Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 490 Killing Kailanma! The Minister of the Interior's Way of Escape! (Subscribe!)

Kailanma walked out of the small room as usual and looked at the people who were sitting in the refuge boringly. He secretly said sorry in his heart.

When he came to his place, Kailanma looked at everyone and said.

"Everyone, the people from the military area have already given me some points, and they can break through the passage to rescue us in up to three days!"

"But how to isolate the original radiation is a big problem. They wear isolation suits, but once they come in, the radiation carried by the isolation suits is enough to kill us, so now they are considering this issue."

"Maybe it will be delayed for a few more days, so please stay calm."

Kailanma just finished speaking, and everyone else expressed understanding.

Anyway, as long as someone comes to rescue them, they can't die. They have been in this ghost place for a few days, and it is not too long for those few days.

This time in the refuge is definitely the easiest time in their lives. There are many entertainment programs here, which are enough to completely relax them.

Seeing that the crowd had no objection, Kailanma looked at the three women in the crowd and said.

"Wendy, Susan, Kerry, the three of you come with me."

The three people named by Kailanma looked at Kailanma in a daze.

Wendy is Kailanma's secretary, Kailanma is normal to find her, Susan is the receptionist of the White Palace, this is just fine.

But Kerry is the wife of Secretary of the Interior Jamison. Will Kailanma call her too much?

Not to blame them for thinking, but the three people Kailanma shouted were the most beautiful three among the more than twenty women in the crowd.

Can you blame them for thinking about it?

And where does Kailanma want them to go?

Everyone could not help but secretly guessed.

The face of the Minister of the Interior suddenly became difficult to look at. His wife, Kerry, is a supermodel of Bai Guo, 25 years old this year.

This time, I just came to Baidian to find him for something important, so I was involved and went to the refuge with him.

But Kerry is not a member of the White Palace, what does she know?

She doesn't know anything, Kailanma called to her, can Jamison not think about it?

When Kerry looked at Jamison, his eyes began to become puzzled, as if he was asking about Jamison's attitude.

Jamison thought about the current situation. Although he was very upset, he nodded to Kerry.

Seeing Jamison the same, Kerry didn't have any comments.

Kailanma couldn't help angrily when he saw that none of the three of them moved.

"You guys don't hurry up, what are you thinking?"

"I asked you to come over and help me sort out the signals and messages that I have conveyed. You are women, so you will definitely be more careful. When is it now, and how long do you have for your thoughts?"

The three people who were yelled at by Kailanma suddenly looked at Kailanma with shameless expressions.

Kailanma's words were not wrong, and they couldn't think of anything wrong.

In addition, at this time, after hearing Kailanma's words, they suddenly felt whether they were thinking too much.

Other people almost mean this, and it seems that this time is really not suitable for thinking about other things.

Even if Kailanma really wanted to, she wouldn't call Kairi to leave in front of Jamison. Even if she left, calling Wendy would be redundant.It may be that Jamison's face became slightly better after thinking of this.

When the three of Kai Rui left with Kailanma, perhaps because of the words before Kailanma left, everyone didn't feel too much doubt.

The refuge is not small!

How could a refuge that can accommodate hundreds of people be small? After turning a few corners with Kailanma, Kairanma's three daughters followed Kailanma to a peculiar room.

This room is more luxurious than the room they see after entering the evacuation area, but the password is entered outside the door.

When they entered the room, the door closed automatically, and the three women didn't want to be too much, and began to look at the interior of the room.

The tone of this room is a room rather than a suite. From where they are standing, there are two doors in the distance, which looks like a guest room.

Kailanma came to this room for the first time after entering the refuge.

This is the last safe place of the refuge.

He went straight to sit down on the sofa in the living room.

It is Kailanma's choice to keep these three women. He has no choice. The others outside must die.

Otherwise, things can be concealed for one day or two days, but it is impossible to keep concealing things forever. Besides, he always stays in a small room and it is easy to make others suspicious, but he is not at ease to let other people stay in the room.

The communication inside can no longer be dialed out.

As long as the person guarding in the small room can easily find out with a little manipulation, how can he keep this secret?

So the best way is to kill everyone outside.

Besides, they are not, the food in the refuge may not be able to sustain it.

Although there is a lot of food in his suite, he can't secretly come in and eat by himself. In the long run, others will also find problems.

Moreover, with more than a hundred people eating together, the affairs of this room cannot last a month.

So the people outside must die.

After thinking about it, Kailanma had already planned to do this, but he didn't want to stay here alone, so he planned to stay with the three most beautiful women in front of him.

If he thought of a woman like them before, he didn't need to think about it, he could do it just by hooking.

But now the situation is different. He is no longer the leader of the Bai Kingdom, and he is still trapped in this place. No one will come to rescue him.

So he had no choice but to get taller from the dwarf. The three of them were already the most beautiful among the twenty women.

After seeing Kailanma entering the room, the three of them were sitting on the sofa without extra movement.

Kerry walked to Kailanma suspiciously.

"Your Excellency Chief, I don't know what you need to do if you call us?"

Kailanma looked at the young and beautiful Kerry in front of him, and he smiled slightly.

Kailanma, who is over fifty years old, doesn't look good on her smile, anyway, she even looks a little disgusting.

But who made Kailanma the leader? She didn't dare to be disrespectful to Kailanma, so she could only smile at Kailanma slightly.

Kailanma looked at the three women seriously and said.

"Actually, I did not ask you to come here to sort out any information, but to save your lives!"

After Kailanma finished speaking, the expressions of Kailanma's three daughters changed drastically, and Carey looked at Kailanma vigilantly and said.

"Your Honorable Chief, what do you mean by this?"

When asked by Carey, Kailanma smiled.

"Miss Kerry, I should be very simple in what I said. I called you to save your lives. Is this hard to understand?"

"I think I should speak Bai Guohua?"

After he finished speaking, seeing the three women looking at him at the same time, seriously full of doubts and precautions, Kailanma couldn't help but said.

"Maybe you don't believe it, but you should know soon.

"The rescuers had an accident during the rescue. The original radiation has begun to leak in. Although the rescuers outside have urgently remedied it, they suddenly couldn't prevent the original radiation from attacking.

"There are still three minutes, and the original radiation may be covered outside. I dare not take this risk.

"I can't save so many people. You have experienced things before the Atomic Bomb. I think you should know that in this emergency situation, as long as everyone is in chaos, we will all be dead."

"This room is so big and there is so much food. I can't save so many people, so I called you three. I think why I called you three. You should know?

Kailanma didn't say that they might just guess, but Kailanma made it clear that they immediately reacted.

Kailanma let them in this room is nothing more than saving their lives, and then asking them to give something, this is very few girls who don't understand.

White is such a realistic country.

When Kailanma finished speaking, Carey looked at Kailanma seriously.

If Kailanma is right, her husband who is still outside is very dangerous and may be infected with the original radiation and die at any time.

But will she have a chance to go out to save her husband?

She didn't dare to go out even if she had the opportunity, I was afraid she would not be able to come in once she went out.

This should have been thought by Kailanma a long time ago!

Let himself in, make things clear, he is betting that he will not go out again.

The original radiation may invade at any time, and Carey really did not dare to go out.

All three women, including Kerry, fell silent for a while.

They really have no interest in Kailanma, an old man in his fifties.

Old and ugly, if it wasn't for another purpose, which woman would be interested in him?

But what else can they do besides relying on Kailanma in this situation?

"There is still a minute. If you don't want to agree to my terms and want to go out and stay with other people, you can tell me, rest assured, I will let you go."


After Kailanma finished speaking, the women wanted to roll their eyes at him, and he said everything bluntly.Who would dare to go out in this situation?

Wendy and Susan looked at each other, then walked over to Kailanma and sat down.

Kerry hesitated, smiled at Kailanma, and walked into the bathroom.

Seeing this, Kailanma smiled.

Looking at the time on the wall clock, Kailanma followed Carey into the bathroom.

When stepping into the bathroom, he pressed a small key on the watch in his hand and then entered the password.

After all this, Kailanma breathed a sigh of relief.

Just after Kailanma pressed the password, there was an inexplicable white disgust in all places of the refuge except the room.At first everyone didn't take it seriously, but they soon discovered in horror that they actually felt it hard to breathe.

"Damn it! This is a poisonous bastard! Kailan..."

The man hadn't finished speaking, he was already lying on the ground, foaming at his mouth.

When other people saw this situation, they hurriedly shielded their breathing and squatted on the ground in horror.

The Secretary of the Interior, Jamison, had a glimmer of understanding in his heart. He somewhat understood why Kailanma would call away the three most beautiful women in the end.

I'm afraid he killed everyone present first.

Kerry and the three are the last entertainment that Kailanma left for herself.

Thinking of this, Jamison's heart burned with anger.


Kailanma was cruel and cruel, he had already seen it in the passage.

Although he couldn't figure out why Kailanma wanted to kill them all, but Jamison himself had no doubts about his ideas.

As the smog increased, the surviving leaders of the White country were already lying on the ground.

Jamison lay on the ground and suddenly noticed that a guard who had been following Kailanma was running quickly in one direction.

He held his breath forcibly, followed behind the guard, and chased him quickly.

Now everyone is too busy to take care of themselves, naturally no one will care about him, and no one will pay attention to his behavior.

Jamison, who was following the guard, found that the guard stopped in a small room, and then quickly entered the password.

At the moment the door was opened, Jamison rushed up, threw down the guard, and rushed into the room.

"Damn it! Open the door! Open it!"

The guard who reacted discovered that he was thrown down by someone, and the man rushed into the room and closed the door. After he got up, he lost the code again, but the door did not open again. He thought it was locked from the inside. Get up, thinking of this, the guard quickly roared towards the room.

Jamison was breathing quickly in the small room, looking around the small room. He was born as a special fighter, and he quickly found a few monitors in the room, destroying these things one by one, and Jamison took a sigh of relief. On the sofa.

For the roar outside the door, Jamison chose to ignore it, and now he dare not believe anyone.

Kailanma made it clear that even if they wanted to kill all of them, although their common enemy had become Kailanma, Jamison still couldn't believe anyone.

The roaring stopped outside the door, and Jamison suddenly woke up, and he quickly continued searching in the room.

Soon, he found a surveillance again, and also found a controllable telescopic wall on the wall.There were exactly three small holes in the wall. The device that wanted to come to the shelter had not yet started to turn to this small room. .

Thinking of the cold sweat coming out of Jamison's back, fortunately, I remembered that if smoke appeared in this small room, he was afraid that he would not even be able to escape.

Jamison hurriedly tore his clothes to pieces, then took out the rags and plugged them in several small holes.

He knew it was not safe to do so. After doing this, he kept looking for the wiring to control the wall in the room.

Only by breaking the wiring and letting the small walls of the room lose control can he be truly safe.

Damn "Kaylama, don't let me live, or I will kill you a thousand dollars!"

Jamison scolded while looking for the route, he didn't dare to waste time.

He knew that the smashed cloth was useful, but he could not completely isolate all the poisonous gas that was about to emerge.

He doesn't know when the poison gas will come in, and there is not much time left for him now.

(Dear readers, these chapters are not useless. When the new world merges, you readers will know!)

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