Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 510 Arrangement! One minute countdown! (Subscribe!)

The voice in my mind introduced them to many weapons, the most powerful ones were just cold weapons.

This disappointed the participants in the national warfare of the White Kingdom.

After all, their country is open to small thermal weapons, and they are even more proficient in the operation of thermal weapons.

Seeing the options listed in the canopy, the people of the White country also felt disappointed, but the people of the Yan country were slightly relieved.

It's just that they are inexplicably worried about the body shape between the two.

Bai people are generally taller and stronger than Yan people, which makes their worries seem reasonable.

"Do you say that our country can win? The people who are facing the White Kingdom are obviously stronger than the participants in our country. I am very worried. This will not be the beginning of the national war. We will be annihilated?"

"Close your crow's mouth, I believe our country will definitely win!

"Guy upstairs, are you too optimistic about this? I think the original poster is just analyzing objectively. The participants in our country are indeed far behind each other. This is an indisputable fact. There is nothing that cannot be faced. !~

"I also think so, I look very worried!"

Worried "What's the use? I can't wait to participate in it by myself now. Seeing that our country is a participant, I am also worried in my heart, my God, why didn't I go?"

Upstairs "Well, how can you be confident that you can make a difference if you go in?"

"Nonsense, Laozi is the Yan Nation heavyweight fighting runner-up, even if it is not the most powerful, it is better than the ten people on the sky!"

"Disrespect and disrespect, it turned out to be the runner-up comrade, I feel the same way when you say that, why didn't you go to participate, ah!"

Opinions were divided on the forum again.

But the voice of the system remembered again.

[The fighting time is 30 minutes, and the fighting methods are not limited!]

(After thirty minutes, the survivors will get a full body repair. No matter what crisis is encountered in the battle, as long as you survive, even if you only breathe, you will be restored to the best state after the battle is over. Prepare for the next battle!)

[Battle Rules: Destroy all ten opponents in a battle to get 20 combat points. If no one party is wiped out in the battle, the number of casualties will be used to count the victory or defeat. Every time the opponent is eliminated, one point of combat points will be awarded. "

[When the number of participants in the country is less than three, the countries can join the alliance, and the countries of the alliance will be divided equally by the people of the alliance in the next battle!

[The country that has a bye will go directly to the next round, knowing that one country will win the final victory. "

[National war rewards will be awakened and punished according to the ranking of points!

After the introduction of the system, all the people of Yuanxing can see the introduction of the system from the sky screen.

The national war is really played like this, and the first round is definitely a crucial round.

As long as a country cannot survive the first round, they are afraid that they will be punished after the national war ends.

Because later they can't get combat points at all.

Of course, there may also be special circumstances, that is, the two sides of the round are equally matched, no one died, but in the second round they were completely wiped out.

Although the probability of this is very low, it is always possible.

But with 30 minutes of fighting time, this probability is really low.After seeing the rules of national warfare, everyone fell silent, especially the people of Bai and Yan.

Now the participants of their two countries are facing each other. Given the situation of their two countries, these participants are afraid that they will never stop dying.

At that time, it is estimated that a country will be punished by a national war.

The confidence of the Bai people is not small, but the worry of the people in the Yan country has risen again.

They looked nervously at the participants in the sky, and felt hopeless no matter how they looked.

Mu Yun, who was in the national war, would naturally not care about the opinions of the people outside.

After being prompted by the national warfare system, Mu Yun looked at the nine people around him.

"Number two, are you going?"

In the second round, except for team leader Mu Yun, No. 2 is Zhao Dong, No. 3 Mu Feng, No. 4 Zhao Ling'er, No. 5 Zhao Bing'er, No. 6 Mu Lao, No. 7 Xiao Hao, and the remaining three Mu Yun are too lazy. Remember their names.

For the time being, they are not qualified to let Mu Yun remember.

Except for the three of them, Mu Yun and the seven of them are really a family in a strict sense.

Zhao Dong shook his head after listening to Mu Yun's words. He was just here to witness the magic of the next country war and protect the Lan family, Zhang family, and Su family by sending representatives.

He lacks interest in getting off the court in person.

Seeing this, Mu Yun looked at Mu Feng.

"Number Three, how about you?"

Even if Mu Feng is Mu Yun's father, Mu Yun is the leader of the team in the national war. Besides, he can't call out his father or Mu Feng's name in public.

The former will make people suspicious. They will be very curious about how it is possible that among the many beings in Yan Country, they will just run into a pair of father and son participants.

The latter's Mu Feng's name is too reminiscent of him. It has not been transformed. As long as you compare Mu Feng's body shape in the sky with the reality, smart people may be able to guess something.

As for whether Mu Feng's skill and the skill of others will make others doubt after he will do it, Mu Yun doesn't care about this.

Haven't you heard that the master is in the folk?

Besides, Yan Guo martial arts is very famous in Yuanxing. Although it is fake, it is undeniable that this situation will make the people of the world guess for themselves.

Closer to home, after Mu Feng listened to Mu Yun's words, he nodded.

As the marshal of the Imperial Military Region, Mu Feng is very interested in fighting for the country.

The time of peace is too long, and he has no chance to do it. Now it is rare to participate in the national war, how could he be unhappy.

After asking Mu Feng, Mu Yun looked at Zhao Ling'er several people. Except for Zhao Ling'er, the other three people all expressed their screams, even the little Loli Manhao was no exception.

She killed her own biological father by herself and cut off the head of the destiny villain Bai Zhantian, so she seemed to have no burden on the murder.

Seeing Mu Feng, Zhao Bing'er, Mu Lao, fully prepared to participate in this first national war, Mu Yun nodded and said.

"You have heard the reminder of the national war just now. As long as you breathe, you will fully recover after the national war is over.

"So remember one thing in the national war, beheading!"

"Other injuries may continue to survive, but the head is gone, and the treatment is dead!"

"Total Destruction has 20 combat points. For Yan Nation, since you plan to participate, you can't keep your hands, understand?

After hearing Mu Yun's instructions, the people who went in the battle nodded in response.


From the perspective of Yan Guo's name, they felt that Mu Yun and the group of participants had been entrusted with it.

The advantages and disadvantages of the two sides are too obvious.In this case, Mu Yun only allowed four people to play. Isn't this looking for death?

The key is that there is also a child in it. What are they doing?

Are they joking about the destiny of the country and their destiny?

Of course, there are many smart people in Yan Country. They can see the trickiness from the dialogue between Mu Yun and a few people.

Compared with the Bai Guo opposite, Mu Yun and the others are too strict in discipline.

This is unscientific!

Because the two sides have already met, so the people of the country of Yan can see the participants of the country of Bai, and the people of the country of Bai can also see the participants of the country of Yan.

Many people in Bai State are just like the smart people in Yan State. They are unbelievable about this scene in Yan State.

You must know that after selecting participants from the national war, there is only a short preparation time of ten minutes. How could this group of Yan Guo have such a tacit understanding and obedient.

And where did their masks come from?

You must know that except for their participants, all the weapons and equipment they carry are in reality.

How did these ten people in Yan Country know that the masks could be brought in, and they also brought them all.

They remembered that Yan Guo hadn't made any movements, but how did they bring these ten participants together?

These questions have arisen in the hearts of many people in White.

Bai Guo's new imperial capital Shengcheng, the newly appointed leader Aite and the leaders below were equally puzzled.

They are already discussing this issue.

But soon they all stopped discussing, discussing at any time, the start of the battle in the sky has entered the countdown.

Participants in their white country were assigned by special fighters. The strong and powerful male participants did not hesitate to choose broadswords, machetes and the like, while the three girls were holding small short knives or heading up.


The three of them may not be able to use it well if it is too heavy, and they may even lose strength after swiping twice.

So at the suggestion of the special fighters, they took small knives and daggers and prepared to assist by the side when the time came.

The four of Mu Feng and the others had no choice, all with simple knives.

In fact, it doesn't matter to them whether they have weapons or not, but they still choose a knife on Mu Yun's suggestion.

The work of beheading empty-handed is still a bit weird. If you can do it on the surface, you can do it. Anyway, those people who see it believe it or not are their business.

When the participants in the White Kingdom saw four people standing up opposite each other, each with a knife in their hands, they were dumbfounded.

Do the participants in Yan Country plan to give up, or do they look down on them?Ten participants from the Bai Kingdom stood in two rows and looked at the participants from the Yan Kingdom in amazement.

Yan Guo couldn't say that it was a platoon. There was not even a formation. There were four people standing scattered in the front, and the six people in the back stood in a pile.

What is the situation?

Is it really giving up?

Not to mention that they have this idea, even the people watching this scene almost think so.

Even if the smart people frowned at this time, what do these participants think?

Do they really intend you to give up, but from the situation they just saw, it shouldn't be like that!

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but be even more puzzled.


"Did they give up? Oh my god, why are the participants in our country just like the mentally retarded? Are they going to go up in batches? What is the difference between this situation and death?"

"I feel like going up to die, what can three people do with a child, I don't understand why they don't go up together? Do they think that sending four people up and letting the participants of the White country can survive the three hunts? Is it ten?"

"Impossible? How could they have such a magical idea, after 30 minutes? They might as well fight it, so at least there is still a way to survive. If these four people die, the remaining six of them will face Bai Guo Can the other participants survive?"

"I don't understand, I don't understand, their behavior is so amazing, I am confused!"

Regarding Mu Yun and the others, people who didn't know about it were full of opinions.

But even if they were anxious, they couldn't get in touch with the participants who entered the national war, so they could only look at the countdown time on the screen with helplessness and worry.

What can they do in one minute?

The white people who are different from them are happy.

"Haha, do you say that the participants in this group of Yan Nation are mentally retarded? Why would they want to shoot four people up to death, what about the remaining people? Do they really think they can last more than half an hour?"

"I don't know, I feel that the participants in Yan Country are really stupid. If this situation is done together, they may have hope. They are separated so scattered, and it is estimated that our participants will be killed in a while. "

"Yeah, I just don't know where their captain's self-confidence came from. He actually said beheading. I think he was too funny when he said this.

"It's hard to say, maybe he is really confident!"

"Haha, are you kidding? What's the use of self-confidence?"

After discussing in their own country, the people of Bai country even went to the World Forum to mock the people of Yan country, but their words left the people of Yan country at a loss. After all, this kind of thing seemed incredible to them.

Obviously, it is always a victory for everyone to rush up together. Why their participants from Yan Nation would make such a choice is really too much for them to say disagreements and be puzzled.

This is not a formation, and there is no other special place. Why are they so neat?

The white participant asked the girl standing next to the captain in the remaining minute.

"Captain, what do you think is their strategy?

She asked a question that everyone was puzzled by, but their special fighter captain was not a god. How did he know what Mu Yun and their strategy were.

But since the girl asked, he looked in Mu Yun's direction and said.

"They may want to delay time. After all, there is still a gap between them and us. Maybe they feel that there is no hope, so they want to survive this round." Da,

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