Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 518 The Bear Country was annihilated by Allies! The Mentally Retarded Gang Country! (Subscri

It's no wonder that Mu Yun is curious, there are really few figures in front of him.

After all, there are only three figures. Where is the courage of this country?

When Mu Yun wondered, the world forum was already noisy.

The entire World Forum seems to have been conquered by the people of the bear country.

"Gangguo! You are just a bunch of beasts!"

"Yes, these barbarians of Carbon State, beasts, I curse you for destroying the country!"

Do the animals in this "small country have a brain disease?"

"I'm so mad, I want to go there right now. The country is blown up. Are these beasts not good at their brains?"

"In the same mood, I think we should go to the Bear Palace to petition and let the new leader destroy this disgusting country!"

"It's gone, it's going to be gone, my reward! Are those beasts mindless? Do they know what the allies are!"

"Fuck, how can there be such an idiot in this world, this will destroy his allies before the war, beast! They are all a bunch of beasts!"

"It's over, this time our country's rewards are definitely gone. This damn country, they are really no brains. In this situation, do they think that the remaining three of them can survive if they meet their opponents. ?"

"No way, I am so angry with these idiots, this kind of people should be destroyed humanely, I curse them!"

Many countries have been destroyed, but the people of the country complained at the World Forum, but with the emergence of the people of the bear country, they did not even have the opportunity to speak.

The entire world forum is full of words from the people of Xiong country screaming at the people of Gang country.

Perhaps a very small number of people from the Flash have seen it, but they dare not even say anything. They also don't understand the thoughts of participants in their own country.

The battle hadn't started yet, in order to grab the clothes, the participants of their country actually attacked the participants of the bear country.

Although they took advantage of the unpreparedness of the participants in the bear country, they wiped out all the participants in the bear country.

But the participants in their country also died two people.

How can we continue to play? Even the participants in their own country, the people of Gang country are also crying stupidly by their participants!

It’s better to discuss the matter, and to say it well, why it has to appear all of a sudden? It’s better now.

As long as you encounter a country or a national alliance, the remaining three participants in their country will all die tragically.

Because of this, the people of Gangland are even more afraid to speak at the World Forum.

After all, this kind of thing is too shameful!

But the people of other countries are very curious. The participants in their countries have been wiped out, but this cannot prevent them from being curious about the state of war in other countries.

As Xiong Guoren continued to curse, people from other countries finally asked.

"Brother Xiong Country, what is the situation in your country?!

"Yeah, what do you mean by destroying your allies? If you scold the people of Gangland like this, is your country destroyed by the prisoner state?"

"It's really possible. You must know that Gang is the second country on the list. They want to wipe out all the participants in the bear country. This may not be impossible.

I don’t think it’s true. The people of Gangland are really so stupid. They originally have five people left, just like the Bear Country Alliance, but if they do this kind of thing, can they kill all the Bear Country participants first? Say no, even if they kill, don’t they have to pay?"

"So what should they do if they meet a strong enemy again?"

This person's words resonated, and people in many countries expressed doubts about this matter.But soon the people of the bear country appeared.

Or "how do we say they are mentally retarded, idiots!"

"I'll tell you that most of the beasts in Gang are wearing short sleeves because of the weather in their country, but the weather suddenly changed during the national war, and the world suddenly snowed, and Gang was undressed. The Chinese suddenly did something disgusting."

They "They actually attacked the participants of our bear country, and finally killed all the participants of our bear country, this group of beasts!"

"I feel that the most hateful thing in the entire national war is the nationals. The mindless Gang nationals killed even allies. How could he have such disgusting thoughts? Now that the battle has not started, we Xiong Country actually let allies Go out!"

"There are only three participants in Gangguo, and they have no hope!"

"Yeah, this is the only thing I'm grateful for. The country that this tells is really fucking damn, it's too brutal!"

"It's the first time I've seen Zhan killing allies first. Are they crazy, stupid, what is it?"

When this bear countryman finished speaking, the people of the world knew what had happened, and everyone couldn't help feeling a moment of stunned.

Xiong Guo was definitely wronged this time!

He didn't die in the hands of his opponent, but he killed all the allies he had found.

What is such a situation?

Will Gang Country's battle points increase?

Gang Country is completely annihilated, this is everyone's idea.

Anyone who is not stupid can think of killing one's own allies and killing three people in one's own country. This kind of situation will be unsustainable if you run into a country.

Their ending is not all annihilated, so what is it?

"Oh my God! Gang Country's idiots are too talented. I really want to know what is going on to make them raise the butcher knife against their allies. It's amazing!"

"What can be the situation, it is the scene of ice and snow, and the heavy snow floating in the palm of my hand. I can't feel the cold of the battlefield, but it must be the temperature below zero. Otherwise, how can those people who are not wearing clothes or wearing short sleeves suddenly face? Let the participants of our country do it!"

"Barbarians are really barbarians! How did they come up with killing allies? This idea is really incredible!"

Everyone couldn't help but talk about it, wherever there are people from the country, they are all directly expelled, and the participants in this country are disgusting to them!

Think of him, no one would dare to find an ally for doing this.

In the bear palace, the new leader of Xiong Guo has overturned several cups at this time.

But no one dared to say a word about him, they were equally angry!

Obviously the hope of their Xiong Kingdom is right in front of them, but they have just forcibly ruined the Gangguo people who have just formed an alliance!

With two points plus all annihilation, they will definitely not be the bottom of Xi Nengguo, but whether they can keep the reward is an unknown thing.

The fact that things have come to this point is all because of the people of Gangguo. This group of beasts have done such a thing, let alone they did not expect it, compared to all the people in the world did not expect it.

So many countries have gone through two rounds of national wars, and no country has ever done such a thing to kill allies!

The new leader of Xiong Guoxin looked at everyone under him, his face was gloomy and he didn't speak. Everyone didn't know what to say, he had cursed them, and cursed them.

They can't interfere in the operation of the national war, so they can only dare to stare.

Even if they can interfere in the operation of the national war, they have no chance.

All participants in the national war are dead!

Painfully accepting such a thing, the newly appointed leader of Xiong Guo, Kraft glanced at the crowd and said.

"Everyone, I think there should be a lot of people in our country who have seen the matter this time, and everyone should be aware of the matter!"

"A rubbish country like Gang is not a good partner as an ally.

"When the national war is over, all people will be notified on our country's main website that no matter who is going to participate in the national war in the future, they are not allowed to form an alliance with the country!"

"At the same time, our country announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Gang Country!"

Clough is decisive!

He must make a statement about this incident.

Otherwise, those angry people are afraid that they will not be able to spare him at that time!

Therefore, he can only use his own means and courage to directly try not to sever diplomatic relations with Gangguo in order to calm the hearts of the people.

After he finished speaking, everyone below had no opinion.

What can they say?

My country was originally ranked third and had a promising future, but even the second place was found to form an alliance.

It was supposed to be high-spirited, who knows the start.


The game hasn't started yet, and the third battle hasn't opened yet, and the rewards of their country have been torn to pieces in an instant!

How can they not hate Gang Country!

The command of the leader of the Neng Kingdom was unanimously approved by everyone.

The people of the world even launched a crusade against the Gang.

How can a small country withstand the anger of the people of the world.

Fortunately, there are very few people in the Ganga country who go to the World Forum.

They don't go to the World Forum very much, and naturally they can't see the group crusade against them by the World Forum.

During the national war, Mu Yun looked at the three people not far away and the corpses lying around them, Mu Yun was stunned!

This was the first time he encountered this situation in a national war.


What are they doing?

Only when Mu Yun saw the distant person and the few corpses underground, Mu Yun felt that he probably guessed the reason.

From Gangguo, after seeing the identities of several people, Mu Yun understood.

He remembered that the Xiong country should have formed an alliance with the Gang country. In this situation, the corpses lying underneath should be the Xiong country people, as well as the two dead people from the Gang country.

You don't need to guess about it, you can think about it.

There are seven corpses underground. Five people from Xiong Country are missing, and Gang Country is also left with three people. Isn't the situation obvious?

Looking at the three strangely dressed people from Shan Guo, Mu Yun had guessed both reasons.

After Mu Yun learned of the situation, his first reaction was not to be happy, but to be puzzled, Gangguo and Xiongguo killed each other, leaving only three Gangguo people, this time their evaluation is not expected to be too high.

Mu Yun is not happy, but the bear countryman who looks at the sky is full of joy.

They don't know what Mu Yun is capable of. After all, people in each country can only see the situation in their own country, or the situation in the country in which they are fighting.

However, they knew how powerful the participants of Yan Guo were.

Two battles, both wins, this is an ironclad fact.

Now seeing the people of Gangguo who have harmed their country meet the people of Yanguo, they are full of joy.

This group of Gangguo beasts is simply crazy, killing allies for clothes, what a crazy and crazy thing!

Seeing that the people of Gangguo might be wiped out, how could the people of Xiongguo be unhappy.

But in the sky, Mu Yun didn't care whether they were happy or not. He didn't bother to ask who would take the shot, and looked directly at Mu Lao and said.

"Six, kill them all!"

Hearing this, Mr. Mu was taken aback for a moment, but nodded quickly.

What Mu Yun said he did it naturally.

They also saw the situation, and they were able to guess a general idea. They all felt despised when faced with such an enemy.

These people from Gangs are also talents who start with their own people. They don't look at what the situation is now. Even if they snatch the clothes, even if they are not against themselves, any country can destroy them.

What do these mentally handicapped people think?

Perhaps these three people from Shan Guo had already thought about it. When they saw the ten people who were neatly opposite, there were only three of them on their side. A feeling of regret flashed in the hearts of the three people in Gang.

Facing the ten people of Yan Country, the three of them seemed to have no hope of surviving at all.

They can't think of a better way, can you beg for mercy (Got Zhao)?

They had this intention, after all, they didn't know that Mu Yun and the group directly killed the begging for mercy.

But soon when they saw Mu Lao walking out of the team, they were stunned first, and then stared at Mu Lao.

The opponent seems to want to fight one by one, isn't this exactly their hope?

The battle process was very short. Three people from Gangguo with joyful faces wanted to siege the arrogant Mu Lao, but in Mu Lao's hands they didn't even survive for ten seconds.

A very boring battle, in Mu Yun's opinion, it was indeed boring. They hadn't taken a fight yet, and the other side had killed each other, leaving only three people.

Looking at the three dead people from Shan Guo, Mu Yun stood in the distance and didn't move.

"If you three go cold, take off your clothes and put them on yourself!"

He said this to the three of Su Lan Zhang.

It takes more than 20 minutes to board in the blizzard, Mu Yun and the others are fine, but Su Lanzhang and the three may not be able to sustain it.

Su Lan Zhang and the three were not hypocritical.

What are they hypocritical at this time?

Frozen is almost freezing to death, still hypocritical!

After hearing Mu Yun's words, the three of them rushed towards the three dead nationals.

They didn't even need to look at the other seven corpses. The three Gangguo people had already done what they had to do, and the clothes of those people were all on them.

They didn't wear the wet clothes, they picked up the dry clothes and slowly put them on.

The seven Mu Yun, including Xiao Hao, stood straight in the cold wind.

Maybe at the beginning, Su Lan Zhang and the three people didn't know what was going on, but most of them had guesses in their hearts.

But no one dared to ask about it, and they were not fools.

Naturally someone will tell them when it is time to tell them.

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