Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 298 Let's start with the text first? Mu Yun's real worries! (First more! Ask for c

After reading the attributes of Lu Wen, Mu Yun couldn't help but secretly said that she was a son-in-law.

The skills he mastered were only intermediate cooking and beginner driving. If it weren't the figure set by the author of Gou, there was also the god-level superfluous son-in-law system.

He is the protagonist of the waste stream.

"System, how much luck does it take to rob Lu Wen's god-level son-in-law system?"

Mu Yun did not delay, he directly asked his most concerned questions in his mind.

"Host", it takes 8.9 million luck to plunder the god-level son-in-law system!!

It completely exceeded Mu Yun's expectations, but he was not surprised.

The systems of these four protagonists will reward some magical things, which are not comparable to Chen Fan's Shenhao system and Yang Qin's God-level star system.

Lu Wen’s god-level son-in-law system is estimated to be one level higher than their two systems, and should belong to the intermediate system.

Now he has nearly 6.5 million luck in his body, there is also a god-level star system that can be recovered, and two intermediate-level auras.

After the recovery, there should be no big gap between the air transport required to rob the Luwen system.

Let's add up later, and send him away after plundering Lu Wen's system.

Now every time a system appears, Mu Yun does not intend to let it go, the profit is too high!

23 Especially the middle-level system like Lu Wen, plundered over, at least stably earns millions of air fortune.

A protagonist only has much luck, and the highest one has never reached a million.

Their luck may be very high in the later stage, but it is impossible for Mu Yun to keep them in the later stage.

Not to mention the potential threats, the story is short for one or two years, long for decades, Mu Yun spends with them?

Might as well loot a few more systems!

He has already begun to accumulate luck, otherwise as the system that emerges gets higher and higher, once his luck is insufficient, and when he meets the protagonist of the advanced system, Mu Yun can't plunder even if he wants to plunder.

The most effective way to limit the protagonist’s development is to plunder the system, and the second is to destroy his

Confirming that Lu Wen can deal with this protagonist, Mu Yun looks at Zhang Yuan's attributes.

[Female Lead]: Zhang Yuan

[Age]: 25 years old

Identity【】: Attending physician in Department of Neurology, Shencheng Private Hospital;

[Charm]: 95



【Combat Power】:60


Except for the slightly longer identity, Zhang Yuan's appearance is not low.

The point is that her luck is almost twice that of Lu Wen.

Sure enough, she is the son-in-law, Lu Wen, the protagonist was crushed to death by her!

There is nothing else, and nothing can be seen.

The system does not display the halo and skills of the heroine as always.

Mu Yun was always puzzled about this, but the system didn't give an answer, and he didn't bother to ask again.

Mu Yun looked at the time quickly and withdrew from the system in his mind, he looked at Dean Cheng.

"Dean Cheng, let's go, I'm a bit rushed here!"

He hadn't seen Zhang Yuan before, so naturally it would be impossible to show that he knew her.

Zhang Yuan’s white lab coat held a work permit in that position, and she could know her name at a glance.

But Mu Yun can't just stare at other people's position as soon as he comes.

So when talking to Dean Cheng, Mu Yun could only pretend not to let him continue to lead the way.

Dean Cheng, who was yelled by Mu Yun, was stunned first, and then smiled.

"Shao Mu, it's already here, this is Doctor Zhang."

While speaking, Dean Cheng motioned to Mu Yun to look at Zhang Yuan.

In fact, Zhang Yuan knew from the very beginning that Mu Yun was looking for him, and they heard what Dean Cheng said to Mu Yun on the aisle.

Her area is the neurology area divided by the internal medicine area. She is the only doctor surnamed Zhang.

Mu Yun didn't come to find her, but who could he find.

But she was a little puzzled. Mu Yun didn't look like a sick person. He was looking for what he did.

Mu Yun suddenly realized at the sign of Dean Cheng," and then looked at Zhang Yuan.

With a charming smile on his face, it was indeed charming, at least Zhang Yuan was somewhat fascinated.

"Hello, Doctor Zhang, I didn't expect that the Doctor Zhang that Dean Cheng said was such a beautiful girl as you, sorry!"

Zhang Yuan, who was so complimented by Mu Yun that he hadn't smiled since he came out of the office, rarely smiled.

This made Lu Wen, who had no sense of existence on the side, a little sour, and at the same time his vigilance towards Mu Yun rose.

Although he is quite trash, he is not blind or mentally retarded.

The handsome Mu Shao in front of him, no matter how he looked at his rank, was not comparable to that of Juhai's scumbag.

Now I have difficulty even dealing with the scum like Juhai, this Mu Shao?

He feels stressed!

He could only panic acid in his heart, but Zhang Yuan felt happy in his heart.

That feeling is the same as a man being praised by a beautiful woman. This is a psychology that everyone has.

"Mu Shao, you joked, don't you know what's wrong with you coming over to find me this time?"

Facing Zhang Chi's question, Mu Yun's expression changed slightly, as if thinking of something unpleasant.

"Doctor Zhang, I have a friend's daughter who had a car accident. She is now half-stroke due to the oppression of the inner gods."

"So I came to consult Dean Cheng, and he solemnly recommended you to me!"

"I don't know if you have time now. The next thing involves the privacy of friends. If it is convenient, we can find a place to talk?"

After hearing what Mu Yun was doing, Zhang Yuan thought for a while.

"Mu Shao, I don't know if you have any meals, how about waiting and talking if there is no private room that our cafeteria arrives at?"

Although she was a little fascinated by Mu Yun, her sanity was not lost.

Talking while eating, Mu Yun's business is over, she can still work as usual in the afternoon, otherwise she will not be able to work hungry in the afternoon.

Mu Yun nodded in response to her proposal, it didn't matter where she went.

Zhang Yuan thought about work in the afternoon.

But Mu Yun wanted to take her to the newly-purchased villa.

"Since Dr. Zhang hasn't eaten yet, let's talk while eating.

After speaking, Mu Yun directly turned to look at Dean Cheng.

When we first met, he was not one of those Sengou, so naturally he would not be too enthusiastic.

Not necessary at all! 227

He is now just a person who helps a friend's daughter find a doctor, and he is not coming to the hospital to pick up sister.

When Dean Cheng came to see Mu Yun, he suddenly realized it.

"Sao Mu, please here, let me take you to my usual private room! The environment over there is quieter!!

"When Director Liu arrives, I will notify him to come."

Naturally, doctor Mu Yun will not only invite one, and Zhang may not be able to take care of it completely.

Liu Yang involved a lot of problems, and the director Liu in the mouth of President Cheng was an orthopedic expert.

Mu Yun does not expect them to cure Liu Yang.

At first, his purpose was simply to take away Zhang Yuan and get stuck in Lu Wen's mission.

But now that there is a chance to plunder Lu Wen's system, Mu Yun will also take them away.

Let them stay in the newly-purchased villa for two days.

Two days are enough for him to deal with Lu Wen, the weakest protagonist.

The rest of the night, let's look at the situation on Lin Mo's side.

Before Yunge connected the four, these four protagonists were relatively easy to deal with.

What Mu Yun worries most is the protagonist who doesn't know if he has been born.

Now Mu Yun doesn't even know if he has been born.

Without a clue, he couldn't find a direction to investigate even if he wanted to investigate.

Although the most recent protagonists have revolved around Shencheng, the imperial capital, Mu Yun can't guarantee whether this protagonist is also.

The entire country of Yan went to investigate, and Mu Yun didn't have this ability.

This feeling of being out of control worries Mu Yun!.

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