Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 251 Charm Aura! Yang Qin Is Ready To Be Hard Mu Yun? (Fourth! Please customize!)

Although I don't understand why the two of them look like brothers.

But Mu Yun didn't care about it.

It was not the first time he encountered the butterfly effect.

Looking at Wang Shun with a smile.

"You are the son of Wang Dong of Dynasty Pictures. If I remember correctly, your name is Wang Shun, right?"

Mu Yun knows his name?

Wang Shun was inexplicably happy.

He didn't expect Mu Yun to know his name!

Excited, he did not forget that Mu Yun was still asking himself~ words.

"Yes, Brother Mu, my dad is Wang Dadong, it's nice to meet you!"

Mu Yun felt Wang Shun's words very familiar.

It was just a flash of this thought, Mu Yun didn't think much about it.

"Xiaoshun, let's not talk about the gossip. I have something to do this time. We will talk when I am done."

While saying this, Mu Yun looked at Director Cheng.

More precisely, Mu Yun's gaze passed through Director Cheng, and glanced at Yang Qin who was not far behind him.

[Protagonist: Yang Qin

[Age]: 20 years old

[Identity]: Student of Shencheng University; Traveler

[Charm]: 95



【Combat Power】: 40

Halo【】: the protagonist halo (intermediate); luck halo (advanced);

Wisdom Aura (Intermediate); Charm Aura [Super]

【Skills: Driving (Intermediate); Acting (Intermediate); Vocal (Intermediate)

【Qiyun】: 630,000

(For some reason, that pure ha changed to perfect! Loyalty will also change!)

Nothing else, no tone beyond Mu Yun, he didn't care.

Mainly Yang Qin's charm halo.

This is the first time Mu Yun has seen a halo other than the four halo types.

Charm Aura [Super]: As long as you have the opposite sex with the aura owner, you will be fascinated by her/him after three minutes of contact, and be fascinated by her/him, as long as she/he does not do harm to the charmed person's spirit. What is damaged, the charmed person will always be immersed in it.

Very powerful halo, no wonder the male partner in the story has been around Yang Qin, no matter how Yang Qin treats them, they have no regrets.

Although they are not hostile to Yang Qin, and will not incur the reduction of intelligence, the effect of this charm is not worse than the reduction of intelligence, or even better to some extent.

Just being fascinated by myself, IQ is okay, and I can still use it for myself.

If it weren't for Mu Yun's appearance, Yang Qin would be a proper winner in life.

Paired with the face value pill given by the God-level star system, Yang Qin's beauty quickly caught up with Zhao Ling'er in the later period, how many men can resist her charm?

Knowing about Yang Qin's situation, Mu Yun turned his eyes to the director Cheng in front of him.

"Hello, Director Cheng, take the liberty to visit, I hope you don't mind!

Facing Mu Yun's polite words, Director Cheng hurriedly stretched out his hand.

"Where, where, what are you saying, Mu Shao, what do you need to let Hong Shao notify me, I will visit my door, let you come here on a special trip, Cheng is really sorry!"

Director Cheng is not the audience present, so that Hong Tai and Wang Shun can be willing to be younger brothers. He can more or less guess that Mu Yun should be from the imperial capital, plus the surname Mu.

Based on his experience and knowledge, it is not difficult to guess the identity of Mu Yun, which is why he appears so polite.

The audience there just stared blankly.

Shocked many times, their heads no longer know whether they should continue to shake.

In their hearts, most of them are secretly guessing Mu Yun's identity.

Mu Yun stretched out his hand and held it with Director Cheng.

"Director Cheng, you are too self-effacing. I speak straightforwardly. Since I see Director Cheng here, I will speak straightforwardly."

"I came here this time hoping that Director Cheng could temporarily stop filming the movie."

Mu Yun's words shocked everyone who was numb at the scene, and stopped filming the East King of Penglai?

This drama is about their jobs. If it stops, will they have an income?

Of course, the most anxious person in the audience is Yang Qin.

This Mu Yun is crazy!

It's so good, why do you want Penglai Dongwang to stop filming, once this stops filming, what about her task?

The task is to finish filming his role in the Penglai Dongwang crew.

Not difficult, it was not difficult at first.

So much so that the one week given by the system was ignored by her.

Now Yang Qin is naturally anxious when he hears that he wants to stop filming.

If it stops filming for more than a week, won't she fail the mission?

Although Yang Qin was very anxious, she did not speak.

She doesn't know the identity of Mu Yun, and now Mu Yun doesn't know if she has seen her.

The ghost knows if Mu Yun will have an idea about himself.

If she has no idea, her charm aura won't work, and she goes straight up to find something, isn't she asking for trouble?

She hasn't experienced the aura of descent of wisdom and the protagonist's aura for the time being, and she doesn't know the effect of these auras.

So Yang Qin decided to wait and see for the time being. What Mu Yun said affected more than himself.

...For flowers...

There will always be early birds who stand up against it.

No, as soon as Mu Yun finished speaking, Director Cheng wanted to ask.

But Mu Yun waved his hand.

"Director Cheng, listen to me first about this. I will say hello to Dynasty Pictures and Hongyang Group, and the Ministry of Culture and Entertainment will give Dynasty Pictures on the other hand, and Hongyang Group will make a certain amount of compensation.

This "Penglai Dongwang's salary and various expenses will be settled by the two groups in advance for you. If you need to make up for the follow-up, you can cooperate."

After a pause, Mu Yun's face became serious.

"Director Cheng, this time not only you, but also several directors will be invited.

Military Ministry "I hope you can help make more film and television dramas related to Yingguo during this period. I will talk to you about the content of film and television dramas later.

"I don't know what Director Cheng wants?"


Thinking of Mu Yun's identity, Cheng had no doubt that the military wanted them to help make a few films and TV dramas related to Yingguo.

And Mu Yun also helped them think about it beforehand, and the employees of these crews first settle their wages.

So in general, the crew suspended filming, and only the two companies of Dynasty Pictures were lost.

In this regard, Mu Yun also helped them to consider, and let the Ministry of Culture and Entertainment compensate on the other hand.

This is not bad, at least the director did not see Mu Yun bullying others.

Instead, all aspects have been considered for them.

As for the personal exposure and reputation of the actors' loss.

These are all fictitious, who can tell.

Just when Director Cheng was about to agree, the voice that shocked and frightened him several times sounded again.

"No way, how can this be done!"

Yang Qin!

She had just finished speaking when she saw Mu Yun, and everyone seemed to be very happy to accept it.

If you don't work, you will be paid. Who wouldn't like it?

Yang Qin is definitely not happy!

Director Cheng looked like he wanted to agree.

If she doesn't speak anymore, won't the filming of the Penglai Dongwang drama have to be stopped indefinitely?

What about her mission?

So Yang Qin, who didn't want to be the best bird, spoke up!

And just hard Mu Yun as soon as he opened his mouth.

After speaking, Yang Qin walked out of the crowd and walked towards Mu Yun slowly.

Mu Yun was smiling all the time, but there was a hint of conspiracy in this smile.

Seeing Yang Qin walking slowly, Mu Yun said.

"Miss, I want to consider what should be considered in the arrangement. I have tried my best to consider it for you."

"I don't know what else do you think?" Shi,

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