Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 254 Let Guan Qin play with Yang Qin! Throw An Ying's two daughters into Zhou Meng'

Naturally, finding other directors does not require Mu Yun to come forward in person.

This time, if Director Cheng hadn't gone to destroy Yang Qin's mission, Mu Yun would not go there in person.

Yang Qin's opening mission has been destroyed.

On the way back, Mu Yun thought of Guan Qin.

He decided to push Guan Qin out to fight Yang Qin.

In the future, as long as Yang Qin has a task, Mu Yun will let Guan Qin join in.

In terms of appearance, Guan Qin is naturally unable to compare with Yang Qin.

But seeing Zhou Meng's eighty-eight-pointed beauty, she can reach ninety-three after putting on makeup.

The face value is not a problem!

Besides, Guan Qin's appearance has increased a bit, eighty-seven.

Yang Qin has a face value pill, and Guan Qin in his family can inexplicably improve his face value.

It's still so high that Mu Yun can't figure it out.

After inquiring about the system, he gave up the luck of consulting the cost of half a million.

Guan Qin's appearance is good for him, whatever the reason.

Five hundred thousand air luck is worth half a high-level halo, wasted on asking this matter?

After making a decision, Mu Yun hurried back to raise the matter with Guan Qin.

She is very interested in herself, and there are very few girls who are not interested in being a celebrity these days.

No, just after listening to Mu Yun, An Ying and the two women are equally interested.

Pull Mu Yun onto the bed, one ears, the other thumps his legs.

The service attitude is very correct, but Mu Yun did not agree.

Guan Qin came into the circle with a task, what are the two of them going to do?

Mu Yun is not a celebrity agent, so how can I arrange this arrangement for them when I have time.

Guan Qin is the new heroine.

The two waiters in front of them are in the past tense, just be quiet as their own women, what kind of drama!

"I'll let Guan Qin be a little dragon set, there is not even a role, what are you two going to join?"

At home "isn't it good to be quiet to make up the drama? Acting is very tiring!"

An Ying heard Mu Yun's refusal again, and directly used Mu Yun's leg to the ground.

"I'm tired from acting, you still let Sister Qin go, you are a typical example of having a new person and forgetting the old one!"

"The guy who likes the new and hates the old!"

Zhuang Lingfei was taken aback by An Ying's actions. She was holding her ears to Mu Yun. Fortunately, she responded quickly.

But An Ying came to this, she stopped pulling her ears and did not continue.

Following An Ying's words, he nodded.

Sister Qin is fine, why can't they?

An Ying is right, Mu Yun likes the new and hates the old!

Enjoying Mu Yun's treatment suddenly disappeared, opened his eyes unhappy and looked at the two of them.

"You two have the face to say that I like the new and dislike the old"?"

"You guys work hard!"

"Hide when you see me, I won't find Xiaoqin to find you?"

Mu Yun's straightforwardness made the two women feel ashamed, and they looked at each other and rushed towards Mu Yun.

I don't know how long it took.

Mu Yun walked to the balcony.

"Xiaotai, let Xiaoshun answer the call!"

If you want to gain something, you have to work hard. For the three hours of hard work, Mu Yun and Mu Yun are ready to pay.

Wasn't the Zhou Meng next to Wang Shun always antagonizing Yang Qin in the early stage of the story?

Throw An Ying into Zhou Meng's camp, and let her take them by the way.

As for whether she will damage An Ying's two daughters, Mu Yun is not worried.

Zhou Meng has been in the film and television industry until now, and she can't do it if she is a fool.

She dared to mess around, without Mu Yun's action, Wang Shun had a way to deal with her.

On the contrary, with her, Mu Yun believes that she will soon let the two women understand that the film and television industry is not as beautiful as they thought.

In the end, the two women decided to stay and Mu Yun would not interfere.

After explaining Xiaoshun, Mu Yun went into the bathroom to wash.

Coming to the bed again, looking at the two women with hope in their eyes, and Guan Qin, who was implicated and reborn in love again.

"There will be a little star named Zhou Meng who will come over. You will follow her first these few days to see if you are suitable for this circle."

Other "Things will wait until you two decide."

Although Mu Yun threw the two of them to others, An Ying felt uncomfortable with them.

But Zhou Meng and the others know that a star that has been quite popular recently.

Thinking that they could study with Zhou Meng, the two had no opinion.

It's just that Zhuang Lingfei glanced at Guan Qin.

Brother Mu, "Why don't you let Sister Fang be with me?"

Mu Yun slapped Zhuang Lingfei's hips suddenly.

"Xiaoqin, I have already told people that you two will get acquainted with them first, and I really want to stay in this circle and develop, and I will make arrangements for you!

The play hasn't even begun to decide, Mu Yun said that the arrangement is naturally to fool them.

If it weren't for their cooperation, Mu Yun wouldn't bother let Zhou Meng come over.

"Get up and pack up, don't wait for someone to come, you are still lying here!"

The two didn't want to move, but thinking of waiting for Zhou Meng to come, they could only forcefully walk into the bathroom.

Zhou Meng soon arrived outside Mu Yun's villa.

She was very excited when she received Wang Shun's call. How could she not be excited to be able to get on the line of Mu Yun.

She has no other thoughts about Mu Yun.

She just wanted to hug the thigh.

You know it, she knows that Mu Yun is unlikely to follow her.

Especially she learned from Wang Ding that Mu Yun wanted her to help bring two girls to the film and television industry.

She knew the situation of the two girls as soon as she heard it.

It's nothing more than the same as myself, who are close to the gold master.

Wang Shun was next to her, and Mu Yun of a higher level was next to her.

So this mission is to let her be a babysitter.

Even so, Zhou Meng is already very happy.

She is deeply honored to be able to make Hong Tai and Wang Ding's big men who bowed their heads and call their little brothers useful to her.

She is not a Xiaobai who just came out of society, this society is so realistic.

Others may not have this opportunity if they want it.

So after receiving Wang Shun's call, she quickly asked the driver to turn around and head to the address Wang Shun gave.

The car parked outside Mu Yun's villa waiting to be released. Zhou Meng, who was sitting in the car, looked at the villa in front of him, which was more like a small manor.

The first feeling is big.

She had no idea of ​​comparing Wang Shun's villa.

The gap between the two is too big, just like the identity gap between Wang Shun and Mu Yun.

The car was quickly released.

When I came to the living room and saw three girls with different looks sitting next to Mu Yun, Zhou Meng was startled first and then said quickly.

"Jiu Mu Shao, hello, this is Zhou Meng.

After saying hello, she couldn't help but complain in her heart.

Really play!

At least Wang Shun would definitely not play like this in front of him.

Not to mention that she still has value to Wang Shun now.

Wang Shun's own hardware equipment has decided that he can't afford such a high-end way.

After greeting Mu Yun, Zhou Meng smiled and nodded in favor of the three women.

Mu Yun nodded for Zhou Meng to sit down.

"sit down."

"You are here for this trip. The specifics are similar to what I said on the phone."

They "Bring you two people by your side these few days to familiarize them with the environment in the film and television industry. You might as well tell them what experience you have,"

"As for their affairs, you don't need to be in touch, stay and let them decide for themselves.

"Do you understand what I said?"

Zhou Meng was very smart. Hearing that he sat down on the sofa on one side, he nodded to Mu Yun.

Mu Yun meant that she let her take the two women to the film and television industry. Apart from telling them her opinions on the film and television industry, she didn't need her to participate in other things.

"Mu Shao, I understand what you mean, don't worry about that!"

Mu Yun temporarily arranged An Ying and Zhuang Lingfei to Zhou Meng's camp.

Whether you want to stay any longer depends on the decision of the two of them.

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