Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 267 Yang Qiao meets Hong Tai! He is extremely disgusted with Mu Yun! (Fifth more! Please com

Soothing Bai Ting, her change stopped.

Mu Yun's movements remained unchanged.

The atmosphere is very peaceful.

Mu Yun, whose chin rests on Bai Ting's head, feels lucky.

Fortunately, I didn't teleport back to Shencheng, and gave Bai Ting and the others to Wang Qing and others to arrange.

Otherwise, if Bai Ting's loyalty dropped sharply in the middle, it is hard to say whether Bai Ting will run away with excuses.

Especially when she is mentally abnormal.

What she will do Mu Yun is not surprised.

The three of them kept their movements like this, and the vehicle drove towards the imperial capital.

Yang Qin was very lucky at a restaurant in Shencheng at this time.

But she didn't dare to think of luck again.

I felt it twice in the morning and made her face gray when she touched it. Now she dare not feel this way.

She didn't dare to feel this way, but she was indeed lucky. She was worried about how to approach Hong Tai and came to a western restaurant for dinner.

"Two One Zero" didn't know if it was a coincidence or Hong Tai deliberately came to the door.

Anyway, she ran into Hong Tai.

Hong Tai was sitting opposite Yang Qin now, Yang Qin did not show disgust like last time.

She just doesn't like Hong Tai's second generation to take the rich, and it's not that she has a bad brain.

Hong Tai was clearly in his charm halo.

She didn't need to greet Hong Tai with a smile, it was plain enough.

"Hongtai, you should know about my situation. Yesterday I was so provoked that the director would not wait to see me. I am afraid that it will be difficult to get a role from him in the Yingguo film and television series this time.

"Do you have a solution here?"

"I don't need a heroine, a female second, or even an important role, as long as a few words can appear in the film and television drama for a longer time role."

"Can you help?

Yang Qin's requirements are not high.

She doesn't expect any heroine, the second woman!

The rewards of both may seem tempting, but they are not realistic.

She has turned on Hell Difficulty now, first get the rewards that can be obtained.

As long as you don't let yourself fail twice, she is already thankful!

She didn't thank the person she was begging.

She asked Hong Tai for help in a very flat tone, and she didn't have the attitude of asking for help at all.

However, Hong Tai felt that Yang Qin was very pitiful. Isn't it just that he has a straight temper and doesn't like flattering people, so he won't wait for the director?

"Qinqin, don't worry, this matter is on my body. Later, I will take you to see the director, so I can get rid of the misunderstanding."

"An ordinary character is not a big problem!"

"Brother Mu can arrange for a sister-in-law who doesn't understand anything. You are a talent born in the acting department. What can I say if I arrange a small role as a director?"

If he said this, let Mu Yun know.

Mu Yun absolutely regretted leaving this guy behind.

He never thought of letting a villain like Hong Tai help deal with the protagonist.

It's too difficult for the villains to deal with the protagonist, especially the lustful villains like Hong Tai.

It's too easy to make mistakes and give people away!

This is the case with Hongtai now.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he almost sold Mu Yun to a polished guy.

Yang Qin was a little relieved when he heard what he said.

But she didn't let her down completely, as long as she didn't make it in one day, she wouldn't dare to relax.

Just like the first mission is obviously very simple, but Mu Yun came out to spoil the situation and put out her mission in one go.

She still had no power to resist at all.

Thinking of Mu Yun, Yang Qin remembered hearing that Mu Yun had arranged her woman into the crew.

Is it Zhuang Lingfei?

Didn't Zhuang Lingfei say that she pestered Mu Yun for a long time and didn't agree?

Did she deceive herself?

Thinking of this, Yang Qin Qin asked flatly.

"Hong Tai, you said that Shao Mu arranged for someone to join the crew, is it Zhuang Lingfei?"

"The matter between him and Zhuang Lingfei, most people in our school know, but Zhuang Lingfei is not an acting major, can it work?"

When Yang Qin asked this question, Hong Tai covered his mouth and slowly approached Yang Qin.

He didn't know whether he was trapped in the charm halo or was hit by the charm and wit.

Regarding Yang Qin's question, he couldn't help but want to answer, and he even wanted to show off in front of Yang Qin.

Seeing Hong Tai getting closer and closer to his face, Yang Qin's eyes again showed disgust.

But in order to get the answer, she held back and did not move her head.

Hong Tai didn't go too far, he whispered when Yang Qin was still a short distance away.

"Qinqin, let me tell you that Brother Mu did not arrange for Zhuang Lingfei's sister-in-law, but a girl named Guan Qin, who seems to be familiar with Zhuang Lingfei's sister-in-law.

Hong Tai, who had just finished speaking, seemed to feel that he had done something wrong, so he added one sentence later.

"Don't go to school about this matter, if you let Brother Mu know, he will kill me!"

It's just that Yang Qin completely ignored the words behind him.

Her eyes widened.

Guan Qin?

Isn't this the only girl in Zhuang Lingfei's dormitory who impressed herself a little?

The main reason is that Guan Qin is too tall, that figure, that skin color, Yang Qin's predecessor has a deep impression of her.

In the morning, Xiao Min and the others mentioned that Sister Qin was Guan Qin, and she knew about it.

It's just that Xiaomin and the others said that something was happening at Guan Qin's house and they went back to their hometown?

Is the feeling going back to Mu Yun's hometown?

A look of disgust flashed in the eyes of Yang Qin, who had no feeling for Mu Yun.

It felt the same as Hong Tae approached her just now.

Sure enough, the second generation is rich, it is not a good thing to take the children!

With Zhuang Lingfei, even Zhuang Lingfei's roommate is not let go.

It's only a few days?

Suddenly, Yang Qin's face became difficult to look.

She said that the feeling of seeing Zhuang Lingfei and An Ying today always made her feel unnatural.

The way the two get along makes her very uncomfortable and puzzled.

Yang Qin has already understood the lesson learned about the piano.

The video that day showed that the two were not familiar with each other at all.

How could it become so good in a few days?

Zhuang Lingfei's attitude towards Anying is somewhat obedient.Isn't this consistent with the previous model of wives and regular wives?

The faint disgust in Yang Qin's eyes became extremely intense.

What kind of person does Mu Yun think of himself?

The emperor?

Yang Qin immediately denied this idea!

She has learned about the history of Yan Kingdom. The current Yan Emperor, like all the people, has only one wife. He even dared not do such things outside.

Yan Di's attention is not low. If you do it today, you may be exposed tomorrow, and then accept the public's discussion!

What a scumbag like Mu Yun, they are already embracing right and left in an upright embrace!


This guy is afraid that his hands are not enough!

There are only three in her school alone, what about outside?

What a standard scum beast, that face was blinded in vain!

The more I think about it, the worse Yang Qin's face looks.

Hong Tai didn't notice her change. Seeing that Yang Qin didn't reply, he continued.

"Qinqin, promise me that this matter should not go to school, otherwise Brother Mu will definitely not let me go."

When Hong Tai asked again, Yang Qin nodded.

Her dislike for Mu Yun rose to the apex, but she didn't know Mu Yun's background at all.

For the time being, she did not dare to offend Mu Yun.

This saves Mu Yun from breaking off his mission again.

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