
That's right -

this is Lin Wanqing's method that Lin Wanqing specially came up with to provoke Su Han.

In order to cook this raw rice into mature rice, she struggled with brain cells.

Thought of this way of seduction.

Just now, Lin Wanqing took advantage of Su Han's lack of attention.

Deliberately sneaked the key to the door into his chest.

"I don't believe that Su Han is still unmoved!"

Lin Wanqing has developed well since she was a child, and her bumpy figure makes her quite confident.

Even if it was a different man like Su Han, Lin Wanqing didn't believe that he could not be moved.

Seeing this, Su Han pulled the corners of his mouth, and this nizi actually hung the key here.

It's a real show.

At this time, Lin Wanqing also deliberately muttered a sound.


"Su Han, I....... I'm a little dizzy..." As

soon as the words fell, she leaned on Su Han's body again.

Lin Wanqing's body shook, which really made people worry about whether she would fall.

This scene was fully seen by Su Han, and a flash of red flashed in his eyes.

He wanted Lin Wanqing to take it herself.

But at the moment she was drunk and sour, like a little sloth hanging on her body.

The next second it was as if she was going to fall asleep in her arms, and she couldn't count on it.


Instead of letting Lin Wanqing take the key to open the door by herself.

Su Han might as well do it himself.

So, he moved, and his hand slowly stretched out towards Lin Wanqing's body.

Su Han's movements were very careful.

It's like a submarine digging into a dangerous trench.

"Su Han."

Lin Wanqing felt Su Han, and rolled over and hooked her hands around Su Han's neck.


Her move, directly with the ball to hit people, is outrageous.

After a moment of silence, he remembered business and reached out to take out the key.

And he didn't find out.

Lin Wanqing, who was lying on Su Han's body, was slightly red at the moment.

She's done a lot.

If Su Han was still moved, he really wanted to cry without tears.


The key was finally taken out.

Su Han held the key in his hand, and there was even a hint of faint warmth.

He glanced at Lin Wanqing and did not move at all.

It's just a whimpering sound in the throat from time to time.

"This Niko really has a big heart!"

Su Han breathed a sigh of relief, as if nothing had happened.

Insert the key directly into the door and twist it gently in a clockwise direction.

With a crisp sound of the door opening, the door on the second floor of the villa was opened.

Su Han walked inside and turned on the light.

Lin Wanqing's room is decorated in pink.

The room was full of dolls, full of the faint fragrance unique to Lin Wanqing's body.

It's hard to imagine that she will have such a girly side.

Su Han gently placed it on the sofa.

I don't know what material the sofa is made of, it is extremely soft.

As soon as Lin Wanqing's body lay down, she fell deeply.

Feeling the softness behind her, Lin Wanqing's brows stretched slightly.

Under the relaxation of the mood, the drunkenness that had been suppressed for a long time hit and gradually fell asleep.

Su Han saw the automatic water discharger on the side.

Stepped forward and took a cup and poured a cup of hot water for Lin Wanqing.

The ceramic texture of the water cup, the edges are carved and carved, it is very exquisite.

The billowing hot air came out, and Su Han touched the wall of the cup with his hand to test the water temperature.

After making sure that it was not hot, he brought it to Lin Wanqing on the sofa.

Hot water has a good decanting function.

As long as Lin Wanqing's wine strength wakes up a little, she can do something interesting.

That's right, he is ready to do it, and he will do it today.

Who can stand up to such prodding?


just as Su Han took the water cup and walked towards the figure lying on the sofa.

But found Lin Wanqing lying motionless on the sofa, her eyes closed, and she was asleep.

"Nima, this is asleep?"

Su Han was a little messy in the wind.

He took the water and brought it for less than a minute.

"I'm all ready, what are you doing..."

Now there is no way, picking up corpses is not interesting for Su Han, what is the difference with that corpse?

But there is no hurry, there is still a lot of time, come to Japan for a long time.

Coupled with this Nizi's attitude towards him just now, he couldn't escape the palm of his hand.

With this thought, Su Han put the water cup on the table and walked in front of Lin Wanqing.

Overlooking her, condescending.

Lin Wanqing's figure is really good, looking horizontally at the peak on the side of the forest.

"It's strange if you sleep on the couch for one night and don't get cold."

After thinking about it, Su Han picked Lin Wanqing up and returned to her bedroom.

Put Lin Wanqing on the bed, and carefully cover the quilt.

Feeling the quilt, Lin Wanqing pulled and slept more fragrantly.

After cleaning up everything, Su Han glanced at it, and then quietly left the Lin family villa.

After Su Han left, that night, Lin Wanqing had a good dream.

Dreamed that she prodded Su Han, and then Su Han took the bait under his own attack.

The two were together after a sweet night.

This dream is very sweet, and in reality, Lin Wanqing's face is also very sweet with a smile.


Waking up early the next morning -

Lin Wanqing has been sleeping since Su Han sent her home last night.

Lin Wanqing, who had not yet opened her eyes, stretched her waist, and only felt the comfort of her body.

I haven't had such a good night's sleep in a long time.

Lin Wanqing remembered last night's dream.

"Su Han!"

Lin Wanqing was startled, and then looked around.

In the dream, he and Su Han later fell asleep in their arms.

But now Lin Wanqing is a little unsure whether it is a dream or reality.

Lin Wanqing opened her eyes sharply and looked at her pillow.


Lin Wanqing got up from the bed.

She only remembered that Su Han sent her back, and then put herself on the sofa.

As for what happened after that, she had no impression at all.

Then look for Su Han's figure in the living room and other places.

But none of them were found.


Everyone rest assured that the absolute harem, just step by step, otherwise it will be easy to enter, and Lin Wanqing's personality is not clear, for the time being, let's do this, and see how they provoke later.

There are many heroines, the queen's sister of the villain boss, the president of the iceberg, loli, the killer, the head teacher, the star, the protagonist's sister.......

The dog author tries to ensure that each personality is different, as for the car, rest assured.

Everyone has a lot of support, kneeling and kneeling to thank !!!!!

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