Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 286: Blacken succeeds! Blacken brings a crisis to Mu Yun? (Fourth more! Ask for customizatio


The woman did not give her time to regret!

In Yang Qin's panic, the woman took a dagger and scratched the tape on her face!

"do not want!"

Seeing this scene, Yang Qin quickly called out.

But it was too late, and the woman cut the tape with a dagger.

She tore off the tape forcefully, and the tape was torn off directly by her.

The pain of the tape pulling seems to have little effect on women.

After removing the tape, she held a dagger and looked at Yang Qin coldly.

Yang Qin's heart is ashamed at the moment.

She didn't react when the woman went to pick up the seven poems just now, but when the woman wanted to cut the tape on her face.

Yang Qinmeng remembered the last words Mu Yun said!

"I remind you again, be careful not to let the two of them fight back. Similarly, once the tape on their mouths comes off, you commit suicide by yourself with the seven pieces of your hands. Don't make me embarrassed!"

Is this a failure?

Now no matter whether she can kill the woman in front of her, she will definitely die!

The leader of the Mask Man will not joke with himself, and he has no power to fight back in their hands.

Isn't this the end that must die?

At this moment, Yang Qin's tense spirit seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

In order to survive these few days, she has no dignity in front of Mu Yun, and even her shame has been ripped off by herself.

Yesterday, they finally killed two people in the anti-killing bureau.

Today, she didn't hesitate for too long and killed the man directly!

She has obviously worked very hard!

Now this sudden turn makes Yang Qin's heart immersed in immense regret and despair.

A woman doesn't know about Yang Qin, and she doesn't care about Yang Qin's things and thoughts.

In her eyes, this bitch Yang Qin is the enemy who killed her husband!

The kind that doesn't share the same sky!

Although the two couples have done all the bad things, their relationship is too real!

A woman is willing to follow you to do things that exterminate humanity for ten years, there is no doubt about this!

Even if she has no humanity, you may be the only light in her life!

Now the light of this woman scum has disappeared!

Although there may be a new light in her belly, she has no patience to wait!

Holding the dagger and slowly walking towards Yang Qin, the fierce light in his eyes is full!

Yang Qin was still immersed in despair at this time.

When the woman appeared not far from her, she still did not respond.

Until the woman's hideous face appeared in Yang Qin's eyes.

Yang Qin, who had recovered, was shocked!

Although destined to die!

But now she doesn't want to die!

I suddenly saw seven poems that were getting closer and closer to my neck as the woman appeared.

Yang Qin's pupils opened wide, and she had no time to react!

Are you going to die?

Yang Qin, who was too late to make a move, could only watch the dagger pierce his neck.

But at the moment when the seven songs were about to be pierced, a sharp pain appeared in her face!

Yang Qin, who had felt this way, quickly reacted!

Her other face was ruined!

Yang Xin didn't know if the woman in front of her was deliberately humiliating herself, and she didn't have time to think.

The severe pain and the original despair made her angry instantly explode!

He slammed his foot and pushed it directly onto the woman's belly!

"Ah!" "Ah!"


The woman was shocked because the seven poems in her hand suddenly changed direction.

She was pushed back by Yang Qin.

The sharp pain in her stomach made her almost unconscious.

The seven songs fell on the ground, and the woman couldn't take care of it anymore. The severe pain from her stomach made her lie down on the ground and shrank into a ball of constant cold sweat.

Bloodstains from the ground kept pouring.

Yang Qin lifted up seven indifferently, no more sympathy for this scene of the woman.

She is now a person on the verge of life and death, and she doesn't know if she can see tomorrow's sunshine again.

At this moment, her heart was completely cold!

Slowly walk towards the woman!

Regardless of the woman's painful scream, Yang Qin raised her foot again and kicked at the woman's pain.

"Ah! Ah"

The severe pain caused the woman to scream constantly, and her lower lip had been bitten by herself.

Yang Qin just stood on the side with a cold expression.

There seemed to be joy in my heart.

Mu Yun, who had been sitting in the living room perceiving this scene, stood up abruptly.

Not because of Yang Qin's sudden change.

It is the prompt sound of the system that just sounded at this moment!

[Yes, congratulations to host Blacken protagonist Yang Qin for success. Luck value +0!)

[Yes, congratulations to the host for the first time, the Blacken protagonist and successfully plundering his luck, special rewards of Longevity Dan X10]

[Shou Yuan Dan: After taking it, it can prolong life for 20 years without any side effects, and even people who are about to die from severe illness can return to the state they were 20 years ago!)

Mu Yun's attention was not on the Shouyuan Dan.

Although Yuan Dan is magical, it is not enough to make Mu Yun pay too much attention. The twenty-year life span is just a small matter for him now.

It may also be useful to others, such as his grandfather Mu Xiong and Zhao Linger's grandfather Zhao Dong.

There are also several cabinet elders in the cabinet, and the Shouyuan Pill can be used to win them over and let them look forward to their grandfather!

Of course this is the latter matter, and now Mu Yun is most concerned about another issue.

...For flowers...

"System, Yang Qin is already Blacken, has the protagonist of the star world disappeared?"

"The disappearance of her protagonist's halo will not affect her. Now that she is Blacken, she should no longer be the protagonist?"

"Will the world begin to merge?"

Facing Mu Yun's brainstorming question, the system quickly responded.

"Host, the protagonist is indeed no longer the protagonist after Blacken, and the world will begin to merge in three days!"

Mu Yun, who got the answer, was in a great mood!

"good very good!

Sure enough, as I had guessed, the answer has been determined, and I will have a lot more control over the protagonist in the future.

It is no longer the only way to kill them. Those protagonists who have an effect on themselves can try Blacken, and then take it for themselves.

The system didn't seem to be happy with Mu Yun. When Mu Yun was happy, the voice of the system sounded again.


"Host, please don't be too happy!

The words of the system made Mu Yun's heart suddenly trembled!

But he didn't speak, because the system didn't seem to be finished.

Sure enough, the voice of the system continued.

"The host, just like the original world, the world after Hundred Zhantian Blacken will reborn the protagonist, which is Bai Chen behind."

"The host is now successful Blacken protagonist Yang Qin, and the world will also reborn the protagonist. When, what protagonist, and what plot will go, I don't know at present!"

"It is also very likely that there will be multiple protagonists after the world is merged. This situation is actually the best situation. Through the World Collection, the host can still control their direction!"

"If it is the first case, you can only ask the host to find it by yourself!"

"If the host can't find the protagonist, world fusion will still be impossible, no matter which world the protagonist is, as long as there is a protagonist, Tiandao will automatically default to him as the current world protagonist!"

Mu Yun, who was originally in a happy mood because of Blacken Yang Qin's success, instantly looked ugly!

He is a little dumbfounded! Is there such a thing?

According to the system, the protagonist of Blacken is not the same as untying the rope to the scum.

The former is to increase the difficulty for oneself! The latter is to increase the difficulty for Yang Qin!

It's not cost-effective to forcibly increase the difficulty for Yang Qin!

I don't know when the protagonist born will bring a crisis to himself, it's hard to say!

Although he got the answer, Mu Yun is very entangled at this moment!

The Blacken protagonist cannot use this trick frequently!

Otherwise, I don't know where the newly born protagonist is!

I don't know where the plot is going!

The point is that I still don't know when the protagonist was born!

This is troublesome!

The super troublesome kind! Taxi.

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