mr. Wilhelm, how about seeing you for a few days?” The boy in black robe walked towards them from the opposite side of the road with a hearty smile.
The young man who appeared out of nowhere was the archbishop of crime who, with his astonishing combat power, instantly drove back everyone in the capital and surrendered without even fighting in front of the strongest swordsman on the ground, and then escaped from prison that night. .
“You… are indeed companions with that guy, are you intercepting us here?” Wilhelm stood up from the ground in an instant, and stood in front of Kuerxiu together with the cat boy Phyllis.
Although Phyllis, as a healer, has no means of attack, her resolute appearance is full of the spirit of defending her master to the death.
The aura displayed by the old swordsman with six swords on his waist, Wilhelm, also made people feel unaffected by the injury.
But even if it didn’t look like he was injured, but at the same time as he speculated about the opponent’s strength, Wilhelm held his breath and prepared for the worst.
Because Anastasia and the elites of her faction were right behind Luo Mo, even the legendary Great Elf and Emilia who managed the knowledge of the world were on the enemy’s side.
Is there a new desperate situation after the desperate situation? …Kursch sighed a long time, then walked out from behind Wilhelm, who was anxiously watching and guarding Lome, and stared at the people behind him, full of unbelievable emotions snapped:
“You…have you all joined the Witch Cult?!”
“No, we are cooperating.”
“We have nothing to do with the Witch Cult!”
Without even thinking about it, Anna and Emilia denied the suspicion together.
Originally, they were all together with Luo Mo, and Crusch felt that they must be lying, but her guardian told her…they were not lying.
Just when she was confused, Luo Mo stepped forward and said sincerely:
“Don’t be so vigilant. I am here this time with a friendly attitude, hoping to make up for the sins I committed in the capital.”
“Don’t play tricks! If you really feel guilty about that, then it is impossible for you to do that kind of thing!”
“Please believe me, there is a deep misunderstanding in this. I just want to bring justice to innocent civilians and bring those who committed crimes to justice.”
“so you….!”
“I also feel deeply guilty for the damage caused to you and your subordinates during this period, but…I can’t die yet; I have more important things to do, so I can only choose to resist and not be caught I can’t be killed, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t feel sad for the innocent dead, so I came here to help this time.”
At this moment, Luo Mo seemed to be transformed into a merciful saint. In order to fulfill his compassionate wish, he had to adopt special measures, full of faith and kindness.
Normally speaking, cooperating with Crusch and Petichius would be the most effective against the white whale, with the fewest casualties.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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