The adults were half drunk, and the two children were talking happily, making the banquet pass by especially quickly. But Niou noticed that Suohono didn't seem to be in a very good mood.

He felt a little uninterested~

"Nei, Anna, what happened?" He pointed to the person next to him.

"It seems that Reisi has to work overtime today--"

"Hey?" Niou widened his eyes, "Brother Zun originally planned to invite Qingwang's people?"

"Yes!" Anna added, "It's not an invitation, it's an unspoken rule~!"

Niou:...Unspoken rules are not used like this.

He shook his head to get rid of the extra things in his head. He was about to say something, but suddenly he received a call from the person who stayed outside.

"My Lord, something has happened!"

The voice was Tsurumaru, whose usual playful and cheerful voice was full of seriousness today.

Nio hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

"The ship in the sky suddenly changed its direction!" Next to him stood the most knowledgeable man in Honmaru, Suzumaru Tsuneji.

Since Niio became the King of Kings, all the swords in Honmaru agreed that it was necessary to quickly learn about the information of other Kings, as well as to determine their habits and likes and dislikes.

This is the only way to ensure that the Lord will not be harmed in the future!

What Suzumaru Tsuneji had to observe was the Silver King in the sky. And now...

"Let Suzumaru Tsuneji answer the phone--" Niio's eyes darkened.

"My Lord--Although the airship in the sky has changed its route several times, the previous times were all related to the Lord." Suzumaru Tsuneji said briefly, "But this time, the Lord was clearly on Houmaru and not on it... So I concluded--something has happened!"

The beautiful young man's eyes were slightly lowered, and the light from the sky was full of condensation. No one can affect the safety of the lord in the world!

"I know--" Niwang's eyes darkened, "I'll go over and take a look now!"


"Go ahead!" Anna Kushina looked at him seriously, "If Masaharu has something to do, he can go by himself... to the second floor and the rooftop!"

"You don't... ask?"

"Masaharu won't hurt us. You're so anxious, something must have happened."

Her trusting words made Niwang Masaharu curl his lips.

"Puh~" So good. Niwang felt warm all over and felt particularly comfortable.

He glanced at Izumi-no-kami Kensada and Yamaubakiri Kunihiro who were drinking, and nodded to Anna, got up and went upstairs.

"Where is he going?" Hatta Misaki asked.

Anna Kushina said calmly, "Masaharu went to the bathroom!"


Who would suspect the little princess of Houmaira?

--No one!

Niou succeeded in coming out.

When everyone thought he was in Homura...

As soon as he got on the rooftop, Niou found that the six swords that were originally in the dark had all appeared. Both Suzumaru Tsuneji and Tsurumaru were holding telescopes, keeping an eye on the situation in the sky.

Niou looked up——

Spiritual power surged, and his eyes shone with a glittering light in the darkness, allowing him to replace the telescope and look directly at the sky.

Above the sky!

For the first time, another figure appeared on the originally peaceful rooftop.

——Is it Kunitsugu Daijuku?

By observing the figure, Niou denied this result. The other person was very thin, so he shouldn't be.

The two figures in the air were pushing each other, and seeing that they were getting closer and closer to the high platform, Niou's heart was in his throat.

Suddenly, he remembered what Kunitsugu Daijuku and Kitsunesuke had said before.

The clues of the space-time rift finally appeared at this moment——

We can't wait any longer, we must go and see immediately...

"You guys keep an eye on it here..." Niwang turned back and ordered seriously, "Observe the movements and keep records. If there is a crash, report to Fei Shiyuan and Houmaira immediately and let them prepare for disaster relief!"

"Yes!" The swords took action immediately, taking out their phones and taking notes.

"By the way, Jutsu Tadara——" Niwang remembered a key person.

"Wait a minute! Protect him first!"

Others may not die, but he will 100% die.


After explaining clearly, Niwang took a deep breath, white light surged on his body, and he lightly stepped down, and the whole person flew into the air.

"My are..."

The swords around him opened their mouths in shock.

"I have gained some new power recently!"

Niwang chuckled

, controlling the body, began to fly upwards.

At this moment, the sky airship was almost directly above their heads. On the rooftop of the airship, the two arguing figures were getting closer and closer to the edge——

Ren Wang flew very fast, and saw two figures that were almost the same as soon as he came up.

The white-haired boy looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, and his delicate features made him have a sense of intelligence. But at this moment, he was fierce, with a ferocious smile on his face, laughing wildly, "Haha, what about the Silver King? He is still my defeated opponent!"

The one who can hurt the king must be the king!

And this person——

The silver-white fox in the mind suddenly opened his mouth: [Host, it's him, he is the colorless king who came to our world through the cracks in time and space! ]

Ren Wang frowned: [...It's him? ]

Very good, no need to guess now!

The Colorless King held onto Wiseman's arm tightly, his laughter getting louder and louder. Just as Ren Wang frowned, he suddenly glared, and a gleam shone in the depths of his originally calm eyes.

Ren Wang could feel a kind of power bursting out of his body——

This is——

Perhaps as the Colorless King, the same original power made him sense this strange energy. I understand, the approximate direction of this power...

——Plunder. To be precise, this is more like the possession of bodies in immortal novels.

[He held onto Wiseman so tightly, is he trying to win the body or power of the Silver King? ] Ren Wang was shocked.

[This is not certain yet! ] The silver fox said.

No matter how much they share the same roots, the king and the king will always exist independently, and being able to barely sense each other is already a huge limit.


[You can't gamble like this, you must stop him! ]

The Silver King has been very kind to him, and he is very good to him, Ren Wang can't just stand by and watch him die.

A strange light came on...

Ryota controlled his strength without stopping and flew over. He first stepped on the railing of the rooftop. After getting the support point, he gathered his strength instantly and kicked the boy with both hands away before the two people were prepared.

"Weizman, are you okay?"

He looked behind him with his eyes hooked, and at the same time looked coldly at the figure lying on the ground in front of him, clenched his fists, and guarded against his sneak attack again.

"Sorry, I'm too late!"

The focused boy didn't notice that the man who staggered behind him had a dark look in his eyes and a weird smile on his lips.

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