Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 322 Zhao Hao goes to the hospital! He is full of emotions! (Fifth more! Seek full order!)

As soon as he walked in, Chen Xu walked directly to Zhao Hao's desk and said.

"Zhao Jin! The drawings, I need to look at the drawings!"

For Chen Xu's directness, Zhao Hao didn't have any unpleasant colors.

As the veteran of Wutian Technology and the head of the research department, Chen Xu is also a genius researcher.

For such a person, Zhao Hao has a lot of tolerance.

What he needs now is this kind of enterprising and strong research ability.

"Chen Gong, don't worry, I will give you the drawing of the sodium ion battery, and I will also give you this project."

"I asked you to come over this time, mainly to ask you, do we have many professionals in Haotian Technology? Do we need to recruit more professionals."

"Chen Gong, don't get me wrong, I am not a researcher who underestimates the company.

"There is a specialization in the technical industry, battery technology, not to say that you are a researcher, you can understand the blueprint."

"What I need is professional personnel, I need professionals in any field!"

"Two Four Three"

"So I want to ask Chen your opinion, if you have any talent in this field, you can ask me and I will invite it myself."

"Salary, treatment, these are not problems, I will give them the best treatment in the industry!"

"The original researcher of the company, including you, Chen Gong, will re-adjust the salary!"

"As the pillar of the company, your treatment will be the highest-level group of the company!"

After finishing talking, Zhao Wu looked at Chen Xu seriously. He really needs talents now.

He is an undergraduate, and he has never involved science and technology. How does he understand.

Had it not been for the system to reward a technology company at the beginning, the black technology rewarded by the god-level black technology system might not be able to play well.

No one has no money, do you use black technology for nothing?

It is not a finished product, even if it is a finished product, it is also useless. Sell it to other companies for them to study?

This is definitely a long life!

Maybe they just arrested you and threatened you to tell the origin of the finished product.

Now Zhao Wu, who holds Haotian Technology, has a perfect start, but the talent is still lacking.

His other black technology, currently the entire company cannot find anyone to help develop it.

So he could only call Chen Xu, who was also engaged in research. He felt that Chen Xu should know many research experts.

After hearing what Zhao Hao said, Chen Xu thought deeply.

Every boss needs talents, he understands, but the people he knows seem to have gotten.

Let Zhao Hao go digging people?

This idea was quickly abandoned by Chen Xu, unscientific!

Those people have joined the R&D teams of other companies.

Zhao Hao goes to dig people like this, people may not be able to dig people, offending people is for sure!

What do you mean by that?

Our company is researching and developing new projects. You are open and honest, come over and dig people!

Do you want to go to war?

These people can't dig, so who else can ask Zhao Hao to invite?

Zhao Hao did not interrupt Chen Xu's thinking.

He usually has to think about finding someone to help him for a long time. Now that Chen Xu is asked to help introduce talents, don't people need to think about it?

Neither of them spoke, Chen Xu was still thinking, while Zhao Hao looked at him with a smile on his face.

Until Zhao Hao's cell phone rang suddenly, Chao Chen Xu apologized, and Zhao Hao answered the call.

In less than thirty seconds, Zhao Hao got up from the chair.

"Chen Gong, I'm sorry. I have something to do temporarily. The drawing will be handed over to you when I come back."

Sorry "! I originally planned to take it to you later, but now I am a bit anxious. Please think about what I said just now. No matter what kind of expert, our Haotian Group welcomes it!"

"I'll talk about everything when I come back!"

Chen Xu, who had been thinking about it, nodded when he heard the words. Seeing Zhao Wu's response after answering the phone, he knew it should be an urgent matter.

He was just as anxious about the sodium-ion battery.

But who made Zhao Hao the chairman, the chairman's affairs must be more important than himself.

Standing up and following Wu out of the office, Chen Xu did not give up thinking about talents. He was certain about the research on batteries, but he also needed more professionals.

Sitting in the car configured by Liu Cheng, Zhao Hao didn't think about talents.

The phone is just a strange number, but after turning the familiar voice he knew who it was.

His buddies most of his trains.

But from the tone of most of his trains and sensual, Zhao Hao could hear him seem to be having a very troublesome thing.

In the hospital, got what disease is it?

If you encounter such a thing before, he pulled out a little money may only make modest.

Now most of his trains if I get sick, he does have the ability to be of help.

Just listen to most of his trains of the kind of tone he feared most of his trains will take things too hard.

So Zhao Hao leave things developed, hurried rush to the hospital, he's not half the task system will be able to complete the task in this regard but he did not worry.

Came to the hospital to see most of his trains at first glance, Zhao Wu shocked.

That's his thing entirely is a living dead thing!

How did he give yourself a phone?

Now most of his trains such cases can think to call their own, is not easy!

This is true when the brothers themselves!

Or else his pair of empty eyes, pale face.

Zhao said he was a corpse Wu will not suspect.

Walked around most of his trains, Zhao Hao could not help thinking again emerge Dead ....

They stand around most of his trains, but he did not any response.

"Small ink?"

Zhao Hao can only cry softly around in most of his trains, no effect.

"Little Mexico, I was Angkor, Zhao Hao ah! You just do not call me?"

"You'd have a word?"


Zhao Hao was shouting again, most of his trains finally react, slowly turned his head, saw the moment when Zhao Hao, Zhao Wu most of his trains of reaction surprised.

This is terminally ill and dying?

I saw most of his trains tears falling moment, that expression Zhao Hao looked feel inexplicably sad.

Most of his trains this brother is really ill yet?

He intends to speak directly to ask if they can save money is not a problem!

Is terminally ill with advanced afraid most of his trains, no amount of money he would be no good unless he's black technology more and more powerful, perhaps later have the opportunity to cure a variety of terminal illness.

From the side pulled several sheets of paper, Zhao Hao personally to most of his trains wiping her tears.

The nurse was about to come in at the door startled the next, and then back out.

This scene is far too base situation radiance, almost blinded her dog eyes, some can not stand her.

Of course, the main reason is the situation now most of his trains, there are always individuals take care of him so well.

Though he is a man or a woman, anyway, most of his trains are not a man, it does not matter!

Zhao Hao did not know this thing behind him, otherwise he must find a nurse theory.

He did not know the situation of most of his trains, and now he acts only out of fraternal friendship, what is the base situation radiance!

Help wipe the tears most of his trains, Zhao Hao said in all earnestness.

"Little Mexico, what do not simmer in silence, with Angkor that if what ails you do not worry, everything is there in Angkor, 2.7 more money thing you need to worry about."

"Angkor recently made a point of money, not a lot of money, the money will not afford to see a doctor."

"Do not be sad stunned, with at Angkor say, what happened, is not really what ails?"

Zhao Hao feel concern, most of his trains again shed tears, it looks like instant embodiment Lin.

The change most of his trains Zhao Wu sad at the same time some frustration.

Before how small ink still did not find this feature in the dormitory, which is not too menfolk?

But soon he had no idea.

Because most of his trains hoarse voice sounded in his ear.

"Angkor, I'm ruined!"

"Ruined my life!

"I do not know what took me days to kill the beast below to kicking, and now the doctor has helped me completely eliminated!

"I am in this life is no hope, I really want to live!

Hear these words, Zhao Hao, so what's the idea!

He shocked!,

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