The breath became more and more oppressive, and the people around him were suffocated.

Then... in just a blink of an eye, the dark green hair turned white. With the red eyes and white skin, it really looked like a devil descending on the earth!

"Haha, it seems that this is all you can do!" He laughed, the sound was not loud, but it made people's backs cold, because-

"Is he... awake now?" Xiangri Yueren muttered to himself with his eyes wide open.

"Who knows!"

Oshitari's eyes were deep.

Rikkai University is really a monster school!

Everyone is like a monster, with a full evolution process.


"It's Kirihara's turn to evolve!"

"Being oppressed in the game and then growing up, this is what all of you want, right?" The conversation between Niou and Tamagawa continued.

Tamagawa nodded silently: "..."

"But, you forgot one thing!" His voice was extremely cold, "Evolution is painful, there has never been a harmonious and happy change that makes people happy!"

And the so-called happiness and joy are all lies. If the facts are really so beautiful, there wouldn't be so many oppressive trainings!

If you want to break through, you have to fight your best and oppress yourself.

Only then can you win a glimmer of hope!

"This is Kirihara——" method!

Seeking a glimmer of hope for a breakthrough in madness. This is not something that ordinary people can do, and the pain you endure is greater than that of ordinary people!

"I——" Tamagawa also understood this truth, so the shock in his heart was overwhelming. "I can't do it——"

He said frankly!

"But senior, I can't do it now, but it doesn't mean I can't do it in the future!" The boy's eyes were bright, and he obviously didn't want to give up.

Only this time, Niou laughed.

His chuckle was not mocking, but joyful and encouraging.

"It's good to have such thoughts and perseverance!" Everyone wants to be strong, to be the one standing at the forefront.

Tamagawa thought, just do it!

As long as he opens his heart to everyone, there will be no one in the tennis club who will not help him.

"Don't hesitate to ask us if you need anything!" Niou touched his head, "Any senior in the school will help you!"


Kirhara finally lost, the gap between him and Atobe was still too big and he was not his opponent at all.

After a game, he was not only exhausted, but also severely dehydrated, and almost fainted on the court.

He was still dragging his two stiff legs down pitifully... Before he could greet the care and love of the seniors, he saw the most annoying person!

—— Tamagawa Yoshio!

"What do you want to do?" He knew that Tamagawa Yoshio didn't like him and didn't like him very much.

This time he lost the game, and in front of him, and he thought he would be mocked by this person again.

Unexpectedly, the words he imagined did not appear at all——

"Kirihara-kun, please teach me more in the future"

Tamagawa's attitude was gentle, but Kirihara jumped back directly, thinking there was some conspiracy.

"Are you trying to trick me again?"

"No, I just want to make friends with you!" Tamagawa said with a smile.

Although he used to think of Kirihara as an unreasonable psychopath, he relied on his tennis skills. He mocked others and looked down on the second and first graders.

After the game, he saw Kirihara's tenacity on the court and felt that he could barely be friends with him!

"Oh, so that's it!" Kirihara stretched out his hand.

Now it was Tamagawa's turn to be surprised!

Although he showed some kindness, he was not completely kind.

"Do you trust me so much?" he asked.

"It should be Senior Niou who asked you to come. If he believes you, I will believe you too!"

I thought Kirihara was a psychopath, but I didn't expect him to be a silly and cute one now~

Tamagawa felt that he should be able to live in peace with Kirihara in the future.

They can live in peace completely.

Seeing this scene, Liu was surprised and wanted to laugh. He thought that the problem was difficult to solve, but it was solved in this way.

"I didn't expect that our next generation... would be so simple--"

"You learn from whoever you follow, you think of whoever you follow!" Niou looked at Sanada next to him with a smile.

"Why do I feel that Kirihara is closer to you!" Liu's eyes turned.

"But when Kirihara first came in, Sanada took the most!" Niou pouted and he didn't want to take the blame.

"At the beginning, all the decisions were made.

, Sanada's initial education is the most important, my acquired training is not important——"

Yanagi: "..."

You have to push this responsibility onto Sanada!

Okay, okay——

"If Sanada knows, he will definitely be unhappy!" Yanagi said with a smile.

"You know it and I know it, no third person knows it. If he knows it, it must be you who told it——" Niwang will not be fooled by him.

"Then I will say that you are the one who started it!"

Yanagi: "..."

He really threw the blame cleanly!

"You are getting more and more cunning!"

Niwang curled his lips and said proudly, "Don't say that I am a fox by nature!"

Yanagi laughed angrily, "Who did you learn this kind of proud look instead of being ashamed from?"

"What do you care about me!" The game ended happily, and everyone was in a good mood. Niwang was also in the mood to joke with Yanagi.

It's just...

"Niwang, don't you explain it to me? "Master Atobe is in a bad mood.

He won the game, but Hyotei lost. As Hyotei's minister, it's strange that he can be in a good mood!

"Explain? What's there to explain? We just played a normal game and won normally!" Niou shrugged, not intending to reveal more.

But Atobe is so easy to get along with.

"Let me guess, Yukimura is in the hospital now, who is the boss of Rikkai University?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was silent.

Hyotei was so quiet that even the sound of a pin drop could be heard.

"Atobe, what do you mean?" Hyotei's people were not fools, and the third-year students reacted one after another. "The new minister of Rikkai University will not be--"

Thinking of Niou Masaharu, who dominated the game and disappeared from time to time, everyone didn't believe it, they didn't want to believe it.

"Humph. What do you think?" Atobe snorted coldly, "I didn't expect that you would succeed in reaching the top in the end! "

Nio smiled, "Atobe, what are you talking about? Why don't I understand?"

He is a fox, the most cunning species, and never speaks the truth. It is not easy to get some information from him!

"Of course it doesn't matter, we all have eyes!" Oshitari pushed his glasses. As the second smartest person in Hyotei, Atobe just told him this.

It would be a pity to lose to Niio, but if he lost to the current director of Rikkai University.

Then this matter is of a different nature!

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