Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 277 Yang Qin's guess! Feeling scared! (Fifth more! Ask for customization!)

Sitting in the car bound for the villa, Mu Yun thought about what to do with Blacken Yang Qin.

As for what to do with Yang Qin after Blacken, it depends on whether the world after Blacken can integrate normally.

If you can't merge, she will die around her.

She doesn't seem to have much value left if she can integrate. She was originally a test product of her own.

Now that he loses the system, what use does Yang Qin, who has a full whiteboard, do to him?

The only thing with a little value in her whole body is that charm halo, which is currently the only special halo!

Do you keep her and wait until you have enough luck to plunder?

Mu Yun definitely doesn't need the charm aura, to give others, it takes ten million luck to go back and forth.

This is a bit of a pit, and the price/performance ratio is too low.

How many systems can be plundered by ten million to give them their own people?

Of course, these systems are certainly not too advanced, like the system "Two Seven Seven" that requires 70 million luck, just think about it!

So overall, Yang Qin's value is as low as her charm aura.

Whether she can use her to deal with the new protagonist is equally unlikely.

Mainly Yang Qin is too weak!

Without the protagonist's halo, the villain's halo, she wouldn't be able to laugh at the protagonist even if she didn't get the wisdom of the protagonist, and still deal with the protagonist?

The next one was to accept her as her own woman just like Zhao Binger was done.

This Mu Yun quickly denied it.

There is no shortage of women, Mu Yun right now!

So after Blacken, Yang Qin's road is very narrow, basically overlapping with her Blacken's failed road.

But now the first task is to consider how Blacken Yang Qin first.

Mu Yun has been thinking about this problem, and now he is directly binding people up.

In the basement of the seaside villa, Yang Qin had already woke up at this time.

She was horrified when she found herself tied up into zongzi.

After the horror, Yang Qin was full of doubts.

what on earth is it?

Why would I be in this place?

Also! Who starred himself?

With doubts, Yang Qin began to twist.

Because of the long strapping time, the arm has begun to numb.

The rope was tied so strongly that she couldn't break the rope after she had spent so much energy.


She was constantly twisting, without a support point, and fell directly from the sofa to the ground.

The collision between her forehead and the floor made her scream, and she shrank into a ball.

Yang Qin, who was slowing down, found himself uncomfortable.

Keeping the bound action, she couldn't move, the uncomfortable feeling was beyond description.

She kept thinking in her mind.

She is certainly no enemy as a traverser.

At most, I offended Hong Tai and Wang Shun yesterday, and made the director unhappy, and the other was a few words about Mu Yun.

Hong Tai was still immersed in the aura of charm not long ago.

Director Cheng has forgiven her.

Wang Shun's appearance yesterday should also be trapped in a halo of charm, his possibility is not high.

Finally, there is Zhuang Lingfei's man Mu Yun.

In the morning, Zhuang Lingfei still cared about her. If her man was ready to deal with herself, would she care about herself?

Besides, just two sentences, that Mu Yun shouldn't grab himself!

Excluding the reasons on my own side, the predecessor has no enemies.

There must be some envy and jealous predecessors in the school, but just because of envy and jealousy, they caught themselves as stars?

This kind of behavior is illegal, who would take this risk?

The situation on the crew's side is similar, even if it is unpleasant, it won't make it to this point.

Zhou Meng may be a little bit possible, after all, she lost her face yesterday.

But soon Zhou Meng was ruled out by Yang Qin, and now Zhou Meng is gaining momentum, do this kind of thing?

The risk is too great, it is purely to give someone a handle, unless she is mentally disabled to do so.

After thinking for a while, Yang Qin felt a little confused.

Neither she nor her predecessor has any big enemies, who else can it be?

Could it be?

Yang Qin suddenly thought of someone!

The predecessor of the beast father who abandoned her since childhood.

She got some information from the memory of her predecessor, the beast father of her predecessor seemed to be in trouble in business.

My predecessor once met that beast father asked her mother to borrow money, but was driven away by her mother with a broom.

Because of this, her mother even moved her house and even paid for two bodyguards.

Just to prevent the beast father from threatening her by any means.

In the current situation, could it be that the beast father couldn't get results from her mother and couldn't take advantage, so he aimed at himself?

The more Yang Qin thinks, the more possible it is!

From the memory of her predecessor, she knew how human the father of the beast was!

It is not surprising to do such a thing.

Figured out the whole story, Yang Qin lay on the ground a little worried...

The beast father had no feelings for her predecessor, and now she passed to Yang Qin, wondering if he would hurt herself.

In this case, Yang Qin began to think about ways to save himself.

Constantly twist and change positions to look at the surrounding environment.

The decoration of the house is very high-end. There is nothing but a sofa and a TV.

There is not even a window, and there is only one door for the entire exit.

She doesn't need to think about it over there, someone must be watching from behind.

There seems to be no chance of running away.

Could it be that I can only wait for the beast father to show his kindness to relieve himself, or wait for him to get money from his mother to release himself?

Yang Qin suddenly felt a little aggrieved.

She also traversed when she traversed. It took less than three days for her to traverse. The system disappeared, her skills were gone, and people were kidnapped.

The more she thought about it, the more sad she felt.

There was no hope of escape, and Yang Jing, who began to pity himself, lay quietly on the floor.

The numbness coming from her arm made her a little worried.

She didn't know how long she was beaten unconscious, if it took a long time, her arm would become necrotic.

The more I think about it, the more worried Yang Qin becomes. She doesn't want to be a one-armed beauty, or an armless school girl!

"Hello, anyone?"

"Can you untie me first? My hands are numb!"

"Hey! Hey!"

No matter how she shouted, there was no one outside the door, and she didn't get any response.

"Help! Help me untie it quickly, my hands are out of sensation!

"Help me unlock 2.7, I won't run away, come here!"

It seems that God heard her echo, when she called for help, the door of the room was opened from the outside.

But under her gaze, it was not a person who walked in.

It's a group of people wearing masks and weird clothes.

Yang's eyes condensed when he was calling for help.

Something is wrong!

It is impossible for the beast father of the predecessor to find such a person to kidnap himself.

The people who walked in made her feel mysterious.

If the beast father has the money to invite these people in front of him, his business will not be able to turn around?

But, who is not the father of the beast?

Realizing that he might have guessed wrong just now, Yang Qin suddenly felt fear.

The group of people in front of them is full of mystery.

If you really guessed wrong, then why did they kidnap her?

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