Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 341 I don’t know how to face it! Tell them that they really want to! (Fourth! Please customi

Xia Han collected his treasures, called the director, and walked into the haunted house again.

Outside Yunge's body, she can only temporarily hand it over to Lu Wen's guard.

She has already told Lu Wen in advance, if he doesn't listen to him, what can Xia Han do?

She admired Yunge's brotherhood, but she didn't mean anything else.

When she came to the second floor of the haunted house, many guards were already sober.

However, the panic in their eyes is still hard to remove.

Although Xia Han didn't know what they had gone through, she didn't have time to comfort them at this time.

Help other guards to wake up colleagues who have passed out one by one.

Fortunately, these colleagues were only slightly in a coma. Under their awakening, all the colleagues had already woken up.

Seeing that there was still a look of horror in their eyes, Xia Han said.

"Everyone, I don't know what you have experienced, but the experience just now makes me unforgettable. This kind of weird thing must be enough to experience once."

"Now you don't need to worry anymore!"

"The people sent above have cleared the aliens in the haunted house, and the haunted house is very safe.

"Today, it is also the first time I know that there are aliens and people who eliminate aliens in this world. We don't need to be afraid. They remove aliens just like we solve crimes and catch thieves."

"The people who cleaned up the aliens told me that the aliens are only a few, and many people will never encounter them once in a lifetime.

"So you don't have to worry about meeting you again today!"

After Xia Han finished speaking, she found that most of these colleagues seemed to be relieved, and she clapped her hands.

"Everyone will keep a good record for me, and you are not allowed to say anything about today, so as not to spread the panic among the people."

"Now I have clarified what I have said. If any of you spread this out and let the people above come to the door, don't blame me for not helping you, understand?"

Xia Han's words made everyone's faces solemn, and then they replied in unison.


I was very satisfied with everyone's answers, but Xia Han's face suddenly became hard to look.

"I will go back and send Yunge's body to the laboratory. I am also responsible for the Yunge accident. I shouldn't let him leave at that time!

"If he stays in the guard station, he will not have an accident, and we will not rush over now."

"Perhaps until tomorrow morning those alien species have been cleaned up, we don't need to experience this kind of thing.

"So I also have a lot of responsibility for what happened tonight, and I will report it to the director truthfully."

"After the meeting is over, you should go back and rest. You don't have to worry too much."

Speaking of this, Xia Han seemed to think of something.

As for "Liu Kai, no trace of him was found in this haunted house. Maybe he has already left, or he may have been harmed by an alien."

"Regardless of the possibility, we cannot relax ourselves and continue to stare at the news about Liu Kai for the time being!"

"Let's go away!"

After explaining the matter, Xia Han disbanded everyone on the spot.

However, everyone did not leave, and several team leaders under Xia Han came to Xia Han's side.

"Team Xia, this matter has nothing to do with you, you don't need to take the matter to yourself."

"Yes, Team Xia, we were all there at that time about Yunge.

"Although I'm a bit sorry for Yunge to say that, it's his own choice. You don't know that Yunge will lie to you in Team Xia. How can this be blamed on you?"

Not only a few team leaders spoke, but even the guards spoke up for Xia Han's injustice.

Now that the haunted house is safe, they don't leave in a hurry.

Enclose Xia Han in the middle to discourage.

"Okay, don't say anything, listen to my order, first send Yunge back to the guard station!"

"I will handle other things myself!

After saying that Xia Han ignored them and pushed everyone downstairs with his hands.

The guard sent Yunge's body to the laboratory, and Lu Wen, who was taken back to the guard station, still didn't know how to face it.

During the time Xia Han and the others disappeared, Zhao Hao had already called.

But Lu Wen told them that Yunge hasn't been found yet.

In the current situation of the two, Lu Wen doesn't know whether he should tell the truth.

After staying in the director's office for half an hour, Xia Han returned to her office with a bewildered expression of the director, and found that Lu Wen was sitting on a chair in the office and did not leave. She walked over and asked.

"Lu Wen, why don't you leave?"

Lu Wen, who was in confusion, raised his head slightly when he heard Xia Han's voice.

"Hello, Team Xia."

After greeting, Lu Wen smiled bitterly towards Mo Han.

"Team Xia, I really don't know how to tell Angkor and the others when I go back, I am afraid that their condition will affect their condition."

Especially "It's Brother Mo, but if they don't say anything, they don't know how to explain it when they ask me."

"So it's better to stay here for a while, think clearly before going back."

Xia Han understood the words, and now she also doesn't know how to speak to Yunge's parents.

Looking at Lu Wen, Xia Han said truthfully.

"Lu Wen, I can't help you with this, because I don't know how to explain to Yunge's parents now."

"Sit by yourself for a while, I still have things to deal with, things will always be solved, don't think too much.

Hearing what Xia Han said, Lu Wen rushed to stunned, and then smiled bitterly again.

Ask for flowers...

Yes! Xia Han probably is more embarrassed than herself. It is Yunge's parents who face her.

How should Yunge explain to Yunge's parents if something like this happened to Yunge?

"Team Xia, you are busy first!"

Knowing Xia Han's difficulties, Lu Wen didn't mean to bother Xia Han. After speaking, he continued to sit on the chair in the office area.

About half an hour later, Lu Wen was awakened by his cell phone ringing.

He didn't need to think about whose call he had already guessed. He took out his cell phone, and it turned out to be Zhao Hao's call.

Listening to the constant ringing of the mobile phone, Lu Wen found that he was a little timid.

But in order not to worry Zhao Hao and the others, Lu Wen pressed the connect button.


Shouted, Lu Wen really didn't know what to say.

Zhao Hao is different. After waiting for more than three hours for news, this guy Lu Wen hasn't given them any news until now.

He and Lin Mo were in a hurry, otherwise they would not call Lu Wen.

Hearing Lu Wen's voice, Zhao Wu asked eagerly.

"Xiaowen, where are you now, have you got any news from Brother Yun?"

Sure enough, he still had to face it, and Lu Wen stood up.

"Angel, I'm going back now, I will talk about Brother Yun's affairs later.

After speaking, Lu Wen took the initiative to hang up Zhao Hao's phone for the first time, and then walked out of the guard station.

Zhao Hao, who was hung up, was a little dumbfounded.Is this Lu Wen?

He didn't continue to call, since Lu Wen said he was coming back, he didn't need to call again.

Waited for several hours, not bad for this one.

Inside the intensive care unit of Shencheng Hospital.

There was silence at the moment.

Lu Wen rushed back to the hospital as quickly as possible.

After figuring it out, he didn't hide Yun Ge's affairs.

Upon hearing the news of Yun Ge's death, Zhao Hao and Lin Mo opened their mouths wide, their expressions dull.

Lu Wen stood quietly on the side.

He himself was also sad, how could he know how to comfort Zhao Hao.

The eye sockets of the two men were a little moist at this time.

I only saw Yunge in the afternoon, but in the evening it was already yin and yang.

How do they accept this.

Besides, in the afternoon, Yunge said he would come over at night.

On the phone, he also promised Lin Mo would not go to the haunted house.

Who knows that Yunge actually tricked everyone into running to the haunted house.

Now even people are dying in haunted houses.

Zhao Hao, whose expression became sad, looked at Lu Wen and said.

"Xiaowen, what you just said did you see with your own eyes?"

Facing Zhao Hao's doubts, Lu Wen nodded.

Angkor "Do I dare to make a joke about this kind of thing?"

"What I just said is not my own experience.

"As long as you go to the guard station and ask, you will know."

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