
Exit the chat box, Su Han clicked Mu Ziyan's avatar.

"Su Han, are you there?"

"Have you eaten?"

"What are you doing?"

"Do you have time to come out for dinner tonight?"


Good fellow, from morning to evening, a total of dozens of messages.

In a house

, Mu Ziyan was also lying on the bed looking at her mobile phone, typing with both hands, and chatting with her girlfriend.

Not getting Su Han's reply made her feel that she had done something wrong, and Su Han disliked her.

So, she asked her girlfriend about the situation.

"What? You asked me to dress like that and take pictures to send over?

"yes, man, no matter what, I remember the last time we went shopping, we went to buy that lace cutout, right?" You can put on a few photos now and send them to him, and promise to reply to your message immediately. "


"What's in this? Haven't you been dating for so long? Hasn't he even seen you? The

girlfriend looked like she had discovered a new continent.

Mu Ziyan: "..............................."

Seeing the news sent by her girlfriend, her face immediately turned red.

She and Su Han have only known each other for a day.

Blah blah, what look at this and that.

Mu Ziyan's face was slightly red, and she couldn't help but recall the scene last night in her mind.

Su Han's hand, as if it was positioned, scanned the occupied territory.

Having said that, she was not slow to move, and got up and rummaged through her closet.

Soon, she found a new, funny underwear with a label.

This is when I was shopping with my girlfriends.

Driven by curiosity, I was pulled in by my girlfriend to buy it.

I haven't worn it since I came back.

A few minutes later, Mu Ziyan changed.

But it seems to be a little small.

Immediately, Mu Ziyan took a few photos with a red face, and after browsing it a few times, she clicked to send it.

On the other side

, Su Han finished browsing the message that Mu Ziyan sent him for the day, and was about to reply by typing.

A few photos pop up in front of your eyes.

Su Han directly clicked in to check.

Hiss, good guys.

I watched several pictures in a row, and the perspectives were different.

After reading it, Su Han was a little puzzled, how many meanings is this?


He is not such a casual person.

Mu Ziyan is the heroine, according to her personality, she is not such a longing person.

So, Su Han sent it with a question mark.

Then continue to enjoy it, and don't forget to save the backup.


after the picture is successfully sent.

Mu Ziyan's face was full of nervous expectation.

Nervous because I don't know if Su Han likes it or not.

Expectation is to expect a reply from the other party.

Suddenly, a message prompt sounded, and Mu Ziyan quickly fixed her eyes.

Is it a "? "。

Mu Ziyan was stunned.

The news she was expecting was back, but what did it mean?

Is it not satisfied?

Do you want to take a few pictures of the past?

Just when Mu Ziyan was worried in her heart, the message prompt popped up again.

"I'm sorry, Zi Yan, I went to accompany an elder today, and I haven't had time to look at my phone."


Mu Ziyan exclaimed, her pretty face instantly penetrated, and she couldn't help herself.

It turned out that Su Han was not ignoring himself, but that he had something to do.

"Aaaaaa What to do?

"Will Su Han look down on me because of this? Will you think I'm too casual? But I only treat him casually..." "

This makes me face Su Han in the future."

"Damn, it's all to blame Lingling, what a bad idea..." "


..." Mu Ziyan's thoughts flew over in her mind, and her face was full of anxiety.

At this moment, Su Han's news popped out at the right time.

"It's late, rest early, good night!"

"Also, the photos are very good."

Brush -

Mu Ziyan was stunned violently, her expression was confused.

A moment later, a charming smile broke out on her face.

It turned out that Su Han did not look down on himself, and cared so much about himself.

Similarly, it's not that the photos you take are not good.

It seems that Su Han still likes it.

Quickly edited a good night message and sent it.

Then, Mu Ziyan couldn't help but laugh again, tilting her head to think.

"Since Su Han likes it, should I shoot more?"

“emmm...... It's a pity that there is only one piece, should I go and buy more sets tomorrow.............

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