Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 287 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 290th chapter is a dormitory with four heroes! Each is the true protagonist! (third more! Seek full order!)

Mu Yun lay on the bed and clicked on the World Treasures.

It didn't take him long before he was pityed by the world.

Looking up and looking serious, Mu Yun's face changed constantly in the process.

See the full story Mu Yun's face is very dark!

The protagonist of this world can be introduced in one sentence.

There are four heroes in the dormitory, and each is a good protagonist!

There are four protagonists in one world, and there is no such author!

How could such a story come up!

The key is the ending. The ending of this story makes Mu Yun very upset!

Mu Yun suppressed his irritability, and he thought about the development of the story seriously.

He has to consider where he should cut in and how he should respond.

After all, there are four protagonists as soon as this world appears, and he will be very tired to deal with them alone.

There may even be something forgotten, leading to the rapid rise of the protagonist.

The four protagonists in the whole story are the best friends in the college dormitory.

The protagonist Yunge, the boss of the dormitory, is a guard at the Heavenly God-level Guard System, and is currently a guard at the guard station in the West District of Shencheng.

From the original story, you can see that at this time, Yunge should have been bound to the god-level guard system to obtain three primary skills.

Next, he will solve the case and receive the reward!

The rewards of the god-level guard system are very good, but everything has to be done step by step to get the rewards for solving the case.

The rewards are also increased layer by layer. In the later stage, as measured by Mu Yun's own ability, the current Mu Yun may not be able to win him.

Of course, the so-called late stage has been 223 years later.

Early Yunge's rewards are not a threat to Mu Yun, so Mu Yun is not in a hurry on Yunge's side.

Once shot, Mu Yun will definitely make Yunge this guy die miserably!

The protagonist Zhao Hao, the second brother of the dormitory, wakes up with the god-level black technology system possessed, and is now also bound to the god-level black technology system.

Zhao Hao is much more dangerous than Yunge, and Yunge only solves the case step by step to receive the reward.

Zhao Hao is different!

After binding the system, he instantly went from being a diaosi to the chairman of a small and medium-sized technology company.

Do you think this is abnormal enough?


Like most black science and technology articles, the novice gift pack also comes with two kinds of black science and technology, Zhao and Wu.

Holding Haotian technology and two black technologies, Zhao Hao's early development is definitely the fastest of the four protagonists.

This guy is Mu Yun's focus, and his ending will definitely be worse than Yun Ge's death!

The protagonist Lin Mo, the youngest of the dormitory, a little-known anchor, is bound to the god-level live broadcast system.

This guy is not easy to deal with, his system can invade all major platforms at will.

With the help of the god-level live broadcast system, Lin Mo helped the protagonist Yunge and Zhao Wu a lot while rising up.

In the early stage, the criminals who Yunge can't help but will expose their crimes on the live broadcast.

Zhao Hao's new technology (cdch) is also revealed to the whole world in his live broadcast.

The matching of Lin Mo and Zhao Hao has made Lin Mo's fan value rise rapidly, and the speed of development is not unpleasant.

Mu Yun intends to attack Lin Mo first.

His god-level live broadcast system is of great help to Yunge and Zhao Hao.

Although in the story, the system of the four brothers in their dormitory was exposed because of Yunge's speculation.

After seeing the mystery of Lin Mo and possessing the inference skills given by the system, Yun Ge quickly inferred that Lin Mo had the same system as him.

Then Yun Ge turned his eyes to the other two people in the dormitory.

The whole story lasted less than ten days, and the four heroes of the dormitory met for the first time.

After this gathering, they launched a strong cooperation to dominate their respective fields.

Of course, except for the last protagonist.

The protagonist Lu Wen, the fourth child in the dormitory, is currently a wasteful son-in-law. He is not pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, he is indeed a waste.

Of course, his identity is not simple, it can be said to be the most powerful of the four protagonists!

It's a pity that he doesn't know anything about it.

Because he is only an illegitimate child, he is still an illegitimate child fostered outside.

After graduation, with compensation from his biological father, who had already controlled the family power, a marriage was arranged in a vague way.

Of course, with his unseen identity, although his biological father is strong, he did not persecute the wife's family too much.

At the request of the wife's family, Lu Wen was honorably a son-in-law.

A son-in-law who has no status in the woman's family and is looked down upon.

Of course, he himself has nothing to admire.

Only the head of the wife's family knows Lu Wen's identity, and the others don't know anything about Lu Wen's identity.

Therefore, for this inexplicable marriage, the woman's tribe feels very strange.

Lu Wen's wife, Zhang Yuan, was arranged for a marriage somehow, or Lu Wen was a useless rubbish, she was not happy in her heart.

In addition, Lu Wen has always been stubborn in the family, which makes Zhang Yuan also look down on him?

The marriage relationship between Lu Wen and Zhang Yuan can be said to be precarious.

If it were not for the head of the Zhang family, that is, under the suppression of Zhang Yuan's grandfather, the two would not know how long the divorce would last.

Lu Wen, who had just gotten up this morning, was bound by the god-level son-in-law system, but he did not develop as fast as the other three heroes.

The task of his god-level son-in-law system is mainly around Zhang Yuan.

What is a son-in-law? A man who has no status and settles in the wife's house after marriage is a son-in-law.

So since he is bound to the son-in-law system, how can he leave Zhang Yuan and Zhang's family?

Lu Wen is the best one among the four.

Isn't he a god-level son-in-law system?

Killed his wife,!

My wife is gone, how can I become a son-in-law?

Should the Zhang family send him another woman to be his wife?

Because of Lu Wen’s marriage, Zhang Yuan’s grandfather is already dissatisfied with him by the rest of the family.

Give another one?

Forget it!

So as long as Lu Wen's wife is killed, his god-level son-in-law system will be destroyed in an instant.

Even if Lu Wen's biological father arranges another marriage for him, it will take a while, right?

He gets married and kills again!

After killing a few, see which family member dare to accept him as a superfluous son-in-law.

Even if there are still families willing, who are willing to the women who are pushed out?

Who dares to marry Lu Wen?

He is no longer as simple as a son-in-law, but a murderous wife. Who dares to marry him?

Do you think you live too long and comfortable?

Of course, if you really want to do this, you definitely can't kill it directly.


Create all kinds of accidents!

Only in this way can we realize the foul name of Lu Wenke's wife!

The above method has a prerequisite, that is, the luck required to plunder the god-level son-in-law system is too high.

Mu Yun can't plunder, so you can only do so.

Temporarily abolish his system, or kill him directly.

However, the risk of directly killing Lu Wen is somewhat high.

It is easy to arouse the vigilance of the other three protagonists.

After all, what Mu Yun is going to deal with this time is not one protagonist, but four protagonists!

Still four protagonists who know each other!

There are four heroes in the dormitory, and each is a true protagonist!

One accident occurred, and the other three will definitely be investigated.

The other Mu Yun is not afraid, but the guard, Yunge, is in trouble.

Once he finds any clues and several protagonists plan together, Mu Yun's difficulty will increase a lot.

Not to mention that there is still a protagonist in the star world, I don't know if it was born, or where it was born!

There are many things about Mu Yun!

To deal with these four protagonists, Mu Yun must think clearly.

Otherwise, what happened to the moth, it was him who had a headache in the end!

It's enough to deal with them, Mu Yun has a headache, he doesn't want to make himself more difficult!

If there is a way to make the four protagonists own Neijiang, this is the best way.

It's a pity that Mu Yun, who just watched the entire story, didn't expect it yet.

He planned to attack Lin Mo first, just to destroy the connection between them.

Don't let Yun Ge notice from Lin Mo that the other three have systems.

In this way, the four protagonists who are not united are more likely to be defeated one by one!

It's much easier too!

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