Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter Three Hundred and Twelfth chapter luck skyrocketing! Zhao Ling'er who is not a villain!

Under Yang Xin's persuasion again, Zhao Linger gritted his teeth.

The finger began to slide on the phone.

Mu Yun, who was waiting on the top floor of Shencheng Hospital, suddenly felt a slight shock in his arms.

When going out to work, Mu Yun's mobile phone did not turn on the sound.

When he took out his cell phone and saw that it was Zhao Ling'er calling, Mu Yun couldn't help but think of the gene enhancement solution.

Is Zhao Ling'er ready to start research and development?

Ling'er, "Is the strengthening liquid thing ready?"

There is no unnecessary nonsense when Mu Yun connects the call, but straight to the subject.

However, when he asked, it seemed that the other side was not connected, and Mu Yun couldn't help looking at the phone.

It shows that it is in a call, what's going on?

When he was about to ask again, Zhao Linger's voice came.

"Brother Yun, I'm sorry, I'll take care of the matter."

Mu Yun's face sank after hearing this.

What's wrong?

Unable to think of what happened, Mu Yun asked.

"Let's talk about it, what's the matter? Two thirty seven"

Faced with Mu Yun's doubts, Zhao Linger could only tell the story of the destruction of the semi-finished gene fortification liquid and the theft of the data last night.

Under Zhao Ling'er's explanation, Mu Yun finally knew what happened.

Is this Zhao Ling'er to blame?

It was indeed her problem. I told her about the gene fortification liquid, and I had to let it go.

now what?

But now is not the time to pursue accountability.

Mu Yun said to Zhao Ling'er on the other end of the phone.

"Ling'er, Yang Xin is right about this. You should notify me as soon as possible. You should call me as soon as the accident happens, instead of wasting a day like this."

"If you notify me when something goes wrong, maybe the matter has been resolved now."

"Wait for me, see you in the main building in ten minutes!"

After speaking, Mu Yun hung up the phone. This time, Zhao Linger must be taught a lesson.

There is no resentment from the original world and the two people on the white background practice her hands.

Zhao Linger is not very qualified now.

He planned to deal with Lin Mo before going over.

Not less than ten minutes, I ran early when it was time to run.

If he can't run, he must still be hiding in Xianling Island.He went there, and under his own perception, can that Bukup be able to hide?

But this incident gave Mu Yun a reminder.

Faerie Island must also be stationed by members of the dark alliance, and they are equally proficient in such things as finding people.

Now besides the four members who were sent out to follow the protagonist, there are two remaining in the seaside villa.

Mu Yun intends to send two members of the dark alliance to be stationed on the fairy island.

It is impossible for a few protagonists to appear together every time, leaving four people around is enough.

When Mu Yun was meditating, time passed quickly.

Lin Mo who came out of the operating room was still in a coma.

Perceiving Lin Mo being pushed into the intensive care unit, Mu Yun instantly disappeared on the top floor.

When I saw Lin Mo again, it was actually only a few hours later.

Lin Mo's face was pale at this time, and his brows moved slightly in a coma.

I don't know if he is making a nightmare, Mu Yun has no time to explore, and now he is ready to plunder and absorb Lin Mo's system, and then rush back to Xianling Island to smash the traitor's corpse.

Although it hasn't been long since Bukup has joined Zhao Linger's team, he is still his own. For those who dare to betray him, Mu Yun has never been merciless.

Those in the original world who would betray themselves, Mu Yun killed their whole family, it is naturally impossible for this Bukupu to receive preferential treatment.

Now the situation has plundered Lin Mo's system first.

Immediately Mu Yun said to the system in his mind.

"System! Give me the god-level live broadcast system that plundered Lin Mo!"

"Host, the god-level live broadcast system that plunders the protagonist requires 10.4 million luck, are you sure?"


"Please wait for the host!"

The inexplicable energy once again collided with each other.

Soon, the system prompt sounded.

"Congratulations to the host, successfully plundering the god-level live broadcast system! May I ask whether the host has absorbed the god-level live broadcast system!"

"Absorb it!"

"Congratulations to the host for absorbing the god-level live broadcast system and obtaining 28 million gas luck!"

The god-level live broadcast system has nearly twice the revenue.

Mu Yun was not surprised, his luck was only in the early 30s.

The god-level black technology system that plundered Zhao Hao is still far away.

Lin Mo's only more attractive super protagonist halo, Mu Yun did not take it.

Now start to accumulate luck.

The cost of Super Halo is too high! Mu Yun doesn't want to waste luck for the time being.

Looking at the unconscious Lin Mo, Mu Yun returned to the beach house.

"Little Lord!"

The two members of the dark alliance in the hidden dark place reappeared.

This time Mu Yun didn't tell them to retreat as usual, but said to them.

"You go and hand over work with Ansan and Ansi, and let them rush to the fairy island to find me!

Because set three is a woman, Mu Yun intends to let her follow Zhao Ling'er.

The four is purely because it is easy to remember.

An Yi and An Er are in charge of the villas on both sides.

The three are in charge of the affairs of the fairy island.

The remaining four people are by their side in charge of the protagonist's affairs at any time.

This is not easy to confuse. Under Mu Yun's order, the two members of the dark alliance left after responding.

Mu Yun disappeared again, and appeared in the main building of Fairy Spirit Island.

Going downstairs and seeing the three of Zhao Linger waiting in the living room, Mu Yun felt a little distressed...

Maybe it was because he didn't sleep all night, at this time Zhao Linger looked a little tired.

The idea of ​​giving Zhao Linger a lesson in his heart was slightly shaken.

Mu Yun, who knew how much she was thinking, shook his head secretly. This matter was just like what he said. If you told him earlier, the matter might have been resolved by now, so why bother to make it so complicated.

When he first arrived at Faerie Island, he had already sensed the whereabouts of that guy Bukup.

Seeing where he was hiding, Mu Yun finally knew why Zhao Linger and the others couldn't find it after looking for it for a day.

Xianling Island is making a big move, and this guy hid in the defecation pit of the newly built community.Who would have thought?

Even if Yang Xin and the group of girls searched around and found the defecation pit at most, they just glanced at it, who would dare to go in?

The new community has not been completed, but don't the construction workers need to open it?

Since they started construction, the defecation pit has actually been officially opened.

When he sensed it, Mu Yun felt sick, let alone arrest people.

The sound of Mu Yun's footsteps downstairs caught the attention of the three women. When they saw Mu Yun for the first time, Zhao Linger stood up.

Under Mu Yun's astonishment, Zhao Linger walked towards Mu Yun.

There was mist in those twinkling beautiful eyes, which made Mu Yun feel distressed and confused again.

Zhao Ling'er in the original world is black-bellied and domineering.

Still missing the experience of the original world, Zhao Linger has not grown up?

Thinking of this, Mu Yun walked towards Zhao Ling'er. When the two looked at each other, Mu Yun smiled.

Zhao Ling'er at this meeting is really far from the big villain in the original world.

Especially now that her 2.7 eyes are misty, she looks pitiful, and Mu Yun is completely unable to connect her with the big villain in the original world.

Zhao Ling'er was miserable by Mu Yun's smile!

In this situation, Mu Yun can still laugh?

But soon she didn't have time to think again, because she was embraced by Mu Yun.

"Ling'er", remember to notify me as soon as possible what happens in the future.

"People always make mistakes. I didn't do stupid things like that in the past few years!

"Do you think I will be angry with you for one wrong thing?"

"Or do you have so little confidence in me?"

Zhao Ling'er, who had been worrying about this all day, listened to Mu Yun's moving words in Mu Yun's arms.

She couldn't help holding Mu Yun tightly with her hands behind her back.

"Brother Yun!"

"Sorry, I just don't want you to worry, nor do I want to mess up the task you gave me the first time, so I want to solve the problem by myself."

"I didn't know it would happen like this, I'm sorry!"

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