Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 324 Lu Wen called! Zhao Wugang got out of the hospital and was hit by a car! (Second! Seek f

Zhao Hao agreed with Lin Mo's words.

The nature of Yunge's work makes it very likely that he will investigate secretly.

He couldn't help being curious, let alone Yun Ge, he was more courageous than the three of them.

Lin Mo's words continued.

"I don't want to disturb Xiaowen. You don't know his situation.

"He has no dignity at the woman's house. I am afraid that he will have to look at the woman's face again by calling him!

"I don't know why he held that Zhang Yuan, people obviously don't like him."

"Give up early and find another one, I think he must be a lot better than now!"

"Now his situation may not be better than mine, forget it, don't talk about Xiaowen."

"Angkor, thank you for coming to see me in a hurry. Thank you very much. Originally, I felt very desperate, but seeing you and thinking of you brothers, I seem to have rekindled hope!"

"I will endure!"

"Isn't it just a thing, I've done it myself and swallow it myself, thank you, Angkor!"

For Lin Mo's repeated thanks, Zhao Hao patted him on the shoulder.

He admired Lin Mo a little, so he looked away so quickly. In other words, he might not be able to do it.

"Xiao Mo, don't despair, think about the solution later, many diseases that could not be cured in the past have been solved differently now!"

"Perhaps this thing will still have a chance to undergo surgical treatment in the future, who can make it clear."

"I heard your voice on the phone. I'm really worried. You can rest here first. When the situation is stable, I will pick you up and stay with me for a period of time. How long do you want to live?"

"If you think about it again, you will always be my good brother!

"Is there anything to remember..."

Today Zhao Hao seems to have a lot of things. Before he finished talking, his cell phone rang again.

Chao Lin Mo smiled, and Zhao Hao took out his cell phone.

Lu Wen?

Just mentioned Lu Wen, this time Lu Wen will call.

Is today a good day for their brothers to get together?

Shaking the phone in front of Lin Mo's eyes, Lin Mo saw that the call was Lu Wen, and the same thought as Zhao Wu came up in his heart.

Zhao Hao clicked on the speakerphone.

All are brothers, there is nothing I can say, except for the system of course!

"Xiaowen, why do you think of calling brother today? Something?"

After Zhao Hao finished asking questions, the other side was quiet for two seconds, which made both Zhao Wu and Lin Mo puzzled.

But soon, a faint voice came from the other side.

"Angkor, are you there?"

Zhao Hao felt Xiao Ju tight again!

Is this here to urge you?

What is going on today, why are strange and uneasy things happening one after another.

Lin Mo encounters something unclean, is physically castrated, and has no love for him.

What's the matter with Lu Wen now?

Who will answer your call if I am not? The ghost is talking to you?

Thinking of that word, Zhao Wu slapped a spirit, and said quickly.

"Xiaowen, brother is here, what's the matter with you?"

Lu Wen's tone has not changed.

"Angel, Brother Yun is busy, Brother Mo is sleeping, I can only find you, can you come to me?"

"Come over and drink with me, I really can't find anyone else!"

"It's been more than a year. I don't even have any friends of my own. I always walk around her. It doesn't matter if she looks down on me. I'm already working hard to change."

"I just hope that one day I can let her face me squarely, but why? Why does God want to treat me like this!"

"What did I do wrong, since it gave me hope, why should I ruin it again!"


Lu Wen's voice was very low at the beginning, and as his mood changed, his voice became louder and louder.

After saying that they cried even more, Zhao Wu and Lin Mo looked at each other.

They probably already know what happened to Lu Wen.

Besides having trouble with that Zhang Yuan, what else can make him so sad?

Lu Wen's cry continued, Zhao Wu and Lin Mo did not answer the conversation quietly.

It's better to let Lu Wen vent at this time than hold it in his heart.

Zhao Hao suddenly felt a little speechless. Apart from him, none of their brothers seemed to be very satisfied.

And it happened to be the same day.

No, Yunge doesn't know yet.

Lin Mo and Lu Wen in front of them are indeed very uncomfortable, especially Lin Mo, who doesn't even have that thing, why is he okay?

After finally waiting for Lu Wen to stop crying, Zhao Hao said.

"Xiaowen, if you are in a bad mood, come out and walk more. Don't be old at home. How can you feel better."

"I'm in the hospital now, something happened to Xiaomo, he knows you are not doing well, so he dare not tell you."

"If you want to be okay, come to the intensive care unit No. 3 of Shencheng Hospital, come over and talk to the two brothers if you have anything to do."

Lu Wen, who was opposite his words, was stunned, and his tone suddenly changed back to his original state.

"Angkor, are you true?"

Brother Sai, "I didn't even tell me when he entered the hospital. He sees if there is still a brother like me. Wait, I'll come over right away!"

After talking, Lu Wen hung up the phone, Zhao Wu and Lin Mo smiled at each other.

This is their brotherhood.

Many people in the same university dormitory have no contact after graduation, and many still keep in touch.

But like the four of them, there are really very few who still maintain this brotherhood, which can be said to be rare.

Lu Wen hung up the phone, Zhao Hao could only put the phone away and looked at Lin Mo.

"Xiaomo, you lie here first, I will go down and buy you a bottle of water, and then I will buy some wine and peanuts for Xiaowen."

"Brother doesn't do anything today, just stay here to squirt with you two!

After speaking, he stood up and walked out of the intensive care unit.

Zhao Hao did what he said, so he called Chen Xu immediately after he got out of the intensive care unit.

First, I apologized to Chen Xu, and then told him that he had a friend in the hospital. He was very depressed, and now he couldn't leave.

Then he went downstairs and walked out of the hospital to the convenience store.

Zhao Hao, who had just walked not far, found that the sun was dazzling today, and the air outside was so hot that he might have been staying in Lin Mo's room. When he suddenly came out, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Perceiving this sudden initiation of his own thoughts, Zhao Hao smiled, is he becoming more delicate?

There are luxury cars going in and out from yesterday to now, and people are waiting for you to do things, and now I feel hot when I come out to buy something.

The environment is really easy to change people!

But is this becoming a bit fast? Even Zhao Hao himself couldn't help but laugh.

Zhao Hao stopped in the hospital driveway and stood aside to call the driver.

On the phone, Zhao Wu asked the driver to buy more wine, water and peanuts at a nearby convenience store.

Now someone calls, Zhao Hao doesn't want to move, he will naturally not be polite to the driver.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Hao laughed again.

This kind of life is really comfortable.

Since he has his own driver to buy things, Zhao Hao plans to go back to the hospital and wait for his driver.

Do you have it in the hospital?) Air-conditioning, at least not hot.

When he started to walk back, Zhao Hao suddenly heard a rapid cry.

"Young man, run!"

"be careful!"

At the same time, a lot of screams reached his ears.


Don't think about it, Zhao Hao, who was knocked into flight, already knew what was going on.

Pi hits!

With the severe pain, Zhao Hao felt that his leg must be broken.

Fortunately, this is in the hospital. The driving speed is not fast. Of course, this unhappiness is relatively speaking.

Zhao Hao didn't pass out in a coma.

When he fell to the ground, he felt that he was wrong when he started.

Except for Yunge, the four brothers of them are all dissatisfied.

Can he be okay after being hit by a car so violently?

Especially the severe pain from the leg, it hurt Zhao Wuzhi cold sweat, just a few seconds, I don't know if it was because of the severe pain or because it was really hot today, Zhao Hao's clothes were all wet with sweat.

Zhao Hao, who was lying on the ground, hugged his leg and resisted not letting himself cry in pain.

But it's so painful!

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