Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 400 Xiao Min strangles Zhou Jin to death! Suspicious clouds are growing! (First one! Ask for

Certainly not!

Expecting Zhou Jin to marry her is completely dreaming, and she will be sober!

Now Xiao Min is disappointed even with her boyfriend. She decides that after getting the money, she will never give her boyfriend a penny.

Even find an excuse to break up with him later.

A man like Liu is also not suitable for being a boyfriend or husband.

For the money, even the girlfriend can transfer it to other men.

Although it was only one night, it was enough to explain the problem.

The three of them took Liu's taxi to a nearby four-star hotel.

Liu Quancheng is like Zhou Jin's little brother. It seems that the woman in Zhou Jin's arms is not his girlfriend.

Zhou Jin and Xiao Min were sitting in the back of the car and kissing each other, while he was still smiling while sitting in the passenger seat.

"Xiao Liu, I have received the money, and the IOU is also written. Will you rest assured?

In the hotel lobby, Liu Gang received a turnover of 150,000 yuan and an IOU.

Zhou Jin asked with an awkward smile on his face.

"Brother Zhou, what do you say, how can I doubt you!"

"Right, Brother Zhou!"

"Do you need any supplies? I'll buy them for you if necessary and send them to you?"

Promise "You and Min will be happier tonight!"

To be honest, Zhou Jin was shocked by Liu's shamelessness.

Once the bottom line of this person is broken, there is really no bottom line. If he asks himself to be in Liu's position, it is absolutely impossible to say!

Zhou Jin didn't feel that what he did by himself also had no bottom line.

Xiao Min felt a little uncomfortable listening.

Even if she had recognized it, Liu is still her boyfriend now, his attitude Xiao Min sounded uncomfortable.

But she quickly leaned in Zhou Jin's arms like an okay person.

I have made a decision, so why bother to feel uncomfortable for Liu.

After going back, they broke up 790 hands. Such a man is not worthy of nostalgia.

Zhou Jin waved to Liu.

"No, Xiao Liu, do you go up to rest, or do you have a rest here, but I have to go up to work, the money can't be spent in vain, do you think?"

"Yes, yes, Brother Zhou, please here, I happen to be tired too, so I will go up together.

"Haha, let's go!"

Under Liu's guidance, Zhou Jin took Xiao Min into the elevator.

Perceiving Zhou Jin's behavior this time, Xiao had a disgusting expression on his face.

Last time Zhou Jin approached Ye Xue, she already felt that Zhou Jin had no bottom line.

Today Zhou Jin and Liu's affairs refreshed her new understanding of the bottom line.

One dares to do, the other dares to accept.

Are men so disgusting?

Woolen cloth!

"She quickly got rid of this idea, and she will have to find Mu Yun later, and let him toss Zhou Jin, a beast.

Can't let him see that he has this idea.

Otherwise, she will have to wait for a while.

Thinking of this, Zhou Jin felt that Zhou Jin had already started to act and disappeared in the same place in an instant.

Zhou Jin is in very good condition today. I don't know if it was the same as Ye Xue's last time. The mentality of wearing a hat of forgiveness stimulated him.

He is brave and invincible!

After listening to Xiao Hao's narration, Mu Yun secretly said that Zhou Jin was really good at playing, but there was no expression on his face when he looked at Xiao Hao who was angry.

"Xiaohao, what do you think, how do you want to toss him?"

Xiao Hao listened to Mu Yun's question, her big eyes flickered at Mu Yun.

"Uncle, didn't you say that as long as he dares to find other women, kill him when he is ceab?"

"Strangle him, let him slowly feel the breath of death!

"Yes! Let that Xiao Min strangle him to death!"

"It's best to scare him out of the shadows again, Zhou Jin just remembers to eat or not!"

"Fuck him!"

Looking at Xiao Hao speechlessly, did this little guy completely turn bad after spending some time with him.

Or is she really so deeply resenting Zhou Jin?

However, this little face was so angry that it looked cute.

Squeezing Xiao Yu's face, Mu Yun smiled.

"All right, you decide what to do!"

Left and right are just a kill, no matter how you kill it, it's the same.

Appearing in Zhou Jin's room with Manhao, Mu Yun sensed the rope that Manhao had in his hands and didn't know where it came from, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

Under his perception, Man Hao, who was invisible, was no longer ashamed of this scene, and slowly walked to Zhou Jin's side, and then winked at Mu Yun.

Mu Yun smiled, and his invisibility was lifted instantly.

Now he also has this ability, and the effect is much better than stealth.

Zhou Jin, who turned her back to Mu Yun, did not notice his existence, but Xiao Min, who was facing Mu Yun, changed her face instantly.

Under Mu Yun's contemplation, she gradually lost her look.

After recovering, Xiao Min kept the original movements, only when Zhou Jin smiled at her.

Xiao Min suddenly looked behind Zhou Jin in horror, and Zhou Jin couldn't help but count again with her expression.

That's it!

What is the situation!

Could there be anything behind him that couldn't be achieved? How could this Xiaomin suddenly be so frightened?

He even gave his own brain a lot of fright.

This kind of unknown fear made Zhou Jin couldn't help but look behind him.

Nothing at all!

What is Xiao Min panicking?

Just when he was about to turn around and ask Xiaomin.

In an instant, he felt that he was being pushed hard from behind, and the whole person suddenly rushed forward.

Before he could react, a rope was suddenly wrapped around his neck!

In this situation again, although Zhou Jin was frightened, he did not panic.

This is not the first time he has encountered it.

He is not a fool, besides that Xiao Min who was temporarily lured by him with money, who else is behind him?

Xiao Min wants to kill him?

He didn't know each other obviously, Xiao Min still found it on the side of the road on a temporary basis.

What did she kill herself for.

Could it be that all the women I found were murderers except Xiaoxuan?

Is this a bit outrageous?

Also, where did her rope come from?

When I first worked, I didn't find it!

Zhou Jin struggled as he thought about it, but he didn't know why Xiao Min was so strong?

He was a man who couldn't get rid of Xiao Min's neck and hands.

This this...

Are these women monsters?

Or did he never really come into contact with women before the reincarnation, so he didn't understand women as creatures?

How does Xiaoxuan explain?

With doubts, Zhou Jin felt that her breathing became more and more difficult.


Zhou Jin was shot and killed by Su Wan last time and did not exclaim.

After getting up today, Zhou Jin exclaimed again.

Zhou Jin, who was sitting on the bed and panting constantly, felt very strange and terrifying.

This is the second time being killed by a woman in a pleasant time.

Counting Ye Xue's death by his boyfriend, this is the third time.

It's weird!

Zhou Jin finally knows where the problem is. Every time he finds other women, he always encounters various killings.

His experience is the same as the reincarnation every day, leaving him completely clueless.

How could people be so unlucky, every time they meet a woman, they are murderers.

Or is her boyfriend a murderer?

Zhou Jin, who was slowing down, lay down on the bed fiercely.

He couldn't figure out what went wrong in the middle.

Seeing Zhou Jin's current appearance, Xiao Hao smiled with a small mouth covered.

She found that her daily joy now is to pay attention to this guy who restarts reincarnation.

She felt happy to see him uncomfortable.

Zhou Jin didn't go to Su Wan's office again today.

It is no longer necessary. He can copy those materials whenever he wants them.

It's just that it doesn't make much sense to copy now.

It's useless if you don't copy, just write it down every day by yourself.

What's in my mind cannot be used as evidence.

Copy it now and restore it again tomorrow.

Why should he do useless work.

Zhou Jin lay on the bed to make up for sleep. He didn't want to do anything today.

I just want to find the couple again in the evening.

He really wanted to know what happened to this Xiao Min.

Why did he change when he changed? He still carried a rope that he didn't find.

Or that Xiao Min’s original goal was Liu.

Was he just blocking the disaster for Liu?

But this doesn't make sense, aren't they a couple?

Where is such a big deep hatred?

If this is the case, why didn't I notice when I was chatting with them.

Thinking about it, he gradually fell asleep.

Time came to 7:30 in the evening.

Zhou Jin continued on the road last night.

A couple appeared in his sight not far away.

It was the couple from last night.

"Hello, introduce yourself,

It was still yesterday's routine, but Zhou Jin paid special attention to the expressions of the two when she said today.

Did not find anything wrong, it is indeed a good couple.

No trace of the rope was found either.

Zhou Jin suddenly became puzzled.

The suspicion in my heart keeps increasing.

When I came to the hotel yesterday, Zhou Jin was very serious this time after entering the room.

Really serious!

As soon as he entered the door, he didn't let Xiao Min do anything, and he first checked Xiao Min himself.

When everything disappeared, he still didn't find the hiding place of the rope. .

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