Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 486: Conversation between the leaders of the two countries! Are you ready to deal with Yan C

The plan added by Zhao Linger did cause a lot of trouble to Neng.

At least during the three days that Mu Yun waited, Xiong Guo felt distressed from the leader to the people because of Zhao Linger's supplementary plan.

Although the leader of the country is blocked!

But when the guards of the White Kingdom under the guidance of the reporters found the original bullet that marked the Xiong State Military Region near Baidu, the entire White Kingdom burst instantly.

Various reports spread all over the world instantly.

"Damn it! Which bastard was doing this, and he was so careless at the end. Does this bastard want to carry out the next atomic explosion?"

In Noh Palace, the leader of Xiong Country angrily smashed the cup in his hand, and his whole person roared at the people below like an angry lion.

The leader of the Xiong country below looked at the latest report of the White country, and felt a bit bewildered.

For the time being, no one among them has acknowledged who did it.

Since yesterday, they are equivalent to being placed under house arrest in the Bear Palace.

Everyone knows the seriousness of the matter, how could they not know it.

At this time, I was making a fuss and leaving, didn't I just announce to everyone like that I was the master of the original explosion of the White Palace?

So in the face of this, everyone sat obediently in their positions, even sleeping with the backrest pressed down.

Such news suddenly appeared today, isn't it like the world represents that this thing was done by their bear country?

After reading the Bai Guo report, everyone was stunned and looked at each other.

The trouble is not big, but serious!

Bai Guo’s report "1090" came out, how would other countries in the world view their state of affairs?

Using the original bullet on the most sacred place in a country, do they want to guard the country?

This is where they worry the most, no wonder their leader will be furious.

After the original news was blocked, things can be said to have been temporarily eased. At the very least, performance monitoring alone is not enough to show that they are able to lead the country.

However, the original bullet with the Xiong State Military Region logo was found in White. This is not evidence, what is it.

"Say! Why don't you talk anymore!"

"Don't you have the courage to do this? You dare to do things that I dared not do, why didn't you have the courage to admit it?"

The leader of the Xiong Country's roar again shocked everyone.

But still no one came forward to admit that this matter had nothing to do with them, so how could they come forward to admit it?

For a while, the entire conference room was quiet again.

Seeing this situation, the leader of the Xiong country reluctantly looked at everyone again.

This guy who does this kind of thing is really hidden deep enough.

Didn't he take the initiative to stand up? He didn't know who did it, and even other people couldn't see through it.

But why is he so careless in the finishing touches?

If the original ammunition is not discovered, they might be able to fool it in the first resistance of the country. Now even the original ammunition of the military area has been found by Bai Guo, how can they fool it?


Seeing that everyone was still not talking, the leader of the Xiong country was sitting in his own position and fell into contemplation. He didn't know how to crack this thrilling moment.

There is no way to explain this matter, and Bai Guo may not listen to his explanation.

Instead, he will not accept the other party's explanation when he is faced with this kind of evidence, how can he explain it?

The facts are already in front of you, are explanations useful?

Sitting weakly in the position, after not knowing how long, the guard officer Licha Ke ran over quickly.

When he came to the leader of Xiong Country, he said solemnly.

Chief "Your Excellency, there is a call from Bai Guo, Kailanma wants to talk to you!"

The leader of Xiong Country was stunned when he heard the words. After returning to his senses, he looked at Le Chake suspiciously.

"Lichaco, are you sure it's Kailanma?

"Isn't he still trapped in the White Palace? Is the efficiency of the White Warriors so high now?"

Liezhake shook his head when the leader of Xiong State asked.

Chief "Your Excellency, Kailanma hasn't gotten out of trouble yet, now he is contacting you through a special channel!"

"He named Dao and wants the leader to have a conversation with you!"

The leader of Xiong Country hesitated for a few seconds, and he stood up and followed Licha Ke into a small house not far away.

The phone still didn't hang up. The person displayed on the screen, the leader of Xiong Guo, was very familiar with him. How could he be unfamiliar with the old opponent he has often dealt with for more than ten years.

After Lie Chak brought in the leader of the Xiong Country, he immediately retreated out.

When the people on the screen saw the leader of the bear country, Kailanma laughed.

"It won't take a long time, Il, I didn't expect we would meet in this situation!"

Although the leader of the bear country, Il, was in a bad mood, he also smiled at Kailanma on the screen.

"Long time no see, Kailanma, I'm sorry for what happened to you!"

"But I hope you can believe me, this is definitely not something we can do, let alone an order from me!"

Kailanma nodded after hearing this.

"Ill, that's why I called you. I thought about it a bit later, and I believe you definitely didn't do this thing!"

When Il was puzzled, Kailanma continued.

"If this matter is from your handwriting, I believe the follow-up method will definitely not be like this."

"You are more likely to have invaded our White Kingdom with your army!

"So you can rest assured that I am not contacting you this time to inquire about your guilt."

"I think this is suspicious, it's more like someone deliberately provoking our two countries, what do you think?"

Il did not expect Kailanma to be surprised when he opened his mouth, and he did not expect that Kailanma's thoughts were somewhat the same as his own.

None of his staff admitted that the matter was theirs, and he asked several times in a row to no avail.

He had also doubted Kailanma's idea.

It's just that there is no clue, and is the original ammunition of their country's military district so easy to be stolen?

In contrast, I am more willing to believe that this thing is done by people inside their country, otherwise even in the bear palace, Il also feels insecure.

Outsiders stole the original ammunition from their country, transported it to the country of Bai, and bombed the White Palace.

Is there anything more terrifying than this kind of thing?

If the other party came directly to their Bear Palace once, how could it be done?

But now Kailanma talked about it, and Il nodded and said.

"Kaylama, I also had this suspicion, but I would rather this thing be done by people from our state than to believe that people from other countries stole our original ammunition and used it to explode your White Palace."

"I think you should be able to understand that feeling. If someone can do this in Bai, do you think Bai Guo is still safe?"

Il’s words silenced Kailanma. He understood Il’s thoughts. If someone steals the original bullet from the White Kingdom and uses it in the Atomic Bear State, he must be the same as Il thought, preferring to be within his own country. made.

If it's an outsider, it's shudder to think about it.

But Kailanma said quietly when he thought of his situation.

Il "Do you think the white country is safe now?"

"Whether your country's original ammunition was stolen by guards or stolen by outsiders is still unknown, but our White Palace is indeed blasted by people. Do you say that Bai Guo is still safe or not?"

Kailanma's words made Il a little embarrassed, because the murderers of the atomic bomb were the suspects.

And compared with them, Bai Guo did appear to be more insecure, and even the White Palace was bombed, so how safe is it?

Thinking of this, Il couldn't help asking.

"Kaylama, tell me the purpose of your call!"

"Now our state country can't confirm the real murderer, and can't deal with you, so you can speak up if you have any thoughts!"

Kailanma was not surprised by Il's directness, he looked at Il and smiled.

Il ", to be honest, I'm sure you didn't do this, but I can't guarantee the people below you!"

"I don't want to go into this matter with you anymore. The matter between our two countries can be resolved later. This time I can help you, help you stabilize the emotions of the white people, and help you solve the requirements of the major military districts of the white country for war. To help you through this difficulty."

"But I hope you can reach an agreement with me as the leader of the bear country, Il, do you want to hear it?"

When Il Kailanma began to talk about it, he knew that things were not that simple. Kailanma couldn't help him for no reason, and the conditions were definitely not easy.

But he thought about the current situation of Il and said.

"Kaylama stated your terms. If I don't think the problem is big, it's okay. The premise is that your terms can't harm our national interests, otherwise you don't need to mention it, I'm afraid it's impossible to agree to it!"

Kailanma smiled slightly on the screen..

"Ill, don't worry, can I embarrass you?"

"Since I came to you, based on what I know about you, do you think I will make excessive demands?"

Actually, "My request is very simple. Let's join hands to deal with Yan Guo!

"Just like this time the Baidian atomic bombing incident, we can join hands to blame Yan Country, even if they didn't do it, we can investigate this matter and find out that they did it!"

"Isn't the person on the surveillance a native of you?"

"You said that if you Xiong country people are bought by Yan country, can you?"

"Once this information is investigated by our country, do you think it is highly credible? Will the whole world believe it?"Kailan Ma words, Il silent again.

He feels that he can not figure out Kailan Ma's idea, why should this matter to inflammation country guy, and why he had to go back to Fu Yanguo?

This thing with inflammation countries should not detached, but like now Kailan Ma Yan country must pull the same admission.

This bizarre idea that he is difficult to understand.

If he wanted to Fu Yanguo Il, it also makes sense, after all, the two countries Edge of Fu Yanguo, as long as they can win, how many of the benefits period, he does not want to know.

But the white countries do?

Separated by a large sea area, he wanted Kailan Ma did not understand how to think.

"Kailan Ma, I need to talk to Fu Yanguo this matter in the meeting room with the crowd, but why do you have to deal with inflammation it?"

"Do not tell me what the white pull inflammation of the war, we can not even have this country's atomic bomb might be murderers white house, you have reason to cooperate, I do not believe you just because you want to continue the war Fu Yanguo inflammation of the white."

"Well! How is this going?"

Il-face questioning, Kailan Ma like silence up in general.

Doyle ", this thing is really no relationship with inflammation of the white war, this is something we Kailan Ma family matter, which involves getting up early thing my grandfather's generation, if you really let me say, I can only say sorry, this is our family business. "

"As you Doyle family, should not some of my secret?

This "thing, I ask much, just hope the white bear country and the country can reach a common engagement of Fu Yanguo about, it should not be difficult for you, perhaps as long as a conference can be solved, so I believe you should will be chosen! is that right? "

Il silent again, Kailan Ma words he could not distinguish the authenticity, but Doyle family does have its own secrets, if Kailan Ma wanted to know, he also will not tell Kailan Ma.

The reason why the secret is secret, naturally can not let other people know.

Know yet what sort of secret 3.3.

Il think of this look to Kailan Ma again.

"This is something I need to open a meeting, you contact me again two hours later, there is a problem?"

Kailan Ma is already prepared to Il in the heart of the time, listening to Il finished, Kailan Ma said.

Il, "No problem. I'll contact you again, hoping to hear good news from you!"

After hanging up the call with Kailan Ma, IL silence for a few minutes.

He quickly stood up again back to the conference room, came back to pick up the phone with Il-Il seems just looks different.

Soon people see a problem, come back to the Il-face even with a smile.

Let everyone began to speculate that this can not just talk what Kailan Ma Il and what the two men actually make Il-face chat reproduce smile, some people think this is too weird.

Now the relationship between the two countries, their bottom of my heart, and what can chat between Kailan Ma Il-it?

In the public's doubts, Doyle said, standing in his place.

"Ladies and gentlemen, just me and who on the phone, you should be clear!"

"Now I need to have something to discuss with you!"

"The White Hall regarding the atomic bomb, we suspect a great country, no matter from which side point of view, but today Kailan Ma remind me!"

"If the people of our country can really right, then who is framed behind us?"

"This is something I talk in detail through with Kailan Ma, we think the biggest possibility is inflammation of the country!

"Now that our people have not done such a thing, would not it be inflammation country?"

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