Chapter 8 Your daughter, I will help you take care of

your cousins, as well as the founders and shareholders of those companies, as if they are all opening their mouths, and when Yang Tianyou returns to the west, Yang Xiangwei will be devoured alive.

According to Yang Xiangwei's secretary, after getting the news that Yang Tianyou was seriously ill, various movements in the company were developing in an unfavorable direction.

At the beginning, Yang Tianyou always wanted a son, but only gave birth to a daughter Yang Xiangwei, in order not to let years of hard work go to waste, he fought with an old face, and insisted on raising Yang Xiangwei to the position of vice president.

If he is given another two years, maybe he will be able to stabilize the situation and make Yang Xiangwei invincible.

But he fell ill too early, and the time was not yet ripe.

The so-called cunning rabbit dies, and the lackeys cook; The birds are all gone, and the good bow is hidden; The enemy country is broken, and the ministers are killed.

But Yang Tianyou is very close to the lackeys cooking, and the good bow is hidden, but the sky does not obey people's wishes, this is probably the number of fate.

In the face of today's situation, who else can Yang Xiangwei count on?

[If Lu Feng can help me, whether it is true or false, I will eventually accept this kind of behavior.

[I haven't seen him for a few years, Lu Feng seems to have become ruthless, from the fact that he was going to threaten me with my father's life just now, you can see one or two.

[But in the end, why Lu Feng suddenly changed his position, this is incomprehensible.

[No matter, maybe this kind of ruthless person can really help me. After

thinking about it, her head was sleepy and tired, and she was so overwhelmed that Yang Xiangwei fell asleep on the nursing bed.

Lu Feng stood on the side of the bed, looking at Yang Xiangwei, who was even curled up in such a graceful posture when he was sleeping, and the corners of his mouth raised a strange arc.

Seeing Yang Xiangwei's mental dynamics, Lu Feng understood that this woman finally chose to rely on him when she was desperate.

Originally, the same incident should have happened two years later, Yang Tianyou was bedridden, Ye Yan came into Yang Xiangwei's sight, and when he was most helpless, Ye Yan helped Yang Xiangwei get through the difficulties and became the son-in-law of the Yang family.

But because of Lu Feng's intervention, the story line was advanced by two years.

And now Yang Xiangwei, who is helpless, can't wait for Ye Yan, and can only wait for the pit that Lu Feng dug for her.

In the previous life, Yang Xiangwei's father and daughter helped Ye Yan ruin Lu Feng's family, and Lu Feng had to be repaid in this life.

Even if there is a beautiful woman lying in front of her, Lu Feng, who has hatred for her, will not pity the fragrance and cherish the jade.

In her sleep, Yang Xiangwei was short of breath, her chest was undulating, her willow eyebrows were furrowed, and two lines of tears crossed her white cheeks from the corners of her eyes, like jade beads falling on a plate.

"Brother Lu Feng, what should I do? Please, help me! I can't handle it alone.

In her sleep, her voice was so helpless and panicked, completely devoid of the momentum of the iceberg beauty president on weekdays.

Lu Feng squatted on the side of the bed, changed into a gentle face, grabbed Yang Xiangwei's helpless hands, held them in his palms, and gently comforted: "Sister Xiangwei, with me, don't be afraid, they can't hurt you."

Yang Xiangwei woke up suddenly, opened her beautiful eyes, and saw Lu Feng's handsome face, and her weak and slender hands were also buried in his broad palms.

Yang Xiangwei's white teeth as white as jade lightly opened: "Brother Lu Feng laughed and had a nightmare." A

flash of red flew up her face, and she withdrew her hands in a panic.

Although it was a dream just now, she still remembered shouting "Brother Lu Feng" in the dream, and under shyness, she covered her delicate face between her palms.

[I'm ashamed, I actually dreamed of calling his name, will this make him think that I rely on him too much?]

Lu Feng saw Yang Xiangwei's mental dynamics, smiled, rely on me as much as you want, the deeper the dependence, the deeper the pain in the end, hum!

Back in the company, Yang Xiangwei was reluctant to give up, and was always distracted in the face of work.

Without Yang Tianyou, the Dinghai God Needle, Yang Xiangwei felt that it was difficult step by step, and the work she arranged was no longer as efficient as before.

Her heart is like a mirror, and the backlash has begun.

After getting off work, Yang Xiangwei suddenly remembered that she had planned to settle accounts with Lu Feng after getting off work.

As a result, he didn't expect Lu Feng to go to the hospital early in the morning to make his position clear.

She plans to go home and sleep first, and then visit her father in the evening.

Suddenly the mobile phone rang, she picked up the slider phone, and saw that the caller ID was Lu Feng's name.

It was morning, and the two had exchanged phone calls.

At that time, Yang Xiangwei's name was: Brother Lu Feng.

Looking at these four words, Yang Xiangwei blushed unconsciously.

Wouldn't it be too numb to call "Brother Lu Feng"?

The little secretary of the spirit saw the four words "Brother Lu Feng" on the caller ID, and exclaimed in surprise: "Oh, Yang is always in love?" Yang

Xiangwei Mei glanced at the girl: "Nonsense, we grew up as childhood sweethearts, and we are high school classmates, so we should be friends." The

little secretary smiled very thiefly: "Mr. Yang, are you blushing because you are lying?"

"you, it's getting bigger and smaller." As he spoke, he slapped a crisp "snap" on the little secretary's buttocks.

The two are of the same age, they have been together for a long time, and they don't have so many rules, so when they joke with each other, they occasionally have them.

The first call was not answered because Yang Xiangwei hesitated.

Lu Feng made a second call, but this time Yang Xiangwei did not refuse.

Lu Feng said that he was waiting for her in the hospital and explained some important things to her.

Yang Xiangwei thought to herself, she was going to see her father anyway, so she just went to Lu Feng's appointment by the way.

In the hospital, in front of Yang Tianyou's bed, Lu Feng hung up the phone.

Yang Tianyou had already woken up, he looked at Lu Feng coldly, if his body could move, he really wanted to slap Lu Feng away.

In a weak, slow voice, he said, "I...... I warn you, don't ...... Don't hit my daughter's idea.

Lu Feng shook the phone and said proudly: "I'm sorry, I've already made up my mind." And the two of us can talk very well, and you say that she is in such an embattled situation, and I reach out and pull her, can she not be grateful to me? Hehehe......"

Yang Tianyou stretched out his trembling hand, wanting to hit Lu Feng, but his hand was halfway out, but it hung down weakly.

"You ...... This little bastard...... You dare to touch my daughter...... When I'm ready, I'm ...... I'll

kill you......" Lu Feng patted his shaking hand and mocked: "Do you want to kill me with these hands? I can't lift it! It's a pity, I have to tell you bad news, I won't let you get better." I'll take care of your daughter.

Yang Tianyou felt sad in his heart, and he didn't expect him to end up in this field.

"What's wrong? Why don't you cross paths? I will sympathize with you like this, don't worry, I will love Sister Xiang Wei even more."

Yang Tianyou burst into tears and begged: "Please...... Please...... Don't hurt...... Xiang Wei ......

" Lu Feng shook his head and sighed: "Alas, you are still too energetic, you need to take a rest." After

that, he took out the needle and pushed Yang Tianyou a dose of midazolam maleate.

Yang Tianyou gritted his teeth and scolded: "Lu Feng, you ...... You can't die ......"

(PS: ask for a bookshelf and urge changes, readers).

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