
After chatting for a while, Lin Wanqing thought of something, cleared her throat and spoke:

"That, Su Han, have you found a house?"

Today, provoking Su Han is still secondary, pulling Su Han to live beside her, this is her real purpose.

Pull him over and live, are you afraid that you won't be able to provoke?


Su Han shook her head, just looked at the house yesterday, and was pulled by her to be her boyfriend.

"Then you come to live in my house!"

Lin Wanqing was overjoyed in her heart and blurted out a sentence.

She was so excited that she said it without much thought.

When she thought of living with Su Han, it was difficult for her to control her excitement.

A look of surprise flashed in Su Han's eyes.

Is this an invitation to live together?

After noticing the strange look on Su Han's face, Lin Wanqing came back to her senses.

Only then did I realize what I had just said.

Although I like Su Han.

But just two days after knowing each other, let's invite people to live together, what will Su Han think of her?

Do you think she is a casual person?

Lin Wanqing couldn't help but feel apprehensive in her heart, and she quickly changed her words:

"Don't misunderstand, in fact, I mean, I have a house, I want to rent it to you, and charge you a month... How about a thousand pieces? "

She wanted to say no money.

As long as Su Han is willing to live over, she is willing to post money!

But he felt that doing so was as if he was talking about raising Su Han.

An excellent boy like Su Han must disdain to eat soft rice.

That's why he offered to ask for a thousand rents.

Looking at Lin Wanqing's face full of expectation, Su Han felt a little funny.

Lin Wanqing's careful thoughts were all in his eyes.

What room rate is Modu?

A thousand a month? I'm afraid I can't even afford to rent a toilet.

"I don't have any money now, can I owe it first?"

After thinking about it, Su Han's expression became playful.

When he said this, he also agreed.

With his current status, renting that rental house is indeed somewhat unsuitable.

Lin Wanqing suddenly became happy, showing small tiger teeth on her thin lips, and said:

"No problem, in fact, you can not give money, it doesn't matter if you want to owe it."

As long as Su Han opened her mouth and agreed to live over, she could accept any conditions.

Don't say you owe rent.

She still wishes she owed her whole life.

Looking at Lin Wanqing's reaction, Su Han's face became more and more playful.

He slowly stretched out his hand and lifted Lin Wanqing's chin.

"How can I do it without giving money, I am a principled person."

When the gentle and magnetic voice came, Lin Wanqing only felt that her heart was about to melt.

Then she noticed that her chin was lifted, and she couldn't help but stiffen.

Seeing Su Han's bright eyes, she not only was not annoyed, but let Su Han fiddle with it.

"You can do whatever you want."

Finish saying this.

Lin Wanqing seemed to have thought of something, her breathing gradually increased, and her fair face turned red.

Su Han slowly approached, and the warm and sweet breath hit his face.

"Then can I be a boyfriend?"

Lin Wanqing's eyes lit up, as if she had already fantasized about this scene in her mind, and blurted out:

"Of course you can..."

Halfway through the words, her lips were blocked.

Lin Wanqing's eyes widened suddenly, and her eyes seemed a little unbelievable.

The surprise came too suddenly, right?


Seeing this scene, the surrounding guests only had envy in their hearts.

"Woo hoo... I also want to be forcibly kissed by him like this..."

"These two are so well matched, I began to believe in love again!"

"I came here for a meal, and I was stuffed with a mouthful of dog food.........................


On the other side,

Lin Feng's eyes widened and he grinded his teeth.

Seeing Lin Wanqing being teased like this, she enjoyed it.

Lin Feng hated iron not steel in his heart, why didn't he believe what he said?

Sooner or later, they are sold, and they are still counting money for others.


After a while, the lips are separated.


Su Han smiled.

He glanced at Lin Feng in the corner.

At the same time, he smashed his mouth, and seemed to be reminiscing.

This scene made Lin Feng's teeth itch.

And at this time, Lin Wanqing lowered her head shyly, and was a little incoherent:

"Oh, this kind of thing, it's not good to do it... We're going home...

..," she said, but her mind kept recalling the scene just now.

Su Han just said that he wanted to be a boyfriend to repay, and then suddenly kissed him.

The surprise came too quickly.

Sweetness and happiness instantly surround the whole body.

"Go home?"

A strange look flashed in Su Han's eyes.

"Aren't we going to see the house later?"

"Oooh... Then let's go see it after eating!

Lin Wanqing quickly lowered her head, not daring to look at Su Han.


After eating, the two left the hotel in a burst of amazement and envy.

Lin Wanqing drove to the mountain bay.

Skip straight from the ordinary house and come to the detached villa area.

"Take a look at this, what do you think?"

Lin Wanqing, the Lin family's golden gold, turned into Su Han's personal advisor at this moment, introducing a single building for Su Han.

This house is the size of two or three basketball courts, which is particularly magnificent in this inch-and-land area.

The decoration is even more luxurious.

All kinds of top-quality materials are piled here like they don't need money, and they are polished by top designers before they are formed.

The price of this house is afraid to cost tens of millions.

And now, at a price of a thousand yuan a month, it was rented to Su Han.

Under normal circumstances, a thousand pieces is only enough to buy one tile here.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is for nothing to live with him.

Su Han sighed in his heart, he was worthy of being a rich woman.

"This room is not suitable for me to rent at this price, right?"

Then, he looked at Lin Wanqing in surprise and asked.

Lin Wanqing quickly waved her hand: "It's okay, it's okay, you helped me so much yesterday, it should be my thanks." "

For her, it doesn't matter if money is not money!

She just wanted Su Han to live quickly.

For this reason, in this house, all the daily necessities, she let people prepare in advance.

Not to mention moving in with a bag, Su Han at this moment can directly move in with people.

Of course, Lin Wanqing's careful thinking is also there.

The house is just a few steps away from her villa.

Lin Wanqing decided -

from time to time to come to the door, isn't this relationship up?

This is exactly what happens with each passing day.

Su Han nodded slightly, this house was simply different from his previous rental house.

And in the original novel -

even if Lin Feng, as the protagonist, helps Lin Wanqing get through the difficulty, there is no such treatment.

As for Lin Wanqing's careful thinking, he naturally saw it in his eyes.

From the beginning, he found that this house was located next to Lin Wanqing's private villa.

In the future, for the sake of neighborhood harmony, you can go to the landlord's house to repair sewers and the like, this is normal...

"Okay, then let's go sign the contract."

Lin Feng followed all the way to this mansion in the mountain bay.

After seeing the two sign the contract, he covered his chest and his heart was like a knife.

Just in the morning, Lin Wanqing drove him out.

As a result, in the afternoon, he "led the wolf into the room" and arranged this Su Han by his side.



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