The king had a good idea.

【Click】! The crisp sound of the camera made everyone around him stunned.

"What are you doing?" The lion looked over.

"I'm recording my life!" King Ren smiled calmly, without a trace of guilt.


The young boy ran behind Shishu Duoduoliang with a swishing sound, "Duoduoliang is like this all day long, I have never seen you criticize him, so you can't criticize me..."

Being a person and a king must be fair, it must be like this.

Jutsu Tadara helplessly endured half of the gaze from Suoh-san. He smiled and said, "Don't be angry, sir. The child has grown up and his heart is a little wild. He wants to record his life! We adults should learn to respect!"

"Hehe..." Jutsu Tadara said so, what else can Suoh-san do. The one who set the precedent is not Nioh.

You can bear it. They are all your family members and your clan's family members. Can you really be on the same level with them?

Obviously the most violent king, but he endured to this extent for his family. He, the Red King, is really...

Nioh looked at Suoh-san and smiled silently in his heart. Once the King's Sword Sheath appeared, no one could stop it, but...

He stared at Jutsu Tadara. Why does your light feel a little dim?

Perhaps it is because he has become a member of the Red King Clan, Nioh sometimes suddenly feels the power of fire.

Then he felt that there was something wrong with Jutsu Tadara...

The white-haired boy frowned. Has it been a troubled time recently? Everyone has problems. Before he left, someone reported Jin Jian to him, and now Jutsu Tadara.

For once, it's okay, but now it's twice. The probability is not low!

"Anna... let's talk!" Niou looked at the innocent girl who was eating omelet rice. The girl showed great interest and excitement in her at the beginning~ Maybe there are some opportunities that only she knows.

"You finally found it..." The girl put down the omelet rice happily and looked at him with interest.

Although the omelet rice smelled good, Tadara's life was more important.

"You two..." Kusanagi Izumo paused.

"We need some space alone!" Niou said very seriously.

Houmura is really a very tolerant organization. Although Niou may have concealed something, no one thinks he is wrong to do so...

When he needed it, everyone gave the greatest help!

"Let's go to the second floor. There will be snacks and udon noodles later... Don't miss the meal, remember to come down and eat!" Jutsu Tadara said gently.


The two youngest members of the Houmura went to have a secret talk.

"What do you know?" Niou got straight to the point.

"Some very bad things!" Whenever she thought of this, Anna frowned, and she was not like a child.

"Is it related to Tadara..." The boy's voice was as light as a gust of wind.

If Jutsu Tadara really had something wrong, Anna would not have told Suoh Tsune, but the matter has not been resolved until now, and the established fate is still continuing, which means that Jutsu Tadara encountered something very serious, and it may even be - death!

"Is it really impossible for the future to change?" Niou couldn't help asking, "There are so many possibilities for fate, is there no sign of change?"

One of the thousands of worlds is fine!

"Tadara's fate is very magical, sometimes it will change, and sometimes it will return to the past!" Anna Kushina's little face wrinkled like an orange peel. "Sometimes, things have changed, but somehow, they suddenly changed back one day, as if nothing had any effect..."

"I don't know what happened!"

"Who caused these changes?" Niou asked.

Anna Kushina looked at her boy with burning eyes - it was him!

"But... how could it be me?" Although she didn't know Houmaira before, she didn't leave after knowing him, nor did she plan to betray him.

Could it be... fate thinks that he will betray and become king, and we are no longer a family?

"What a bullshit prophecy, I can't hurt Duoduoliang!" Although she is not as familiar with this gentle and handsome guy as she is with Suohon and Anna, they are all friends, how can they hurt each other?

"I can't explain it clearly -" Anna Kushina's face was frowned bitterly. She is just a child with special abilities, and exploring the future is already the limit

, but...

A hand suddenly appeared on his head, ruffling his hair warmly, "Don't think so much all day long, kid!"

Girls are treasures in the world, especially a quiet little princess like Anna Kushina. It's not a gentleman's thing to make a little princess so sad--

"Let me see if I can help with this matter?" He doesn't have much else under his command, and the most swords he uses to protect others. If it doesn't work, just send a team to protect him seven days a week!

He wants to see where the fate of Totsuka Tadara's future death lies~

"Just to be safe, ask, it has nothing to do with illness, right!"

Illness is God's will, and this kind of thing is not something he can change on his own.

Anna Kushina quickly shook her head, "Thank you, Nioh!" No matter what the future fate is, he is grateful for Nioh's help at this moment.

"Okay, from today on, we are the team to protect Tadara!" Although there are only two people, a team is a team.

Oh, wait~ did you forget something?

Two people!!

Two people~

Tsk, you said before that you would give him and the Byodoin Phoenix clan a name, right?

Poof~ I've been so busy with the New Year's celebrations that I forgot about this matter!

This guy must be very angry, very angry!

"I'm done..." Niou showed his pain mask in agony.

"How can you be so stupid?" He's been so busy recently, with so many things to do, that he forgot a lot of things...


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