Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 296 Is Lu Wen green? Zhang Yuan is very disappointed in him! (Fourth! Please customize!)

As Lu Wen walked to the door, a nurse stopped him.

Lu Wen, who was stopped, looked at the nurse with some doubts, wondering what happened to the nurse stopping him.

Under his confusion, the nurse whispered.

"Lu Wen, why don't you come back later~?"


Under what circumstances, why do you have to come back later? Isn't his wife out of the office?

"Xiao Ai, is it Zhang Yuan- she is out..."

Just as he was about to ask, a man's voice came from the office.

"Yuan Yuan, don't you believe me for so many years?"

"I am absolutely true to you! You are so good, how can Lu Wen's uselessness be worthy of you? People like him can't give you happiness at all!"

Yuan Yuan, I really love you, you have seen how I have treated you for so many years, trust me!"

"You divorced him and marry me! I will definitely let you experience that Lu Wen's uselessness cannot bring you happiness!"

The man didn't know if it was because of excitement, his voice grew louder and louder, and even the office door could not stop her voice.

In this case, let alone Lu Wen near the door, the nurses who had just dispersed can also hear them, and they all looked at Lu Wen.

There is sympathy and pity in his eyes, but more disdain, contempt and gloat!

Because Lu Wen is in a good mood with the system, his face will become ugly.

Normally, no man can keep his face and calm when he hears other men saying this to his wife.

Especially this man called him uselessly.

In the past, it was because I was powerless, but now that the system is added, do I have to endure this kind of uselessness again?

Lu Wen's anger instantly rushed to his forehead, he pushed away the nurse who was blocking his way in front of him, and walked quickly to the door.

Just when he was about to open the door, the office door was opened from the inside.

A beautiful shadow walked out slowly!

It's his wife Zhang Yuan!

At the moment when he saw Lu Wen, Zhang Yuan's expression was a little unnatural, but she hadn't had any good expressions for Lu Wen, and everyone couldn't see much.

"Lu Wen, what are you doing again? This is where I work. If you are fine, don't go here all the time!"

Zhang Yuan's first sentence was not to explain the situation just now, but to ask Lu Wen why he came to the hospital.

She really didn't want to see Lu Wen in the hospital, it was really embarrassing to her!

With such a husband, all the halo on her head could not withstand Lu Wen's crushing.

When Lu Wen rushed to see Zhang Yuan, his whole figure was like a deflated balloon, and all the anger was gone.

Under Zhang Yuan's silver power for a long time, Lu Wen saw Zhang Yuan, he was not emboldened!

Even if the system is added now, he still has no confidence, some things can't be changed overnight, just like his attitude towards Zhang Yuan!

Of course, even if he has confidence, he dare not do anything to Zhang Yuan. His system is related to Zhang Yuan. What does he dare to do to Zhang Yuan?

Getting more and more stiff, then it will only be detrimental to yourself.

When his anger lowered and he was about to explain, another figure walked out of the office.

Seeing Lu Wen outside the door, the man coming out of Zhang Yuan's office was a bit stunned, but soon, he looked at Lu Wen provocatively.

"Ming, isn't this Lu Wen? Why, come here to find Yuanyuan in the idleness today?"

"It's not that brother said you, you go out to find a job anyway, stay at home all day, eat Yuanyuan, drink Yuanyuan, it is really sad for a woman to have a husband like you!


I really want to kill this Juhai in front of me!

I have been married to Zhang Yuan for more than a year, so how could he not know Tu Hai in front of me!

The suitor of his own wife!

He always loves to blow himself up when he has nothing to do. It is not the first time he has said this, just like what he said now.

Every time Lu Wen heard it, his anger rose, but he didn't refute!

Lu Wen knows his situation, and there is little difference from Ju Hai. He has been working hard to find a job, but he doesn't know why he can't find a suitable one.

He even wondered if Tu Hai in front of him was doing a ghost.

Otherwise, how could he not find a job and eat and drink Zhang Yuan for more than a year.

Although he made the food in his hand, Zhang Yuan gave the money to buy the food.

This kind of embarrassing thing Tu Hai said in public again, Lu Wen clasped his hand, but soon he calmed himself down.

System task! System task!

Don't mess up your system mission for this bitch in front of you!

He did not go to see Ju Hai again, and looked at Zhang Yuan with a smile on his face.

"Zhang Yuan, I'm sorry, I know I'm not up to date, don't worry! I will try my best to change!"

"It's noon now. Don't eat too much food in the dining hall. This is the meal I made myself in the morning. You can eat it while it's hot!"

"I will leave after eating, and I won't disturb your work in the hospital!

Zhang Wenyan's heart moved slightly, most of the women are actually emotional, hearing Lu Wen say this, she felt a little guilty in her heart.

…Please ask for flowers………

It's a pity that just when this kind of emotion arose from her, Ju Hai spoke.

"Ming, Lu Wen, it's not that I said you, cook your own food at home, so you only have this promise. By the way, won't Yuan Yuan give you the money for buying vegetables?"

"You, a soft rice man, use Yuan Yuan's money to buy vegetables and cook for Yuan Yuan to eat. You still have an expression that cares about Yuan Yuan, haha, it's no longer possible, Lu Wen, it really makes me so cola!"

Lu Wen once again ignited the idea of ​​killing Tu Hai!

He could clearly see that Zhang had just died under his own heart, and his expression had changed a little.

Who knows that Ju Hai, a bitch, has directly lost all his thoughts with two words!

Zhang Ru gave the money, right?

Zhang Ru gave the money, right!

This properly pressed him to the ground and rubbed it repeatedly!

After Zhang Yuan heard what Ju Hai said, his face was ugly again, and he knocked the food in Lu Wen's hand to the ground with a slap.

Waste "! You are such a waste! With this skill, can you put your mind on finding a job?"

She was also confused by Tu Hai's words, but she can't be blamed.

Any woman who has been raising a wimpy husband for a year, and still being taken out by others to talk about things, can she not get angry?

Her reaction and actions made Lu Wen froze. Although Zhang Yuan ignored her since her marriage, she seldom got angry with herself outside, let alone call him rubbish in front of outsiders.

This is definitely the first time, Lu Wen didn't know what to react for a while.

Tu Hai's face was stunned.

The scene was very quiet. The nurses and doctors who were onlookers watched the scene with interest, but no one would speak at this time.

They love to hear Lu Wen's useless training!

After Zhang Yuan reprimanded Lu Wen, she felt a little regretful, and Lu Wen was also her husband in name.

So although she didn't give Lu Wen a good face in front of outsiders this year, she didn't say anything to him in public.

The anger that was suddenly provoked by Tu Hai was vented on Lu Wen, and she felt that it was a bit unfair to Lu Wen.

But when she saw that Lu Wen was said by Tu Hai, she still did not refute it. She was disappointed in her heart and sighed secretly. She didn't know how to describe Lu Wen.

"She really hopes that Lu Wen can refute herself one day, even if she is yelling at herself.

Is it still a man after all?

Now it seems that Lu Wen is really a complete waste, his own anger, Ju Hai's ridicule, he still just bowed his head and said nothing. scholar,

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