Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 288 Yang Qin was successfully killed! The protagonist Yang Qin sacrifices to the sky!

Seeing that the two of them were deadlocked, Mu Yun didn't make any more moves. Yang Qin's mission has been completed, can she survive to see her own good fortune.

The woman scum kills Yang Qin and Mu Yun saves trouble.

Although Yang Qin's attributes have undergone new changes, Mu Yun is a little reluctant to just die like this.

But he disfigured Yang Qin indirectly, Blacken.

It's not so easy to subdue her, he doesn't have the effort and time to waste on Yang Qin.

If you die, you die!

Uh, that's not right!

Mu Yun suddenly remembered.

Yang Qin Blacken's back has gathered hundreds of thousands of fortunes, but it can't be wasted in vain.

If you want to die, you have to die in your own hands.

Mu Yun turned his attention back to Yang Shangqin again.

He was afraid that Yang Qin would kill the scumbag if he didn't pay attention!

That's hundreds of thousands of luck.

Yang Qin now braced with both hands and wrestled with the woman scum.

The injured woman scum could no longer knock Yang Qin's head on the ground.

When she moved her eyes, she seemed to think of a new way.

Suddenly the woman scum released a hand, just as Yang Qin felt the pressure relieved.

There was a sharp pain in her eyes.

It turned out that the free hand of the woman scum was heading towards Yang Qin's eyes.

Suddenly his eyes were poked, and Yang Qin's hands softened.

She kept crying eyes with her hands in, and she kept breathing in.

23 Without the support of both hands, she was once again grabbed by the scum on her head and shot on the ground.


This time Yang Qin no longer had the power to resist, and the whole person fainted directly.

But the scumbag was not her. Seeing Yang Qin fainted, she grabbed Yang Qin's head and continued to hit the ground.

Mu Yun has been paying attention to Yang Qin's situation. Seeing that Yang Qin has no threats for the time being, he continued to stand by and watch.

After more than ten consecutive times, the blood on Yang Qin's head was bleeding out.

The whole person is dying.

Seeing this, the scumbag loosened Yang Qin's hair and stood up staggeringly.

The situation is a foregone conclusion, and Yang Qin is completely out of resistance.

The woman scum moved slowly to the side of the seven poems. She planned to pick up the seven poems and give Yang Qin a fatal blow.

Just as she was bending over.

Mu Yun appeared behind her instantly and kicked her onto the iron frame.


Falling heavily from the iron frame, the woman scum raised her head with difficulty.

It's the masked man!

The masked man who asked the girl to kill her own family.

She has no strength, looking at Mu Yun, the scumbag took a sigh of relief.

"Why, why are you dealing with us, who are you?

Hearing the question from the scumbag, Mu Yun, who was about to control the seven to kill her, stopped.

Looking at her indifferently.

"Gong Huiling, you and Liu Dali abducted hundreds of children and killed a few people in ten years. Now you ask me why I should deal with you?"

Gong Huiling, who lacked breath, showed a wry smile on her face when she heard the words.

Since the other party knew about the past of herself and her husband, she didn't plan to ask any more, and it would be her own humiliation to ask again.

She knew very well that even if she died hundreds of times, the things she did would be unclear, and she would definitely not let her go if she wanted to come.

Ying Huizhen seemed to lose all her strength, her head lowered again.

Under Mu Yun's control, the seven heads fell from the sky without being buried in Huizhen's neck.

After doing this, Mu Yun came to Yang Qin's side.

Yang Qin's situation is not far from death, and the head is so impactful that adult men can't stand it, let alone Yang Qin as a girl.

After all, let the woman scum kill successfully!

Even if the scumbag does nothing, Yang Qin will not live long.

At this time she had fallen into a coma, and Jia Yun didn't intend to wake her up.

Letting Yang Qin die unconsciously may be the best ending for her.

Under Mu Yun's control, the seven poems flew out of Gong Huizhen's neck and plunged straight down Yang Qin's neck.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for hunting down the big villain Yang Qin” for successfully plundering his luck. The value of luck is +430000!

[Yes, congratulations to the host for killing the villain for the first time and successfully plundering his luck, special reward for Enslavement Dan X5]

[Slavery Pill: It can only be used for the villain, after use, the opponent's justice to the host will reach its full value!]

Mu Yun didn't know if it was a surprise, a protagonist was rewarded twice.

After receiving the system prompt, Mu Yun's mood just improved after being upset by the system.

Opportunity and crisis coexist. Although Blacken's protagonist is potentially dangerous, it is really tempting to reward a protagonist twice.

It's a pity that this reward is a bit late, otherwise everything will be perfect if you use enslavement on Yang Qin!


Without killing Yang Qin's slave pill, Mu Yun smiled and patted his head thinking about it.

Mu Yun has always forgotten the reward for killing the villain for the first time.

The villains he has dealt with until now are Bai Zhantian and Zhang Xin.

However, he chose to let Bai Zhantian go. Later, Bai Zhantian was killed by Manhao, and the system did not prompt for the first kill reward.

Zhang Xin, the villain who was controlled by Mu Yun and ordered him to kill the protagonist, and then committed suicide did not prompt for the first kill reward.

Unexpectedly, the first time I saw this reward, it turned out to be on the protagonist of Blacken.

Big villain!

Perhaps the villain is the minimum standard for this reward.

Mu Yun received it for the first time, so he can only guess like that.

After all, Zhang Xin and Yang Qin after Blacken, apart from the title, has less villain halo and much lower luck.

There is no other villain to compare, Mu Yun can only analyze this way temporarily.

Maybe the next world begins, and more villains are hunted down.

Mu Yun himself is the villain camp, so he has always been kind to the opposition party.

There is no way to be unkind. Every time the villain appears, he always has a kind of intimate relationship with him.

Long Wentao, the big villain, has become his own little brother. Where can he find the villain to kill.

Suddenly Mu Yun thought of someone, Lin Siming!

The big villain of Shenhao World, he is against a big villain, but he can try to kill him.

But this is not anxious, Lin Siming doesn't mean to kill or kill, the rest of the matter has to be handled well.

Save unnecessary trouble.

Wait until the next world merges for now.

220 If the villain in the next world is considerable, Lin Siming is fine for the time being.

"Suzaku, dispose of the corpse!"

"Yes, young master!"

The matter has been resolved, and Mu Yun is ready to leave here.

They will take care of the remaining Suzaku.

Yang Qin asked the dark alliance members who pretended to be Yang Qin to find a reason to go abroad, and then disappear without a trace.

As for how sad Yang Qin's mother would be, would she suspect that it was Yang Qin's beast father who was responsible for the ghost, desperately dying with him!

This has nothing to do with Mu Yun.

After all, he is not familiar with Yang Qin!

Mu Yun, who returned to his villa from the basement, always felt like he had forgotten something.

What is it forgotten, Mu Yun would really not remember for a while.

With this doubt, Mu Yun went to Guan Qin to continue the chat journey.

"Brother Mu! You go on! What's the matter?"

Halfway through the chat, Mu Yun stopped suddenly.

After being communicated by Mu Yun several times, Guan Qin has gradually begun to master the chat skills, and now she is not so uncomfortable with Mu Yun.

When Mu Yun stopped, Guan Qin was a little confused.

Doesn't Mu Yun have to talk until midnight?

What is going on today?

Also, why does Mu Yun have this expression?

Does he feel uncomfortable talking to himself?

What Guan Qin thinks, Mu Yun doesn't know!

This will make Mu Yun's joy of receiving two rewards disappear again.

He finally remembered what he had forgotten!

This time it was really cheating!,

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