Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 402 Zhou Jin is unwilling! Entertainment Center Dongdong! (third more! Ask for customization

Zhou Jin's situation is indeed as Mu Yun said.

Wasted for a week.

He went to the small class again, and only in Xiaocheng could he get some comfort.

No need to worry about being killed suddenly while working.

Although that kind of shadow is not as serious as it started.

But it still made him very upset.

Only Xiaoxuan, Zhou Jin didn't need to worry about this when he was with her.

She is also the only woman Zhou Jin has not had any trouble with since she moved her mind.

As time passed slowly, Zhou Jin, who had recovered, was silent a lot.

Start to absorb all kinds of knowledge every day and re-enrich myself.

The seemingly ordinary life is very good, but I know how unwilling it is.

It was dull for a long time, and his fiery heart reappeared at that moment.

She found that Mu Yun was right. People like Zhou Jin could really cheer up very quickly.

According to Xiao Hao's words, he does not remember to eat or not.

The typical heals the scar and forgets the pain.

No, Zhou Jin started to act again three days later.

Female colleagues, Ye Xue, lovers, he all bypassed.

Zhou Jin went straight to a nearby entertainment center.

"Seven Nine Zero"

He intends to follow the previous routine again.

Women working in such a place are all for their livelihoods. If there are murderers, can the entertainment center continue to open?

Even if there is a 1 in 10,000 chance that there is a murderer, she has been hiding in the entertainment center for so long.

Is it necessary to kill the person who gave her money? This will not expose yourself to her?

The manager of the entertainment center is a 30-year-old man. When Zhou Jin came in, he greeted him enthusiastically.

It was the first time Zhou Jin came to this kind of place. He didn't understand how to continue.

Only under the leadership of experience, went up to the second floor.

The second floor is different from the lobby below, the lighting is relatively soft.

"Handsome guy, do you have anyone familiar with it? If so, how can I arrange it directly for you?"

Zhou Jin is not familiar with anything, when the manager asked, he shook his head.

"No, it's the first time I came to your place.

"You can find someone who can pass my fate, just work longer with you."

"Don't choose the ugly ones for me, or don't blame me for making trouble, understand?"

The customer is God. At Zhou Jin's request, the manager smiled and nodded.

"Understood, handsome guy!"

"Since the handsome guy is here for the first time, I will also make it clear that this is a formal place. I hope you don't do things that embarrass us!"

"Others, don't hesitate to speak up if you have any needs. If I don't arrange it properly and are not satisfied, you can change it!"

While talking, the manager has taken Zhou Jin to a small private room.

The light inside is softer, it can be said to be a bit dim.

Zhou Jin took a look and sat down on the sofa against the wall.

"Go and arrange someone for me, here, this is a tip, be careful!"

The manager took the ten tickets from Zhou Jin in amazement.

It was the first time he encountered this situation after working in the entertainment center for several years.

The entertainment center is not a restaurant, and he will not be tipped.

Most customers give him a cigarette already pretty good.

Holding the banknotes in his hand, the smile on the manager's face could not be concealed.

"Handsome man, sit down for a while, I'll go and make arrangements for you!

"We, Dongdong are the best employees, but they are always at work. If you need to, I can help you see it, but if you have to wait, I don't know if you can wait, handsome guy!"

"If time permits, I suggest that handsome guys wait. This is my personal recommendation."

"Trust me, you can't go wrong!"

Although Zhou Jin has never experienced this kind of occasion, he is not a fool, and he understands what the manager means at a glance.

"Just as you want, it's okay to wait, but I don't want it to be too long. If Dongdong is really as good as you said, you come over when you check out, and I won't let you do things in vain!"

"Thank you, handsome guy, you won't be disappointed, I will arrange it now!

The manager didn't let Zhou Jin down. Ten minutes later, a young girl of about twenty years old walked in with a basin.

When he came to Zhou Jin, he bowed slightly.

"Boss, hello, this is Dongdong!"

"I don't know where you are uncomfortable, I will prepare the most suitable liquid medicine for you according to your situation!"

Seeing the girl Dongdong who was nearly 90 minutes in front of him, Zhou Jin couldn't help but look carefully.

He is very satisfied.

"I have been a little sore on my back recently, and there is nothing wrong with the others. You can take care of it by yourself.

Dongdong nodded, and then pointed to the small bed on one side.

"Boss, put your clothes on and lie down, I'll go to make up the liquid medicine for you!"

"Well, you go!"

Feel the moderate strength behind.

Even though Zhou Jin is not sour behind her back, she feels really comfortable to press.

Enjoying this feeling, Zhou Jin jumped and asked.

"Dongdong, how much money can you earn in this month, shouldn't it be a lot?"

The customer suddenly asked about this situation, Dongdong has long been accustomed to.

Immediately replied.

"Boss, our salary here is actually not high, I think I do a good job, and I get more than ten thousand dollars every month."

"Of course, if you work harder, you can get more, but it's very tiring. I'm very satisfied with my current income!

Dongdong's words already meant to faintly reject Zhou Jin.

She was in a one-year class in the entertainment center, and she didn't understand why the people who asked this had some thoughts.

Although not everyone thinks the same, but they are inseparable from each other.

It's nothing more than talking about your salary and then finding a better job for yourself.

Those who point directly, just open up.

So gradually she has learned to turn down guests from the beginning.

Although she understood and declined Zhou Jin.

But Zhou Jin's words made her stop, and the whole person seemed to be tangled.

"Dongdong, you are a smart person. I don't mean 500,000. When the meeting is over, I will ask the manager for a leave. I will transfer you 200,000 immediately."

"Tomorrow morning I will transfer the remaining 300,000 to you. I know that your salary is high, but you can only think about how long you can earn the 500,000. It only takes one night with me!"

"I won't bother you. Think about it carefully. If it works, you can write a letter. If it doesn't work, I will find someone else to do the same...

After speaking, Zhou Jin buried her face on the bed and didn't speak again.

He doesn't care, Dongdong can't. It is true that he finds other people. He is not in a relationship, but he is unwilling and wants to verify the result.

But when he said so, Dongdong became more and more entangled.

Five hundred thousand!

What kind of concept is that!

Regardless of her salary is not low, but she spends a lot of money every month, it is not bad to save five thousand.

If there is no special case of 500,000 yuan, she will have to do it for at least eight or nine years before it can be saved.

It's like Zhou Jin said, as long as you can get half a million in one night, how can she refuse this temptation!

While pressing Zhou Jin, Dongdong wandered in his heart.

As she kept wandering, Zhou Jin's face looked refreshed for a while, and gritted her teeth for a while.

Dongdong's hands vary in intensity, and Zhou Jin no longer has that kind of enjoyment.

It's more like being tossed!

But he didn't call to stop, he could understand Dongdong's psychology at the moment.

Just let her think about it. Some time ago, she was beaten by Su Wan's men, and the pain was many times more than now.

He endured this pain!

"Are you giving it now?"

Suddenly Dongdong heard a question and Zhou Jin knew that the matter was settled.

Hundreds of thousands a night, many so-called stars can't refuse, let alone Dongdong.

"How long is there?"

Zhou Jin answered the question, but Dongdong knew what Zhou Jin meant.

She looked at the phone.

"Boss, there are still thirty minutes before the time is up!"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Jin still turned on the phone and clicked into the chat tool.

"Add a friend by yourself, I will transfer you 200,000 yuan, and when the time is up, call your manager and just follow me!"

After receiving 0.1 of the money transferred from Zhou Jin, Dongdong pressed it extremely enthusiastically, and even climbed onto Zhou Jin to make movements that she would not normally do.

The money did arrive in the account, this one cannot be faked.

Thinking of the 300,000 endings, Dongdong was extremely excited.

Naturally, she would not run away with these two hundred thousand.

Not to mention that it was transferred by software, as long as Zhou Jin called the police, where could she go?

Zhou Jin could transfer 200,000 yuan to her directly, how could he never thought that she would run.

Don't worry, Zhou Jin naturally has her own energy.

People like brain supplements the most.

How did she know that Zhou Jin had only these two hundred thousand years back and forth.

Fifty thousand is temporarily transferred from the credit card.

These two hundred thousand have helped him get a few women, although most of them ended up tragically by Zhou Jin.

After the time was over, under the effect of Zhou Jin's ten tickets, the manager let Dongdong leave without saying a word.

The two were walking on the way to the hotel.

Dongdong didn't care about why Zhou Jin didn't drive or take a taxi.

Since Zhou Jin likes to walk, she naturally accompanies Zhou Jin for a walk.

Dongdong holds Zhou Jin's arms like a couple.

The two slowly walked towards the hotel.

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